Wii U - General Discussion Thread

I would LOVE to see them re-release Twilight Princess in HD like they did with Wind Waker. I don't think it would look as nice though... maybe if they put some efforts into improving the textures, etc.

Has anyone been enjoying NSMBU? I just started playing it and it is infuriatingly hard because of the controls. I am experiencing significant lag (well, significant enough to cause me to mistime most of my jumps - especially edge jumps) with respect to Mario jumping on screen - I don't have this issue in any other game on any other system so I'm 99% sure it isn't related to my television. Is this a thing or is it just me?
I never had trouble with lag, but I lost interest in beating it because the pace was so slow that there was a lack of urgency to it for me. That's probably why I played through New Super Luigi U pretty quickly.

Hmmm... Maybe I just need to get used to the controls. I'm also playing 3D World and it controls great so maybe I'm just noticing a slight difference between the two games. Wii U is great so far though.
I didn't have any issues with the controls on NSMBU.  I thought it was fantastic, and the best 2D Mario since SMW. 

I finished the game, but haven't bothered getting all the star coins and doing the special worlds yet, and haven't touched NSLU yet. 

Been mostly playing SM3DW as well--I'm at the start of World 8 in that--have gotten all the coins, stamps and top of flag poles in the first 7 worlds.  I got a Vita last week though, and that's been getting all my gaming attention.

Played the first world of DKCTF and damn it's a lot harder then I thought it would be. Aside from getting used to the control scheme, I don't agree with some of the reviews saying it had "cheap" deaths. While trying to remember the control setup has been the cause for some of my deaths, I've noticed I'm trying to rush through the levels and causing myself a lot more grief then I should.

In a span of a minute I must have died 4 times because I kept trying to push my luck by jumping for a moving platform when I know I shouldn't and wouldn't make it. Can't lie, it's nice to play a tough game again and something I feel I haven't seen in years.
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I've experienced no lag with NSMBU or any other games. It may be that you have some processing turned on in your TV settings. There should be a 'Game Mode' that you can select which turns all of that off.

@Explicit - I noticed I was doing the same thing. Trying to race through it like a Mario game. There's no time limit so you can stop and check things out a little more and try to play your way through it. I also like that it's harder than a typical Mario game but not insurmountable. Nintendo is pretty good at getting the balance right.

I've experienced no lag with NSMBU or any other games. It may be that you have some processing turned on in your TV settings. There should be a 'Game Mode' that you can select which turns all of that off.
I don't know... it feels the same when I play on the gamepad which should have no lag whatsoever. I probably just stink. I'll play around with the settings though.

Played the first world of DKCTF and damn it's a lot harder then I thought it would be. Aside from getting used to the control scheme, I don't agree with the of the reviews "cheap" deaths. While trying to remember the control setup has been the cause for some of my deaths, I've noticed I'm trying to rush through the levels and causing myself a lot more grief then I should. In a span of a minute I must have died 4 times because I kept trying to push my luck by jumping for a moving platform when I know I shouldn't and wouldn't make it. Can't lie, it's nice to play a tough game again and something I feel I haven't seen in years.
EDIT: turns out I dont understand twitter embeding.

Short version, "Cranky Kong" was on Nintendo's twitter and was taunting that DKTF was hard and not cheap.

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EDIT: turns out I dont understand twitter embeding.

Short version, "Cranky Kong" was on Nintendo's twitter and was taunting that DKTF was hard and not cheap.
I did see that tweet. One thing I wonder is how younger kids are doing with this game. Most of us grew up with the NES/SNES and games were tough then. You just had to push through even if it meant stopping for a day to regroup yourself. I don't see many kids today doing such a thing because it's to tough and they want instant gratification. Hopefully I'm wrong about this though.
Never had any trouble with nsmbu controls.

