WTF is wrong with dudes?!

I tend to get along w/ girls better than guys & have several girl pals who I game w/, but I tend to sleep w/ them at some point, which then forces me to find new friends. I don't have intentions of sleeping w/ them I usually just think of them as friends, since that is what they are, but when they say they want more I'm in no way ever going to turn down sex
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Honestly, I just want to know where you're meeting these guys who keep hitting on you. I mean, I've played the 1 female to 20 guys at an event ratio before (I used to play a lot of Yugioh several years back). I made friends, but I didn't get hit on... so maybe you're trying at bad places? (Either that or I'm really ugly and don't realize it- but I met the guy I'm engagded to at one, and he didn't hit on me until I made my interest very clear... so I dunno.)[/QUOTE]

That's because most of the guys that go to those events are scared of girls ;)
[quote name='Goonie85'] And the comment below is kinda why we group men into certain categories. Always wanting a picture, always wanting to know how hot a chick is.[/QUOTE]

Do you really think your essays mean anything to us? You’re either hot on the outside and inside or you're a fatty with no personality or worthwhile opinions. It's science.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Honestly, I just want to know where you're meeting these guys who keep hitting on you. I mean, I've played the 1 female to 20 guys at an event ratio before (I used to play a lot of Yugioh several years back). I made friends, but I didn't get hit on... so maybe you're trying at bad places? (Either that or I'm really ugly and don't realize it- but I met the guy I'm engagded to at one, and he didn't hit on me until I made my interest very clear... so I dunno.)[/QUOTE]

so when youre about to get it on does he yell out" its time to duel"!!!!!!!
i think the type of games you play can be a factor to the types of guys you meet. chances are a yugioh player isnt going to be as douchey as a l4d2 player especially since you hear so many stories about the assholes on xbox live.

that asie if the op is asking guys over to play games when her husband isnt around whether she realizes it or not thats pretty much going to be viewed as an invitation to something extra. not to mention the time of day or night could throw out all kinds of signals.
[quote name='adriley313']You guys are crazy.

Yes you can have guys friends though if they are not true friends they will try something.

Im a guy that has many girl friends but then again Im gay.
But Im a gamer also that loves some Fable 2, Crackdown, Saint's Row amd Prototype.
I lso play some mad Pokemon and Dragon Quest.
A friend I met on XBLive got me into HAlo 3, though I suck its still fun
Wanna try L4D2.[/QUOTE]

You are one of the first people to say something worthwhile and NOT be a douche! You're right- the true friends don't pull that crap, the other ones I can forget about. I'm going to count my blessings and be thankful for the true friends I have, and kick the other d- bags to the curb. Thanks for putting in perspective.

I think I need more gay friends....
[quote name='lokizz']so when youre about to get it on does he yell out" its time to duel"!!!!!!!
i think the type of games you play can be a factor to the types of guys you meet. chances are a yugioh player isnt going to be as douchey as a l4d2 player especially since you hear so many stories about the assholes on xbox live.

that asie if the op is asking guys over to play games when her husband isnt around whether she realizes it or not thats pretty much going to be viewed as an invitation to something extra. not to mention the time of day or night could throw out all kinds of signals.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The kinds of games I play can attract douchebags. You make a valid point as well about signals. I never read too much into it, but men and women alike misinterpret things all the time. My husband and I each have our own xbox and TV so fortunately there's no need to share ( therefore he doesn't have to be gone for me to invite someone over). I'll keep these things in mind. Good talk.
i have more female friends than i can count hairs on my body and i have to say it's a definite plus. they've taught me/allowed me to be a better bf to my gf now, and no ive never had any desire to be with any of them sexually either. There are guys out there that do want to have female platonic friends, i guess they're just hard to find.
[quote name='AshesofWake']i have more female friends than i can count hairs on my body and i have to say it's a definite plus. they've taught me/allowed me to be a better bf to my gf now, and no ive never had any desire to be with any of them sexually either. There are guys out there that do want to have female platonic friends, i guess they're just hard to find.[/QUOTE]

are you gay?
still not sure if op is even a female. no REAL woman would endanger her her child by inviting internet strangers into her home to play video games. if you are a female then grow up lady and work on being good to your family.
[quote name='blissskr']You just need some males that are better looking than you as friends, thus removing the idea of sleeping with you.[/QUOTE]


I am not even sure you were trying to burn her but I found this hilarious.
[quote name='lokizz']so when youre about to get it on does he yell out" its time to duel"!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Well he hasn't yet, but if I tell him about your post, he'll start for the sole purpose of annoying me. I'd better make sure he never reads this thread...

Actually, he prefers to downplay the Yugioh days on account of his nickname. he didn't realize it at the time, but the first tourney he came to he wore a bandanna, sunglasses, a denim vest, and had a machine-based deck.

First kid through the door and he was Bandit Keith for the next year of his life. :lol:
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Well he hasn't yet, but if I tell him about your post, he'll start for the sole purpose of annoying me. I'd better make sure he never reads this thread...

