Williams Pinball Hall of Fame?

Since no one else seems to be having any trouble finding this game... it's nowhere to be found where I live (SF Bay Area). The release date was a month ago, so stores have had plenty of time to get this one in.

I've also visited just about every B&M that carries any sort of game software, and no one even has it in their system. Some of you mentioned FYE as a good bet, so I went by a few of my local FYEs (I'm in the Silicon Valley area) and they had about 10-12 video games in each store, all used, and they had no record of this game in their system.

Online is a more realistic option, but I'd be paying much more than I should for shipping with the sites that have it. Direct from Amazon's the only way that offers free shipping, only that estimated delivery for this game is 1-2 months! What gives? I did check the FYE site and it's not there. If someone has a link to a CAG special on this, I'd appreciate it.

I have the Gottlieb collection and love it, was really looking forward to this one, but it's just not in stores around here. This forum is the only place where people have been posting about having the game, and I'm just curious about where you're finding this one.

Knowing my luck, the moment I break down and pay the extra $$ online to ship this, it'll start flooding the stores for $19.99.

[quote name='Starkraving']

I've also visited just about every B&M that carries any sort of game software, and no one even has it in their system. Some of you mentioned FYE as a good bet, so I went by a few of my local FYEs (I'm in the Silicon Valley area) and they had about 10-12 video games in each store, all used, and they had no record of this game in their system.


During my hunt for this game in the LA area, in my experience, I saw that mall FYEs carry new games but one I went to said they dont carry Wii games anymore likely since it looked like that one store was underperforming. However, standalone and strip mall FYEs only sold used games. One clue that they only sell used games that I saw was that it mentions on their window that they used to be a Wherehouse so that may be the reason why they don't sell new games. Since FYEs are few and far between here, I think I could have saved money by buying the damn thing online. At least the hunt for it was fun because it was satisfying finally seeing it though.
Heh, thanks for the tips. I thought to look in Target's bargain endcap already, with no luck, but I'll keep looking. Maybe I'll get lucky and score this for $19 at some point. I've noticed some people online complaining about this game being sold 'online only,' which clearly isn't true, but I can see how they'd think so.

Slightly off topic, the 'other' Wii pinball game (Pinball Dreams 3D) coming out in April... it looks somewhat similar in concept to PHoF:W in that there are several themed tables with somewhat similar presentation (only not based on real world tables). Crave's effort follows the ball efficiently around the table without looking frenetic (the Gottlieb collection is similarly smooth), but Pinball Dreams appears to have a camera that struggles to keep up with the ball, based on the few videos I watched.

I appreciate the replies.
[quote name='Starkraving']Online is a more realistic option, but I'd be paying much more than I should for shipping with the sites that have it. Direct from Amazon's the only way that offers free shipping, only that estimated delivery for this game is 1-2 months! What gives?[/quote]
I ordered this from Amazon last week, and it shipped two days later. Guess they just ran out of stock.

Yeah, here in Northwest Indiana there isn't anywhere that has this game. I'm gonna keep looking, though. I'm really interested in playing this game.

Haven't tried Target around here, but I'm trying a few other places tomorrow and keeping my fingers crossed.
Thanks for the write up R.J.

I noticed a merchant on Amazon has it as well as Walmart which offers site to store shipping for free......
[quote name='addicted2games']Sounds like a great "disease"! :) I would LOVE to have about 10-15 pinball and arcade cabinets in a room in my house. I dont have the room nor money though. :([/QUOTE]

Yeah, those are always the limiting factors. I can't see ever having more than I have now unless I a) get a new house and b) hit the lottery. ;)

It's insane how many some folks have...a good friend of mine has 16 machines, and another buddy has, no joke, FORTY-TWO (42~!) machines!

What the heck...here's what I would have if money and space were no object:

- Whirlwind (Have, will never let go)
- Creature from the Black Lagoon (Have, will never let go)
- Attack from Mars (#1 Game I Want and Hope To Get)
- Monster Bash (Will Never Have, Too Expensive)
- Funhouse (Wife thinks it's creepy, so no go!)
- Earthshaker (Too Similar to WW to have both)
- Revenge from Mars (Would Get if I wasn't scared of never being able to get parts)
- Addams Family (Love it, but almost have played it almost too much in my life)
- Spiderman (New Stern, awesome)
- Simpsons Pinball Party (love the theme, wish the machine was a little better)
- Back to the Future (love the theme, loved the machine back in the day but haven't played it in years)
- Tommy (ditto)
- World Cup Soccer 94 (have it, really like it, but going to let it go to try to get something else on my list)

How's 'bout you?

