Worst videogame moment

[quote name='neudog']I had put about 10 hours into Beyond Good & Evil w/o saving and of course the game froze. I haven't played it since. I might throw it back in the ole PS2 during fall break. Great game just remember to always save.[/QUOTE]

How do you put 10 hours into BG+E and not have the game finished? ;)
I just had a worst videogame moment.

I just got DDRMax 2 and started learning to play. Well I finished the lessons and I went into game mode and put it on beginner (the easiest level), and the arrows came at me like bullets from a machine gun. Needless to say It was gameover in like 2 seconds. I got angry and turned it off. I'll get back to it later.
yeah the lessons are WAY too easy. but just keep trying and youll be playing on light mode before you know it. one of the reasons i think ddr is not as popular as it could be is its a very intimidating game to start playing.
[quote name='punqsux']yeah the lessons are WAY too easy. but just keep trying and youll be playing on light mode before you know it. one of the reasons i think ddr is not as popular as it could be is its a very intimidating game to start playing.[/QUOTE]

Also many people just don't like looking like a jackass in public. :lol:
[quote name='Scrubking']I just had a worst videogame moment.

I just got DDRMax 2 and started learning to play. Well I finished the lessons and I went into game mode and put it on beginner (the easiest level), and the arrows came at me like bullets from a machine gun. Needless to say It was gameover in like 2 seconds. I got angry and turned it off. I'll get back to it later.[/QUOTE]

reminds me of the mission in GTA:SA with the toy planes that many seem to get stuck on.. I was just like 'screw this' and stopped playing for a few days...
I got another one.

I played DDRMAX2 for a couple hours yesterday and unlocked a bunch of stuff. Well today I turn it on and for some reason nothing is unlocked. I check the options and autosave is turned OFF!
[quote name='smalien1']Wasn't their a save glitch on Pokemon: TCG?

I accidentaly deleted a Banjo-Kazooie save game.[/QUOTE]

Mine is definately when I deleted Banjo-Kazooie after being 80% done, which I had done after accidentally deleting it after being 60% in, which honestly occurred AFTER I deleted it on accident after being 20% in...I was always in a hurry and I hated myself for hitting the wrong buttons....

Still can't believe I actually sat down and beat it (101%) AFTER all that...
Let's just say I might possibly be the best Banjo-Kazooie player ever :D
[quote name='wubb']How do you put 10 hours into BG+E and not have the game finished? ;)[/QUOTE]

This confuses me as well :lol:
[quote name='Logain8955']I have a couple.

1. When I fell asleep on an airplane after changing a CD on my walkman, put my CD case in the chair bag thingy. My sister also fell asleep and some jackhole steals it, with my entire PSX game collection in it. FF7, FFT, RE 1:DC, RE2, Parappa1, Castlevania, all non GH. Gone.

2. Using a gameshark to compress saves on my PSX. Corrupts my entire memory card, including my save on my rebought FFT.

3. Having that FFT stolen out of my locker at school.

4. Rebuying FFT, only to have it stolen yet a fucking gain from the local game store I hung out at. Also had my Time Crisis stolen. But they LEFT THE BLOODY GUN.

5. Playing Kartia, spill milk in my PSX. PSX somehow does not catch fire, but completely locks up and is destroyed.

God damn, that playstation was the worst console I ever had.[/QUOTE]

you must REALLY enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics.
Some of the Worst:

1) Falling asleep while playing Disgaea while in the middle of a gigantic Item World foray only to wake up 45 minutes later and realize that I was looking at the title screen. That wouldn't be a problem if I didn't lose several items I wanted and 70 levels of progress across three hours. Painful.

2) Having my Sony PS2 Card with all of my major saves pretty much die on me as I was transfering files. All I know is that my PS2 can sort of read the card and at least tell me how much space is used on the card but, due to corrupted data, I can't access anything on it. I wouldn't be upset if it wasn't for the 140 hour Suikoden 3 save, the 30 hour Suikoden 4 save, the 330 hour Disgaea save, and a slew of other ones. I particularly miss my 90 hours on Dark Cloud 2.

