WTS PC-Steam Games!

is Jake on some kind of vacation...?  his response time's have bombed.  If he is on vacation, awesome, just wish i knew when he'd be back :D

Hey all. I'm gonna be absent for a bit longer.
I recently started a new job. That plus some community work on the side plus some upcoming travel is gonna leave me tied up for a few more weeks.
I've been ignoring a lot of pms.
I'm hoping to start responding and selling again when June starts.
Lol, yea, i've just quit buying steam games.  i've got a big enough back log to lasttt me a few years regardless, but I look forward to your return!

Hey all. I'm gonna be absent for a bit longer.
I recently started a new job. That plus some community work on the side plus some upcoming travel is gonna leave me tied up for a few more weeks.
I've been ignoring a lot of pms.
I'm hoping to start responding and selling again when June starts.
June came and went.. July is here and the panda's still not back.. My backlog want its "fix" on cheap Russian key :cry:

He's still stuck in Diablo 3 land, he's prolly gonna never come back. welp
June came and went.. July is here and the panda's still not back.. My backlog want its "fix" on cheap Russian key :cry:
Ok, I think I'm back now. My lists may not look as pretty as they used to, but it'll have to do.

No I wasn't lost in Diablo 3 land. I gave my account to my friend and I think he just bots all day.

Ok, I think I'm back now. My lists may not look as pretty as they used to, but it'll have to do.

No I wasn't lost in Diablo 3 land. I gave my account to my friend and I think he just bots all day.
Welcome back

bread's done