Woman in Arkansas expecting 18th kid

On the subject of too many kids.... I just saw some woman on Good Morning America getting breakfast in bed from Chef Mario who has no less than SEVENTEEN kids. None of which are twins or anything like that.
I'm curious if she made news at child 10 or 15. Does 18 break any sort of record? This would be much more newsworthy is all the kids had different fathers.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I'm curious if she made news at child 10 or 15. Does 18 break any sort of record? This would be much more newsworthy is all the kids had different fathers.[/QUOTE]

The family has had a couple of one hour special's on Discovery and TLC... I've watched them with my girl.

It's definitely interesting... they named all their kids with names starting with the letter J, and when they make food, they make it in these humongous pots that are used for restaurant cooking.

It is kind of bizarre.
Is anyone surprised that the husband's name is "Jim Bob"? If they can handle it though more power to them. I want 4 or 5 kids one day and people think I'm nuts - I couldn't imagine 18!!
[quote name='mrlokievil']At this point they have to be just falling out every nine months.[/quote]

The parents don't even have to engage intercourse anymore. They have apparently signed a lifetime contract with God, who grants them an embryo every few months.
Wow...it must be like nailing a bucket of water at this point :p

PS: How is this jackalope planning on turning them into productive citizens and not, say, staffing the local WalMart for the rest of their lives?

Or are they just scheming off the freebies at this point.....
How do you support a family of 20? Is the cost of living so minimal in Alabama you can easily afford a 7000sqft house and 18 kids?

I always feel its the wrong people having kids. Intelligent people know theres no room and theres a cost associated with kids. Stupid people just keep popping them out because they like to hump. Zealots like these guys do it because its "obviously" God's will. I really think we need a 2 child limit on families.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Too each their own I always say...

But DAMN anyway.[/quote]
I can't be the only one who immediately thought of this reading that story:

The media has been running stories on this family for years. If there was any sort of child neglect or abuse, or anything remotely untoward, child services and Oprah would have been all over them by now, so they must be being attended to. They probably do it the old fashioned way and actually *GASP* make the older children take responsibility for the younger ones and have chores.

My aunt married a man who was one of 13 children, and that whole family was filled with wonderful people top to bottom. Unfortunately, he (my uncle) was later killed by a drunk driver who was an only child and refused to admit responsibility even after the day he went to jail.
At some point, the world population is going to get so bad that birthing limits will have to be enforced.

All that aside, having 18 kids isn't anything special, turning them all into intelligent, productive citizens is. Produce a news story when that happens.

I guess for now, I won't render any judgment until then. If they can pull it off, by all means, but if these kids are just leeching off the system and looking forward to a bright future of wal-mart greeting and "monsta twucks", post-birth abortion sounds like a good idea.

I guess adoption is a good idea too, you know, if they can be saved.

In the end, anyone think there might be a birthing limit in our future? Maybe 2 per family or 2 per family whose parents have a college degree?

[quote name='HotShotX']
All that aside, having 18 kids isn't anything special, turning them all into intelligent, productive citizens is. [/QUOTE]

Possible? Yes. For this family?

They call chores "jurisdictions." All of the children are named after biblical figures. They wear clothes straight out of that west Texas combine.

So my guess is "not really."

These kids don't stand a chance if they ever make it out of Alabama, where people will tell them crazy things like the Earth revolves around the sun, and not the other way around.

As for population rates, I actually think this sort of thing is one of the worst things you can do to the world at large - produce a bunch of bodies that will soak up resources and perpetuate themselves onto the global economy with very real impact. If all these kids grow up and have 18 children - and I assure you at least one of them is going to attempt to do that - then it becomes a little out of control.

It shows a real lack of responsibility and total self-centered thought on the part of the parents to think they are doing this wondrous, miraculous thing all the fucking time. Haha, I made a pun.
[quote name='Demolition Man']On the subject of too many kids.... I just saw some woman on Good Morning America getting breakfast in bed from Chef Mario who has no less than SEVENTEEN kids. None of which are twins or anything like that.[/quote]

Wait...what? The fatty chef has seventeen kids? Can they cook too?
[quote name='HotShotX']At some point, the world population is going to get so bad that birthing limits will have to be enforced.

All that aside, having 18 kids isn't anything special, turning them all into intelligent, productive citizens is. Produce a news story when that happens.

I guess for now, I won't render any judgment until then. If they can pull it off, by all means, but if these kids are just leeching off the system and looking forward to a bright future of wal-mart greeting and "monsta twucks", post-birth abortion sounds like a good idea.

I guess adoption is a good idea too, you know, if they can be saved.

In the end, anyone think there might be a birthing limit in our future? Maybe 2 per family or 2 per family whose parents have a college degree?