I played some wii u with my nephews over the weekend. They loved nsmbu and 3d world, but preferred nsmbu. Playing 3d world with other players really made me see what all the fuss is about this game. Single player doesn't compare. Before Saturday night, I really was indifferent about 3d world.
I did see that tweet. One thing I wonder is how younger kids are doing with this game. Most of us grew up with the NES/SNES and games were tough then. You just had to push through even if it meant stopping for a day to regroup yourself. I don't see many kids today doing such a thing because it's to tough and they want instant gratification. Hopefully I'm wrong about this though.
This is why I don't buy games like this, they are simply too hard, even for an adult. I don't buy games to make myself stressed out because I can't time a jump exactly right after trying over 100 times to do the same jump. I buy games to relax and play, not to challenge myself to the utmost extreme. Kids DO NOT take to hard games well, well maybe older kids (but over here the older kids over 13 are not buying Nintendo games like this one). But younger kids, whom this game is targeted towards, do not have any patience. Instead of trying over and over they will throw the controller in disgust and never play the game again. Parents just wasted $50. I have seen it a million times here. Its not good for game sales because then the kid doesn't buy any more Nintendo games and moves onto smartphone games because they are quicker and more suited to kids who have no patience.

This is exactly what I keep trying to say on this board. Nintendo is losing its audience in the USA cause our kids do not have any "try" left in them. Although, its not that they don't have any try left, but after doing the same jump 50 times and missing every single time it just becomes a bit much (even for me). They need to make it so the average person can get through the game without becoming overly frustrated in addition to not using things like rubberband AI and cheap deaths. Besides my fingers can physically only move so fast, please do not expect me to move at the speed of some Japanese gamer, I just don't have it in me. I also care not to make my hands hurt for a week because I spent an hour or 2 trying to make a stupid jump in a game. The only people buying a game like this one is young kids, and Nintendo diehard fans, and the young kids won't be playing this game for very long due to the difficulty.

So I finally got around to registering my Wii Fit Meter to my trial copy of Wii Fit U yesterday (turns out I still had 7 days). Then I actually tried a few of the minigames. They are actually pretty decent. I never played the original Wii Fit much (and bought but never even opened Wii Fit Plus) so maybe these are the same or maybe not. But part of the reason I never played was that all the cool kids here and elsewhere were always putting it down so I just assumed it was crap. Turns out - not so much.

I'm going to continue to try it out and maybe even do some of the more exercisey things ;). It's nice to get use out of my original launch (and still brand new, essentially) Wii Fit board. I also think my kids might really like some of the "fun" category minigames.
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This is why I don't buy games like this, they are simply too hard, even for an adult. I don't buy games to make myself stressed out because I can't time a jump exactly right after trying over 100 times to do the same jump. I buy games to relax and play, not to challenge myself to the utmost extreme. Kids DO NOT take to hard games well, well maybe older kids (but over here the older kids over 13 are not buying Nintendo games like this one). But younger kids, whom this game is targeted towards, do not have any patience. Instead of trying over and over they will throw the controller in disgust and never play the game again. Parents just wasted $50. I have seen it a million times here. Its not good for game sales because then the kid doesn't buy any more Nintendo games and moves onto smartphone games because they are quicker and more suited to kids who have no patience.

This is exactly what I keep trying to say on this board. Nintendo is losing its audience in the USA cause our kids do not have any "try" left in them. Although, its not that they don't have any try left, but after doing the same jump 50 times and missing every single time it just becomes a bit much (even for me). They need to make it so the average person can get through the game without becoming overly frustrated in addition to not using things like rubberband AI and cheap deaths. Besides my fingers can physically only move so fast, please do not expect me to move at the speed of some Japanese gamer, I just don't have it in me. I also care not to make my hands hurt for a week because I spent an hour or 2 trying to make a stupid jump in a game. The only people buying a game like this one is young kids, and Nintendo diehard fans, and the young kids won't be playing this game for very long due to the difficulty.
I won't buy that game either. I remember playing the original back in the SNES days and enjoying it but I don't play games to just fill endless amounts of time any more. I play them to relax like you do. I simply won't buy this game and I wouldn't be surprised if it's sales are bad.

