Worst Online Game Retailer

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[quote name='thagoat']i commend folland boy for his entreprenuership. i still don't have a problem with it. if folks are too lazy/stupid to find the best deals for themselves, then thats there problem. if they were smart, they would look at gamefly first before blindly buying.[/QUOTE]
He was trying to get them to ship his items all over the fucking planet for him, instead of them shipping to his place and him shipping them out.

He found out that they didn't do that, and he pitched a fit. Well, first he lied about it, then he came a bit cleaner on the situation. Funny how that happens. :roll:
[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']eBay.com

$900 for an Xbox 360, are you kidding me?[/QUOTE]

eBay isn't an online game retailer. You fail.

I nominate Amazon for taking a whole month to ship my order of my playgear pocket.

I get a broken Xbox from them and when I email customer service to get it exchanged they say no. Then I called customer service and they agree to exchange it. Then a few days after their gurantee expires the next one messes up so I finally went out and bought it at the Gamestop store by my house and that's been working fine ever since.
i got assraped by dvdsoon.com(they did the zelda seasons for $15 shipped) when their company went bankrupt they said they would not refund me the credit from this.

Shaq fu canada and their immunity from the better business bureau
I've had a horrble experience ordering anything from third party merchants on Amazon.com, specifically Officedepot. If you need to contact them, for example to cancel an order, Officedepot will tell you to contact Amazon and Amazon will tell you to contact Ofiicedepot. It's a big clusterscrew, and you can't get anything done or even leave negartive feedback.

If you see anything that you want from an amazon seller, order it from the seller and avaoid Amazon.
[quote name='Maklershed']Overstock!!! I've ordered from them 3 times now I believe and they've f/ed up every time![/QUOTE]

Same here man, they're the only online dealer I just won't do business at all with now no matter the deal.
Haha, buyrite.com. I remember waiting 4 months and spending around $80 in long distance calls before they finally shipped my item to me. Good times, good times...

I nominate Overstock.com
Why would anyone call Outpost the worst anything? I've had nothing but good experiences with them. You just have to get over the fact that their website doesn't have a separate system for preorders.
Eh, gotta go with Amazon just because of the nonsensical price discrepancies between it and TRU (which is technically the toy dealer for Amazon right?). And I'm talking about the prices of a game actually being sold through TRU, not "This product being sold by XXX".
in a toss up between the $10 Def Jam FFNY that they canceled without notification to the TRU/Amazon Cancellation of my $30 Shadow of Collosus Pre-order I think overstock.com pissed me off more...simply because it was my first transaction there...

and who says first impressions doesn't count.
Got to go with KMart.com. Think I've been there once and decided it sucked in less than a minute. Never heard of deals on it, only price mistakes.
Couldn't decide, but I ended up with outpost.com.

If BestBuy.com would have screwed me when I placed my order, they would have been defiently picked because I hate BB, but the order went through so they did go for once using the Monopoly bucks.
gamequestdirect, due mostly to their constant stream of "exclusive" reprints and horribly overpriced shipping.
Best Buy.com gave me problems again this year (cancelling orders, ridiculous per-game shipping, etc.). They deserve the nod for several years at this point.
Overstock.com sucks because they never stand for their price mistakes and instead give me a five dollar credit...who the hell wants a five dollar credit on your crappy site...okay got the off my chest (still pissed about the whole evagelion box set thing)
K-Mart's "we have it, wait, no we don't" XBox 360 nonsense was the only bad experience I had online shopping this year (and I did shop at a few of the other nominees), so I'll go with them.
I go with Best Buy because of their website design and the fact that i didn't shop at most of the other retailers.
bestbuy for sending me the the game I wanted for the WRONG system not once, but twice this year. They sent me NBA2K6 for PS2 instead of XBOX360 and KING KONG for NintendoDS?!?!? instead of XBOX 360.
Wow, there is a lot of hate on this thread...most of it is justified though considering the nominees. Outpost & Overstock have a history of cancelling orders, although I have still gotten some good deals there this year. BestBuy.com was terrible during their clearance sale where things would not show up in your cart! Amazon's interface is horrible and it's so hard to browse. Never dealt with GQD, but they do have a good selection.

K-Mart.com got my vote solely on how horrible their selection is and how overpriced their online prices are including steep S&H. I never even considered ordering anything from them, making it my pick for worst from this list.
Amazon for canceling some orders even though my main beef with them was in 2006 ^^()

At least my Tru Double Dragon 2 pack came in though.
I haven't had any problems with online stuff this year, so I went with GameQuestDirect, because of what I've heard. Sounds awful.

And for those who said Best Buy, they've been great to me. I love that you can use and check the amount for gift cards online, and they sent me my DS in two days with their cheapest shipping (Granted, it wasn't all that cheap, but it sure wasn't too-day shipping. I was expecting a week or so).
I would have said buy.com for the whole Phoenix Wright DS fiasco but they sort of made up for it with the $10 Gift certificate.

Office Depot is the other store i had problems with online.

I guess I would say Overstock since they never shipped my buddy's game after several weeks!
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