Worst save file loses... :cry:


26 (100%)
I've heard friends complain about losing save file data for this and that game but never truly understood their pain.

Until 10 minutes ago.

I just lost about 15 hours worth of gameplay data on M&L Superstar Saga. It really was a stupid way to lose the data too. I was sitting on my porcelain lay-z-boy and decided to get up. I found a save point, initiated the save, and set my GBA on top of my clothes hamper while the save was in progress. I turned to reach for some paper when WHAM! My GBA hit the floor and reset the game. Needless to say, no amount of praying would resurrect my save file. It's gone. :cry: Learn from my mistake. Never place a GBA on top of a hamper that has a convex cover. Just hold the damned thing until it's finished saving.

Do you have a horrific story? Feel free to share your misery. Together, we can heal.
You have an issue if you can't even stop playing videogames long enough to go to the bathroom.
Either that, or you need more fiber in your diet if you sit on the toilet that long.
[quote name='JSweeney']You have an issue if you can't even stop playing videogames long enough to go to the bathroom.
Either that, or you need more fiber in your diet if you sit on the toilet that long.[/quote]

Actually, I think my issue is that I'm addicted to gaming. I was only sitting there for 5 minutes! :lol:
how about losing your memory card with 300 or so hours of Smash Bros. completed, Resident Evil played through several times and many out fits unlocked

I was so pissed, I was short only 20 trophies from having all of them
i read your thread and immediately thought of what happened to me two days ago: I also lost my data in Superstar Saga! WHile no porcelain was involved, i figure there must be some kind of curse going around. Damn you, Wailuigi!
I have 2 non-bathroom related lost save files.

In Secret of Mana for snes, my sister who was 10 at the time decided to start a game by saving over my file(even with 1 empty slot) which had all but 2 weapons upgraded to the max with orbs, which was a pain in the ass to do because it was so random to find the last orbs. She then never played again after being killed by the 2nd boss. I remind her to this day :evil:

The other was when I was at college, I was playing Parappa the Rapper when my roomate tripped over the cord and reset the game and screwed all my saved data which I had all "cool" for each level.
After reading these stories I'm glad I keep a back-up save of important games on memory cards or on games such as Superstar Saga incase something happens to the file I'm using.
I accidentally deleted my Final Fantasy 5 (PSX) game file by hitting buttons and not watching. I was at the last save point too. Never did finish the game.
i had a PSO ver 1 dc save that corrupted after 492 hours.