I won't buy that game either. I remember playing the original back in the SNES days and enjoying it but I don't play games to just fill endless amounts of time any more. I play them to relax like you do. I simply won't buy this game and I wouldn't be surprised if it's sales are bad.
I have personally seen kids give up Nintendo games because they were way too difficult and go right for smartphone games because those developers know exactly what kids want, games that are quick and can be picked up in a second. If the game is too difficult move onto the next game. I think Nintendo is making these games for Japan, which is fine, because its a totally different society. Over here in the US kids want fast instant gratification that they don't have to pull their hair out over.

I imagine many adults have limited time, and therefore also don't want to spend 50+ tries trying to make one jump. I am sure that no one wants to spend a couple hours on one level. That and the reduced reflexes that come with adulthood, just make these types of games a no-buy for me, not that I was ever able to play these types of games as a kid, heck I didn't even have video games in my house as a kid so I guess I will never know if that makes a difference or not. I played NSMB and I thought it was the worst game ever, I couldn't even make ONE jump in that game, it was so bad, many other people feel the same way. I wanted to play Super Mario 3d World and I came across a copy of it for a reasonable price this weekend, but I didn't buy it because I know its going to be instant frustration 5 min into the game.

I hear a lot of talk about Nintendo's handholding but I just don't see it in any of their games.

Lets hope they don't screw up Mario Kart 8 so that I can at least have a game to buy on this system besides Nintendoland, skylanders, original Wii games and digital games.

This is what I feel is the problem with kids know of days. Instant gratification for achieving nothing because it's easy and our society doesn't want to hurt a kids ego. They don't even keep score at a kids little league game because they are afraid it might demoralize them. What?

New Super Mario Bros. Wii was where I first saw this hand holding in a Nintendo Game. Die a few times and then they give you this cap that makes you invisible rather then work through the level as intended. Yes you don't have to get it, but a kid would instantly grab to it because they don't want to work at beating the level themselves.

I like relaxing games as well, but that is why I play Animal Crossing New Leaf for. I enjoy the difficulty level in DKCTF and hope this trend continues rather then the watered down gameplay the industry has been in for years now.

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Forget it, Deader, you're probably some Japanese gamer with superhuman dexterity or something. I know that games I find hard don't sell well. Games like Dark Souls and Call of Duty and GTA. The future is in iOS gaming rabble rabble rabble.
SaraAB said:
I wanted to play Super Mario 3d World and I came across a copy of it for a reasonable price this weekend, but I didn't buy it because I know its going to be instant frustration 5 min into the game.

I hear a lot of talk about Nintendo's handholding but I just don't see it in any of their games.
While I get what you are saying, I think you are going a little extreme with it. Super Mario 3D World is an awesome game and not that hard. If I can do it (at 45, and not having really played games as a kid except for the original Atari when I was 10-12 years old) then I think you can. It can be difficult to get every last collectible, but just getting through the levels is not that bad. And that is why that game (and NSMB, too, IMO) provides a decent balance. It is just slightly challenging to get through, but offers much harder challenges for those who want them (getting all stars or coins or medals or whatever).

Deader2818 said:
So wait, people say Nintendo makes kiddy games then they release hard games and then people say that they are too hard for kids...
Classic "Heads I win, tails you lose" situation for Nintendo ;). We've seen it before. (I'd say another is when people say Nintendo needs to match specs of MS/Sony, but then those same people would just ignore the Nintendo system anyway since they are more comfortable/invested with the others - and Nintendo would then be stuck with an expensive console that sells even less than the Wii U).