Well, I FINALLY found this one hidden at a Best Buy near work. Just got done playing a few of the tables for the last 45 minutes, wish I could play a tad more but a long work day ahead of me.

My jaw dropped when I actually saw Gorgar. I remembered playing that table as a kid at a local eatery. I was further shocked to know that it had came out in '79. I was about eight or nine (born in '83) when I had played this table.

A lot of these other machines I never heard of before. But thus far I think this is a nice little trip down memory lane for those a little older than am I, and it's a first-time trip for me on some of these tables.

I'm really glad I picked this up.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I saw 3 at the local Target for $19.99 in a bargain endcap.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure it was williams and not the other pinball game that is $19.99?
Are you sure it was Williams and not the other pinball game that is $19.99?
Funny, I wondered the same thing when I saw that post. I've seen plenty of 'Gottlieb Collection' copies in various bargain endcaps for at least the last year or so.

Anyway, I finally FOUND this game. Go to BB's website, use the store locator... only 1 BB in my area (among about 10 others) even carried this game, and of course, it was the BB furthest from where I work. There were about 3-4 copies on the shelf. It goes for $29.99 in-store, before coupons/etc.
I posted this info in the WPHoF thread on the main board, but I figured that I'd throw it out here too... If nothing else, to help out local CAgs who are looking for it:

Yesterday before work, I stopped at the Jantzen Beach Target, where I purchased the Wii version of "Williams' Pinball Hall of Fame" for $19.99. There were still four or five more left on the endcap.

Got it home last night and played the hell out of it. I used to play Taxi all the time at one of our local arcade haunts when I was younger.
A few impressions:

Unless you actively dislike pinball, there is no way you're not going to enjoy this game.

Over the years, I've had many opportunities to play various digital pinball tables, and I've also had a lot of experience with actual tables, first at pizza parlors and later, my local pub. Simply put, this is probably the best translation of the pinball experience I've yet played, and as an added bonus, the one with the most variety. Each table is totally unique, and there are at least 10 of them, each one pretty painstakingly rendered.

The game seems particularly suited to the Wii controls, with the nunchuck and wiimote's back buttons representing either flipper... use a bit too much force when hitting either flipper, and you'll shake the table. Both nunchuck and wiimote can be shaken in this manner, and it takes pretty excessive force to actually tilt the machine (unlike the prior Gottlieb collection, where it seemed the slightest nudge would tilt it).

There's a challenge mode: gives you a score to beat and, if successful, sends you onto the next table, wherein you earn credits/points. Practice mode: 4 of the 10 machines can be played without credits at first, then by completing 'goals' on the tables, you earn more credits to get free play on the remaining tables. I went from 20 to 85 credits in just two sittings, so it's not incredibly hard to do. The purpose of this feature is to encourage the player to go through and play each table to the fullest, so as not to run out of credits on the machines that demand it in practice mode. There seems to be a way to adjust the ball type also, but I haven't unlocked this yet.

The one slightly irritating feature are the voices used as you scroll through the machines in the virtual arcade. I don't mind the music - just standard '80s metal, really fitting since most of the machines are from the 80s - but some of the announcers got on my nerves. Do I really have to hear the name of the game pronounced the same way by the same annoying voice every time I scroll over it? A small complaint though.

Also, a note about Funhouse... that charlie macarthy looking doll head is creepy as hell... especially when he falls asleep at midnight, snoring, while you send a ball into his mouth. There's something really wrong about that.
[quote name='Starkraving']Also, a note about Funhouse... that charlie macarthy looking doll head is creepy as hell... especially when he falls asleep at midnight, snoring, while you send a ball into his mouth. There's something really wrong about that.[/QUOTE]
The real one was freaky as well, so in this regard the PHoF reproduction is accurate. ;) Though I agree the digital puppet head is just slightly creepier than the original...

[quote name='rjung']The real one was freaky as well, so in this regard the PHoF reproduction is accurate. ;) Though I agree the digital puppet head is just slightly creepier than the original...


His creepiness is why the Missus won't let me have a real one in the house! lol

[quote name='DrMoze']Red and Ted in Roadshow were *much* nicer![/QUOTE]

It's funny, because that's a newer game, more features, and I really don't care for it at all. Bring on Creepy!

I mean, bring on RUDY!

I just picked this up at Target yesterday for $13.98 and I loved it.

