WTF? September 25th to be Uber-360 day/New Dash Launch? Free Games? New Conker? etc?


48 (100%)

I usually do not recount rumors I read. However their are exceptions to every rule. For me there are two exceptions to this rule. The first being that the rumor seems to be reliable, because it relates to pertinent facts. Something I could cross check like a web registry, a patent, or a copyright. The second excpetion is for rumors that are not necessarily stupid, but most definitely not the mundane you here time and again. What follows is a rumor I read on a black forum that definitely falls into that bizarre category. So take it for what it is probably someones creative bullshit.

This all said it is a particularly interesting concept, and if nothing else it raises the question would it work. Why not do something like this. What would it mean if it were true, and so forth. Remember this thread isn't asking is this rumor true, or proving that this rumor is nonsense. I have already said it is practically complete bullshit. So hey why waste the time. Shoot the shit, and please do not stir the shit. Lets not have this degrade into some flame war with an associated ward of burn victims. That said if someone decides to turn this thread into a battle field I will be the first to ask a moderator to lock the shit down.

Without further procrastination the rumor paraphrased. Also known as not word for word. The author asked I must abide.

September 25th 7pm EST. Microsoft will start a five hour countdown to relaunch their console. Yes that is right nothing short of a relaunch is acceptable. At the end of the five hours your console will update to the new interface with full functionality. To promote this most historic event with a full fledged media blitz. Microsoft has gone so far as to rent television space as in rent a channel. For those five hours G4 television will cover the event exclusively with live coverage. For those with Live they will be able to download or stream the channel.

First there are three new pages that are going to be unveiled. The first page is a strategic partnership with Sirius Satelite Radio. For a modest monthly fee you will be able to run Sirius radio through your 360 with no additional hardware needed, and you will be able to pay for the service with Microsoft points. The upside is that everyone with access to live will get a free week to play with the service, and it will be accessable while in game.
The second page is a new music store for downloading music directly onto your 360. Once again for an obvious charge which can be made through Microsoft points. However you will also be able to download some game music free of charge. How could we play Gears of War 2 without playing the Halo concerto right over the games music.

The third channel is called mad lib, and the author claims to have absolutely no clue as to what mad lib is about. However the author suspects it has something to do with a picture within picture function. I have no clue why anyone would want a picture within their game, but what the hell this rumor is batshit crazy anyway.

Microsoft will release a dozen new demos after the launch. There will be four new downloadable pieces of content a preview of the GTA DLC. A Mass Effect expansion. Portal and a free map pack for Halo 3.
Microsoft will unveil twelve new games never seen before that will be exclusive or first on the 360. Strangley enough the author only gives out code names for said games. Though they speculate that among them is Assassins Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, A new Conker title, A rare shooter new franchise, and two new Halo titles. Apparently from what they were told.

Apricot, Burden, Conker, Dramatis, Error, Fender, Gargoyle, Hiroshima, Ignorance, Jeremiah, Kyoto, London.

Then there are six free xbox originals that will be available for download. Three of which are not yet on the service, but will be available right after launch. The only game the Author could confirm was Halo would be a free game. These games will only be available to Live gold members, and they will only be available to those that have an account of long standing.
Like I said a incredibly insane rumor, and believe me I toned it down. There was a lot of shit on the list that meant absolutely nothing to me. Functions I have never heard of. Supposedly all the points are supposed to add up to 36 points. I probably missed a couple. Anyway have fun with the sick twisted rumor I found.
as always, take this not as fact please...
Yeah, there's no way this is real. There's no way Microsoft would release that much info and content all at once. If they were really going all out with a media blitz, I'd think they'd have started spreading the word by now.

Honest question: Has Microsoft given similar rewards in the past to longtime XBL Gold subscribers? The timing seems kind of funny since there's sure to be a spike of new 360 owners after the recent price drops who won't be able to get in on the goods.
:rofl: Whaaat?

