Will COD4 multiplayer most likely be larger on PC or 360?


I have a PC capable of running COD4, but I also have a 360. Which community is proving to be larger for video games in general, the PC crowd or 360? I wanna be able to play this online for years to come, but I dunno which system to buy it for. I know Live has gained alot of ground although I wasn't sure if it can compare to PC gamers. Anyone have any opinions/facts to back up which one I should buy it for?
Yes, because seeing into the future is what we can do. Not trying to be an asshole, but how are we supposed to know in the future what everyone is going to be playing? My guess would be PC. I think more people play these types of games longer on the PC.
I just ment in general, sorry that I cannot word everything perfectly at all times. I know the 360 has alot of online gamers and I wasn't sure if people are slowly switching that way or if the PC stills reigns supreme.
PC will probably have more people in the long run. Also, not many little kids have PC that can run new games or have headsets. That way you don't have to deal with the normal crap that is on Xbox live.
[quote name='NRPinguino04']I just ment in general, sorry that I cannot word everything perfectly at all times. I know the 360 has alot of online gamers and I wasn't sure if people are slowly switching that way or if the PC stills reigns supreme.[/quote]

I honestly wasn't trying to be a jerk. It is just hard to say which will have more legs online. I was trying to be the joking ass, not the mean ass. No need to say you're sorry. It is just hard to predict how long either group will play a game.
I would think that at first the Xbox Live community would be larger, but it will drop as soon as the achievement dorks finish power leveling and the next few big things come out. A good number of people still play CoD2 on the PC if that's any indication.
Unless you got a prime dual/quad core system, dont even try it on the PC...
XBL.. I can say it without be a fucking asshole...
I do have a time machine....
[quote name='Puffa469']KB + Mouse > Console Controller imo.

If I had a pc capable of running the game, I'd get it for that.[/QUOTE]

That's the reason I will get it for the PC, if your PC is capable. I get all multiplatform FPS's for the PC because of the better controls.

I would imagine both will have online communities for years, although the xbox will be bigger to start. I don't think you'll be hurting to find people playing on either platform.
[quote name='Lupuri']Unless you got a prime dual/quad core system, dont even try it on the PC...
XBL.. I can say it without be a fucking asshole...
I do have a time machine....[/quote]

Obviously you can't.
Is it a Dalorian?
Yes, I must agree controllers will never be equal to the precision and reflex time of kb and mouse. Although, I was in the COD4 beta on the 360 and I cannot say I'd want more than 18 players on those maps. Which can be easily controlled by the host on the PC anyways, so it seems pretty much up in the air. The demo ran fine even with the settings cranked (I downloaded it later when medium was not the cap), but I think I might let my aging PC rest on this one.
[quote name='Kendal']Obviously you can't.
Is it a Dalorian?[/QUOTE]

DeLorean. Please don't butcher John DeLorean's name.
[quote name='InuFaye']64>16 people. Enough said.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, you're right, 64 people is way too fucking many.

360 ftw.
[quote name='zewone']Yeah, you're right, 64 people is way too fucking many.

360 ftw.[/quote]

If you like watered down graphics and paying for online play, maybe its worth it to you.
[quote name='zewone']Damn straight.

I don't like paying $2,000+ for a console.[/quote]


Especially one that prevents me from playing newer titles at their potential unless I upgrade.
[quote name='zewone']Damn straight.

I don't like paying $2,000+ for a console.[/quote]

You dont have to pay 2k for a gaming pc, I wish people would get over this and realize that gaming pcs are not that expensive.

Maybe 2k for some bullshit from alienware, but not if you build it yourself.
[quote name='InuFaye']You dont have to pay 2k for a gaming pc, I wish people would get over this and realize that gaming pcs are not that expensive.

Maybe 2k for some bullshit from alienware, but not if you build it yourself.[/quote]

Breaking news: You don't need to spend $2K on some Alienware, Falcon, VooDoo, etc. gaming PC. You can build a perfectly good gaming rig for $500: http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/$500_gaming_pc_upgrade/

Stop the $2K console bullshit already.
[quote name='mrelusive']Indeed.

Breaking news: You don't need to spend $2K on some Alienware, Falcon, VooDoo, etc. gaming PC. You can build a perfectly good gaming rig for $500: http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/$500_gaming_pc_upgrade/

Stop the $2K console bullshit already.[/quote]
"Again, this is an upgrade article, you’ve clearly already got a hard drive, optical drive, case, keyboard, mouse, monitor, and OS, or else you wouldn’t be reading this site."