It brought back so many old memories of going to Dennis Arcade and the Bowling Alley. I really enjoyed Funhouse and Pinbot. Two games I remember playing alot when I was younger.

I had one frustrating experience. While playing the challenge mode I got to the ninth table Sorcerer and the ball got stuck.

I could not shake the table and the flippers would not work. I think I might of tilted the machine by accident but I never said it on screen. The only thing that worked was the plunger.

The main reason I was upset is because I set some goals on the other tables and high scores and even got my best score on Sorcerer but I had to reset and nothing saved.

I enjoyed this so much I ordered Dream Pinball 3D today. I hope its just as good.
God this game is amazing. Picked it up at target for 19.99 (last copy). Glad I did. I didn't even know pinball was this amazing. I have already logged like 6 hours on this since getting last night. The only downside is now I know pinball is amazing I am going to spend twice as much at the bar, because I used to ignore the pinball machine there. Who needs social drinking? I am going to be tearing up the pinball tables and getting drunk.
[quote name='gareman']God this game is amazing. Picked it up at target for 19.99 (last copy). Glad I did. I didn't even know pinball was this amazing. I have already logged like 6 hours on this since getting last night. The only downside is now I know pinball is amazing I am going to spend twice as much at the bar, because I used to ignore the pinball machine there. Who needs social drinking? I am going to be tearing up the pinball tables and getting drunk.[/quote]
You echo my exact sentiments (although I used the $5 coupon to get it for $15 instead of $20). I always thought I hated pinball. What I actually hated was losing so much money trying to gain any skill at all at it, which never happened. This game has made me realize there's actually kind of a point to each table and that you can develop skill. I am so impressed by this game. I don't know why my words are so big. I can't get it to stop.
As the tables' objectives become clearer, my skill is improving noticeably. I've unlocked most of the regular goals (with the exception of Jive Time, which is a bit more unforgiving and sparse as far as tables go).

The wizard goals are a lot more challenging, but still attainable. I've unlocked the 'table slide show' too, which is just a collection of photos from each of the tables (two per table). I haven't yet managed to unlock the alternate ball schemes or mirror modes or any of that. I suspect attaining all the wizard goals leads there.

I try to play this for at least ten minutes a day. I've not been this addicted to a game in a long time. The best pinball simulations have two qualities: one, variety of experience, even on a single table, and two, the sense that skill is more important than luck in doing well. This one has huge portions of win in both areas.
[quote name='Starkraving']As the tables' objectives become clearer, my skill is improving noticeably. I've unlocked most of the regular goals (with the exception of Jive Time, which is a bit more unforgiving and sparse as far as tables go).

The wizard goals are a lot more challenging, but still attainable. I've unlocked the 'table slide show' too, which is just a collection of photos from each of the tables (two per table). I haven't yet managed to unlock the alternate ball schemes or mirror modes or any of that. I suspect attaining all the wizard goals leads there.

I try to play this for at least ten minutes a day. I've not been this addicted to a game in a long time. The best pinball simulations have two qualities: one, variety of experience, even on a single table, and two, the sense that skill is more important than luck in doing well. This one has huge portions of win in both areas.[/quote]
Wow - I had no idea there was anything to unlock even! I'm pretty bad, so I'm just happy when I make the devil say GORGAR.
finally found one last copy at target!

too much fun and tons of reminiscing. i used to live next to this pizza place that had pinbot. i was like 4 or 5 years old. i wasn't good at the game then...and that's true to this day. i paid $13.99, but it's definitely an awesome game at the standard $19.99 price point.
[quote name='flybrione']

I had one frustrating experience. While playing the challenge mode I got to the ninth table Sorcerer and the ball got stuck.

I could not shake the table and the flippers would not work. I think I might of tilted the machine by accident but I never said it on screen. The only thing that worked was the plunger.

The main reason I was upset is because I set some goals on the other tables and high scores and even got my best score on Sorcerer but I had to reset and nothing saved.

I had this happen on Sorcerer too. If you don't tilt you can hit + to pause and then scroll to Call Attendant it will reset the ball after 15 seconds. Sorry you lost all your progress on that challenge.
They need to make a sequel to this with some more modern tables (i.e. Cirqus Voltiare, Theatre of Magic, etc) STAT. Even without licensed tables, Williams/Bally made some incredible tables in the 90's and I'd kill to play a Wii version of them.
[quote name='ZForce']They need to make a sequel to this with some more modern tables (i.e. Cirqus Voltiare, Theatre of Magic, etc) STAT. Even without licensed tables, Williams/Bally made some incredible tables in the 90's and I'd kill to play a Wii version of them.[/quote]

Yeah! Add Medieval Madness fer shure, and Attack from Mars (OK, that was Bally/Williams, same thing!). I have a NIB Cirqus at home - great game!

