WTF is wrong with dudes?!


CAG Veteran
OK, here's the deal: I am a female who enjoys lots of manly things (blood and guts movies, video games, sweet action movies, talking about genitals,etc.). I'm also married and have a kid. So I've lost a few friends in that process, therefore am trying to acquire new ones. I get along much better with men, so that's who I usually go for.

So why do they all think I'm gonna screw them? I'm only mildly attractive and very unavailable. Really? You think because I love zombies and you love zombies that were gonna get it on? Can we not be just friends?!?!?!

Ps if you're in the st. Louis area and wanna come over and play L4D2 let's do it! I'm just not going to s**k your d**k!!!!!
lady , if you are a lady, you are married so stop trying to have male friends. if it happens naturally whatever but 9/10 times its going to end in the guy thinking hes going to get laid. many guys view friendships with chicks as potential portals to pussy partaking.

even if youre married some of them will think it will only be a matter of time before they can charm you out of your clothes and in their bed. and theres always the chance maybe you send of signlas, knowingly or unknowingly , that make them think that way. could you possibly be dressing in showy/provactive attire? try toning down on the fun vibe youre puting out there.

id be curious to know how your husband feels about you looking to get male friends but if youre that hung up on the idea why not hang out with male relatives or gay male gamers( pm wombat hes got the inside on the gay community and may be able to hook you up).
i guess it fine if you have male friends as long as you are cool with your husband finding new female friends.

and yes, men will bang anything.. even uglies too for a quick lay
Hmmm, you are upset that every guy you hang out with wants to screw you.....then you invite random people to come over to play L4D2 over the internet?

Yea, I am guessing you are the one causing these problems.

EDIT: Also, cut that stone age shit out. There are many guys out there that can have a friendship with a female without trying to bang them. fuck I hate that stereotypical, "Guys will sleep with everything."

I am engaged and have more than a few female friends that I hang out with. Dont get me wrong I will check them out a little but this isnt the damn stone age where my only thought is....duuuuuuurrrr look at tits.
a) why limit yourself? there are plenty of females that enjoy the same things.
b) not every guy is going to be like that... keep it real and no flirting
c) you should be careful in approach on meeting guys, i.e. finding friends on the internet.
If you are married, you pretty much shouldn't need any more male friends. I imagine that is what turns the guys on. If you are trying to seek out male friends, even though you are married, it looks as though you are searching for an affair.
You guys are a little jaded. Though the minority, there are plenty of guys who -love- female friends and don't ever require them for anything sexual.

To those who are uninformed, having a female friend / best friend is quite possibly the best wingman you'll ever have, wherever you go. Just being seen with a woman makes women talking to you so much easier, and when that woman validates what a great guy you are? GOLDEN

Dude, even when I was possibly the worst pickup ever, when I had a chick friend with me I would walk home with phone numbers (everyday routine stuff, no bars/clubs)

This is, of course, in addition to the regular things guy friends do.
[quote name='BigPopov']You guys are a little jaded. Though the minority, there are plenty of guys who -love- female friends and don't ever require them for anything sexual.

To those who are uninformed, having a female friend / best friend is quite possibly the best wingman you'll ever have, wherever you go. Just being seen with a woman makes women talking to you so much easier, and when that woman validates what a great guy you are? GOLDEN

Dude, even when I was possibly the worst pickup ever, when I had a chick friend with me I would walk home with phone numbers (everyday routine stuff, no bars/clubs)

This is, of course, in addition to the regular things guy friends do.[/QUOTE]

This. My best friend is female, and in fact I've always felt contrary to general opinion that members of the opposite sex can actually be BETTER friends than members of the same sex, because they're not as naturally inclined to compete with one another.

I am in a longterm relationship and have a ton of female friends. Do I think some of them are hot? Of course. In a vacuum, would I try to sleep with some of them? Probably. But that doesn't mean that every guy views every girl as a sexual conquest in the real world.

OP, I think you're just hanging out with the wrong guys. And, as someone pointed out, inviting strangers on the internet over to play L4D2 is probably not going to get the right ones. :D

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']If you are married, you pretty much shouldn't need any more male friends. I imagine that is what turns the guys on. If you are trying to seek out male friends, even though you are married, it looks as though you are searching for an affair.[/QUOTE]

And this is ridiculous. I've been with someone for 5 years and we live together, so practically speaking you could say we're "married". Both of us are very social and are always meeting new people.. I don't view every guy she meets as someone who is trying to sleep with her, or the other way around. Being married does not preclude you from having your own friends, even of the opposite gender.
This thread is full of fail until we see a pic of the OP.