By the time you added those components, your up to at least $800 (very low estimate really). $2,000 is bull crap, but there is no way a $500 computer is going to last very long for future games if built today. I have built my computers for myself and they each cost around $1,000. Lets just stop arguing. If you have a good computer buy COD4 for PC. If you have 360/PS3, buy it for that console system. Play games to enjoy them.
I built my PC although it's discouraging when you can't put the settings all the way up or atleast most of the way up. It just makes me sad to know I can't see how good the game really looks without upgrading. My PC isn't even that great, still a P4 3.0GHz, 1Gb RAM, 9800 Pro, but I could honestly run the demo extremely well which surprised me. Some game engines are just solid, but some will murder PC's like they were small unarmed infants. True story.
myth: lol u need liek $50,000 to run this gaem

reality: for a sub-$1k pc, you'll have the game looking nicer than either console version. along with every other multiplatform game and every PC game besides Crysis. Oh, and it's a PC, so you can take care of all your media needs with it. just hook it up to your tv. and every other thing you do on a pc.

myth: OMG bu bu buh buh buh 6 months later ur card is obso1337

reality: if you bought a good card to begin with, all you need to show is a little self-restraint. your card still owns.
yeah i'm running this game on a 8600gt on all high settings (only $100)
i'd think most of you guys own a computer, so upgrading a card for $100 beats buying a 360/PS3

anyways, PC gaming communities seem to stick with games MUCH longer than console communities

people will be playing CoD4 even when CoD5 is out :p
[quote name='Bretts31344']"Again, this is an upgrade article, you’ve clearly already got a hard drive, optical drive, case, keyboard, mouse, monitor, and OS, or else you wouldn’t be reading this site."

By the time you added those components, your up to at least $800 (very low estimate really). $2,000 is bull crap, but there is no way a $500 computer is going to last very long for future games if built today. I have built my computers for myself and they each cost around $1,000. Lets just stop arguing. If you have a good computer buy COD4 for PC. If you have 360/PS3, buy it for that console system. Play games to enjoy them. [/QUOTE]

It's not really fair to count a monitor in the price of a gaming pc, unless you count the television in the price of your console. A gaming pc could be hooked up to the same hdtv used for a game console.
[quote name='Apossum']myth: lol u need liek $50,000 to run this gaem

reality: for a sub-$1k pc, you'll have the game looking nicer than either console version. along with every other multiplatform game and every PC game besides Crysis. Oh, and it's a PC, so you can take care of all your media needs with it. just hook it up to your tv. and every other thing you do on a pc.

myth: OMG bu bu buh buh buh 6 months later ur card is obso1337

reality: if you bought a good card to begin with, all you need to show is a little self-restraint. your card still owns.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, somebody always has to add gross exaggerations about pc gaming costs in any thread involving pc gaming. Yes it is more expensive, but 2k is absurd.

The price of the original pc is irrelevant in this thread, the original poster already has both.
Christ this shit from the GGT spilled into this thread as well? Wow. Anyway I say PC since they will be playing it longer IMO then on the 360.
Sooo... Xbox 360 MP will be more popular then PC?

God I cant WAIT for my quad core 2.4g cpu to come in...
On the original topic, PC, hands down.

PCs are open platform, consoles are not.
I can still (? not sure what the latest is) roll a community-patch into Tribes and play perfectly.

... there's a possibility that's going to happen with consoles too, but when I look five years down the road I don't see people playing patched copies of CoD4 on there. Too much monetization potential for a CoD5. ;)
Also considering that.....not saying it will be any time soon.....but MS will release another Xbox, which will wipe out alot of COD4 on Live. I was just playing COD2 on my PC online maybe a week ago and there were plenty of people and that game is getting older.

Normally playing it on either wouldn't be a problem but considering that they have their new RPG element where you unlock new guns, classes, scopes, perks, and other benefits. It would be a complete pain to start the game on 360 and switch to PC, or vice versa as you will lose everything you've accumulated.
[quote name='Apossum']myth: lol u need liek $50,000 to run this gaem

reality: for a sub-$1k pc, you'll have the game looking nicer than either console version. along with every other multiplatform game and every PC game besides Crysis. Oh, and it's a PC, so you can take care of all your media needs with it. just hook it up to your tv. and every other thing you do on a pc.