And in a smaller accident, had an almost finished save of legacy of kain : soul rever go bad as well. Never did finish it
GTA3, almost completed. Like a complete dumba$$ I shut off the PS2 while it was still saving. I have no idea what I was thinking, but I've been kicking myself ever since.
Ok, listen to this one. Well, I had this friend that started going to another school two years ago. He called me last summer all the sudden and asked if I wanted to do something. So, I arranged for him to come over to my house. That day I caught him with two things of mine in his pockets about thirty minutes before he left. He tried to act like it was a joke, but it was obvious it wasn't cuz he tried to swat my hands away and then he said that the two items were his. Then about two weeks later, he came over again, I had forgotten what he had done last time, so that is why I let him come over again. Well, he got jealous of my new GBA SP and Pokemon Ruby I had gotten a couple of days before. Right after I showed him my Ruby, it disappeared. About half way through his visit I noticed and we looked for it for awhile. Then I knew he had stolen it, I asked him over and over and was about to beat his ass. Then he put on an act that made me believe he was innocent, he actually started crying and said he did so because he was so frustrated I didn't believe him. And at the end of the day when he was leaving, I checked all his pockets but one, his back pocket. It had crossed my mind that I should check it, but then I decided not to. A week later I luckily got it back from him when his Mom found out. He had started a new game and my game was lost. I had one more badge to go, and he deleted my game. I called him to tell him what an asshole he was, and out of curiousity, I asked him where he hid it when he left. He said he hid it in his back pocket, the one place I contemplated about checking, but decided not to. Obviously, he hasn't been back over since then.
in october 97 i lost a ps1 memory card, not that big of a deal...except my data for ff7 which had just come out was on it! ...had to re play the entire first disk =op i mean i still re play that game but i was pissed, i wanted to beat it!
The only mishap that pops into my mind is when I played Wild Arms at my friend's house for the first AND second time. The summer of '99, I think, my brother and I were pretty much constantly over at my friend's house because my brother and my friend had become incredibly addicted to Ultima Online. I didn't particularly care for it, so I decided to play an RPG my friend had that I had never heard of, Wild Arms. I was completely engrossed by that game and actually played about 20 hours in 3 days. Wouldn't you know it? My friend comes into the room and trips over the cord, causing the game to freeze and all of the memory on the memory card to become corrupt. I got really pissed, but I just decided to go get my memory card and start over. I get to the practically the exact same spot, save, turn it off. When I come back a hour later to play, my memory card has become corrupt, and figure it is something with my friend's Playstation. Long story short, I did end up starting again, and it turned out to be my favorite RPG ever. But 6 days wasted that summer really sucked.
[quote name='XboxMaster']Ok, listen to this one. Well, I had this friend that started going to another school two years ago. He called me last summer all the sudden and asked if I wanted to do something. So, I arranged for him to come over to my house. That day I caught him with two things of mine in his pockets about thirty minutes before he left. He tried to act like it was a joke, but it was obvious it wasn't cuz he tried to swat my hands away and then he said that the two items were his. Then about two weeks later, he came over again, I had forgotten what he had done last time, so that is why I let him come over again. Well, he got jealous of my new GBA SP and Pokemon Ruby I had gotten a couple of days before. Right after I showed him my Ruby, it disappeared. About half way through his visit I noticed and we looked for it for awhile. Then I knew he had stolen it, I asked him over and over and was about to beat his ass. Then he put on an act that made me believe he was innocent, he actually started crying and said he did so because he was so frustrated I didn't believe him. And at the end of the day when he was leaving, I checked all his pockets but one, his back pocket. It had crossed my mind that I should check it, but then I decided not to. A week later I luckily got it back from him when his Mom found out. He had started a new game and my game was lost. I had one more badge to go, and he deleted my game. I called him to tell him what an asshole he was, and out of curiousity, I asked him where he hid it when he left. He said he hid it in his back pocket, the one place I contemplated about checking, but decided not to. Obviously, he hasn't been back over since then.[/quote]

Why did you not beat his ass the first time. Duh. I dont hang around distrustful people, and i dont paticularly care for them either (once a theif always one sorta thing.)

Stoners on the other hand, are another story entirely.
[quote name='ragincajun']fight sephiroth in FF7, last boss, last save before him, I kid you not my file was gone, I was soo pissed off

:evil: :evil: :([/quote]

Now that is depressing! That's like 70+ hours of gameplay! (At least it was for me...)
Anyone who loses a major PSO save deserves to be the saddest. Hell, especially if it was Sega and their double save ''feature'' was to blame.

Never lost a save file. My viddy games are too precious to allow a SNAFU like losing a save file.
I've repeatedly lost files to Ultima (1st one) on NES. I think the battery in the cartridge is faulty. Anyone know if it's possible to buy a new one yourself and replace it? It'll suck when all our games with built-in batteries start to fail in another few years.
And I should add if it's possible to replace the battery yourself WITHOUT sacrificing another game's battery. Not sure if they're some standard battery, like a watch battery, or if stupid nintendo made their own battery sizes.
You'd be surprised at the variety of commercially available batteries. And since the NES is really old, I doubt that you'd have a hard time finding a replacement. The trick IMO is opening the cartridge without destroying it...
I have backups of almost every saved game I have (even most of my XBox games). Definately worth the extra money for backup memory cards. :)
Right when Final Fantasy first came out for the NES, I was the first one of my friends to get it. After about 3 weeks of playing non-stop, I finally beat Tiamat and headed to the final dungeon in Garland's castle (where you warp back in time). One of my friends, Bob, was desperate to try the game out, so I let him borrow it for a few days, making him promise not to erase my game to start his own (remember, you could only save one game in Final Fantasy). Well, he erased my game, and started it over on his own. I managed to get back to that point again, and the damn battery went, so I was forced to start again. I never ended up finishing FFI. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
I have a doosy........Xbox harddrive died. Lost all my save files for all my box games. Most painful were the three levels my friend Andrew and I had spent 5 months beating on the hardest setting of Timesplitters 2 and my 150+ hour Morrowind gamesave! Beat that!!
The worse save file loss I ever had happened to Final Fantasy IX, one of my very first PSX games(I had just bought a PS2, and never owned a PS1). Right when i was at the end of the game(just ready to enter the area where you have to press circle to enter) I was leveling up. My friend let me borrow FFVII, and I put FFIX on hold for awhile.
When I got to a certain point(a train graveyard I think) the screen turned all wierd colors, and when I got to a save point I found out all of my saves were gone(though I had a third party memory card).
I gave FFVII back, and bought a first party memory card. However, when I eventually got arround to buying FFVII the same thing happened in the same area, but I had all my saves backed up on my PS2 memory card.
The only time I've lost game saves was when I was copying files from my Datel 16MB Memory Card Max. After the saves were copied, the card I was copying the files to (an official Sony card) became corrupt and unusable. Luckily I backed up some of the files on my PC via a Sharkport, but the others were gone. I had to format the card to use it again.
final fantasy 6 - got everyone back in the world of ruin. only had the magic tower and kefka's place left.

