Will you buy Kinect?

[quote name='lordopus99']1) It was touted to have 4 player capabilities. Sonic Free Riders lists 1-4 players ( http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/s/sonicfreeriders/ )

2) My Wii also didn't come with a nunchuck or Resort. I also didn't post the system price in my factor. Lastly, we still don't know if the Kinect comes with a game or not. [/quote]

Wiis have always included a nunchuck. If yours did not, it was a repack sold as new or something. You got ripped off.

All current Wiis come with Wiimote, motion+, and nunchuck, AND Wii Sports AND Resort. Why are you talking about Wii packages you can't get anymore and comparing that to a Microsoft package that isn't even out yet?
[quote name='lordopus99']
Like was mentioned before, it is brand new. They have already shown Burnout and Forza 3 on it. Fable III is supposed to have kinect options. I guarantee you hear more non-social games utilizing it somehow as an option in games like Sony has with the Move.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. And it better be nothing but optional for traditional games.

I know it will be this generation as they know not everyone (and probably a big majority) of people who own 360s don't have Kinect so they have to have traditional controls in games that aren't make exclusively for Kinect.

So again, that's just a worry for next gen if the next Xbox and Playstation consoles have motion controls included from the beginning. I have no problem with that, but leave motion controls 100% optional in traditional games, or I won't buy your console.
Won't buy, have a Wii. Not for any price currently. It doesn't really seem to be able to do much more than the Wii (besides better graphics), so I don't really see a point to it. They'll probably tack on support in some AAA games, but I doubt there will be any that require it, so I don't think I'll be missing out on anything really.
[quote name='masked lemon']And I'll say the exact same thing I just said. The Wii has been out for YEARS. It damn well better have a bunch of AAA- core games. [/QUOTE]

Not my point. You know what you are getting with a Nintendo system before it's even released. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. All AAA franchises. You don't need to know jack about the system to know those are on the horizon. How long the Wii has been out is a non-factor.

You don't get that with Kinect. It's a blank slate. It has potential, but nothing in MS's past guarantees us seeing AAA content for this thing. Outside of Harmonix's Dance game and the Ubisoft Yoga thing, everything else looks like shovelware at this point. Maybe if Rare stepped up and gave us an RC Pro Am update or Banjo game we might have something to latch onto, but we don't.

[quote name='masked lemon']1. My Wii didn't come with a nunchuck.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lordopus99']
2) My Wii also didn't come with a nunchuck [/QUOTE]

You both got robbed then. The Wii comes with a Nunchuck. Always has. Nintendo wouldn't pack in a game (boxing) that requires it and not include it. My launch system had one, and every bundle thus far has included one.

[quote name='lordopus99']Do realize if you want full Wiimote power you need Wiimote Plus which are actually more expensive (50) [/QUOTE]

Umm, no. Outside of WS Resort and Tiger Woods both of which come with WM+ name a game that requires "full Wiimote power." lol WM+ is a failure. Zelda's going to have it, but again, it's packed in with the game like the previous games. Like the nunchuck, WM+ isn't a required purchase for multiplayer gaming, and largely useless in general since no games use it.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Fair enough. And it better be nothing but optional for traditional games. [/QUOTE]

Exactly. Head tracking, squad signals, voice commands, etc. all sound good in theory for traditional games, but a D-pad is accurate 100% of the time.

Motion controls may reach 100% accuracy, but not for many years, IMO.
[quote name='Corvin']Exactly. Head tracking, squad signals, voice commands, etc. all sound good in theory for traditional games, but a D-pad is accurate 100% of the time.

Motion controls may reach 100% accuracy, but not for many years, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't even sound good in theory to me.

For me, even if it's 100% accurate I'd have no interest in it as I don't want to have to stand up to play games, or even flail my arms around etc.

Gaming to me=vegging out on the couch and relaxing. Put motion in it, and I'll toss it aside and watch a movie or something on TV instead 100% of the time.
[quote name='horns456']Poll is all messed up, terrible response options.[/QUOTE]

Not perfect, but I was trying to get at the two questions I listed in the OP.

1. Will people who already own a Wii spend more money to play similar games on the 360?

2. Will people that have still not bought a Wii shell out for Kinnect? Or do they tend to be like me and just not have interest in motion controls.

If the answer to both of those questions isn't a strong yes, I don't see the Kinnect being much of a success.

CAG is clearly not a representative sample, but if Wii owners here (on a site full of serious gamers) aren't willing to shell out more money for more motion control games, I can't imagine that the casual gamers who bought Wii's for Wii Sports, Wii Fit etc. will be likely to run out and buy a 360 and Kinect. And if they can't get 360 owners who never bought a Wii to buy in either, they're not left with much of a market IMO.

From the current poll results, it looks like the have some chance with Wii owners--given all those on the fence who own a Wii. Get the price down and get some games out that aren't just Wii rip offs and they could succeed there.

But looks like not much chance of getting people without Wiis to buy in. Only 1 definite purchase there and 7 on the fence per the current results.