I understand about not having sexual tension between male & female friends cause a lot of my friends are female and I have a great time with them. I actually have more female friends than male friends when comes to hanging out.

I also understand that being male sometimes we get signals mixed up when it comes to females so my advice to you OP is to make sure what your intentions are when you meet dudes so they know what is going to happen and you should be fine. Not telling them is what gets you in that awkward place.
This thread is full of fail until we see a pic of the OP.

I understand about not having sexual tension between male & female friends cause a lot of my friends are female and I have a great time with them. I actually have more female friends than male friends when it comes to hanging out.

I also understand that being male sometimes we get signals mixed up when it comes to females so my advice to you OP is to make sure what your intentions are when you meet dudes so they know what is going to happen and you should be fine. Not telling them is what gets you in that awkward place.
Honestly if your inviting me to play L4D2 over your house (and you are a female) the only thing I would wanna do is Co-op between the sheets
[quote name='Goonie85']OK, here's the deal: I am a female who enjoys lots of manly things (blood and guts movies, video games, sweet action movies, talking about genitals,etc.). I'm also married and have a kid. So I've lost a few friends in that process, therefore am trying to acquire new ones. I get along much better with men, so that's who I usually go for.

So why do they all think I'm gonna screw them? I'm only mildly attractive and very unavailable. Really? You think because I love zombies and you love zombies that were gonna get it on? Can we not be just friends?!?!?!

Ps if you're in the st. Louis area and wanna come over and play L4D2 let's do it! I'm just not going to s**k your d**k!!!!! [/quote] You see, this is what I read:[quote name='Goonie85']OK, here's the deal: I am a female who enjoys genitals. I have a kid. I get along much better with men, so that's who I usually go for.

they all think I'm gonna screw them. I'm only mildly attractive and very available. we're gonna get it on.

Ps if you're in the st. Louis area let's do it! I'm going to s**k your d**k!!!!![/QUOTE]Yeah. (Why is suck censored? :lol:)

[quote name='cdeener']Not telling them is what gets you in that awkward place.[/QUOTE]Yep. Let your guy friends know beforehand what they're dealing with and you won't end up in awkward situations or lose friends. If they don't stick around, well, their loss.
[quote name='cdeener']This thread is full of fail until we see a pic of the OP.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='shieryda']Pics so we can be the judge.[/QUOTE]

We may have accidentally stumbled upon the answer to the thread title. :D
[quote name='shieryda']Pics so we can be the judge.

I'm not so sure your husband would be cool with letting random dudes come to his house to play video games with his wife.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I can't believe how many people judge her for wanting male friends. I get along with males much better due to common interests, so I much prefer guy friends over females.

And yes, 90% of my guy friends have attempted something with me, but I'm usually cool about it. And none of them have "really" tried while I was in a relationship.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Guys are assholes, sweetheart.[/QUOTE]

Sums it up well enough.

I'm also a female gamer and almost married. I'm not sociable though so I don't really mind not having much friends outside of a few.
[quote name='Soodmeg']EDIT: Also, cut that stone age shit out. There are many guys out there that can have a friendship with a female without trying to bang them. fuck I hate that stereotypical, "Guys will sleep with everything."[/QUOTE]

Thank you.

I have as many female friends as I do male. I'm straight, but I am not trying to plot to bang them all. One, most of them are married and we were friends from high school, college, or work. Two, I would never mess around with a married woman. I like living my life with as little drama as possible and I respect managomous relationships, marriage or otherwise.