DDRMAX - unlocked every song, AAed like 20 songs, Aed all of them except for Max 300. lost it all.

Kingdom Hearts - like 5ish hours into the game...not so bad.
I've never had a really bad incident, and I have taken measures to make sure I don't. I keep a back up of every PS1 save I have on each of my PS2 memory cards, double for my 75+ hour FF7 save.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']how about losing your memory card with 300 or so hours of Smash Bros. completed, Resident Evil played through several times and many out fits unlocked

I was so pissed, I was short only 20 trophies from having all of them[/quote]
yea that happened to me and my ssb game. accept it was my fault i was tired and was erasing some old gamers and accedentaly erased my 400 hours plus sumper smash file yes i have no life :?
Wow, I must be really lucky. I've never backed up anything and I've never lost a single save file, at least not on any consoles.

I did very recently start playing Super Mario 64 for the very first time on Nemu64 (an emu) since I never had an N64, and after getting my 24th star my star count suddenly dropped to 1 and I saved over my other save. I since started over in 1964 and I've gotten about 55 stars so far.

I never knew that it really could be so bad. I've since been backing up Final Fantasy VII. It must be so horrible to lose data after so long . . .
FF Tactics Advance - 299 Missions completed. Went to start a new file in the 2nd slot, but didn't pay attention while saving.

Gran Turismo 3 - Only a few percent left to complete, memory card formatted itself. . . . I decided not to go through all of that again.

Secret of Mana - Got to the Mana Tree, battery died.

Chrono Cross (I think) - Power Outage while saving. More corrupted files!

Ace Combat 4 - Beat it, then the file got corrupted. I guess I got lucky :)
The only thing I can think of that resembles a save file loss was the opposite... I beat Soul Blade 100%. I lent my friend the game which he lent to someone else... who then lost it. To this day I haven't gotten it back. I still have the save file somewhere, but its useless without the game *shrugs*

Oh yeh, I upgraded my skater to almost 100% in every category in THUG for GBA when I was hit with this urge to buy an Xbox. So I traded in almost all my games with THUG included... I regret doing that, I hate how you can't backup GBA saves. Not only was the save file lost but the game as well.
[quote name='chosen1s']Clearly the morals of this story are:

2) You guys suck at picking friends[/quote]

What is it they say about that... that you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friends... :?
This is sorta like that- I had almost beaten the first max payne on xbox and I got to the part where you release the prisoner to help you get to teh biochem lab, but when i realeased him, the prisoner would just stand by the elevator and make no move at all. Pre-owned games w/blockbuster logos at gamestop absolutly suck.
I had been playing Madden 2001 on my N64 while there was a lightning storm outside, and I was at the superbowl game with my team. I decided just to simulate that game with my team cuz i figured it would've been a blowout and I wanted to finish whatever season # that was in my franchise mode b4 the power went out. I simulated the game and clicked save franchise mode and realized while it was saving that my team lost so out of nowhere my hand flicks the off switch. Stupid mistake. I lost more than the superbowl that day, but I don't care since Madden 01 was the only game I owned then so I knew I would be back at it.