Explicit said:
This is what I feel is the problem with kids know of days. Instant gratification for achieving nothing because it's easy and our society doesn't want to hurt a kids ego. They don't even keep score at a kids little league game because they are afraid it might demoralize them. What?
Well, now, this is a little in the other extreme from Sara's comments. I'm not sure what Little League you are referring to, but around here (a liberal West Coast area, no less) youth sports is still pretty damn competitive and they definitely keep score. My son is in a 5th grade basketball league and while his team is right in the middle (just finished league 8-8 actually) the teams at the bottom were getting creamed like 58-9 by the top ones. When that kind of stuff happens, you can see why people might try to change things up - those kids on the bad teams might just give up on basketball or sports in general and lose out on the exercise. They have some rules to help in tournaments (but not league games) - like no pressing if up by 20. But that is to keep people from trying to run up the score. It still happens anyway if there is a big talent mismatch.
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Yeah Super Mario 3D World is a very easy game.

I stink at platforms these days, but just finished the main game last night, getting all the green stars and stamps and too of flag poles in every level.

Still have the extra levels to go that are supposedly much harder. I did the level 1-2 1up trick to max out my lives at 1,110 so I at least won't have to worry about that. :D

But the main game was very easy. Probably the easiest Mario game I've played. Especially if you don't try for every green star etc.

DKC I'm mixed on as that seems much harder and more twitch/reflex focused and I suck at that stuff. So I don't know if I'll pick that up or not. And definitely not at full price.
They make games that are targeted for kids, but are realistically too hard for the audience they are intended for.
If I could beat The Legend of Zelda with the original labyrinth 1 & 2 foldouts(When I was 10) and no internet/strategy guides, kids should be fine with today's 'hard' games which I still find pretty laughable.

I've read a couple of reviews so far on DKC:TF, but for those that have played both the recent games, is it any harder than DKCR?  I honestly found DKCR a perfect balance of challenge and accessibility, with the only real exceptions being the one hit rocket barrel levels (though I didn't have too much trouble with them).  It seems like they've added countermeasures (double hit RB solving the mentioned problem) and even more items to ease the tough spots in TF, but I guess I wouldn't know until I actually play it myself.

Even though I'm more of a platformer junkie (as a reference, I am a parent of two kids with limited game play time, and I still enjoyed every minute of DKCR) I know that when I played co-op with my wife (who is not really much of a gamer), she was able to get through most of DKCR (world 8 is where we stopped and I had to take the rest solo).  Basically she played until her enthusiasm for the game was trumped by her frustrations of trying again.

This is how all games are (and should be) taken, is that the level of enthusiasm for playing should be high enough that you can push through the temporary frustrations to a sense of accomplishment once you succeed.  Sports are no different as well, and while I do enjoy easy, more casual affairs (just recently 100%ed Epic Yarn, though I was getting a bit bored by the end), games are most memorable to me for their challenge (and also the co-op / multiplayer, which is a different story).

Well, now, this is a little in the other extreme from Sara's comments. I'm not sure what Little League you are referring to, but around here (a liberal West Coast area, no less) youth sports is still pretty damn competitive and they definitely keep score. My son is in a 5th grade basketball league and while his team is right in the middle (just finished league 8-8 actually) the teams at the bottom were getting creamed like 58-9 by the top ones. When that kind of stuff happens, you can see why people might try to change things up - those kids on the bad teams might just give up on basketball or sports in general and lose out on the exercise. They have some rules to help in tournaments (but not league games) - like no pressing if up by 20. But that is to keep people from trying to run up the score. It still happens anyway if there is a big talent mismatch.
I'm talking about Baseball. They keep score starting at a certain age, otherwise they don't. I'm from the west coast as well so it was odd to see. Basketball you have to keep score no matter how bad some of the teams are.
DKC games aren't exactly known for being easy ya know...
Definitely, which is why I haven't picked up DKCR or this one.

I got through the first 3 back in the day, but I was younger, more patient with games and had better reflexes etc. back then. Now I'm older, sleep deprived, and huge craft beer and wine drinker, so my reflexes and hand-eye coordination aren't what they were in my youth. :D

So I tend to avoid the harder platformers that require a lot of precision with a lot of twitch/reflex skills required, and quick to slower paced ones like Mario games.