Oh, and damn you Sony for not giving me anything more than a form letter response whenever I ask about possible methods of restoring the data. At this point I'll give them $20 plus S&H both ways if I can just get a few files back and working (if possible).

3) Playing the original Mega Man on the NES just for fun. I started off, fought all of the bosses completely out of order, gained four lives, made it halfway through Wily's castle, and I still hadn't lost a life. I was doing so well...until an acquaintance walked by, tripped, fell forward and reset the NES. My best MM spree, ruined, which was sad because I could have gone all the way on that one. Damnable nuisance.

And one of the best, just for contrast...

1) Falling asleep while playing Disgaea in Item World (once again) only to wake up three hours later, fingers moving and controller still locked in my hands, to discover that I advanced 12 floors since last I remembered. Normally I would assume that someone was screwing with me but it's pretty hard to do when your windows and doors are locked and your roommate is around 450 miles away in another state.

If only I could play more games like that, then I'd save time at night.
[quote name='Kapwanil']
1) Falling asleep while playing Disgaea while in the middle of a gigantic Item World foray only to wake up 45 minutes later and realize that I was looking at the title screen. That wouldn't be a problem if I didn't lose several items I wanted and 70 levels of progress across three hours. Painful.

And one of the best, just for contrast...

1) Falling asleep while playing Disgaea in Item World (once again) only to wake up three hours later, fingers moving and controller still locked in my hands, to discover that I advanced 12 floors since last I remembered. Normally I would assume that someone was screwing with me but it's pretty hard to do when your windows and doors are locked and your roommate is around 450 miles away in another state.[/QUOTE]

You'd think you'd learn to save the game and turn off the system before falling asleep.
I think my worst video game moment came when I purchased an Atari Jaguar and actually played Cybermorph and Trevor McFur In the Crescent Galaxy. I was making less than $20,000 a year at that point and $300 was a ton of cash to me. As much as I desperately wanted the Jaguar to succeed and do well the only games on it that gave me any enjoyment were Wolfenstein, AVP (Truly well ahead of its time.), Tempest 2000 (You can still find this as Tempest X for the PSone.) and Iron Soldier.

I have more in game related moments that pissed me off than I can count but nothing comes close to having dropped full launch price on those two games and a Jaguar. Hell, the Sega CD launch of Night Trap and Cobra Command was a brilliant purchase in comparison.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']I think my worst video game moment came when I purchased an Atari Jaguar [/QUOTE]
I have an Everquest related moment. I know just the mention of Everquest can put people to sleep, but keep reading anyway.

In EQ money and items had weight, so players routinely had to destroy copper (which was near worthless and weighed as much as platinum) and junk items to keep from being encumbered. EQ had a prompt when you tried to destroy items that asked if you really wanted to destroy the item. Well, I think you can see where this is going. I disabled the prompt because I got tired of having to click yes every time I dumped something. One time I was moving items around in my inventory and accidentally clicked destroy when I had my Evil Eye bag (uber at the time) full of misc quest items and my Mage's quested focus items selected. Hours, no, days of my life gone in the blink of an eye. If it had happened now, I would ask a GM to restore my items, but this was back close to release and things were more hardcore.
[quote name='Scorch']You'd think you'd learn to save the game and turn off the system before falling asleep.[/QUOTE]

I felt that losing two or three hours overall from accidentally falling asleep was far better than farming Mr. Gency Exits for twenty hours just for ease of use. That and with around five hours of available gaming a week at the time it was better to preserve whatever time I could.

That and it doesn't help when you tend to fall asleep practically mid-sentence or in the middle of doing anything else without any onset of exhaustion. Then again, I wish my undergrad years didn't involve around 18 hours of work every day...that and sacrificing sleep for socializing.

...nah, it was worth it.
[quote name='Logain8955']I have a couple.

1. When I fell asleep on an airplane after changing a CD on my walkman, put my CD case in the chair bag thingy. My sister also fell asleep and some jackhole steals it, with my entire PSX game collection in it. FF7, FFT, RE 1:DC, RE2, Parappa1, Castlevania, all non GH. Gone.

