Will I ever own a Saturn, 3DO, or NeoGeo?


CAG Veteran
Ahhh, the only three major systems I never owned (stupid parents and their stupid bills).

It seems like most of you that still have, and even play, those systems do so because you kept the ones you got as kids in good condition.

Those who managed to buy them online in recent years probably paid top dollar (which I won't have any time soon, "college") or settled for foriegn versions just to have for the collection.

With no professional/collector sized cash to deal with, and no interest in an unplayable region/version, or Ebays "pamphlet guide to build your own Saturn" bullcrap, what are the chances I'll ever own a Saturn, 3DO, or NeoGeo?

So many exclusives I'd love to play, exclusives that likely won't be future Nintendo Revolution downloads. Many great, rare gems missed. :cry: :cry:
If you live in Pittsburgh, acquiring a Sega Saturn is quite easy. Just head on over to your local The Exchange location, ask if they have one in stock, and if you do you're almost entirely set. Whenever they get a Saturn in they also include the RF (AV, if you're lucky!) and AC cables along with a single controller (random, although almost-always 1st party, original run or second run controller). How much? A nice, wonderful $30. If you're really lucky it will also come with a Memory Card (bonus!) or a 4 MB Pro Action Replay (holy crap bonus!!) for free!

Toss in the fact that, if The Exchange ever gets in Saturn games, they almost immediately dump them for nothing. I ended up getting around three other controllers through them for $10 (both standard 1st party and the 1st party 3D controllers), NiGHTs (in box, excellent condition, w/controller) for $10, and almost all of the top-tier 1st party games for $1 apiece. I couldn't beat that with a stick.

I tossed down $32 or so to pick up a PAR over at NCSX.org for import purposes and then I hit eBay. To be fair, I picked up my Saturn via eBay while I bought my friend's Saturn from The Exchange. Either way I spent $30 per system for the exact same things (although I did get Daytona USA with my eBay one). But what did I do about imports? eBay again. It's kind of hard and it's tricky, but sometimes you can land upon amazing imports for next-to-nothing because (A) you run across a domestic seller with imports (lower shipping!) and (B) nobody's looking at import Saturn auctions. Even better, at least for me, was that my Saturn was the attraction of our dorm lounge for a bit of time (despite the other 22 systems) so I was ordering games for friends as well. As such, since I was ordering 6 or 7 games from people in Japan, my shipping costs went down to reasonable levels while my friends took a bit of the shipping costs upon themselves. Not too bad! $14 shipping for 6 or 7 games w/ insurance certainly beats $9 for two!

But the real deal, if you really want to build a Saturn collection (it has an amazing library, but most of it is import-only), is make a few friends in Japan or talk to a few of your friends spending time in Japan and ask them if they can grab some Saturn games for you. Why? Because most stores sell them at RIDICULOUS prices. My friends picked up almost the entire worthwhile Sega output for Saturn for around $0.80 to $2 US apiece. They also picked up notable titles like Princess Maker 2 for a whopping $3, Sentimental Grafitti for $2.75...it was fantastic. Considering eBayers, at the time, were selling those for $12 to $25 apiece, easy...well, it's a steal.

Also...remember, just because some games may cost a fortune if you buy the domestic copy, don't be afraid of the imports. There are a few websites out there who translate the majority of Guardian Heroes...so you can spend $20 on the Japanese version (complete, mint, still sealed) rather than $50 to $70 for the US version.

And...don't forget Half.com. You can find sickening deals there if you look around and just care about the games more than collections. Why? Howso? I just picked up Legend of Oasis for Saturn for a massive $4 just because the case was cracked and the game was used. Oh merciful heavens! Doesn't bother me any. In fact, I'll just toss the longbox away, transfer to a little jewel case and print out a high-quality front and back for the game and be happy, that's all.

A Saturn is quite affordable and offers a stellar library. If you have the right contacts and you know how to shop it is a simple and worthwhile addition to your gaming library, without a doubt. Also, since a lot of Radio Shacks may be closing, I highly suggest taking a look at the Sega Saturn massive FAQ over at GameFAQs and find out which batteries it takes. Why? Because most Saturns have dead internal batteries and you can fix them for cheap, around $2 a pop. You may as well buy around five or six batteries so you're covered with internal saves for the next five to twelve years, or at least until you buy a seperate Saturn memory card or a PAR or some other external saving device!

I hope this is of some help. If you would like a semi-short list of potential Saturn titles that would be worth picking up, just feel free to ask. There are plenty that have gone under people's radars and, quite honsetly, the Saturn was filled with so many amazing SHMUPs that it's simply ludicrous.