~HotShotX[/quote]People think it's horrible that China imposes limits on the number of children you can have, so i doubt it would go over that well here. It's for the best though, with a population that large, you have to have some sort of limit.
[quote name='HotShotX']At some point, the world population is going to get so bad that birthing limits will have to be enforced.

[/quote]People die just as quick as people are born. Ok, so maybe fancy "statistics" prove otherwise, but with wars, disease, monsoons, and other kinds of disasters, there's plenty of death around to make sure the global population stays in check.
[quote name='Strell']That's probably background sex music for them.[/quote]

I'll bet they have one of those "Lift Your Heart Up to Jesus" cds playing in the background.
[quote name='JolietJake']People think it's horrible that China imposes limits on the number of children you can have, so i doubt it would go over that well here. It's for the best though, with a population that large, you have to have some sort of limit.[/quote]

Population controls suck. In democratic industrialized countries that don't have large populations of religious nuts, populations even out and even decrease when they hit a certain level (just look at Canada or Japan). And don't fool yourself that China implements controls in a humane and reasoned manner

I don't want a disproportionate amount of my tax dollars supporting this woman's litter. Sucks for the kids but if she thinks endless reproduction is the Christian God's work then the Christian God can find a way to feed and clothe all those little "miracles"
The more I think about the Dueling Banjos thing, the more it makes sense.

The part at the beginning is all the foreplay, which I imagine for this couple has to be as vanilla and boring as possible.


Then the banjos start to duel, and it's the hillbilly zealot equivalent of bow-chika-wow-wow.


Shit. Maybe they make their kids play it for them....
Oh i never said it was humane or anything, it's China after all. I don't see how China's form of government is responsible for their incredible population though.

It's funny that you mention feed and clothing the kids. I know a couple who, against a doctor's advice, continue to have kids. The mother could be hurt or even killed by it, she had complications even having the first kid. Her husband's answer, god will only let them have as many as they can take care of. They aren't even Catholic, like you'd expect from someone who's against birth control. He's just batshit crazy and so is she for marrying his crazy ass.
[quote name='Strell']

Then the banjos start to duel, and it's the hillbilly zealot equivalent of bow-chika-wow-wow.

DING DING DING DA DING[/quote]With family members.
Once this sort of thing is in the public eye, there's usually some organization or other that throws money at the family. So they'll probably be fine, financially. Or maybe that's just sextuplets I'm thinking of.
[quote name='Strell']The more I think about the Dueling Banjos thing, the more it makes sense.

The part at the beginning is all the foreplay, which I imagine for this couple has to be as vanilla and boring as possible.


Then the banjos start to duel, and it's the hillbilly zealot equivalent of bow-chika-wow-wow.


Shit. Maybe they make their kids play it for them....[/QUOTE]

Best post in CAG history.
[quote name='coolsteel'] Clown car?[/QUOTE]

The kids already came out of her vagina. She's not using it to transport them around. Have some sense, man!
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Why? Unless they live in your house what difference does it make?[/quote]

If they can afford it, I'm fine with it.

But when the father has a name like Jim-Bob I'm skeptical.

I hate seeing kids go hungry and so does most of America, so I'm sure they'll be given charity and govt help. It just sucks that we all have to chip in to support ignorant back-woods hill jacks because she doesn't know how to cross her legs and Jim-Bob can't work a condom.

If the parents were highly intelligent, or fiscal geniuses, or even just beautiful people then I wouldn't mind throwing a few bucks their way. But this amounts to taking a long piss in the gene pool and then donning a wide shit-eating grin while you go around asking for handouts.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Why? Unless they live in your house what difference does it make?[/quote]

Does anyone know if they are getting some kind of government aid? It's all fine and dandy if they can afford to have 18 kids, but I believe it is irresponsible to have children when you don't have the means to support them.
[quote name='paddlefoot']Does anyone know if they are getting some kind of government aid? It's all fine and dandy if they can afford to have 18 kids, but I believe it is irresponsible to have children when you don't have the means to support them.[/quote]

"God will provide". Don't you know that?;)
[quote name='shieryda']"God will provide". Don't you know that?;)[/QUOTE]

God will provide a bunch of saps to form a charity for this gaggle of jackholes.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Why? Unless they live in your house what difference does it make?[/quote]

well its not like they are having kids anymore, its more like they are breeding.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']well its not like they are having kids anymore, its more like they are breeding.[/quote]
And in a few years, inbreeding.:lol:
[quote name='Kayden']How do you support a family of 20? Is the cost of living so minimal in Alabama you can easily afford a 7000sqft house and 18 kids?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Strell']
These kids don't stand a chance if they ever make it out of Alabama, where people will tell them crazy things like the Earth revolves around the sun, and not the other way around.[/QUOTE]

My grandfather (who was born and raised in canada) had 18 brothers and sisters...Granted that was close to 100 years ago now.
bread's done