Wow, I never expected this to happen... (teenage drama) (kinda... personal stuff

[quote name='coolbrys']Woah, guys, honestly, Im not trying for advice, and for support i see it was a bad idea. All i wanted is more people to tell me about this shit, because im sure all of you know how it is, and i cant really count on my friends. How did this turn into a no-sex thing anyways? I specifically said we never did, and I never even pushed the issue with her. When she is ready, it is fine.

Really guys, Im not pathetic, I dont need a hug, and all I really wanted was just some understanding.... support was a bad choice of a word. Honestly, my friends are not the ones to go to, and the internet is a wonderful place to talk to people around the world. Everyone has life experiences.[/quote]

When you can say over and over and over again that you can't talk to your friends it's time to get new friends. What do you think they're their for? To make lewd comments about your sister and smoke up your stash? Get your head out of your ass and stop looking for love advice on a gaming message board. We don't care about you or your life, we don't want to help you and we hope you find your way home without incident.
[quote name='JimmieMac'][quote name='Kayden'][quote name='JimmieMac'][quote name='Kayden'][quote name='JimmieMac']What makes posting your personal private feelings on a message board about video games seem like a good idea?[/quote]

What part of being a total dick on an internet video game messaging board sounded like a good idea to you?[/quote]

What are you? You the hero of the boards? You feel you gotta jump in and question everything I say? Just let it ride man, I'm never talking to you but you inject yourself in every post I make. I'm flattered that you like me enough to post-stalk me, really, I am but people are starting to talk, they're saying that you love these sexless advice asking retards. Is that true? Do you identify with them so you speak for them, you are their future incarnate? DO you want to show them that even with a head as massive as yours you still got some girl to let you jizz inside her? Is that it? Are you the lighthouse upon the shore? If you are.......[/quote]

Its really hard to avoid 'post-stalking' you when you vomit your obnoxious opinions in almost every thread where someone is asking for help or kindness. Why do I want to protect them? Why the hell do you feel the need to assault them? Why is he a retard for not having sex before hes 17. Maybe he has a religious moral code. Or maybe he's just not a dick-driven, hormone-fueled asshole like some people.

I don't think I've seen one thread with someone asking for some kind advice that you haven't come into being a cruel, callous bastard. Have you no compassion? Or is it just you thats the bitter little bastard that wants to scorn everyone because you got burned long ago. Do you have a reason to belittle these people? Admittedly, yes, the OP is foolish, but he doesn't need you insulting him.[/quote]

I belittle these people because somebody has to. You guys should be doing it but you've all been getting soft. Just because there are chicks at the mall it doesn't mean you can ask them if they know how to insert a tampon. Just because you're willing to help some confused kid doesn't mean it's right. This is a message board for cheap video games. It's not Teen Central or some ABC afterschool special. It only goes downhill from here if it's not kept in check. Look at That's turned into RPG fanboy central with a side of FINAL FANTASY IS THE GREATEST GAME I EVER PLAYED!!!! Nowhere on the "About page " does it say "Kids, come on in, dont see any cheap deals today? Then just post about your feelings and maybe ask advice about how to ask out that special someone" No, It doesn't. There are plenty of other places on the 'net to ask these things and here isn't one of them.

I wonder what would happen if I owned the site and said all this. Would a bunch of you boot lickers get in line to tell me how right I am? I can't be alone on this, I just can't, there have to be other people that are tired of the whining and "I don't know how to talk to girls/my parents/my boss" topics.[/quote]

"Cheap Ass Lifestyle & Off Topic (non-gaming)"

Lifestyle and NON-GAMING. That means items of discussion that are related to life in general and are not related to games. Do you also bitch this much about grocery stores selling DVDs? I go to a grocery store to buy milk and eggs, not Die Hard. Does that mean I'm going to go on a tyraid everytime someone decided to grab a movie on the way out? No, its not really my business. I'm not going to chase after them screaming "You're a fucking retard!"

Furthermore, do you talk strictly about work while at work? Do you ever discuss your weekend plans with co-workers, that is, assuming they can stand you? Just because the primary purpose of this site is videogames, that doesn't mean it can't branch out beyond that. If Nintendo didn't expand beyond its original purpose, then this forum most likely wouldn't even exist. So he wants to talk about personal issues? He posted in the off topic area. Seeing how you're typing, I know you can read. You must be reading the sub-forum heading that says "Cheap Ass Lifestyle & Off Topic (non-gaming)" If you hate other people talking about non-game related stuff, why the hell do you even come in here? Is your sole purpose in coming to the off topic area to rag on people? Monday's are bad enough, we really don't need pricks like you grinding salt in our wounds just for your own fucked up amusement.

So what, the OP is an ignorant crybaby looking for comfort. You're an abrasive, offensive, self-righteous, arrogant, pompous, bastard. He's not going out of his way to hurt people, nor is he trying to bother anyone. You, however, are!
[quote name='kaji7p56'][quote name='SadieDee'][quote name='kaji7p56'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='kaji7p56']Do not get into a major relationship until you are at least 29. Both of you will cheat. Girls have a way of doing bad things and then making it seem like it was your fault. These broads are poison but since you are 16, you don't know that yet.

Once piece of advice: DO NOT GET THIS GIRL PREGNANT! She will stick you with child support while she bangs every cock that walks by.[/quote]

You sound really really bitter, anything we sould know about? :wink:[/quote]

Not really. I HAVE been cheated on but so has every other guy. Many of my friends have gotten girls pregnant and have to pay child support. Also one of my coworkers got someone pregnant and thought the child was his. I urged him to get a DNA test and it turned out to be the bitch's neighbor.

I'm not bitter, but I see things for what they are. Women are only looking out for themselves. I can't tell you how many times my girlfriends or other whores wanted to have unprotected sex. I wonder why?[/quote]

Well, don't forget there are some guys who want to have unprotected sex too. Some of them just don't like the feel of condoms and some of them just want to impregnate every damn thing that passes their way. Yup, they are morons, but oh well. I don't date them and that's their money.

Please don't be one of those whinny guys who complains about how bitchy women are. I find out that most of the time, the guys who do that, have some serious issues themselves.

Simply put, don't date a girl who is willing to give herself up so easily. If the sex is easy to get, just don't do it, stay away. It's a bad sign.[/quote]

Well I like having sex with hot sluts, so I will continue to do so. I won't have relationships with them though, just sex. I will always use protection and my money will remain in my bank account.[/quote]

See that's the man we know!
[quote name='coolbrys']How did this turn into a no-sex thing anyways? I specifically said we never did, and I never even pushed the issue with her. When she is ready, it is fine.
You did say that, but what you said after it is kind of confusing...
[quote name='coolbrys']The next week or two she comes over, and we have a lot of fun (note: we never had sex, we are just two scared teenagers). We get very close to it, maybe even technically starting it (that brings me to another question - does only "penetration" count as anything? I don't know, I was stupid... anyways)[/quote]
If you're talking about penetration with "your friend downstairs", then I would think that is pretty close to sex? I mean, I would say that she is not a virgin anymore if she was "penetrated". I don't know... maybe I don't get your meaning.

Back to your problem, I think it's a good idea that you move on. I'd consider any form of intimacy with other people to be cheating, so if I were you, I think the second kiss with another guy would have been enough for me to end it forever. Like everyone says, you're young, and you'll be okay.
I reccomend listening to "Bitch iz a Bitch" by NWA. It'll give you some good pointers on detecting and dealing with bitches cuz "the title bitch dont apply to all women, BUT all women got a little bitch in em". LOL
bread's done