I just don't really game for challenge anymore. I'm not opposed to it like SaraAB by any means, but I don't have much patience for having to try stuff over and over, and gravitate more toward story driven experience type games rather than challenging gameplay focused ones. I still have a soft spot for platformers, as long as they're not to hard, though as that's what got me into gaming in the first place.

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I'm talking about Baseball. They keep score starting at a certain age, otherwise they don't. I'm from the west coast as well so it was odd to see. Basketball you have to keep score no matter how bad some of the teams are.
I think it depends on your area. Kids over here are extremely coddled to the point where they aren't able to do anything on their own at all. I actually see this in real life, so its not some internet story. Our school system does not allow zero's or failing grades even if the kid gives a performance deserving of a zero score. I know a parent who will not let their kid touch anything electronic except the TV, for some reason TV is ok, I don't know why since TV is the one electronic that is supposed to be the worst for your brain and there is no telling this person otherwise. When they are somewhere with the kid since he is not allowed to even see other people play with smartphones she will tell people in the waiting room's to put their phones away because my kid shouldn't be watching someone behave like that. The she proceeds to give a long speech about how smartphones are bad for everyone, to random strangers. My area has something like a 50% high school graduation rate, which is horribly low. But in other states like Mississippi they have corporal punishment in the schools (at least they did the last time I checked). I am not saying one or the other is better, but I am just saying its different depending on the area you live in.

I am not opposed to the challenge, I just physically cannot do it. I can only physically twitch a joystick so fast. My hands will hurt, and anything that causes me unecessary physical pain is not good. I stick to RPG's like Pokemon, I can play for a very long time and my hands don't even hurt. I know I talked here about not wanting animal crossing at one point but I have it now and my hands don't hurt when I play that one even though it uses the circle pad on the 3DS extensively. Though I seem to be able to play Platformers like Super Mario Galaxy and Skylanders Swap force which requires jumping. Even Galaxy was not bad, as I was able to finish quite a few levels, unlike the 0 levels I am able to finish in games like NSMB.

Pokemon is a good balance, you can breeze through the main storyline, or for a more difficult experience you can breed competitive pokemon and go test your skills online. The competitive part is completely optional and separate from the main game. There is the battle maison with its hax AI, but again that part is not required for the main storyline at all.

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SaraAB said:
Though I seem to be able to play Platformers like Super Mario Galaxy and Skylanders Swap force which requires jumping. Even Galaxy was not bad, as I was able to finish quite a few levels, unlike the 0 levels I am able to finish in games like NSMB.
Yeah, Skylanders Swap Force is probably the easiest platformer out there. I was going to post that it isn't a platformer at all, really. But then I remembered there are places were you have to jump and avoid falling into water/lava/etc. So it has some very, very light platforming elements.

It is pretty far from even Mario Galaxy though. Anyway, if you were able to finish a good portion of Mario Galaxy, you can handle Mario 3D World.
So Wii's online will be shutting down soon. I guess that means in the future they will probably cut Wii backwards compatibility from the Wii U system.

It's probably to force people to move on to Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. 4.

Taking away Wii compatibility wouldn't exactly help.
I assumed the console would be cheaper if Wii compatibility was not included, which would result in more sales. The only thing holding them back on this is the Wii's virtual console right now, and the fact that they probably want the Wii VC on every Wii for a while longer since they can still make money off purchases people make on there.

People who still play Mario Kart Wii and Brawl online are probably going to buy the new version anyways. Lets face it people will buy these 2 games no matter what. There are kids who's parents won't buy them the latest system who still play the games online but I guess that is the market that Nintendo is targeting with this shutdown. Smash will be on the 3DS and I suspect a lot of people will buy that version.  They probably want to stop all the hacking in Pokemon as well.

The only problem is that some of these games are still being sold for full price over here, and I constantly see them on the shelves. Nintendo should either pull the stock or put the games on deep discount. Since you are losing parts of the games after this shutdown the games should be reduced in price.

