Would you make this trade ?


61 (100%)
I am contemplating this trade.

I am going to stay anonymous, as to which side I am. Tell me what you guys think.

Person A trades: Playstation 3 60GB w/ NBA2k7, Flow, Mortal Kombat 2, and Calling All Cars from the Playstation Network, and 5 Bluray movies, (Talledega Nights, The Departed, X3, Reservoir Dogs, and Gone in 60 Seconds)

Person B trades: Wii / 4 wiimotes and 2 nunchuks, Zelda, Trauma Center, Elebits, Madden, 4 Virtual console games, 6 gamecube games.

Which side of the trade would you like to be on?
The person trading away the PS3 is getting the short end of the stick. Basically the Wii bundle is worth around $525 while the PS3 itself is $600. Even though I don't particularly care about the Blu-ray movies or the games (the Wii games and the VC games are far superior), it is still $100 difference.

Edit - I made my comment before the 6 GC games were edited into the OP. If the 6 GC games are decent, it seems pretty even on both sides I guess.
If the GCN games aren't anything special, than the person receiving the PS3 has the better deal IMO. The Wii is worth a little more than retail now because it is sometimes hard to find, but in 6 months it won't matter anymore.

If it was me, I would sell the Blu-Ray movies on ebay and use the money to buy PS3 games, making the deal that much better.
For the long term, probably the PS3, unless a lot of the big hits go multiplatform. As is, the Wii side will have way more fun with what's there. The values seem to be roughly equal, with the PS3 bundle worth a bit more, probably. I know, even though there WILL be great games for the Wii, like Brawl and Mario, but I know when some of the heavy games come out like MGS4 and some high-class RPGs, even Brawl won't save it for me. So, personally, from someone who has a Wii and sorta wishes he had a PS3 instead, I'd say the PS3 trader, Person A, wins.
The incentive is that the Wii is still experiencing shortages, that's why the trade doesn't seem even, but could be in the eyes of the trader.
Its a awefully close deal. The wiimotes cost about 40 bucks a piece and the games are still around 40-50 bucks. The wii packages seams to be worth 660 plus the six gamcube games.(since there is a big price range in those games)
The PS3 is 600 bucks flat as is. Its comes with a few 10 buck games and sports game that is probably down to 30 bucks. The thing that it comes down to is the 5 blu-ray movies. Being an HD DVD owner the cost of hd movies are around 25-30 bucks a piece. so it comes down to weither or not those gamcube games are worth 125 bucks.

By my calculations heres the deal:
Wii Bundle(not including GC games): $660
Ps3 bundle(not including BR discs): $660

It all comes down to weither those 6 gamcube games are worht as much as 5 blu-ray discs(which I highly doubt.)

If your on the PS3 end i would say that you keep the bluray discs and sell them seperate. That way you wouldnt lose about 100 bucks.(depending on the gc games)
If youron the Wii side then go for it because you would make a 100 bucks and not to mention have a nice starting blu-ray collection!
Im hoping that your on the wii side. :D
Depends on what the GC games are.

But looking at value (not including the Wii's slight inflation due to somewhat hard to find) I'd say the person getting the PS3 is getting the better end of the deal.
The PS3 is obviously the more costly of the hardware. But the wii is harder to find, and includes additional wiimotes (3x $ $30= 90) and chucks (2x $20= 40) $250 + 90 + 40= $380. Still less than the PS3 60gig by $220.

Hardware advantage: PS3

The software included (nba, flow and MK2 will significantly depreciate in value, as will the movies within 12- 18 months), The Nintendo games hold their value better than mos other games, but that Madden pretty much equals the NBA title, so those cancel each other out.

Software advantage: Wii

So it comes down to this: are you perfectly happy giving up your trade for the other trade? If yes, do it.

Personally, if I were the person who purchased the PS3 and was trading it for something worth so much less, I wouldn't do it. It's a significant loss and there will be great games coming to the ps3 in months coming. And then I'd have to buy the more expensive system all over again.

If I were dying for a wii, I'd simply be patient until I found one on the shelf (if that's what the problem is). If money were a problem, I'd put a wii on layaway at Kmart (only place I know who still does layaway) and be very frugal with other expenses so I could pay it off as soon as possible.
bread's done