Take away is that most people with interest in motion controls already have Wiis apparently, and the task for MS then is to convince this set that they also need Kinect.
From what they showed at E3, the kinect looks like it is aimed more towards kids and housewives. If they come out with some real games and lower the price i would probably buy one, assuming it actually works and all the E3 demonstrations aren't staged...
I only have a xbox 360 and do not plan on buying a kinetic its going to be 150 dollars then 1 game is going to cost another 60 so around 210 dollars to get started on wii like wiggle games?

For that much money I would just go out and buy a WII

The move seems a little more interesting and its cheaper to get into
[quote name='smoger']Wiis have always included a nunchuck. If yours did not, it was a repack sold as new or something. You got ripped off.

All current Wiis come with Wiimote, motion+, and nunchuck, AND Wii Sports AND Resort. Why are you talking about Wii packages you can't get anymore and comparing that to a Microsoft package that isn't even out yet?[/QUOTE]

I was mistaken. I did get a nunchuck with mine. I just felt like I bought a bunch when I only bought an additional one.
The price is the determining factor for me and if it becomes a useless add-on that is stuck underneath my couch or bed like past consoles then probably not.

- Jason
After watching videos, only thing I'd want is Dance Central since I enjoy the hell out of Harmonix games and this one seems no different. Though $150 plus buying the game itself? Oh hell naaaaaw.
[quote name='dmaul1114']From the current poll results, it looks like the have some chance with Wii owners--given all those on the fence who own a Wii. Get the price down and get some games out that aren't just Wii rip offs and they could succeed there.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, Dance Central and the fitness game, while they may be similar to Wii games in being a dance game and a fitness game, what the Kinect is capable of doing for those genres appears to be pretty massively game changing. Racing without a controller may or may not take off initially, but a fitness game that can track your body precisely? A dance game that can actually teach you real dance moves? Both are a very big deal if you like either of these genres, and both, IF THEY WORK, will make Kinect a success, probably a big success. My only concern is will Kinect really work in my living room. Eye Toy didn't. I trust that this is better, probably a lot better, but I'm still skeptical.
Oh I agree, if this works as advertised it could be a big step forward for dance games and other party type games as it could be a lot more accurate and active than the wii controllers etc.

And I'm fine if it does a great job at that. Just for the love of god never do away with traditional controls for traditional games. There's MILLIONS of gamers who just want to play the Call of Duty's, Halo's, Oblivions etc. etc. with traditional controls. Don't follow Nintendo's lead and shoe horn motion controls into traditional games. At most make them optional.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Oh I agree, if this works as advertised it could be a big step forward for dance games and other party type games as it could be a lot more accurate and active than the wii controllers etc.

And I'm fine if it does a great job at that. Just for the love of god never do away with traditional controls for traditional games. There's MILLIONS of gamers who just want to play the Call of Duty's, Halo's, Oblivions etc. etc. with traditional controls. Don't follow Nintendo's lead and shoe horn motion controls into traditional games. At most make them optional.[/QUOTE]

You don't have to worry.

I can guarantee that even if Kinect doesn't sell really well, we will see it's technology for some time to come. Microsoft has been dumping (b?)millions into R&D of new interfaces for everything they make. They are already planning Kinect type gesture controls for computers.

I also think it is pretty certain that the next Xbox will have some version of Kinect built in as another interface option for the system and games made for it.
So whatever happened to being able to scan in your own peripherals like the skateboard in the initial Natal video? Did that quietly get dumped? I don't recall seeing anything about it during E3.

It would be pretty sweet to scan in your own lightsabler for the Star Wars game.
I think what they've shown looks awful, and I don't care about motion controls to begin with, so no.

Bought a Wii back when it was new to check it out, sold it off within a month. Not that there was necessarily something I didn't like, the novelty of this kind of stuff just wore really thin on me after a short while. I'd never buy anything similar again.
Why is this even being compared to the Wii? The Move is much better comparison to the Wii. The overall questions in the poll is flawed with having everything Wii related. Priced for $149.99 and each First Party game being $59.99 this is already dead before it even launches....
[quote name='Davestation']Why is this even being compared to the Wii? The Move is much better comparison to the Wii. The overall questions in the poll is flawed with having everything Wii related. Priced for $149.99 and each First Party game being $59.99 this is already dead before it even launches....[/QUOTE]

It's the only mainstream motion based control system that has been succesful.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']It's the only mainstream motion based control system that has been succesful.[/QUOTE]

The Wii control scheme is based off of a system that every developer has to use. Not some peripheral that developers have an option to develop for. Also, the Wii has something that gamers would like to call a controller.

The Playstation Move can be compared to the Wii because they have similar control schemes. The Kinect can be better compared to the Eye Toy witch has the similar control scheme. Comparing the Kinect to the Wii is not a fair comparison at all. That is just like comparing a old NES controller to an X-Box 360 controller.
I'm getting old, so I want the dance games to use for getting a workout. I have also enjoyed some of the existing camera enabled games (Rocky & Bullwinkle, and You're in the Movies).
[quote name='Davestation']Why is this even being compared to the Wii? The Move is much better comparison to the Wii. The overall questions in the poll is flawed with having everything Wii related. Priced for $149.99 and each First Party game being $59.99 this is already dead before it even launches....[/QUOTE]

Read my first post--I wasn't comparing it to the Wii, I was trying to answer those two questions I listed.

