Wii U - General Discussion Thread

Sad because I feel that Nintendo failed at marketing the Wii-U and trying to adopt Apple's marketing scheme, failed at doing so. Seriously, at least try and do what Sony did with the Vita/PSP and allow the 3DS to be an additional controller for the Wii-U. Bring all your services under one login, and understand that gaming today is not the same as it was in 1990.

Very few gamers are down to play family friendly games. Most gamers are playing hardcore FPS/M rated titles. If Nintendo wants to garner support and make money they need to press all NES, SNES, GBC, N64, and GC titles on the VC for Wii-U. This is a start.
If they have a good E3 with a lot of games getting release days they should have a strong holiday. If Mario Kart, 3D Mario and Smash Bros can come out around then or shortly after, they will be fine.

I think Xbox and PS4 will have a lull as well to start with 360 and PS3 sales still being strong. That is unless the both have some big reveals for E3 that brings system selling games out at launch. PS4 currently doesnt really have any system sellers atm and who knows what Xbox will even have for launch.
I really think Microsoft believes Xbox will sell because it's Xbox and they barely need to do anything. Which I'm sure for some will be true especially if you can transfer over your tag and gamerscore (which is a virtual lock). And they'll probably have Halo 5. Yawn.
[quote name='Erad30']I really think Microsoft believes Xbox will sell because it's Xbox and they barely need to do anything. Which I'm sure for some will be true especially if you can transfer over your tag and gamerscore (which is a virtual lock). And they'll probably have Halo 5. Yawn.[/QUOTE]

Microsoft will at least match Kinect's marketing dollars, which was $500 million, with this new Xbox. That's probably all they need to beat PS4 this holiday, even without a Halo 2 remake.
[quote name='Deader2818']If they have a good E3 with a lot of games getting release days they should have a strong holiday. If Mario Kart, 3D Mario and Smash Bros can come out around then or shortly after, they will be fine.

I think Xbox and PS4 will have a lull as well to start with 360 and PS3 sales still being strong. That is unless the both have some big reveals for E3 that brings system selling games out at launch. PS4 currently doesnt really have any system sellers atm and who knows what Xbox will even have for launch.[/QUOTE]

Given what we've heard about Microsoft's relationship with developers right now, I can't imagine there's going to be any jaw dropping 3rd party reveals for the new Xbox launch.

Put another way, we're 6-7 months from any effective launch date for a console and we don't even have the slightest hint there's next gen games coming aside from maybe Watchdogs and the 1st party Sony titles they have planned for PS4 launch. There was originally a thought that Star Wars 1313 was a next gen title but that's dead now. Assassin's Creed 4 maybe? Not exclusive though because it'll be on current gen consoles.

Essentially, Microsoft needs a knock-down, jaw-dropping 1st party title (or a 3rd party exclusive) to convince people of an upgrade this Fall. We more or less know what Sony has planned and while people are excited about some aspects of the hardware, not many people are talking about the already planned games.

Meanwhile, it seems like we'll see a Wii U price drop and a flood of their first party gems hitting while people look at PS4 and New Xbox with their likely $400-500 price tags and (likely) meager software offerings which will leave them wondering why that extra money is worth it.

Nintendo's strategy seemed destined for failure to me, at least, it looks like they've positioned themselves pretty well for this console by making it to market a year early. They'll take their lashings for the first year but starting this fall I have a feeling it's going to be all gravy for them.
Well, while PS4 doesnt have what i think is a console seller, at least they do have some stuff like Killzone 4 and Infamous 3 and even that Knack game.

I dont know how many people will be rushing out for Kinect stuff when their 360 can still do all that.
Microsoft will have Dance Central 4 (along with the improved Kinect), I presume, which is going to sell the console to that market. Easily. I know I'll get one because of it. Probably not right away, though. Too poor.
[quote name='crunchewy']Microsoft will have Dance Central 4 (along with the improved Kinect), I presume, which is going to sell the console to that market. Easily. I know I'll get one because of it. Probably not right away, though. Too poor.[/QUOTE]

Dance Central is surprisingly addicting.
Really, its not a surprise. E3 has been pretty lack luster the last few years and Nintendo likes to do things with Nintendo Direct so that can do it how the want to do it with no restrictions.
[quote name='Deader2818']Really, its not a surprise. E3 has been pretty lack luster the last few years and Nintendo likes to do things with Nintendo Direct so that can do it how the want to do it with no restrictions.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I guess. I would assume they are just thinking of staying out of the way of Sony and MS since they are not announcing a system. Focusing on getting their game info out there might be smart. I does slightly seem like "giving up" though. Not sure how I actually feel or if it matters anyway what happens at E3.
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Nintendo has been getting away from E3 over the last couple of years and even investor meetings. They are still going to be at E3, just doing several smaller events rather then one big one.