Another madden related file was how xbox's NCAA 2004's draft class was corrupted in xbox's Madden 2004 and wouldn't ever let me use my draft classes so I sold that game in frustration of not letting me draft my favorite college players, but this was the disks fault and I didn't feel like waiting 3 or 4 weeks. This was the only Madden I didn't own for lots of months let alone 1 or 2 weeks. Dang files.
[quote name='optimusprime']Right when Final Fantasy first came out for the NES, I was the first one of my friends to get it. After about 3 weeks of playing non-stop, I finally beat Tiamat and headed to the final dungeon in Garland's castle (where you warp back in time). One of my friends, Bob, was desperate to try the game out, so I let him borrow it for a few days, making him promise not to erase my game to start his own (remember, you could only save one game in Final Fantasy). Well, he erased my game, and started it over on his own. I managed to get back to that point again, and the damn battery went, so I was forced to start again. I never ended up finishing FFI. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.[/quote]

I had a simliar experience. I remember beating the game when I was like 8 or so and then a few years later I decided to start a new game. after getting up to to last temple where Chaos is, I decided to level up my characters. Then one day I turned on my NES only to find my save was gone! I was so pissed that I began the game again and somewhow I lost my data again upon reaching the final boss.

Also sometimes you have to wonder if a game crashes just to prevent from completing everything. Case in point, I did just about everything in Mario Rpg, and the only thing left to do was get the all 100 frog coins (i think) Upon getting the 100th coin, my game immediately crashed and all my saves I had were gone! Never did play the game again after that.
Yes. I lost everything in my Dark CLoud 2 game on the final final boss, I put more then 100 hours into that game, you know, collecting every picture, every rare scoop, etc.
Then I turned on my PS2 to find it was... gone. :( Memory card corrupted. Also lost my FFX file, and many others. I'm still recovering slowly.
I've lost save files, through one way or another, for FF IV three times. Each time I'll get very close to the end of the game. Each time, the data gets corrupted. This has happened twice on the SNES version, and once on the PSOne re-release. I've yet to see the end of that game.

The only other painful loss I can remember came from Shingen The Ruler on NES. It's a strategy game set in Japan, sort of like Nobunaga's Ambition. It's also one of the hardest games I've ever played in my life. I had started over repeatedly in this game but had eventually got to a point where I was doing surprisingly well. It was as if the planets had come into alignment, that's how good I was doing. My cousin came to visit and I decided to show him how well I had been doing on the game. Turns out that shortly before that, my brother, who was four at the time, decided he wanted to see what this video game business was all about, and had messed around on the game. Keep in mind this is NES...you have to hold in reset while turning the power off to save. Obviously, at four years old, he didn't do that. I turn on the game to boast about my progress...no save file. DOH!
FF VII, all characters at level 99, all ultimate weapons, Knights of the Round, a couple Master Materia, saved right outside the Emerald Weapon Battle. Friend comes over with his memory card, puts it in slot 2, begins to play and then save. Oops, saved in the wrong memory card slot, right over my file. From that day forward, I've learned two things, only 1 memory card in a system at a time, and save at least 2 files per RPG when possible.
i lost my saved memory data many times. the most important to me though were in donkey kong 64 (twice) and marvel vs. capcom 2 for dreamcast. i had unocked everything in the games for marvel vs. capcom two when my friend erased it by accident. argh! i felt kind of bad for my friend but worse for me. then after my parents interfered with who is allowed to play my n64 when i was about 6 (it was my first system that i knew existed), they allowed my 2 year old brother to play. i had gotten 189 out of 200! bannanas and my bro erased the game and he denied it and my parents didnt care, cause they are so out of this era. [my parents caused me so much depresiion with technology problems] then i decided to finally do al of donkey kong again and my bro erased it again! this time i was at 198 out of 200 freaking bannanas. now, i refuse to play the game again. the funniest thing is that my bro finally took "revenge" on himself, by accidentally erasing his game. he cried and cried forever,. so my parents gave him the nintendo and bought him about 10 games for it in those next 2 months. i hate him so much! but wtvr now i have a ps2 and xbox that he can't play, and a dreamcast.
My worst one was my save in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. I had revealed 95% of the map and was at the last battle. I hadn't played it for months. When I came back my save was gone. :cry:
I lost Champions of Norrath around halfway through cuz my brother needed the memory. I could have replayed it, but it felt so damn tedious, as i knew just what weapons i would have gotten, and what the story would be like
I've never lost a save, but I have saved in spots that were impossible to continue from due to glitches or quicksaving at the wrong fucking time.
When I was about 13, my little sister had a friend over. They asked me if they could play my Banjo-Kazooie file (as I had put 32 hours into it and had all the stages unlocked) and I said sure. Somehow, while trying to boot the save, her friend chose to erase the file instead of load it.

I was able to get to that same point in 16 hours when I replayed it, but I shouldn't have had to replay it in the first place. :evil:
bread's done