Wow, I just saw a blooming idiot in my local gamestore...

If anything, I'd rather see them censor more violence than sex on tv. Love instead of blood, sing it!

I blame christians. Why not?
[quote name='dastly75']If anything, I'd rather see them censor more violence than sex on tv. Love instead of blood, sing it!

I blame christians. Why not?[/QUOTE]

It's easier to blame screaming babies that explode with confetti in red pillows on a roof covered in twenty old cows pushing a man running a race with his toes buttered in holographic turn-tables....?
[quote name='Azumangaman']Thats really disturbing.
Maybe I'm not one to talk because I play Gears of War..
BUT I'm 14.
But Gears Of War doesn't have Hookers, etc.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for proving the "liberal towards violence but prudish towards sex" mentality. Really, thank you.
[quote name='jer7583']Exactly.

I do find the insurance fraud missions to be a lot of fun, in a "lets see how far we can take this with the physics engine" way.

The actual story and characters in the game make me feel sick though. Nobody should promote those attitudes or stereotypes.[/QUOTE]

The thought of a little 6 year old screaming "Big Ass Chains!" makes me shiver....*shiver*

Hopefully he won't be demanding chocolate milk on Xbox Live.
[quote name='MisterModest']There's nothing wrong with kids playing those kind of games. You have to play them with the kids, and explain what's going on.[/QUOTE]
If you explained the things happening in a game like Saints Row, not only would you be giving the sex talk, you'd be giving the puberty talk, explaining racism and racial stereotypes, explaining pimps and prostitutes, and what certain words mean in the game (aka swear words) and why they are used that way.

Good conversation for a 6 year old I'd say.
[quote name='SMMM']Thank you for proving the "liberal towards violence but prudish towards sex" mentality. Really, thank you.[/quote]
Your VERY welcome.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Yesterday I ran across a guy in EB who was ranting about how the Wii descriminates against left handed people. WTF?[/QUOTE]
descriminates? I wouldn't say that. However as a left handed gamer I think all wii games should have to have a left and right handed control option to meet final approval. Zelda is a good example of this. Traditionally Link is a left handed character and now he is right handed to make the controls more accurate to the majority, why not give the option for handedness? On topic: Saints Row is pretty extreme for a 6 year old, I wonder if this guy lets his kids surf the internet unmonitored or watch horror movies too.
I felt dirty just playing the demo for Saint's Row. I thought it was completely disgusting (WAY beyond even the GTA games), and a parent exposing their child to that is child abuse.

I mean Resident Evil or something would be COMPLETELY inappropriate for a child, but Saint's Row is an entirely different level of sick that I think could do real damage to a child. At best that's gross negligence letting your own child play that.

[quote name='Scorch']Clerks can refuse sales. I refused to sell GTA: San Andreas to a mom and her six year old ("but he does so good with it, he knows hitting cops and people is bad so he just runs around). I recommended her Spider-Man 2 instead.[/QUOTE]

Nice! Great replacement even since it's (more) age appropriate and even some of the same gameplay!

[quote name='jer7583']Exactly.

I do find the insurance fraud missions to be a lot of fun, in a "lets see how far we can take this with the physics engine" way.

The actual story and characters in the game make me feel sick though. Nobody should promote those attitudes or stereotypes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, me too. I couldn't believe how sick it is. I've never been able to finish a GTA game for the same reason, but at least GTA knows what it is, and has a dark sense of humor. Saint's Row is worse in every way, and doesn't have the humor that somewhat redeems GTA.
You guys realize kids were given guns at 12 during the 50's?

You try shielding your kids from everything, as soon as they turn 18, they'll be into everything and more.

And they'll hate you for the rest of their lives.

Try visiting any catholic school, kids their do drugs, and tons of crap.

You'll end up worse parents then him.
[quote name='AdultLink']You guys realize kids were given guns at 12 during the 50's?[/quote]

Being given a gun and taught how to use and respect it isn't at all the same thing as giving a child Saint's Row.

To an extent I agree with you about shielding a child, but Saint's Row is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over that line. I can see a teenager playing an M rated game (Resident Evil or something), but there's no way in hell they should be playing Saint's Row-let alone a 6 year old or whatever it is.
A kid at 5 is way too younf for a M rated game, but a kid at 10 is perfectly fine.

Really, it depends on how mature the kid acts.

Maturity isn't an age morons (Btw, please do quote this, this is a purposful oxymoron :p). You don't turn 18 and immediately become an adult. Their are adults who act like kids and kids who act like adults.

Maturity is the age when you become a man. It can be any age.

When a person hits that age, they should be ready to be shown the world.

I've seen it happen tons of times. Mother/father hid child from the world, child grew up and immediately started shooting crack, or having sex with everyone, or being a hustler.

You want your kid to turn out like that?
Personally I see it as this:

You teach a kid morals. You want your kid to do right.

While I agree that shielding a person from an M rated game is wrong, I also kinda think making a kid thinking being a gangster is wrong...

I would personlly have a kid of 10 play m rated games where you are a hero. Because people seem to lose this one thing about games, in most of them, your a hero.

Heroic games teach you the values to love, the value of selflessness, the values of giving... It's kinda obvious why the media wouldn't want it to fall into hands of kids, considering they are greedy dumbass SOBs :whistle2:\

I'd personally avoid GTA/Saint's row.

But I wouldn't avoid the M rated stuff.

So ya, if you like my quote, pass it on. "Heroic games teach you love, selflessness, and giving. Politians don't like them because they are greedy, selfish, hateful bigots. If everyone was taught these things, their would be no polititians left."
[quote name='AdultLink']

You teach a kid morals. You want your kid to do right.[/quote]

Exactly. Kids were given guns at 12 because they knew that if they did something stupid, Pop would beat the bejezuz outta them. They were taught fear and respect.

The parents in question aren't sitting down with their 12 year olds and playing together saying, this is all fun and games, but if you ever do anything like this, I'll shoot you. They're just handing the game to their 6 year old and saying go away.

There is a world of difference.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I think the saddest part is not the game or anything of that nature... it's more with the neglect the guy had toward the kid... very heartless.[/QUOTE]


To say in front of your own kid "it gets him out of my hair" sickens me. It's one thing to think to yourself that you need some quiet time to yourself, but for a kid to overhear "I'm only buying this for you so you'll leave me alone" is just wrong.
[quote name='sociopharm02']i say we also take them to the morgue and show them dead bodies so they can understand what happens to dead people[/QUOTE]
I agree with this. Death is left a mystery too long for children. Let them know what their future holds for them.
Yeah, my point is that I don't support him...

I'm just saying M rated games should be used as a tool.

And yeah, you'd be surprised at how much parents do to get kids out of their hair.

Know the show 'everybody loves Ray'? Their parents gave them booze to make them go to sleep at night when they were kids...

But it's just a show right? You'd be surprised how often that happens in real life.

You can get as mad as you want about something like this, but these types of things have gone on since the dawn of man.

Just be glad you won't end up like the fathers of the Black Hawk Down war, who would rush up to soldiers with their baby in their arms, shooting the soldiers...
bread's done