Won a Wii, Pokémon Battle Revolution and a Mii T-Shirt


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Participated in the GameStop Pokémon tournament today. It lasted from 2:00pm 'til past closing time, that's how large it was. Apparently they had gotten over 60 entrants. I ended up landing 1st place and won a copy of Pokémon Battle Revolution, still sealed in its case, along with a t-shirt of the Miis with the slogan "We're Building an Army." Was supposed to get a shirt with Pokétopia on it (the city the game takes place in), but they only had one shirt instead of two (first gets game and shirt, second gets just a shirt).

The guy hosting the thing made sure the other finalists left before giving me my game and shirt and said that if I didn't have a Wii, he could slip one in for me as a bonus prize to be able to play the game. Any of you would have done the same thing I did. I said I didn't and was given a free Wii. Apparently they had quite a number in stock in the back that they weren't telling customers about unless asked.

I already have a Wii and PBR, so these are gonna be gifts for someone special to me that's been going mad trying to find a Wii. :cool:

I guess spending 7 1/2 hours in a room filled with kids that smelled like they hadn't bathed in weeks paid off.
Congrats man on the spare Wii. At least you would give it to someone instead of hawking it off in the auctions. To whoever gets the Wii, congratulations on getting a Wii from a friend.
Holy crap, that's awesome. The tourney I ran only had 15 people, and we didn't give out any Wiis. Only PBR and the Poketopia t-shirt. Congrats on the win!
[quote name='ZerotypeX']cool, congrats on winning and getting your bonus prize. Was it a tough tourney?[/quote] Yes and no. Mainly cause it was mostly made up of young kids just going about the whole thing with using their strongest attacks with no strategy whatsoever. The length mainly carried on due to how many people actually signed up. Though around the finals, it was mostly those of us who knew what we were doing. I just *barely* made it past the semi-finals and final. Down to just Weavile in the semi-final, while an Electivire with almost half of its HP gone and a sleeping Tentacruel won the final.

I kinda felt bad taking down some kids considering a lot had a look of horror when some of their prized legendaries went down, while some others thought it was awesome but were incredibly hesitant about battling me. It was mainly cause I was one of the first ones drawn from their lot to battle and they didn't expect to see an Electivire take down a Rayquaza in one grand shot of Ice Punch so quickly.
Congrats! If I had an extra Wii, I would totally make it my travel Wii. I get tired of disconnecting/reconnecting mine to take to get togethers and such.
You make it sound like it was a very shady deal that occured. :p Threre were three employees there at the time, one being a manager. They all helped run the event and got the manager's permission. They mainly waited for the others to leave so as not to cause any problems with the other guys who were in the tournament. I didn't receive my game or shirt until after they left.
LIAR!!!! lying to get an extra wii, well its good to have an extra one. if i have an extra one, i'll leave it at my friend's house.
LoL pokemon on videos games like stadium are easy as hell. If you have played pokemon your almost whole life(me) you will know almost everything...
Gratz OP
That sounds awesome, I didn't go to the tournament because I figured it would be nothing but little kids who used an AR to hack their pokemon instead of those who actually trained them. The prize wasn't that good either, and I didn't want to have to deal with soccer moms whining because their precious little kid didn't win... kids just aren't taught how to lose nowadays.
[quote name='Tsukento']"We're Building an Army."[/quote]

Lies! It says "Wii're buiding an army"! :p

Congrats on getting the free Wii, I definately would do the same. It's great that you're going to give it to someone rather than sell it.
[quote name='Scorch']Lies! It says "Wii're buiding an army"! :p[/quote]
I wish it said that. Woulda made sense to. Dunno why Nintendo didn't have that on the shirt. :p

SaraAB, there was actually one parent who was whispering to her older daughter in Spanish about how it was bullshit her son lost to someone just cause he was older, despite the fact we had kids beating some older people.
Cool earnings. You gonna sell that Wii?

In all seriousness, if I acquired a second Wii, I would probably donate it. I don't want to bother with the hassle of eBay or even selling it in a forum like here. I'm sure there's unfortunate kids out there they would appreciate a Wii.

But, of course, it's up to you ;) Congrats again!
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']so he just "slipped" you a wii... at gamestop... really?[/QUOTE]
That manager totally wants to git wit chew.