I actually believed this until I saw we would get 3 Xbox Original games for free. Isn't that sad?
I have Sirius, and this would have been pretty cool IMO---as long as I was able to use my current subscription with no extra charge, of course!
I was eating this information up, until I read the part about free Xbox original games. I just can't believe that MS would give away full size console games.
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I could believe it if it was just the origional Halo....especially if they limited it to something like only those who have had Live Gold for several years.....but 6 free games no way.
Certainly an interesting thought, but also certainly totally wrong. Although it would be nice to have the new dash on the 25th.
:lol: I was down with it all until the 6 free games bit as well. Of course, I'd be down for it all, but it seems pretty bogus to me.
Yea I too could believe it up until the free games part. Though it would be more believable if it was something like 6 games and you can choose one.
While it's a cute idea to have them trying to establish an XBox "holiday" like this (remember, 9/25 was Halo 3's release date last year), there's no way in hell everything in that quote is going to happen. That sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen - a 12 am release for all of this stuff with a 5 hour countdown beforehand? Are you kidding me? XBox Live would fucking explode.

I'm pretty skeptical of the Sirius thing (especially with the merger now moving ahead), but I do like that idea.
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[quote name='CouRageouS']Yea I too could believe it up until the free games part. Though it would be more believable if it was something like 6 games and you can choose one.[/quote]

I'd be ok with that :bouncy: ! And as generous as Microsoft is, it must be true!! ;)
[quote name='lilboo']:rofl: Whaaat?

I actually believed this until I saw we would get 3 Xbox Original games for free. Isn't that sad?
I have Sirius, and this would have been pretty cool IMO---as long as I was able to use my current subscription with no extra charge, of course![/quote]

Same thought.. would love to listen to my left of Center while playing 360
A new Conker game? Why do they have to tease me? :cry:

That seems like way too much good stuff in such a short amount of time.
Would be an EXCELLENT birthday gift from MS to me if it happened. Too bad it's unlikely, except for the countdown.
If it is picture in picture with windows media cneter that would be nice, until my 360 explodes and/or melts.
[quote name='eswat']Would be an EXCELLENT birthday gift from MS to me if it happened. Too bad it's unlikely, except for the countdown.[/QUOTE]

Heh those were my thoughts exactly. Its my Birthday and that would be one hell of a gift.
Sounds great, but like many others, the free games thing is making me doubtful.
Id go NUTS for Sirius though. That would be fantastic.
That would really put MS over the top.

It'd be cool to have the new dash by then and the games would be awesome, but there'd have to be some sort of media talk by now, right?
Apricot Ignorance would be quite a lovely title. As would Gargoyle Error: Jeremiah. Make it happen, Microsoft. And I assume Fender Error refers to the broken Rock Band guitar.
I could see them doing some big event and have it on G4. I could see maybe one of the XBL Arcade games becomeing free for a few days. The Sirius Radio would be nice however I see them some how screwing over us life time members. I don't even pay for my Sirius Radio now and I could see both Microsoft and Sirius wanting to charge me just to play it on my 360. Chances are they would count it as an extra reciever. I dont see that happening yet. It could next year after all this with Sirius takeing over XM or merging with them is done. I could see them anouncing some new games and showing a teaser for one or 2 of them. However all that, that was listed I dont see happening.

I'm betting when it does come out G4 MIGHT have something about it, Microsoft will give a date for it to come out, they MAY also give a free XBL Arcade game. However the Arcade game will chances are be something 90% of us have already or don't want.

As for the 25th seeing how it is one year after Halo 3 came out I can see Bungie giving away a map pack and coming out with a new one. If not then I can see maybe the current one being half off. I would be surprosed if Bungie does nothing on the 25th with Halo 3.
gr8 tnx ..nice post bro gr88
That's way too much stuff...if MS really wanted to make an impression, that would definitely do it...but some of that stuff was E3 worthy and it never came up?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That's way too much stuff...if MS really wanted to make an impression, that would definitely do it...but some of that stuff was E3 worthy and it never came up?[/QUOTE]

Good job, Linkin.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That's way too much stuff...if MS really wanted to make an impression, that would definitely do it...but some of that stuff was E3 worthy and it never came up?[/QUOTE]

Get a brain, moran.
Its pretty funny that a lot of this stuff turned out to be true.

New dashboard, Assassins Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, two new Halo titles, and Microsoft partnering with a radio station (
bread's done