Reading the threads, they say in there part of the idea is to announce games with their Direct before E3 then releasing Demos for games they just showed during E3.
Is there really a point to tradeshows like E3 anyway? What company would want their announcements lost among a hundred others, all published on the same three days?
[quote name='moothemagiccow']Is there really a point to tradeshows like E3 anyway? What company would want their announcements lost among a hundred others, all published on the same three days?[/QUOTE]

Pretty much Nintendos line of thinking.

IGN has it up now and basically they said stuff like E3 is more for investors and analyst where they announce numbers and marketing plans etc. Things that most fans don't really care about.

Nintendo Direct is able to deliver gaming news and demos etc straight to the fans.
[quote name='crunchewy']They should announce big stuff at PAX, which is a show for gamers, not investors.[/QUOTE]

Capcom did that at East last month with D&D and Ducktales and alot of us said they won Pax. Hopefully other companies take note.
[quote name='Erad30']I really think Microsoft believes Xbox will sell because it's Xbox and they barely need to do anything. Which I'm sure for some will be true especially if you can transfer over your tag and gamerscore (which is a virtual lock). And they'll probably have Halo 5. Yawn.[/QUOTE]

Who speaks my name without fear?!

I see next gen being a repeat of this one. Super HD twins with some good exclusives on both with Nintendo holding up their end of business with an odd controller and some more good exclusives. I'll eventually bite on all three barring unemployment.
Well without a giant presentation this year I hope they at least have several games in the works to show off. I was hoping Nintendo would focus this year on games, games, and more games for the Wii U but maybe instead of one press conference they'll have multiple booths/reveals to highlight each game.

Unless they want the Wii U to bomb this holiday, I'm expecting at least 2-3 big games by the end of the year (in addition to the games already announced).
I personally would rather the Nintendo Directs instead of one huge conference. I mean I bought my WiiU to play Nintendo games so I don't need one conference to tell me about how WiiU is going to innovate gaming. I just need Nintendo directs to tell me what I will be spending my money on :lol:.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I personally would rather the Nintendo Directs instead of one huge conference. I mean I bought my WiiU to play Nintendo games so I don't need one conference to tell me about how WiiU is going to innovate gaming. I just need Nintendo directs to tell me what I will be spending my money on :lol:.[/QUOTE]

While it's nice/fun to watch the big E3 presentations, I agree with this, I've gotten more excited watching the Directs lately with the more rapid information that retains to more stuff I actually care about (usually), as long as they show off/announce dates of some of the games they have already announced (and maybe throw in one or two surprise unannounced games) I'll be happy with it.
[quote name='MoCiWe']While it's nice/fun to watch the big E3 presentations, I agree with this, I've gotten more excited watching the Directs lately with the more rapid information that retains to more stuff I actually care about (usually), as long as they show off/announce dates of some of the games they have already announced (and maybe throw in one or two surprise unannounced games) I'll be happy with it.[/QUOTE]

But E3 is a huge press event and even regular (non gaming) press is there. How are they going to get word out about the Wii U doing closed door sessions? If they're focusing on Nintendo direct does that mean they're happy with their 3.5 million install base???? Most people don't get Nintendo direct!
[quote name='Blaster man']But E3 is a huge press event and even regular (non gaming) press is there. How are they going to get word out about the Wii U doing closed door sessions? If they're focusing on Nintendo direct does that mean they're happy with their 3.5 million install base???? Most people don't get Nintendo direct![/QUOTE]

I'm not gonna deny that this isn't the best move for the general public, just for the people who are more into gaming such as myself this isn't that bad since I've watched all of the Directs they've done. It does make you wonder if they are gonna just try and focus on the smaller install base for now and ride off the success of the 3DS though, and if they are waiting to see what the new Xbox and Playstation launch date/prices are so that they can try and lower the price of the Wii U before they come out and try to increase their user base that way just by being the cheapest option.
An E3 conference isnt a must, but Nintendo would need to have some way to line up favorable press in lieu of such an event. If and when Nintendo has a Wii Sports replacement (why not just Wii Sports HD or something of its ilk) they could do the talk show circuit fairly easily.
[quote name='Blaster man']Well they clearly aren't lowering the price at e3 since there's no press conference.[/QUOTE]

That's weird. I could've sworn they dropped the price on April 1st . . . oh damn it, tricked again! Seriously though, maybe they can channel whatever budget would've gone into E3 where, let's face it, the big story and unofficial KING OF E3 crown will go to the new consoles, into a revamped marketing campaign.

