Worst game saves/files you lost?


32 (97%)
Just Pokemon Red over here (which wasn't a big deal since I cheated with unlimited level ups)... probably something else from my P.S.1. days, but can't recall any specific emotional scars.
All of my Gamecube data... Tales of Symphonia (3x playthroughs), Mario Kart, Resident Evil 4, etc. Tales of Symphonia was the big loss. I wasn't happy, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.
My Zelda III save got wiped by some Game Genie code. That was traumatic.

I also caught one of the Relm sketch glitches while about halfway through Final Fantasy VI and had to start over. :cry: Pretty sure I never let Relm back in my party after that.
I sunk 120 hours into Fallout 3 completed most of the main quest, completed plenty of side quests, and completed 2/4 dlc quests.

Sadly my 15 or so save files didn't survive the migration trip to my new xbox. I had a hollow feeling for about a month before it went away. 120 hours down the drain, but what are gonna do.
I put a lot of time into Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (not 90 hours, though) and accidently saved over it. I had most of the first Metal Gear AC!D finished when my brother saved his game over my save.
When my PS3 was stolen from my apartment 2 years ago I lost my save for Tales of the Abyss (which was actually mostly what I was playing at that time so that was the only save that I really lost that i was in the process of playing). I was maybe 20-30 hours in. Obviously I was more concerned with getting my stuff replaced by the insurance company (since me and my roommates all lost a bunch of stuff) than the save file, but I still haven't gotten back to Tales of the Abyss since I didn't want to restart it again after that and even though I have a save which is maybe 10 hours off of were my actual save was (due to the 80GB PS3 having an issue where I had to transfer to the PS2 to progress, so I still have that save on a PS2 memory card) at this point I don't remember enough to even use that so I'd have to fully restart.
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I had a memory card for a PS2 that I was using (it was my girlfriend's at the time) and had about eight finished MTV Music Generator 2 songs on there that I lost, 65 hours into FFXII, ~50 hours in Kingdom Hearts 2, maybe 20 or so in Kingdom Hearts, and so on. Meh, it happens though!
39 hours in Final Fantasy VII to a shitty Nyko memory card :/ Didn't buy 3rd party anything after that until the Madcatz Tournament Edition fightsticks.
My first memory was with FF7. I was in the middle of the final battle in the game when the electricity suddenly went out. About 5 min. later, I started up the game, and a message pops up that says my save file is corrupted. I still don't know why that happened. So yeah, about 40-50 hours of gameplay lost right there.

Most recently was with Fallout 3. Although, that was all my fault. Started a second character and about the time I got to level 8 or so, I finally realized that I overwrote my original level 20 character with the new character file. It completely killed the game for me.

[quote name='icebeast']I still haven't gotten back to Tales of the Abyss since I didn't want to restart it again after that and I need to restart it at this point.[/QUOTE]
Ugh, I'm the same way unfortunately. I don't think anything can kill a game easier for me than some kind of lost progress.
Two big ones from when my Wii's memory got corrupted earlier this year:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Three Hundred and Thirty Hours
Monster Hunter Tri - One Hundred and Thirteen Hours
Not so much what happened to me, but years ago my brother put a ton of hours into some dungeons and dragons game for the Super Nintendo. A friend and myself wanted to try it out and instead of creating a new save we overwrote his by accident. Now is that my impulsive 8 year old self's fault, or my brother's for only having 1 save! :lol: Man, he was mad.

Also, we had a great strategy game called Herzog for Sega. This was mine, my dads, and brother's first real game addiction. Long story short - We lost all the save data because my mom took a hammer to it in front of us after staying up a little too long! :D
FF7 i was up to the underwarter emerald robot and while clearing out old saves from ps1 memory cards i deleted that save. the only other save i had for the game was after you leave that base at the very beginning of the game. i gave up after that but bought the game for psp and will finish it someday. ff9 as well.
i had a lvl. 50 siren get corrupt on borderlands that had all kinds of really good loot (at the time it was good... prolly not so much anymore) with countless hours and nights played on the file... i was a saaaaaad panda:cry:
I can only remember 2.

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64) - This one still pisses me off everytime I think about this game. Don't get me wrong, I loved Goemon and still consider it awesome, unfortunately this game had one flaw. It was one of the few N64 games that required a memory card to save your data. This was such a load of crap considering it was on a cart. I didn't even know the N64 had memory cards until I played this game. Regardless I enjoyed the game so decided to invested in a cheapy $8 Mad Catz memory card. After a few days and getting pretty far the data got corrupted. I was pissed but decided to format it anyways and start over. Unsurprisingly the data got corrupted a week later. I was done, and got rid of the game. 7 or 8 years latter I try another playthrough, this time a different copy of Goemon and an official Nintendo memory card (I wasn't fucking around). Well, guess what happened? The data got corrupted yet again about halfway through the game. I realized I'm never going to beat this game. The thing is if I lose 100+ hours of a game but actually beat it, I wouldn't be so heart broken. But starting a game I really want to play 3 times, and getting as far as I did is so much more frustrating.