2. Using a gameshark to compress saves on my PSX. Corrupts my entire memory card, including my save on my rebought FFT.

3. Having that FFT stolen out of my locker at school.

4. Rebuying FFT, only to have it stolen yet a fucking gain from the local game store I hung out at. Also had my Time Crisis stolen. But they LEFT THE BLOODY GUN.

5. Playing Kartia, spill milk in my PSX. PSX somehow does not catch fire, but completely locks up and is destroyed.

God damn, that playstation was the worst console I ever had.[/QUOTE]

Dude, WHERE DO YOU LIVE?? Sounds like the most crime infested place ever...
I've got a few

-when my now ex g/f saved over my FFX slot after I had made it to the end of the game with everyone's ultimate weapons and gone on the sidequests to get the items to customize everyone's weapons with beak HP Limit and whatnot.

-Near the end of last semester some fucker somehow broke into my room and stole the following games: Guilty Gear XX, Tekken 5, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, GTA: San Andreas, Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. I managed to replace all the games, but I never did find out who sttole them.

-My Gamecube 251 memory Card was also stolen with a shitload of saves on it.

-Just getting an N64 for Christmas, and then being grounded a week later for bad grades and not being able to play it for a month. That was true hell.
I am sure someone out there knows, but with the new systems coming out (almost all with internet built into the machine). Are there any companies out there that will store backups of game saves on their server? It seems like an easy fix for more than 50 % of these "worst ever" video game crap.

If no one is doing this, anyone want to start a start up with me?

J Dawg
[quote name='gweenpea']I am sure someone out there knows, but with the new systems coming out (almost all with internet built into the machine). Are there any companies out there that will store backups of game saves on their server? It seems like an easy fix for more than 50 % of these "worst ever" video game crap.

If no one is doing this, anyone want to start a start up with me?

J Dawg[/QUOTE]
Gameshark already has gamesaves for many game on their website, but it's not like an online storage server for your games. You can upload your gamesave if you want.

Unfortunately they don't have the one game I really want a gamesave for, Sphinx and the cursed mummy for the cube. Was on the very last guy and the game froze...no big deal just reset and start from my last save. Unfortunately I was very tired and the game defaults to start new game at the menu screen. I just kept hitting "A" to hurry things up and before I realized what was going on it replaced my old game save with a new game.
[quote name='msdmoney']Gameshark already has gamesaves for many game on their website, but it's not like an online storage server for your games. You can upload your gamesave if you want.

Unfortunately they don't have the one game I really want a gamesave for, Sphinx and the cursed mummy for the cube. Was on the very last guy and the game froze...no big deal just reset and start from my last save. Unfortunately I was very tired and the game defaults to start new game at the menu screen. I just kept hitting "A" to hurry things up and before I realized what was going on it replaced my old game save with a new game.[/QUOTE]

The ending is seriously unimpressive. If you want, I can tell you what happens but it isn't worth playing the entire game again.
[quote name='repetske']How mint can a disc be that cracks when you drop it? Also, just to imagine in slow-motion the horror of the disc falling, how far did it fall from?[/QUOTE]

That is BS. i tested throwing my strider2 from 8 stories hospital and it didnt do a thing to the disc. Cracked? I doubt throwing a thin disc like a cd would do anything to it even if you were to throw it from the petronas twin tower in Malaysia..
Not really my worst but most memorable. Playing through Mega Man III with by bud when the first Mega Man II boss shows up. My famous words were. "It's Metal Man!!! Is Metal Man gonna help us"? Of course Metal Man proceeds to kick my ass.