That being said, the male desire to get with almost every woman in sight is as much biological as it is hedonistic. I think sometimes women don't understand that. Some of us can just control it better than others.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']

That being said, the male desire to get with almost every woman in sight is as much biological as it is hedonistic. I think sometimes women don't understand that. Some of us can just control it better than others.[/QUOTE]Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahaha.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']the male desire to get with almost every woman in sight is as much biological as it is hedonistic. I think sometimes women don't understand that. Some of us can just control it better than others.[/QUOTE]

You can't really think that is true... right?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Which part?[/QUOTE]

You said:

[quote name='GuilewasNK']the male desire to get with almost every woman in sight is as much biological as it is hedonistic. I think sometimes women don't understand that. Some of us can just control it better than others.[/QUOTE]

Why do you think it is biological? (I disagree)
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Why do you think it is biological? (I disagree)[/QUOTE]

The reason I exist is to spread my personal swim team to as many locations as possible.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']
Why do you think it is biological? (I disagree)[/QUOTE]

It's not completely off-base. Our desire to mate is biological, its how a species survives. That doesn't mean every man is biologically a lecherous horndog, but our attraction to members of the opposite sex (or same sex) isn't just environmental, it's part of our makeup. For example, I've read (I can't cite a source off the top of my head) that men are biologically attracted to soft, rounded flesh (bare shoulders, breasts, you get the idea). So while I wouldn't go as far as he did in saying that our desire to sleep with EVERY woman is biological, his statement isn't in complete defiance of logic.
[quote name='perdition(troy']The reason I exist is to spread my personal swim team to as many locations as possible.[/QUOTE]

For an exponentially growing species, is that really the case?
[quote name='bvharris']It's not completely off-base. Our desire to mate is biological, its how a species survives. That doesn't mean every man is biologically a lecherous horndog, but our attraction to members of the opposite sex (or same sex) isn't just environmental, it's part of our makeup. For example, I've read (I can't cite a source off the top of my head) that men are biologically attracted to soft, rounded flesh (bare shoulders, breasts, you get the idea). So while I wouldn't go as far as he did in saying that our desire to sleep with EVERY woman is biological, his statement isn't in complete defiance of logic.[/QUOTE]

Yes, mating is how a species survives. with over 6 billion people in the world, I don't think that monogomous relationships will make the human race go extinct.

Thinking about something, and acting on something are completely different as well.
[quote name='bvharris']It's not completely off-base. Our desire to mate is biological, its how a species survives. That doesn't mean every man is biologically a lecherous horndog, but our attraction to members of the opposite sex (or same sex) isn't just environmental, it's part of our makeup. For example, I've read (I can't cite a source off the top of my head) that men are biologically attracted to soft, rounded flesh (bare shoulders, breasts, you get the idea). So while I wouldn't go as far as he did in saying that our desire to sleep with EVERY woman is biological, his statement isn't in complete defiance of logic.[/QUOTE]

I said almost every woman, but you pretty much nailed what I was going to say.

I'm kind of surprised people forgot that despite our societal constructs, we are still animals driven to some degree by instinct. As humans we do have the ability to exercise some control over that though, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Yes, mating is how a species survives. with over 6 billion people in the world, I don't think that monogomous relationships will make the human race go extinct.

Thinking about something, and acting on something are completely different as well.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you. But thinking that our natural biological impulses and the constraints of society (both in terms of upbringing and the realistic necessity of procreating) coincide is a bit silly. Monogamous relationships are a social imperative, not a biological one. A good imperative, I think, but that's beside the point.

And it was thinking about something, not acting on it, which is what he was talking about.
[quote name='bvharris']I agree with you. But thinking that our natural biological impulses and the constraints of society (both in terms of upbringing and the realistic necessity of procreating) coincide is a bit silly. Monogamous relationships are a social imperative, not a biological one. A good imperative, I think, but that's beside the point.[/QUOTE]

I know it is a social construct- but after 10,000 years of advancements, I think they are fair game as much as evolution. I personally think that everyone is an individual and not another pawn in the grand scheme of things. That is just me though.

[quote name='bvharris']And it was thinking about something, not acting on it, which is what he was talking about.[/QUOTE]

He said for himself that he would not act on it. However, his statement at the end (which as far as I am concerned, expresses his logic of how things work) was more related to acting on it.
1. I have been working in Science for years and most people would be surprised at what science has proven about men "wanting or admiring" other women. It is biological and basically all of us have the propensity to be "wolves", but the difference occurs in amount of control which depends on the man. I could do a long spill about relating brain functions to control, but basically not everyone has the "Sensor or alert" for what, where, or when something is inappropriate and what is defined as inappropriate is all different. Men who say that this propensity doesn't exist have only overpowered there own biological senses with brain/function/control.