And why are we acting like Nintendo Directs can only be watched on a 3DS or Wii U? They get disseminated on the internet and are dissected and analyzed to death by an overpopulated, non-stop gaming net news cycle. I understand that this doesn't reach mom and pop, but to suggest that it only reaches the installed user base is misleading.
[quote name='foltzie']An E3 conference isnt a must, but Nintendo would need to have some way to line up favorable press in lieu of such an event. If and when Nintendo has a Wii Sports replacement (why not just Wii Sports HD or something of its ilk) they could do the talk show circuit fairly easily.[/QUOTE]

If you go balc and look at regular press from previous E3's they mostly report the press conferences. When Xbox and Playstation are discussed Ina CNN segmant, Nintendo is t going to get the price. This is NOT going to help increase their tiny install base.
[quote name='Blaster man']If you go balc and look at regular press from previous E3's they mostly report the press conferences. When Xbox and Playstation are discussed Ina CNN segmant, Nintendo is t going to get the price. This is NOT going to help increase their tiny install base.[/QUOTE]

Depends, can they get the on site CNN Tech guy to one of their private pressers? The only thing lost for certain is the big visual.

I would however, concur, that absent seeing what they do have in store this doesnt seem great.

Even crap Nintendo conferences looked great on replay, although I dont know if the musicians on site ever sold a single extra copy of a Zelda game.
They aren't announcing any hardware- they don't need to spend the money on a showcase. Regardless of what they do, they are up against 2 companies that are going to be revealing their next gen consoles for the first time. They are going to end up looking bad by comparison.

They need to do a more polished Nintendo Direct with some hard hitting wii-u news in it. Those have been incredibly successful for the 3DS (in my experience) and right now- people just need to know there is a reason to buy these things.
The big thing here, to me, is that they miss a TV audience. I don't know how much GTTV brings in terms of viewership for these conferences, but I imagine Nintendo's Conference last year brought in a lot more viewers than their Nintendo Directs.

A big thing also about Nintendo Directs is that they just sort of throw them up there without warning. Why not instead say 'hey, we have a Nintendo Direct and it will air in a week' and not 'hey guys, ND in 10 minutes.'?

If they want to sell 9 million Wii U's this fiscal year, this is not a good way to do it.
[quote name='nbballard']Do casual gamers watch the e3 presentations?[/QUOTE]

No. But they'll see it reported on CNN Tech 5 minute segment or hear it on NPR. They'll learn about the new consoles and won't hear anything about a relaunch of the Wii U or even be educated that its not a tablet for the original Wii.
Blaster, they are still doing conferences at E3. Remember last year and that smaller 3DS conference they had that wasn't apart of their big one? They are going to do several of those.

As for your THQ reference. Apples and Oranges. Nintendo is still going to have booths and show off demos and announce games.

They will still get coverage from "CNN" and "IGN" because they are still going to do conferences.

people are just really trying to blow this up to be something its not.

Btw, where does it say they are only doing closed door conferences?
It says it everywhere. A google search Nintendo e3 behind closed doors will bring up plenty of evidence that I'm not making it up and it's not from one source.

What I'm getting at is, they said they'd have 5.5 million Wii u sales. Then they lowered it to 4 million. They only sold 3.5 million. Chising to not have a press conference does nothing to address the problem and I think that's a mistake.
You're right Blaster.

I guess this really is the end for Nintendo. Who knew they would go out with a whimper ;/

Oh well, hopefully Next E3 that will announce an exclusive deal with Sony to bring all their games to the PS4/Vita.
Here is an update to the story at least.

Update: Nintendo of America's senior director of corporate communications, Charlie Scibetta, has clarified to IGN that two events will be held on Tuesday morning at E3 (the day when Nintendo's press conference traditionally takes place) in addition to multiple Nintendo Direct presentations leading up to the show.
Scibetta's full statement is as follows:
"As you've already seen, a lot of news about Nintendo games and services that traditionally would be held until E3 is being delivered this year through Nintendo Directs, and various press events. This approach will continue between now and E3. No matter where you are in the world, you'll be fully informed. We look forward to continuing to provide you with Nintendo news and content in ways you haven't before experienced. Beyond the news that will be communicated through Nintendo Direct videos in the run up to E3, at the show itself we're hosting two smaller events on Tuesday morning before the LACC opens instead of just our traditional one event. A media event and a partner presentation will both occur that morning. While the audiences will be different between the two events, both will occur on the Tuesday morning of E3 (June 11) which is the date and time period the public has come to expect for Nintendo to deliver E3 news.
At the Nokia theater we'll meet with business partners (retailers, publishers, analysts, etc.) from the NOA territory and discuss our plans for driving the business and providing tailored information that this group finds useful to their operations. Nintendo has done these same type of business meetings at past E3 shows, but has not in the past few years. This year we are returning to that business partner meeting format. New this year at our booth in the LACC, prior to the show opening, we'll invite a small group of media to play our games. We will have a strong line-up of beloved franchise experiences available for immediate hands-on play. We are continuing to consider exciting new ways to bring the news of our games and information directly to the players at home during the E3 timeframe, and will have more to say about that at a later date."
[quote name='Deader2818']Here is an update to the story at least.