The only problem is that some of these games are still being sold for full price over here, and I constantly see them on the shelves. Nintendo should either pull the stock or put the games on deep discount. Since you are losing parts of the games after this shutdown the games should be reduced in price.
Sony still sells MAG on shelves and that game is good for a drink coaster. Don't expect Nintendo to discount their games because they are shutting down servers.

Sucks MK Wii is shutting down but i guess Ninty is really trying to force people to buy the Wii U I see. Not like SRT hasn't surpassed the the Mk series anyway.

what a awful move on nintendo part to cut online service off the wii like that. I could understand for the ds seeing 3ds has a giant backing for it. i doudt wii u has giant number of online gamers like say 360/ps3 but im sure there is enough to keep it online. I guess they trying to do everything they can to sell wii u's.

what a awful move on nintendo part to cut online service off the wii like that. I could understand for the ds seeing 3ds has a giant backing for it. i doudt wii u has giant number of online gamers like say 360/ps3 but im sure there is enough to keep it online. I guess they trying to do everything they can to sell wii u's.
I have to wonder how many people were using Wii online at this point anyway.

I have to wonder how many people were using Wii online at this point anyway.
Add to the fact that in most retail stores, you can only find the Wii Mini now, which doesn't have internet access anyways. The Venn diagram intersection of Wii owners who game online extensively (Animal Crossing, SSBB, MK Wii, Goldeneye, and the 2013 defunct MH Tri were the biggest apps) and those who have no interest in getting a Wii U is pretty small.

Add to the fact that in most retail stores, you can only find the Wii Mini now, which doesn't have internet access anyways. The Venn diagram intersection of Wii owners who game online extensively (Animal Crossing, SSBB, MK Wii, Goldeneye, and the 2013 defunct MH Tri were the biggest apps) and those who have no interest in getting a Wii U is pretty small.
Good point, it does seem like most people that game online with the Wii on a regular basis would either plan on getting a Wii U or most likely have one already. Mario Kart and Smash Bros are both out this year and MH is already out they probably don't think they need to keep supporting online gameplay for the Wii.

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Assuming the Wii mini is selling, it's obvious that Wii online at this point is probably costing Nintendo a lot more than its really worth. I just wonder when the plug will be pulled on the Wii VC and Wii backwards compatibility on the Wii U. The wii VC is obviously still making Nintendo money but they did nix it from the Wii mini showing they are willing to let it go. I can definitely see them nixing Wii compatibility from the Wii U in the future, but probably will take at least 3 years to see that.
Assuming the Wii mini is selling, it's obvious that Wii online at this point is probably costing Nintendo a lot more than its really worth. I just wonder when the plug will be pulled on the Wii VC and Wii backwards compatibility on the Wii U. The wii VC is obviously still making Nintendo money but they did nix it from the Wii mini showing they are willing to let it go. I can definitely see them nixing Wii compatibility from the Wii U in the future, but probably will take at least 3 years to see that.
Once the VC plug is pulled, people won't be able to move their content to the Wii U. I don't think Nintendo will be in a hurry with that. Besides, it's the difference between leaving a store open to sell stuff and allowing people to hang out in front of your store all day long bullshitting and not buying anything.

Once the VC plug is pulled, people won't be able to move their content to the Wii U. I don't think Nintendo will be in a hurry with that. Besides, it's the difference between leaving a store open to sell stuff and allowing people to hang out in front of your store all day long bullshitting and not buying anything.
Yeah, its gonna take a while, but it will probably happen. It might not happen till after the Wii U is mostly dead, just like the way they released the Wii mini.

So Best Buy just forced me to by DK. They sent me a $15 GC that expired today. I was going to wait but at $35 I thought what the hell.
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Ronimo Games (Awesomenauts, Swords & Soldiers) announced Swords & Soldiers II exclusively for the Wii U eShop.

So Best Buy just forced me to by DK. They sent me a $15 GC that expired today. I was going to wait but at $35 I thought what the hell.
If you dont buy DK, there is something wrong with u and Cranky will beat u up if u dont get it.

bread's done