J/k. Nice win. Was this a Pokemon card game? Video game? What?
Grats on the win but I highly doubt he was going to give you a Wii. No manager would do that and then have to explain why its missing.
Video game. Everyone brought their DS games and connected wirelessly with the store's Wii to have their battles displayed in 3D.
yeah am i the first one thats gonna call shenanigans on the free wii? not to hate or flame AT ALL but i really just cant see it happening bro. any proof? feel free to ignore this message congrats on winning though

'ey, it's to be expected. I totally understand where you guys are coming from with this. I was skeptical about the whole thing myself since I thought the guy was gonna try to get me to buy it. He didn't give me a receipt or anything for either PBR or the Wii, nor did he scan either of them. I had to ask the guy three times that he was positive it was free.
Damn. Very nice.

If I could get a free Wii out of it, I might have participated in this.

Were hacked pokemon allowed in this tournament?
[quote name='ananag112']Damn. Very nice.

If I could get a free Wii out of it, I might have participated in this.

Were hacked pokemon allowed in this tournament?[/quote]
Nope. Some kids tried to get away with using cheated Pokémon but were caught before hand.

[quote name='THoward7382']What town was this tournament in?[/quote]
T'was nation wide in only whatever GameStop location was holding the tournament.

Still dont believe you got the Wii free and since you wont say what store it was from, makes it that much less believable.
[quote name='THoward7382']Still dont believe you got the Wii free and since you wont say what store it was from, makes it that much less believable.[/quote]

im hellllla jelous too
Nice! If only they announced you won a Wii right after the contest, as to piss off the parents and have the kids go home crying.

That would of made the win even sweeter.
It was pretty much just me and a few older people my age. All the kiddies pretty much were done by 8pm. There were a couple of parents who stuck around and encouraged their kids with a few "You did your best" talks and what not. But we also had some who were all "That's bullshit. He was playing against someone older!" Also had some parents who were busy trying to drag their kids out so they could go home; the ones uninterested in their kids' activities.

I don't think I would have wanted to be around the two guys who got second and third when getting the Wii. x_x; Considering I'm fairly short for my age, they were rather taller than me.

Even then, it was more about enjoying myself the whole day rather than about the fact that I won. Considering that I haven't actually attended an event like that since back when Yellow and Stadium were the newest games, I mainly entered for the sake of being able to at least relive the glory days of Pokémon. :p
[quote name='Tsukento']I wish it said that. Woulda made sense to. Dunno why Nintendo didn't have that on the shirt. :p[/quote]

?? It DOESN'T? The shirts the Nintendo rep passed out does have it spelled like that.. odd
[quote name='monkeydeew']theres a forum for trading...[/quote]

Really? Where at?

(It's called jokingly hinting at the OP since he doesn't have it in his TL)

But then again, you have a hard time understanding sarcasm and joking around, as you've exhibited in other threads/PMs.
[quote name='monkeydeew']spooge please keep all whiny personal attatcks in private inbox messages, thanks[/quote]

And how about you actually contribute something to the community instead of whiny posts/ridiculous and lazy questions/one word comments that only boost your post count?

You came at me first, kiddo. Now go hide behind your e-rock. If I offend you so, then add me to your ignore list. Nobody else seems to mind my contributions to the community.
[quote name='Tsukento']Guys, that really isn't necessary. :\

Sorry, man, but I'm looking to surprise this girly of mine myself with the Wii. :p[/quote]

He started it! :lol:

My wife can wait anyways. I have to replace two tires on her car now because of something she did. :bomb:

Congrats on beating up on those little kids though!
Aw man! Now I feel bad :(. I live 10 minutes away from Deerfield gamestop, and I could have gotten a second wii! If only I still played pokemon :(.

Congrats by the way!
i think if you ask your local gs about a free wii prize, they will figure you out as a cag. and spoog you eh-hole you called me retarted with add (which is not funny in real life) so you started it
[quote name='monkeydeew']i think if you ask your local gs about a free wii prize, they will figure you out as a cag. and spoog you eh-hole you called me retarted with add (which is not funny in real life) so you started it[/quote]
You're the one who carried your e-tarded battle into this thread. Whether or not you are what I said (jokingly, I might add), you sure act like one online. With that, I'm done with this petty bickering.

Tsukento asked to keep this out of his thread, and you kept egging it on. Enjoy your stay on my ignore list.

Once again, OP, great job on putting those little kids in their places. :D Sorry for letting your thread get cluttered with childish behaviour.
Congrats Tsukento on the win.

I really wanted to go and try the tourny out for fun, but sadly I had work and was to late to change when I found out about this which is sad it'd be fun fighting other people since I don't have wifi yet to play online on PBR. =\
bread's done