Actually, he prefers to downplay the Yugioh days on account of his nickname. he didn't realize it at the time, but the first tourney he came to he wore a bandanna, sunglasses, a denim vest, and had a machine-based deck.

First kid through the door and he was Bandit Keith for the next year of his life. :lol:[/QUOTE]

aw man that is freakin hilarious. people probably thought he was a cosplayer as well as a duelist lmao. i cant lie i did enjoy the card game for a bit ( never went to a tourney though since my geekdom has limits) and i still play the ds games. its one of the few fads that imo is still pretty fun.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Wow, I can't believe how many people judge her for wanting male friends. I get along with males much better due to common interests, so I much prefer guy friends over females.

And yes, 90% of my guy friends have attempted something with me, but I'm usually cool about it. And none of them have "really" tried while I was in a relationship.[/QUOTE]

Wow. You are the definition of naive. Please, don't flatter yourself and think that 90% of your guy friends have actually attempted something with you. With that comment alone, you aren't worth a shot. And by saying you are "cool about it" means you don't have the guts to tell a guy off or actually address the situation. You're not blunt and you play the BS mind games that girls play. You wouldn't know what "really" tried means anyway...Otherwise you wouldn't know what any kind of a relationship is.

She isn't being judged for wanting male friends. She is being judged for her tactics. What kind of married woman uses the internet to invite random strangers over for a casual video game session? Well, you probably would for starters...
[quote name='crushtopher']Wow. You are the definition of naive. Please, don't flatter yourself and think that 90% of your guy friends have actually attempted something with you. With that comment alone, you aren't worth a shot. And by saying you are "cool about it" means you don't have the guts to tell a guy off or actually address the situation. You're not blunt and you play the BS mind games that girls play. You wouldn't know what "really" tried means anyway...Otherwise you wouldn't know what any kind of a relationship is.

She isn't being judged for wanting male friends. She is being judged for her tactics. What kind of married woman uses the internet to invite random strangers over for a casual video game session? Well, you probably would for starters...[/QUOTE]

I love how you judge someone given limited knowledge.

For one, I don't nearly support the OP as much as I did after the comments made after my post. And prior to my post most of the comments were directed towards her wanting male friends, telling her to stick to female friends because she's married.

I have a small group of friends so 90% of my guy friends would be like 8 guys. And being cool about it was to either give the relationship a shot, or tell them that it wasn't going to work and going back to being friends. I'm still friends with my exes too. I have the capacity to do that.

And no I don't invite people off the internet over. Actually I'm quite social phobic, hence the small group of friends. But from my one short post you wouldn't get that. So stop assuming I'm some whore that treats guys like dirt. I value my friendships and respect my friends.
[quote name='AshesofWake']not yet, cant stand penis so far.[/QUOTE]

Please document your findings.

Your research could help me transition to being gay if I ever get divorced.
I'd still like to know where I said I was meeting guys on the internet and inviting then over when my husbands gone. I must've missed the post where I said that.

In fact, I kind of remember saying the friends in question started out as "friends of friends" and that my husband is always home.... I guess people will read what they want, just so they can have a reason to say something mean.

And why are we bashing another woman in here when all she did was make a brief statement? This hostility is getting out of control.

"I'm so awesome- I can be mean to people on theinternet with no consequence because they can't find me, so I'm going to say nasty things to people I don't know because I'm super bad-ass!"

get over yourself, go do something more productive.
if that will allow you to have wet dreams about me at night, then i guess i should be grateful? lol, sorry, im totally a tits guy, i come from a persian household and if anybody here is persian, they know we have an extreme tendency to say ambiguously gay things all the time. it freaks the fuck out of people and makes me laugh. :rofl: but seriously, can't stand the peener, we'll see in a few years though, ill get back to you guys. might lurv taking it in the ass, you never know? ill come look for you guys and show you what i've learned, don't worry. just be prepared with some KY Jelly, awwww yeeaaaaa
[quote name='Goonie85']I'd still like to know where I said I was meeting guys on the internet and inviting then over when my husbands gone. I must've missed the post where I said that.

In fact, I kind of remember saying the friends in question started out as "friends of friends" and that my husband is always home.... I guess people will read what they want, just so they can have a reason to say something mean.[/QUOTE]
They're responding to this:

[quote name='Goonie85']
Ps if you're in the st. Louis area and wanna come over and play L4D2 let's do it! I'm just not going to s**k your d**k!!!!![/QUOTE]
I think they thought you were serious.
[quote name='pete5883']They're responding to this:

I think they thought you were serious.[/QUOTE]

Aha. Good catch. I would hope no onewould actually think that to be serious, but you are right my friend. Ever notice how sarcasm doesnt travel well over the Internet?? I would NEVER invite someone from the internet to my house!!!

Especially some if the people I've had the pleasure of talking to on this site!!
bread's done