I guess the worse was trying to play Dragon Warrior IV on an NES that had a case of the blinks.
[quote name='Purple Flames']-when my now ex g/f saved over my FFX slot after I had made it to the end of the game with everyone's ultimate weapons and gone on the sidequests to get the items to customize everyone's weapons with beak HP Limit and whatnot.[/QUOTE]
So is that why she's "ex" now?
The only one that comes to mind right now is when I was still playing Final Fantasy XI, I tried to solo a decent challenge goblin at level 20. I lost, de-levelled and couldn't ride my chocobo anymore.

fuck that game.
A few come to mind. Buying a 32X and having jack shit come out for it. Well besides Virtua Fighter. beating Metal Gear Solid and someone tripping over the powercord and funkingup my PSX and having to beat the game again. Granted I did beat the game again that night, but I was still pissed. FFVII saves going corrupt. :( Buying Madden, only to have to buy Madden 2 after only one year to have current rosters. :p
Wow old thread resurrection. I am still bitter about losing my Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy gamesave. If anyone has a save on the last boss and has one of the gamesave units I would be willing to trade a game for the save.
Mine was when I broke my SNES (my first console) by using the wrong voltage on the replacement universal AC adapter. It remained as one of my most dissapointing childhood memories.
Here's one -

Ghosts and Goblins for the NES. You finally beat the entire game, which to do that takes the will of heaven and a miracle, since the game was crafted by Satan himself. So, you finally beat the game, only to see "TO SEE THE TRUE ENDING, YOU MUST WIN WITH THE TRUE WEAPON" or some BS, and you have to replay the whole game and beat it with the crappy Shield weapon.

After playing for years to beat the game, I think I was 12 or so, I just put the controller down and turned the game off, as soon as I saw that message.

Somewhere, someone in Capcom laughed.
Don't have a real traumatic one but I got the Xbox 360 Final Fantasy XI demo a month ago, took 3 hours installing it and setting up my account, and bam, killed by the first dog I came across. Not exactly an avid player of MMORPGS but annoying nonetheless. That and losing my memory card chock full of Final Fantasy VII collectible goodness (materia, weapons, limit breaks).
i was in the philippines and all i brought with me was clothes and my trusty neo-geo pocket color (which was still in production at the time)

i let my little cousin play with it but all of the other little cousins wanted to play it and started playing tug of war with it. i almost shit my pants when it went off flying into a shallow puddle of muddy water. i ran over, picked it up, wiped it off, and it was still alive.

i proceeded to put it in my pants pocket (screen side facing away from my leg) and accidentally bump my leg into a wooden chair while walking away. i take the ngpc out of my pocket and the screen looked more cracked out than rick james in his prime at an afterparty.
OH! Speaking of portable trauma, I took my (at the time) gold shiny japanese Game Boy Pocket Light to Mexico. I let one of my cousins borrow it, he put in his pocket........and went swimming. Thankfully Game Boys are built like tanks, I left it in front of a fan for about 3 days and viola, it worked.
Back in the day: Star Trek: A Final Unity for PC. There was a bug in the original version of the game that wouldn't let you get past this one puzzle on a planet, and offered a save game file to get past it... unfortunately I had upgraded to XP by then and it doesn't work on anything but 98. Sucky.
[quote name='Purple Flames']-when my now ex g/f saved over my FFX slot after I had made it to the end of the game with everyone's ultimate weapons and gone on the sidequests to get the items to customize everyone's weapons with beak HP Limit and whatnot.[/quote]

:bomb: X 1,000,000!
The worst moment was when I got to the end of the text adventure "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" only to see a TO BE CONTINUED sign in the middle of the screen.

Damn you Infocom!!!
[quote name='praystation']That is BS. i tested throwing my strider2 from 8 stories hospital and it didnt do a thing to the disc. Cracked? I doubt throwing a thin disc like a cd would do anything to it even if you were to throw it from the petronas twin tower in Malaysia..[/quote]

Thats probably the best use for the actual Strider 2 disc. I was pissed when it took me 30 mins to beat the game the first time I played. If it hadn't had the first one on the second disc, it wouldn't have been worth the jewel case it was in.

Probably the worst for me was when I was 7 or 8, I lent my copy of the original Zelda to a friend who was about 4 years older than me. I had everything and was only one piece away from completing the triforce and the game. When I got it back a week later, he erased EVERYTHING! At that age, that was a huge accomplishment for me. And what did I borrow from him in return for Zelda??? That retarded ass Friday the 13th game. Hell, I have a hard time with it now on an emulator without busting out some game genie codes (sad, I know).
bread's done