If nothing else, it's nice to see that these games are teaching some people that more recent pinball machines actually have a lot of strategy involved. I think the instructions are very well done. For example, I never played Fun House very much,a nd didn't know the rules until now.
[quote name='DrMoze']Yeah! Add Medieval Madness fer shure, and Attack from Mars (OK, that was Bally/Williams, same thing!). I have a NIB Cirqus at home - great game!

If nothing else, it's nice to see that these games are teaching some people that more recent pinball machines actually have a lot of strategy involved. I think the instructions are very well done. For example, I never played Fun House very much,a nd didn't know the rules until now.[/QUOTE]

I think it's very cool that we have so many pin owners on here. Anyone want to buy a WWF Royal Rumble?

Are there different camera options for this game? All I've seen are trailers with the constant ball tracking and zooming and panning that drive me crazy. Please tell me you can elect to have a fixed camera, AND, hopefully, different table angles.
Yes fixed camera is available with 5 angles. There is also the dynamic camera which is REALLY good in this game as opposed to many other video pins I've played. The camera doesn't pan. It just zooms in when the ball is in the upper playfield and zooms out to the fixed view when in the lower playfield. I've had no problems losing balls due to the camera not zooming out fast enough and it doesn't make you seasick. But YES fixed view is there for those who want it.

There are also 5 different angles you can set for the ball launch.

When in multiball the camera always automatically zooms out to the fixed full table view.

Overall the camera in this game is definitely a strength with multiple user options and a great dynamic view.
[quote name='ceckman']Yes fixed camera is available with 5 angles. There is also the dynamic camera which is REALLY good in this game as opposed to many other video pins I've played. The camera doesn't pan. It just zooms in when the ball is in the upper playfield and zooms out to the fixed view when in the lower playfield. I've had no problems losing balls due to the camera not zooming out fast enough and it doesn't make you seasick. But YES fixed view is there for those who want it.

There are also 5 different angles you can set for the ball launch.

When in multiball the camera always automatically zooms out to the fixed full table view.

Overall the camera in this game is definitely a strength with multiple user options and a great dynamic view.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, thanks.
The only annoying thing about the camera is that you can only change it while the ball is in play. Changing it while paused would have been sooooooooooooooooooooo much better. And you need to set the camera every time you start a new table (it keeps the camera between consecutive games on the same table).

But then, that's pretty much the only thing bad with the game, so it's still worth the purchase.

[quote name='rjung']The only annoying thing about the camera is that you can only change it while the ball is in play. Changing it while paused would have been sooooooooooooooooooooo much better. And you need to set the camera every time you start a new table (it keeps the camera between consecutive games on the same table).

But then, that's pretty much the only thing bad with the game, so it's still worth the purchase.


Agreed. It's not too difficult to switch the camera each time you start a new table but it would have been nice if they had added the ability to save a favorite camera setting for each table. I prefer the 3rd setting for the plunger and the 2nd dynamic camera for the table on almost all the tables.

I just can't complain though because this game has given me a great amount of joy thus far. The only problem is that it's sparked a huge desire to own a real pin...ahhhhhh.........must resist.
I received the PS2 and Wii version of PHOF: Williams collection.

The Wii version look to be running at a slightly lower resolution than the PS2 version; the wii version also has a tiny bit of slowdown that doesn't seem to be on the Sony system.

However, two extra table, and perfect controls seal the deal. I've received higher scores on the Wii version that on comparable PS2 tables.
I just picked this up a couple days ago when I saw it at Target for $20. I had seen this thread and noticed that people were saying it was a great deal so I just got it even though I'm not much of a pinball fan. It's great! I like that they've managed to turn electronic pinball from a mindless time-waster (the Windows pinball game is so boring) into something exciting and replayable.

I lucked out too, because my girlfriend, it turns out, really loves pinball. I didn't even know until she came over and I showed it to her, and we played a few games together. Pretty sweet game!
Anyone have Williams Challenge scores to post? My best is 165. (3 tries.)

