[Winners Announced] CONTEST: Coded Arms (PSP) Prize Pack

This game is up there on the badass meter, not bad for the 1st try at a FPS on PSP. Controls like a dreamcast game... if anyone remembers what that was like.
I have not played much of coded arms but I am waiting to get it so that I can have some fun. I hope that I win so I don't have to drop any cash. Thanks CAG!
Coded arms, the game that should finally put the PSP in the limelight for the action genre.
The contest: Gives me a chance to win the goodies which I cannot afford.
Gaming would be almost impossible to afford were it not for CAG.

I dismissed this title after it got poor reviews. Howwever, sheer word of mouth has cause me to gain alot of interest in it. It's just rather hard to find.

Thanks for the Contest btw =)
This post is the cousins, brothres, friends, uncles, roommates, sisters, brother of Coded Arms...which almost makes it related. Also, it was adopted by Coded Arms later.
Just a quick note. I also have been reading up on this game and it hasn't been getting the reivews I was hoping for, but I will at least rent it to see what all the hubbub's about. If I win I will come back and write an on hands review. Thank You for your time!
Coded Arms is a pretty good looking FPS. From what I read, the controls and single player experience is not as expected, though the multiplayer is better. Hope I win so I can test it out and have a blast!
woah d00d. Combo clothing looks hella cool... i've never heard of them till now. now for Coded Arms; upgradeable weapons & randomized stages + the guide... i can dig it.
I was looking at getting Coded Arms but I have classes to pay for. I heard the bad guys de-rez like in Tron when you kill them. Anyone actually play it? It's on a first on my list (after paying for classes) even though I heard complaints about the controls because of the lack of right analog. However, there were good fps games on the N64 & DC eve though that only had one analog.
My friend bought a PSP, and we were looking up good games to get for it. Lo and behold, I found a game named "Coded Arms", which looked very good for a PSP shooter. In fact, he said "wow, that looks like a decent ps2 shooter" until I told him it was for PSP!
Coded Arms looks interesting, but I'm more interested in that virus game (whatever it's called)....not that I'd mind getting Coded Arms for free. ;)
Coded arms?! for free?!
more like...Free...ded....arms...
I'm no good at that witty ryhming stuff, but hopefully I'm good at winning free things.
Haven't read much on Coded Arms, seems like it could be a decent FPS... Game Informer is a pretty tight magazine tho.
Sigh If I don't win, I swear i'll create an army of cybernetic super-intelligent robots and enslave the world. And force wars to be fought in a network in which Hackers are the soldiers. Also If i don't win, then i'll dematerialize into bits and bytes.
Coded Arms looks like it's going to be a sure fire winner in the FPS genre for the PSP.

From what I've seen in terms of screenshots, those graphics sure look amazing, especially on such a small screen (hey, I'm used to playing my video games on a 19" or 27" TV.)

I don't play my PSP as much, since there's not too many titles I'm interested in playing.

Maybe if I win this contest, I'll finally have a great game added to my PSP library.

Wish me luck. :)
i wouldnt mind winning Coded Arms. I personally don't have a very high opinion of the PSP's analog nub... it just felt too inaccurate and loose... but maybe this game could show me it could work... after all, i use to think that dual analog was an impossible way to control an FPS...
[quote name='SolidSnakeX99']I want some Coded Arms for breakfast.[/QUOTE]

Haha, yeah its always sounded like a food to me for some reason. Looks great though.
bread's done