This is why I don't buy games like this, they are simply too hard, even for an adult. I don't buy games to make myself stressed out because I can't time a jump exactly right after trying over 100 times to do the same jump. I buy games to relax and play, not to challenge myself to the utmost extreme. Kids DO NOT take to hard games well, well maybe older kids (but over here the older kids over 13 are not buying Nintendo games like this one). But younger kids, whom this game is targeted towards, do not have any patience. Instead of trying over and over they will throw the controller in disgust and never play the game again. Parents just wasted $50. I have seen it a million times here. Its not good for game sales because then the kid doesn't buy any more Nintendo games and moves onto smartphone games because they are quicker and more suited to kids who have no patience.
This is exactly what I keep trying to say on this board. Nintendo is losing its audience in the USA cause our kids do not have any "try" left in them. Although, its not that they don't have any try left, but after doing the same jump 50 times and missing every single time it just becomes a bit much (even for me). They need to make it so the average person can get through the game without becoming overly frustrated in addition to not using things like rubberband AI and cheap deaths. Besides my fingers can physically only move so fast, please do not expect me to move at the speed of some Japanese gamer, I just don't have it in me. I also care not to make my hands hurt for a week because I spent an hour or 2 trying to make a stupid jump in a game. The only people buying a game like this one is young kids, and Nintendo diehard fans, and the young kids won't be playing this game for very long due to the difficulty.