Just about every card out there even has component out and it supports the 360 gamepad But if you run at 1920 x 1200, until the 8800 gt came out and ram prices went through the floor this sub 1k ideal wasn't realistic for the past year. Now is the time to build rig.

q6600 330
680i mobo 240
2gig ram 24.99
[quote name='Apossum']myth: lol u need liek $50,000 to run this gaem

reality: for a sub-$1k pc, you'll have the game looking nicer than either console version. along with every other multiplatform game and every PC game besides Crysis. Oh, and it's a PC, so you can take care of all your media needs with it. just hook it up to your tv. and every other thing you do on a pc.


Just about every card out there even has component out and it supports the 360 gamepad But if you run at 1920 x 1200, until the 8800 gt came out and ram prices went through the floor this sub 1k ideal wasn't realistic for the past year. Now is the time to build rig.

q6600 330
680i mobo 240
2gig ram 24.99
vista/xp 79.99
8800 gt 249
case w/psu 74.99
total 998.97
I absolutely cringed when I saw those comments about "2k console". Lol jesus fucking christ. You can build a gaming PC for extremely cheap as other people have said here. Even if you factor in mouse , KB, Speakers, etc, it's really not that much more.

It just really depends if you want to buy over-priced gaming hardware and spend 100 bucks on a mouse and another 100 on a keyboard, when in reality both can be acquired for a 10th of the price for something pretty good.

As Apossum pointed out, it's not like your fucking computer just degrades in quality as time goes on. If you build a computer to be at least as powerful as the current gen consoles or more powerful (Which can be done for closely comprable prices, still more expensive but not arm and a leg more), it will STAY that powerful. However, everyone here has to remember PC software moves very fast, like crysis for example. At the least you can play all the games that are multi-platform from consoles, which is most tons of stuff these days, and you can just tone settings down on newer games and they'll still look gorgeous. With self-restraint, you really don't need to upgrade often at all, infact I'm not much for upgrading to begin with.

I'd like to point out I love PC gaming and console gaming, and if I had to choose, I play my consoles more often as many of my favs tend to be on console, unless we're talking FPS and RTS. I just hate a lot of the bull shit myths associate with PC gaming these days.

To the original topic I would choose the PC. You have control flexibility. If you love the controller, you can still use it. If you want to play with KB+Mouse, which is clearly the prefered method by those gaming on PC, you'll have that option too. The PC version is cheaper, has more flexiblity options for hosting (including player size), mods, and is graphically superior. The 360 version I'm sure is going to sell infinitely more copies, and you can just tell by looking at traffic data on sites the track that sort of thing, the 360 version gets FAR more attention. I'm sure the 360 community, will as others have pointed out, have more players at first, maybe even in the long run. I just don't know about that one. I can safely say though, call of duty on PC has always had a pretty big community, you won't have any trouble finding players on the PC version either.

Only way I'd say get the 360 version is if you just don't have the pc for it, It's still fun on 360 in my opinion, I'd just take it on PC if I had the choice to pick between the two.
So many of you fuckstains are so far off beat with this...
The question is based on who will be playing more multiplayer of CoD4... Xbox 360 or PC? I think HANDS DOWN 360... why? PC IS BETTER... there is NO DOUBT THERE. But a lot of gamers are PC STUPID. They dont know how to configure a controler and use a mouse... or what they will need to do to their 2003 dell. Buy a 360, slam it in... done.

Use your fucking heads and stop trying to get your point across over the interweb.
[quote name='Lupuri'] But a lot of gamers are PC STUPID. [/quote]
Haha, are you kidding yourself. Since Xbox Live features the highest class of society right? I will agree with you though. Anywhere you go, there will be people that suck at the game. My friend always looks to hook up his gamepad to play FPS games on the PC. I just stare at him and say "Have fun if you play online against people."
[quote name='Bretts31344']Haha, are you kidding yourself. Since Xbox Live features the highest class of society right? I will agree with you though. Anywhere you go, there will be people that suck at the game. My friend always looks to hook up his gamepad to play FPS games on the PC. I just stare at him and say "Have fun if you play online against people."[/quote]Dude, the retailer I work for now sells games... lemee tell you. The people that still buy the PS2, and are all about the EA sports games could possibly be the stupidest gamers I have ever seen in my entire life. Technology and generally STUPID is an understatement. I really hate how Sony destroyed the great gaming we had before the PS... due to these wanna be cool dingleshits.
We can clearly see here that the console version is larger than the PC version and thus the multiplayer must be larger for the console as well:



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