[Edit:] Honestly, if you can ask a friendly Pittsburgh person from the board who may frequent the Exchange often to ask around to see if they have any Saturns or Saturn products available, you should go ahead and do that. I imagine that if they have the system and the member is nice enough to help, it should only cost you around $45 to $48 in the end (shipping, confirmation, small finder's fee, gas expenses, etc.). That's still quite reasonable, especially if the Exchange also has some $1 games to go with it that he or she will just toss in there.

I'd be nice enough to do it myself but I am currently farther away from Pittsburgh than ever before, so it just isn't going to happen. Good luck, though!
The Saturn and the 3DO are both great systems and worth it. I bought both when they were new ($300 ish) and still have both. The Neo Geo, however, while an awesome system, is just too damn expensive, IMO. It cost too much then and it costs too much now. The damn thing was $700 new and the games were $200 new and the sad part is, you're lucky if you can find them for that price now. Since the majority, if not all, of the entire Neo Geo library could fit on one DVD, it's just not worth it. There were many great games on the Neo Geo, but they are not, and never were, worth that kind of money. If you are looking to get only one, though, get a Saturn. While there are many great 3DO games (personally one of my favorite systems), many of the games were also available on the PC or other platforms. I just don't know if there were enough great exclusives to merit a purchase at this point. The Saturn, however, has loads of amazing games that have never (and it's beginning to look like never will) shown up anywhere else. Yeah, several of them are obscenely expensive (I actually have Panzer Dragoon Saga, but I can't find my copy. It's really starting to worry me.), but there are quite a few great games on the system that are more in the $25-50 range instead of $100-200. REALLY easy to play import games on it as well. My advice: get a saturn, start cheap, and if you like what you see, then move into the pricer stuff when you can.
You should also consider a Neo Geo CD as an alternative to the cart based systems. Yeah you'll have to put up with load times, but for most of the older games, they're not too bad, and the games and system are generally cheaper than their cartridge counterparts
Don't bother with the 3D0 - it's trash. And the Neo Geo is way too expensive for it's own good. I'm much happier buying Metal Slug, Garou, and Last Blade (my very favorite games and the only ones I feel I need to own) on the Xbox and PS2.
A Saturn is cheap and easily attainable, but like GuilewasNK said, the good games are going to cost you. Your average sought after Saturn game will run you the price of a new game, $50-60. You can get the Saturn itself for that same price.

Ive never owned one, but imo the 3D0 is a piece of crap. Horrid fmv games are the systems forte.

Neo Geo is the system that I would love to own, but if you want one, get ready to pay $$$$. Theres the AES and the MVS versions. The MVS or arcade system has way cheaper games, but the AES system is easier to use in the home, hooked to a regular tv. If your gonna drop a boatload of cash on Neo Geo, I would say go all the way and get a standup, multislot MVS unit with a monitor and built in controls, coinslot, the whole works. Ive seen those go on ebay for as little as $700-800 depending on condition and # of cart slots in the unit. That may sound like alot, but a modded AES system with all the modern hookups and some controllers, plus a game or two will easily run you $400+, so I say just go big and get the standup! =)
Sega Saturn for the sweetest fighting controller on the planet. Many have tried to duplicate, some have come close but none will ever, ever match it. The Saturn has great games at a much better price than the other 2 consoles. Virtua Fighter 2 was a dorm room necessity for us.
[quote name='Chacrana']Don't bother with the 3D0 - it's trash. [/quote]
I had some good times with the 3DO years ago... sure some of the games where on other platforms (some originally appeared on 3DO) but it was a good system; Some of my favorites I remember off the top of my head are:

Star Controll II
Captain Quazar
Ballz (lol)
Primal Rage
Star Fighter
The Need for Speed
Theme Park
Samurai Shodown

I had a Saturn as well but don't have it or the 3DO anymore unfortunately.. I browse ebay every now and then looking for a decent action.
i dont mean to hijack or anything, but I have two saturn bundles that i was going to put on ebay, but i've been too lazy to do it. if anyone is interested, you can drop me a PM.

both have the system, controller, power and av cables, and i think one comes with nights, vf2, and virtua cop, and the other one has astal, vf2, and daytona usa
I’ve actually got a Saturn gathering dust in my attic. Hmmmmm. Perhaps I should gather up all my retro gaming gear and start a trading thread.
[quote name='Blackshear']I had some good times with the 3DO years ago... sure some of the games where on other platforms (some originally appeared on 3DO) but it was a good system; Some of my favorites I remember off the top of my head are:

Star Controll II
Captain Quazar
Ballz (lol)
Primal Rage
Star Fighter
The Need for Speed
Theme Park
Samurai Shodown

I had a Saturn as well but don't have it or the 3DO anymore unfortunately.. I browse ebay every now and then looking for a decent action.[/QUOTE]

When the best you can say about the system is that it let you play the original Need For Speed, Gex, and Primal Rage, you know you're not playing a good system.
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