Basically I use owning a Wii as a proxy for liking motion controls (or at least having kids or someone else in the house who does). As well as the Wii has sold, and it being pretty cheap, it's pretty safe to assume that the vast majority of gamers on a site like this who have interest in motion controls own a Wii.

So again, the issues I was curious about were:

1. is there much interest in Kinect among those who don't like motion controls (non-wii owners).

From the poll results, the answers a pretty resounding no there. 61 (39.35%) say they definitely won't buy as they hate motion controls. While only 11 (7.1%) of non-wii owners are on the fence about it, and only 1 (0.65%) non-Wii owner is definitely buying Kinect.

2. For those who own Wiis, and thus are interested/have people in the household interested in motion controls, will they shell out to buy another motion control system?

Here the results show MS has some opportunity. 45 (29.03%) own a Wii and are the fence about buying a Kinect, while 7 (4.52%) say they own a Wii and will definitely will buy Kinect. Though on the other hand 30 (19.35%) say they won't buy and already own a Wii, so there are a decent chunk that are fine with 1 motion control system and don't want to buy a second (at least at current price speculation etc.).

So it looks like MS can get sales from Wii owners--but looks like the price and game selection will be key in getting the off the fence per comments people posted.

However, one has to keep in mind that this is a gaming site and people here are probably more likely to buy a second console/added peripherals etc. than say the soccer mom's and other non-gamers that made the Wii a hit buy buying it just for Wii Sports and Wii Fit.

How many of those Wii owning households are going to go out and buy a 360 and Kinect (or a bundled pack with both)? Probably not many.

So I just don't see this being much of success. The only area I really see it selling with is "hardcore" (for lack of a better term) gamers on sites like this who mostly already have Wiis but enjoy motion controls enough to invest in Kinect--and even for them price and game selection will be key to get them off the fence.

So anyway, the poll questions gave me the exact info I was looking for. It's not perfect--but it was a pretty good way to get at those two questions.
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I'll buy it, but it won't be for $150. I'll wait a year or two to get it once I've seen the rest of the game library and the price comes down.
Dmaul114 the wii and Kinect are different. The kinect is not a system, its a peripheral. The Wii is a system that requires every developer to develop for that control scheme. Bottom line, its not fair to compare a peripheral with a system. Developers can pick and choose whether they want to develop for it or not. The Kinect will not have a strong install base that will be lucrative for developers to develop for it. The wii is the number one selling system this generation so developers will no doubt have any issue developing for that system. It is more logical to compare the Kinect to the Eye Toy they are very similar in that stance. The Move is more like the wii, so your poll should be comparing the Kinect to the Eye Toy. I compare the Kinect to the Eye Toy and that is why I am not getting one, the Ee toy was just okay and nothing special, it lacks control schemes that only could be carried out by a controller (like a wii or the Move). But I guess we can both agree to not agree?
Again, not comparing, just using owning a Wii as a proxy for whether one is interested in motion controls.

Kinect and Wii are different for sure--but both are motion control, so interest in motion control is a bare minimum requirement for thinking of buying either.

I was just testing my inkling that most 360 owners who don't have a Wii would have little interest in this--and the poll results support that as there aren't many non-Wii owners on the fence or planning to buy.

And also seeing whether Wii owners have any interest in shelling out for a motion controlled peripheral for one of there other consoles--and seems like a lot are on the fence there.

But yes, Wii and Kinect are very different--but at the end of the day the main appeal of both (aside from the Nintendo franchises for those who like them) are the casual/party games, so that's why I was interested in the questions in the OP.

And I find the poll results interesting. This is going to bomb with traditional gamers who've never had interest in the Wii as non-Wii owners here have little interest in it. It may do ok selling to Wii owners/motion control fans--but they're mostly on the fence so price and what games come out will have huge impact on sales with that group. But I really doubt the soccer mom's who bought a Wii for the Kids and Wii Fit for themselves are going to run out and buy a 360 and Kinect, so I think this will be a bust personally.
No way for me, I already have a Wii and i'm not at all into motion controls. I enjoyed playing Mario Kart with motion controllers with my ex-gf but beyond that I don't like motion and it's pretty much always collecting dust.
Was there really doubt that this would sell? It's going to be on a lot of top gift lists come this holiday season and has already been on top of Amazon's bestselling VG list for a few days. It will sell 5-10 times better than the PS Move and should push 360 sales closer to Wii sales.

Anyway nice to see MS continuing to shove it down everyone's throats though. Everywhere I go I'm seeing Kinect ads
I voted "On the fence", since right now I have no plans on buying it, but I'll get it if games come out for it that I actually want.
bread's done