BTW, it's nice to see some folks realizing that pinball machines have rules and strategies which add to the experience/challenge. Once you start trying to control the ball and having a strategy with a specific target for each shot you make, you're getting into the swing of competitive pinball. It's not just about random flailing and trying not to lose the ball. :)

I'm curious to check out Dream Pinball as well. It looks to be modeled on realistic tables. My copy just shipped from Amazon.
[quote name='DrMoze']Anyone have Williams Challenge scores to post? My best is 165. [/quote]
I haven't tried again though since I've gotten good at a couple tables.
[quote name='astromanluca']I like that they've managed to turn electronic pinball from a mindless time-waster (the Windows pinball game is so boring) into something exciting and replayable.[/quote]
That's what happens when you play pinballs designed by real pinball developers and not clueless geeks in Redmond. ;)

(And once again, the only people who can create original computer pinball games as good as the real thing are the folks at Littlewing.)

rjung, while I agree Little WIng have created a nice nitch market for their original pinballs I think the original Pro Pinball tables put out by Empire/Cunning Developments are better - see Timeshock and Big Race USA. Fantastic Journey wasn't quite as good but for original video pinballs I think the first two mentioned were the best of all time so far.

The William's Collection on Wii is the best video pinball that emulates real world tables in my opinion.

Just in case anyone is tempted, stay far away from Dream Pinball 3D for the Wii. My one word summary - terrible. If you want specifics I'll be glad to elaborate but since I haven't seen any reviews posted yet I just thought I'd warn anyone who is tempted.
I just posted a review for Dream Pinball - and echo your sentiments.

Hey ROB! Haven't touched base since the good ol' Lynx days!!! How ya been????
Fun little gem...but for some reason after an hours worth of playing it, I needed something more satisfying...haven't played multi so I can't comment on that, yet the game felt stale after so many rounds of just pinball

Maybe it's just me, but isn't a game played to keep you interested/occupied...I feel bored waiting for the ball to drop (guess this is the purpose for that Odama game..) and it just doesn't have too much to offer, for me it seems
[quote name='ceckman']rjung, while I agree Little WIng have created a nice nitch market for their original pinballs I think the original Pro Pinball tables put out by Empire/Cunning Developments are better - see Timeshock and Big Race USA. Fantastic Journey wasn't quite as good but for original video pinballs I think the first two mentioned were the best of all time so far.[/quote]
I thought they were good, but I'd still give Littlewing the edge in overall pinball quality. There's something about the feel of Littlewing's pinball boards that really give me a Williams/Steve Ritchie vibe. It's like the intangible difference between a Williams pinball and a Data East pinball, I suppose.

[quote name='ceckman']The William's Collection on Wii is the best video pinball that emulates real world tables in my opinion.[/quote]
Agreed! :)

[quote name='rjung']I thought they were good, but I'd still give Littlewing the edge in overall pinball quality. There's something about the feel of Littlewing's pinball boards that really give me a Williams/Steve Ritchie vibe. It's like the intangible difference between a Williams pinball and a Data East pinball, I suppose.


Which is your favorite Little Wing? Maybe I should give it another try since I haven't played one since Golden Logres. How's Monster Fair? That theme appeals to me.
[quote name='Foo228']Maybe it's just me, but isn't a game played to keep you interested/occupied...I feel bored waiting for the ball to drop (guess this is the purpose for that Odama game..) and it just doesn't have too much to offer, for me it seems[/quote]
There's a reason pinball has maintained it's existence alongside much more advanced technology - a huge part of the fun is waiting for that ball to drop. I was never a pinball fan until this game, and I'm sure as hell not a diehard like rjung and the others discussing deeper merits of table design, but this game seems to be like Wii Sports bowling. The game it is emulating is already so refined that as long as it is faithful, it cannot fail. It does sound like it's not really your thing, but that's what I thought and now I cannot stop playing it. I stay up way past when I should thanks to the "just one more game" factor.
[quote name='ceckman']Which is your favorite Little Wing?[/quote]I still find it a toss-up between Crystal Caliburn (hard as hell, but in a good way) and Looney Labyrinth (more laid back, but with a lot of depth in its goals).

Monster Fair is another "fun and casual" pin, like LL, but I think the board is a little too sparse for what it wants to do.

went to Best Buy today and they had like 5 copies of the wii version. so you might be able to find it there now too.

ahh crap i forgot to check if they have it for PSP. i've been lookin for it.
just picked this up today at bestbuy awesome game..... only having played it for a few mins... this is worth getting... a game you cant get bored..
[quote name='Monster']jonly having played it for a few mins... this is worth getting... a game you cant get bored..[/QUOTE]

This review spondered by ADD Gamers ... let's ride bikes!
bread's done