Rayman (PS1) - This one's not as bad. I had just completed a 100% game in Rayman and was rather proud of myself. So a few weeks later my llittle 8 year old cousin comes over and wants to play games. She doesn't normally play video-games so I was expecting her to get bored/frustrated in a few minutes. I hook up Rayman hand over the controller and look away for what I swear was 5 seconds. At that time I think "I better make sure she doesn't accidentally delete my data." but it was too late as my fears became a reality. I turn around to see "Data Erased" on the screen. I snag the controller from her hoping to save it somehow, but it was gone. At first I got angry but I looked at her and she was so innocent and honestly had no idea what she just did, so I wasn't mad for long. Besides it gave me a reason to replay it.
How do kids automatically do that shit? My cousin used to do that all the time. You actually have to make an effort to do that shit too.
^ Yeah, I thought she did it on purpose at first, but she really was just pressing buttons. It just magically happened to be the correct buttons to delete my file. It was partly my fault since I should have started up the game instead of leaving it at the menu screen. Still, I didn't let her touch my Playstation after that.
I lost my save file from Adventure of Link (NES), somehow it was glitched and I could kill anything in the game with 1 hit. I didn't have a game genie, so I don't know how it happened.
This is a little different, but I was playing Final Fantasy Tactics on PS1 and using only one save file. Got to the part where you face a boss one on one (20 hours in), and the game asked for a save immediately before the battle started.

Character wasn't strong enough, I looked up all the tips and I was basically screwed. Never came back to that game until the PSP remake.
[quote name='metaly']My Zelda III save got wiped by some Game Genie code. That was traumatic.

I also caught one of the Relm sketch glitches while about halfway through Final Fantasy VI and had to start over. :cry: Pretty sure I never let Relm back in my party after that.[/QUOTE]

A Relm glitch wound up netting my 255 copies of most of the games best weapons, relics, and shields. Atma Weapons, Economizers, etc. Shit was nuts. I never knew until many years later that her sketches could crash the game/wipe your save.

I lost a 40+ hour Xenogears save several years ago. Since then I've tried to restart the game several times but I just can't get into it knowing that I have dozens of hours to go before I see something new.
[quote name='panzerfaust']This is a little different, but I was playing Final Fantasy Tactics on PS1 and using only one save file. Got to the part where you face a boss one on one (20 hours in), and the game asked for a save immediately before the battle started.

Character wasn't strong enough, I looked up all the tips and I was basically screwed. Never came back to that game until the PSP remake.[/QUOTE]

I almost always do 3 saves that I save over the oldest one of each time for every game because of that, I've had that happen a bunch of times so I just do that to be safe.
Whenever I'm playing a game like that I always keep two save files: one of overworld saves and one of mid/pre-battle saves, that way if something like that happens I always have an overworld save to fall back on.
What I discovered when I was playing a used copy of Pokemon HeartGold I bought was those games specifically forbid you from saving a new game over an older save. It requires a combination button press that was actually somewhat hard to do in the main menu to erase the original save which is followed by another warning.

This a stark contrast to the original Gold and Silver which erased two 90+ hour saves of mine and refuses to save again.
This happened with in the last few months, I have a copy of Pokemon yellow on the GB that I bought over 10 years ago. Well I played it, beat the hell out of it and had a descent collection.

I put in my DS Lite a few months back just to check it out and noticed that my file was gone. *DING* *DING*, I let the neighbor borrow it around 8 years ago and he erased my file and started a new game. I put in at least 100 hours and all of it was gone!
My wife tripped on the power cord to my Dreamcast and I lost all of my character data for Phantasy Star Online. My friends had to power level me back up so I could roll with them. Good friends.
I had to repeat a good portion of Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I had vampirism and exited a cave with almost no health during day time.
I had a MadCatz Gamecube memory card that got corrupted once. The only save files I remember really caring about were my Windwaker file which was near the end of the game, and my SSB Melee file, which had all the characters unlocked, events beaten, etc. I never bought another MadCatz memory card after that.
I don't have any particularly bad moments, but I definitely remember being a douche and erasing my friends Pokemon Red save on his cartridge that I borrowed so that I could save my game, haha.

Oh, and Eternal Darkness...
I remember losing a 100+ hour DQVIII save a few years back. I was so close to beating that game too.

Also, I wonder if anyone remembers the Playstation Underground Viewtiful Joe 2 demo BS that happened 6 years ago. Lost two memory cards full of saves to that.
Worst save file I lost was when I switched from my 40gb phat PS3 to my 120gb slim n realized my Mercenaries 2 save was LOCKED TO THE HDD. fuck you, EA, you bastards. I had just passed that annoying church mission when I decided to trade in the 40gb during a decent Gamestop promo for it and realized I couldn't migrate it to my flash drive to put on the new system.:bomb:

The next time I played the game I did some missions but mainly just put in cheat codes and nuked whole towns for shits and giggles.
Only 2 really come to mind.

1) I was trying to get a Mew out of my Pokemon Ranch, so I had transfered nearly all of my Diamond (140 hours- but also contained all of my pokemon from Emerald and Leaf Green- at least another 100 hours) and Platinum(20 hours) pokemon into the wii.

