Win a FREE Xbox 360 Halo Reach Slim bundle from Spawn Kill!

[quote name='Tigresa']Spawn Kill which some of you are familiar with (a lot of our winners have been CAGers for our contests!) - is giving away our biggest ... giveaway yet - a 250GB Halo Reach Xbox 360 Slim bundle! Please come check it out at Spawn Kill and tell your friends or even you smegemies. >:]

Enter to win a 250GB Halo Reach Xbox 360 Slim at Spawn Kill![/QUOTE]
It's awesome that you're doing this contest and it's even sweeter you're sharing it with us, thank you very much.

But I have a question. So the quality of our submission (as judged by Spawn Kill and Gladriel) will give us a bigger chance of winning, or does each submission get thrown into a random drawing?

So let's say I wrote a sentence saying "I want Halo Reach", and some other guy made an epic-styled-DanteAlighieri-esque-poem that's 800 words long, would the submissions both be tallied the same, or does the bigger/better submission have a bigger chance?

and the twitter thing is only for bonus points right? Which means you have to do a main submission on the spawn kill website?

Thank you very much!
that's why i like contests where the rules are simple and fair; you leave any comment and you're entered, and everyone has an equal, random chance of winning.
lmao thats funny iTaiwan, I have noticed that, that is very original. I entered under my Xbox Live GT
xXI SPECTER IXx, mang i hope i dont punch myself later for not submitting my afro samurai video instead.
I'll do my best to spread the word and harass some of my friends to enter. The site looks good, is full of content and your from NY ;) Good thing I caught this contest, now I have a new podcast to check out and a few articles to read on during my spare time.

I never win these damn things but entered! \\:D/ Good luck everyone!
Just so you know, quality of entry DOES count in picking the winner - it is not a random drawing! Make sure to read the rules/info on the link I posted in the first post on this thread.
[quote name='Tigresa']Just so you know, quality of entry DOES count in picking the winner - it is not a random drawing! Make sure to read the rules/info on the link I posted in the first post on this thread.[/QUOTE]


I was reading some entries and while most are good, some are meaningless and not from the heart.
From the heart? I said I would throw my old xbox out the window and give a youtube link. Would it be better quality if I use shotgun instead? It has made me so mad with it's "RROD" and "not working" problems :(

A new one would be great tho
[quote name='kirby145']From the heart? I said I would throw my old xbox out the window and give a youtube link. Would it be better quality if I use shotgun instead? It has made me so mad with it's "RROD" and "not working" problems :(

A new one would be great tho[/QUOTE]
I hope you don't, that sounds like it'd be pretty hard to beat.
[quote name='IXI Dragunz IXI']QFT.

I was reading some entries and while most are good, some are meaningless and not from the heart.[/QUOTE]

Thats very sad to hear, you should see my post, I made a youtube video for my friend for her b-day since I am broke. I made a "portal" tribute to her. its called "muffin's portal". i was saddened by your comment.
glad to have that bit of ambiguity cleared up. don't have a camera and i don't have skills with the photoshop so while poetry is not my strong suit. I thought I'd do a few Haikus.

looking at the comments now I see a lot of people choose the block o'text or more standard forms of poetry so while the limerick guy was cool I think i'm the first Haiku entry. it also makes me wonder if I should try to do something photoshopy I haven't seen any of those.

Entry -

thar we go thru in this at the end:

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What do you mean by that @time2play? It's a humongous $400 prize - I don't think it's too criminal to ask that people actually put "effort" in to win. :F
[quote name='Stoic Person Eater']I entered, but shit is getting extreme.[/QUOTE]
oh that's awesome. i need to check this out.

well that was NOT hyperbole. well my entry is completely buried under the 210+ 20-30 of which belong to Sunny Grewal. I didn't realize we could attach photos. I would done that over linking. I was just thinking that maybe I was the only haiku writer which would have been awesome for originality points then i saw this I was trying for brevity to avoid walls of text but it looks like that's the most popular entry method.

Can't even be mad at it cause I for sure would spam their site hourly for a free xbox. I'm not going to .. but I would.
[quote name='Tigresa']What do you mean by that @time2play? It's a humongous $400 prize - I don't think it's too criminal to ask that people actually put "effort" in to win. :F[/QUOTE]
maybe so, but i feel it's just been overrun now by others and gotten spammed, and the definition and quality of 'effort' also comes into question. i guess i prefer contests with clear simple requirements, and where everyone has an easy equal random chance of winning. still, thanks for your contest, i do appreciate it.
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The more interesting and creative your entry, the more points you’ll have to win
[quote name='time2play']maybe so, but i feel it's just been overrun now by others and gotten spammed, and the definition and quality of 'effort' also comes into question. i guess i prefer contests with clear simple requirements, and where everyone has an easy equal random chance of winning. still, thanks for your contest, i do appreciate it.[/QUOTE]not to harp on the contest because quite frankly I'm pretty content with 'yoursiteyourrules'. but i think the objectionable aspect is that you imply that the number of entries is based on the quality of your entry.

If I might make a suggestion it would be less controversial if it were say one standard ticket for entering and a set number of bonus tickets say 1 to 4 based on the quality. This way someone who say only entered a short sonnet wouldn't feel they got blown out by someone who used final cut pro and their stuntman friends to recreate the first level from Halo:CE, into a blockbuster quality movie trailer. it's one thing if I only manage 2 entry and he gets 6, but that wording makes it seem like I could get say 3 and he would get 15.

Heck you could even do it on a sliding scale for say the top 10% of entries get a bonus 2 entries the middle 80% get 1 bonus entry. Basically it's like contests that say you can enter once per tweet but don't say only once per day per account. Then you have a situation where if you aren't willing to spam your account you're barely entered. I guess it depends on what your goal is for the contest. From the entrants perspective. We don't mind if you require a modicum of effort. We don't mind if you reward the lots-o-effort, but when you reward without limits based on effort (I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but that's what the wording implies) it's no longer a contest it's a talent show (see the ever common Photoshop Contests). That's ok for some people but some of us don't bother to enter talent shows for a reason. we aren't talented.
also, i don't trust the number of Likes cause posters can ask others to click it to raise it, or posters can raise it in other ways too.
bread's done