Update: Nintendo of America's senior director of corporate communications, Charlie Scibetta, has clarified to IGN that two events will be held on Tuesday morning at E3 (the day when Nintendo's press conference traditionally takes place) in addition to multiple Nintendo Direct presentations leading up to the show.
Scibetta's full statement is as follows:
"As you've already seen, a lot of news about Nintendo games and services that traditionally would be held until E3 is being delivered this year through Nintendo Directs, and various press events. This approach will continue between now and E3. No matter where you are in the world, you'll be fully informed. We look forward to continuing to provide you with Nintendo news and content in ways you haven't before experienced. Beyond the news that will be communicated through Nintendo Direct videos in the run up to E3, at the show itself we're hosting two smaller events on Tuesday morning before the LACC opens instead of just our traditional one event. A media event and a partner presentation will both occur that morning. While the audiences will be different between the two events, both will occur on the Tuesday morning of E3 (June 11) which is the date and time period the public has come to expect for Nintendo to deliver E3 news.
At the Nokia theater we'll meet with business partners (retailers, publishers, analysts, etc.) from the NOA territory and discuss our plans for driving the business and providing tailored information that this group finds useful to their operations. Nintendo has done these same type of business meetings at past E3 shows, but has not in the past few years. This year we are returning to that business partner meeting format. New this year at our booth in the LACC, prior to the show opening, we'll invite a small group of media to play our games. We will have a strong line-up of beloved franchise experiences available for immediate hands-on play. We are continuing to consider exciting new ways to bring the news of our games and information directly to the players at home during the E3 timeframe, and will have more to say about that at a later date."[/QUOTE]

Is it still behind closed doors? This is a bit better at least.

I don't think it's the end of Nintendo but I do think they need to do SOMETHING. I want them to stick around for competitive reasons.
The one thats for Investors and Marketing partners etc is likely to behind close doors which makes sense since the general public doesnt care about numbers, marketing plans, etc.
It was said in a Nintendo direct when they announced Wind Waker for the Wii U that Mario Kart and 3D Mario would be playable at E3. Also that they will show Smash Bros and Yoshi Yarn at E3. Im sure we will likely see more Pikmin 3, Bayonneta 2, Zelda and SMT X Fire Emblem.
[quote name='Billytwoshoes']Maybe because it was already implied, but I'm surprised no one mentioned the confirmation of Mario Kart and a new Mario to be released this year. Apologies in advance if it was already posted, but I didn't find it.

I know it was probably assumed on both of these titles, but it's nice to get a confirmation directly from Nintendo, however reliable those are (Pikmin 3).[/QUOTE]

That could be helpful. Assuming no delays.
[quote name='Blaster man']That could be helpful. Assuming no delays.[/QUOTE]

They're more likely to delay 3D Mario than Mario Kart, because they have to have it out this year.
[quote name='KingBroly']They're more likely to delay 3D Mario than Mario Kart, because they have to have it out this year.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention its easier to have bugs in something you've got a lot of freedom in while Mario kart is on the track and they don't have to worry about someone climbing a tree to jump off the world.
[quote name='Blaster man']Not to mention its easier to have bugs in something you've got a lot of freedom in while Mario kart is on the track and they don't have to worry about someone climbing a tree to jump off the world.[/QUOTE]

I imagine this Mario Kart game is getting the "New Super Mario Bros." treatment, i.e. it looks exactly like the Wii version but if it was running in Dolphin, and with different tracks and slightly more content than the Wii and 3DS versions.
I mostly agree with this article:

Perhaps Nintendo thinks the best strategy is not to play the game at all, but I’m not yet sure if this is more a reflection on their decline or E3′s fading relevancy.

I think gaming has become mainstream enough that they don't need a big trade show to exhibit their new wares. News and reveals happen when they happen and they're not on hold until the next convention. This probably has as much to do with leaks these days than anything, but normally we wouldn't have seen the PS4 unveiled until E3, no?

And I believe Rockstar doesn't attend E3 at all. I guess the writing is on the wall for them too.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']By saying Super Mario Bros., I hope they don't mean another NSMB game.[/QUOTE]

No, 3D mario refers to Galaxy type games.
bread's done