My wii bricked itself because of a faulty system update tied to the launch of NSMBwii, and when NOA sent it back, they had wiped off all of my save data.

I was about 20 away from completing my dex. It was a very depressing day. I was able to get back some of them because of the Emerald cloning trick, but I don't really play the games as seriously after that.

2) Playing through Secret of Mana with a bunch of friends one time, and we were towards the end of the game (i assume), and we were in some sort of space ship style building with floors that forced you in one direction or another. Some how, 2 of our players got on one side of a wall, and the other didn't. We were locked in place because of the floor. We decided to reload our save file from a few minutes ago, but in the confusion accidentally resaved. As far as I remember we couldn't ever get free, and I never finished the game.
The first run of carts for Zelda I required you to hold select when saving or risk losing your game. I had just finished a very long game streak, saving right before Ganon, and failed to hold select down. I lost everything.

Also, I had a glitchy copy of Zelda II.
I've lost too many save files to remember them all. However the one moment that stood out the most to me was losing my lvl 87 Hardcore Sorceress in Diablo 2.

Hardcore mode in Diablo2 meant only one life. You die, you die and lose your items forever. My lvl 87 Sorc met her fate by another person I play with in the game. He was paid by someone else to assassinate me. The hours sunk into that character, gone. Diablo 2 was a time waster, more so than any other game.
Lost a Legend of Dragoon save to crappy third party PS1 card- I had a backup on my Song brand card (mostly just testing out the other one), but I had to go through a pretty annoying wall-o-text segment twice.

The big one was FF7. Now, that was my first serious foray into RPG territory (I'd played Mario RPG and that was basically it), so I sucked. Really bad. It took me something like 20 hours just to get out of Midgar. Once I did, I was shocked at the discovery that, up till now, I'd just been in 1 town in this great big world (yeah, I know- remember, this was my first time, ok?). At this time, my brother asked if he could play. I opted to put off my exploration of this new found world and let him give it a try. First save point, he accidentally copied over my file. I quitely left the room, went upstairs... and cried for like 5 minutes. (for the record, he was apologizing up and down even before I left the room.)

Of course, the waterworks ended up being pointless- having figured things out the first time, I got back to the same point just a few hours on my second play through. :D
When my PS3 broke I saved the backed up the hard drive information. (system OS was still functioning), however when I restored the data, I noticed that the PS2 data was missing... all my FFXII data was gone. I was really enjoying that game, and I really don't have the heart to start over.
[quote name='j-cart']I've lost too many save files to remember them all. However the one moment that stood out the most to me was losing my lvl 87 Hardcore Sorceress in Diablo 2.

Hardcore mode in Diablo2 meant only one life. You die, you die and lose your items forever. My lvl 87 Sorc met her fate by another person I play with in the game. He was paid by someone else to assassinate me. The hours sunk into that character, gone. Diablo 2 was a time waster, more so than any other game.[/QUOTE]

That's rough. I never played hardcore because of the hacks and when the game freezes/fast forwards to catch up.
Every psone game I owned, I had a psone that used the gameshark/memory card that plugged into the back. When I got a ps2 I thought man I don't need this anymore and sold off the system and only after it was shipped off did I remember awww shit my saves!
I had one of those "little kid erasures". Somehow my cousin erased my Mario tennis save file on the gamecube. I lost all my characters so it wasn't as fun to play. I tried to re-play all the tournaments but they were pretty easy so it was too boring to go through all over again. Still don't know how he did it, given the long and specific button press sequence necessary to do so.
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass... I was already at the end of the game when my file somehow got corrupt. I'm having such a hard time replaying that game.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 and Legacy Of Kain: Defiance both froze and got file corruptions near the end too. This was when my original xbox started freezing a lot and about to die out on me. =(

The most recent were Mario Kart Wii and Animal Crossing City Folk. My Wii got messed up and I lost all of my save files. Most of the games were complete so I didn't really care, but those two were games that I put TONS of hours into and I just can't bring myself to start them over anymore.
[quote name='Anhmeister']I remember losing a 100+ hour DQVIII save a few years back. I was so close to beating that game too.

Also, I wonder if anyone remembers the Playstation Underground Viewtiful Joe 2 demo BS that happened 6 years ago. Lost two memory cards full of saves to that.[/QUOTE]

I completely forgot about this! I got so lucky with this situation because my mail at that time was arriving at my uncle's house so I didn't get it immediately. The same day I went to pick up the disc, another letter came in that day warning everyone about the disc ruining memory cards.
[quote name='Anhmeister']I remember losing a 100+ hour DQVIII save a few years back. I was so close to beating that game too.

Also, I wonder if anyone remembers the Playstation Underground Viewtiful Joe 2 demo BS that happened 6 years ago. Lost two memory cards full of saves to that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dobedobedo']I completely forgot about this! I got so lucky with this situation because my mail at that time was arriving at my uncle's house so I didn't get it immediately. The same day I went to pick up the disc, another letter came in that day warning everyone about the disc ruining memory cards.[/QUOTE]

This guy...

EDIT: I know it as the Battlefront demo disc. I wish they wouldn't have changed the sniper class. It was so much better on this demo!
bread's done