2. I also think you should be upfront and realize that you may have to dig through a lot of guys before you find some with control. Partially because of you. You are kind of a commodity because you like games, guy talk, etc. Maybe you should talk to guys for longer before you let them come over, because if you meet a guy and say "comeback to my place so we can play some games" does come off a bit "slick".

3. You don't look bad and I think that it is mostly your personality that is peaking other guys interest. Oh and just in case... never complain about your relationship or personal life to "new guys."
Because when you find someone with common interests and start spending time with them, it's a natural progression. THAT and a good majority of people have no fucking values anymore and don't let the fact that they're in a committed relationship stop them from fucking someone else, so the expectation is gonna be there no matter what.

I've had a good female friend for a few years that revealed she had feelings for me at one point when I split with my ex last Jan. I never thought of her that way and since that came out, things haven't been the same between us. So it's possible that guys can form a friendship without thinking that way and the street goes both ways.

I'll also admit though, that like mentioned above, if you have common interests and spend a lot of time with someone, physical attraction will develop. I'd sleep with most of the females I've been friends with but not because they're another whorebag along the way of my conquest, but because I've had the time to see them as attractive in all aspects. And when I say I'd sleep with them, I mean I'd date them if that was the signal that was put out.
[quote name='QiG']Because when you find someone with common interests and start spending time with them, it's a natural progression. THAT and a good majority of people have no fucking values anymore and don't let the fact that they're in a committed relationship stop them from fucking someone else, so the expectation is gonna be there no matter what.

I've had a good female friend for a few years that revealed she had feelings for me at one point when I split with my ex last Jan. I never thought of her that way and since that came out, things haven't been the same between us. So it's possible that guys can form a friendship without thinking that way and the street goes both ways.

I'll also admit though, that like mentioned above, if you have common interests and spend a lot of time with someone, physical attraction will develop. I'd sleep with most of the females I've been friends with but not because they're another whorebag along the way of my conquest, but because I've had the time to see them as attractive in all aspects. And when I say I'd sleep with them, I mean I'd date them if that was the signal that was put out.[/QUOTE]

what type of signals? you mean when they would straight up tell you?
[quote name='flameofdoom666']I know it is a social construct- but after 10,000 years of advancements, I think they are fair game as much as evolution. I personally think that everyone is an individual and not another pawn in the grand scheme of things. That is just me though.[/QUOTE]

Wow, kinda surprised that someone thinks like this. Have you ever taken a science class before? Your argument for why our sexual impulses can't be biological is because "there are enough human beings" already? How do you not see that a THOUGHT has to intervene there before that makes any sense at all?

On a fundamental scientific level. men are extremely selfish. We want to spread OUR seed, and create many duplicates of ourselves. Your libido isn't thinking "Gee..there's already lots of people. Guess I don't need to do anything." If two people are starving with a small amount of food left, do you think their biological impulses tell them to split it equally? No, their rationale and control does. Exactly what Guile was arguing for.

It's not that men are just ravenous animals who want to eat and screw everything, but you cannot deny that those basic impulses are there. But as complex organisms, we also have a check system to regulate appropriate an inappropriate behavior. It doesn't make you less of an "individual". But it explains why you have the urges that you do. Don't act like you're bigger than science, man.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow, kinda surprised that someone thinks like this. Have you ever taken a science class before? Your argument for why our sexual impulses can't be biological is because "there are enough human beings" already? How do you not see that a THOUGHT has to intervene there before that makes any sense at all?

On a fundamental scientific level. men are extremely selfish. We want to spread OUR seed, and create many duplicates of ourselves. Your libido isn't thinking "Gee..there's already lots of people. Guess I don't need to do anything." If two people are starving with a small amount of food left, do you think their biological impulses tell them to split it equally? No, their rationale and control does. Exactly what Guile was arguing for.

It's not that men are just ravenous animals who want to eat and screw everything, but you cannot deny that those basic impulses are there. But as complex organisms, we also have a check system to regulate appropriate an inappropriate behavior. It doesn't make you less of an "individual". But it explains why you have the urges that you do. Don't act like you're bigger than science, man.[/QUOTE]

Very well put. I don't know why this ended up being a discussion about human nature, but it's quite interesting.
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