WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 - Gen. Discussion & Info - IGN Review is in - 8.5

I didn't realize until last night that this came out today, I was expecting to have Borderlands tonight, but I did a quick read-up on Smackdown and what sold me, of all things, was the fact that the belt logos appear before title matches. I'm very easily amused. I rarely-to-never buy new games, especially sports games that depreciate so ungodly fast, but Smackdown brings a nerd-factor that no other game can, so it's easy for me to justify. I kind of wish they'd stop making them every year and just release DLC.

This game, I'm sure, will be absolutely detrimental to someone like me who works at home. :bomb:

[quote name='BustaUppa']So what's the best deal going for this right now? With Spun.com it can be had for $53.04 total (shipped w/ NY sales tax). But now I see that Amazon has that $10 video game cash thing. That's tempting but I'd like to wait and see if the ECA codes come back, gaahhh![/QUOTE]

Walmart has it with a $10 gift card. I got mine at Best Buy and it came with a code for $10 off a PPV, which I'm sure I won't be using, unless the Survivor Series card blows my mind in half.

[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Okay got this and the 5 dollar Summerslam Anthology at Best Buy so I'm ready to roll. If you guys are serious about the league stuff I'll start putting it together. PM or post here with some ideas. Maybe we can have a hard sometime in the upcoming days and try to crown some champions.[/QUOTE]

Wait, the what?
Buy it at Best Buy and get ANY WWE DVD for $4.99 when purchased together. I guess they are including the speculated anthology sets.
Are you able to put CAWs on a memory unit and copy them to someone else's Xbox? And if so, can those be edited?

As far as putting stuff up on Live goes, are you able to "send" CAWs or stories to a person on your friend list, or do some sort of direct trading? Or is it just a general upload pool? Because I could see myself loading up a story with inside jokes that would only be funny to like three people.
It's a general upload pool but you can filter the search results to only things people on your friends list have uploaded.

Anyone who has this.. sort by highest rated CAWs.. look at "{TNA} Sting", the first one that pops up. Sting in a TNA shirt. This CAW is EPIC. He did a freakin' AMAZING job on him, down to the taunts and everything. I love downloading CAWs already. There's also some pretty awesome Doink and Sabu ones up.
Okay.. Tazz is at ringside but I guess since he's with tna, they removed all of his lines. I think they did, anyway, because I didn't hear him talk once. I understand why they did this, but it's going to annoy me.
[quote name='JJSP']Buy it at Best Buy and get ANY WWE DVD for $4.99 when purchased together. I guess they are including the speculated anthology sets.[/QUOTE]

That is LAME that I didn't know about that. I am disappoint. Do you think they'd still honor it if I went back with my receipt?

I haven't really played it yet, and I didn't dare touch the story editor as long as I have work to do tonight, but my first impressions are overwhelmingly positive. One of the first things I noticed is that the champion introductions seem to have gone from choppy and terrible to downright flawless. Especially Justin Roberts, he really went for it while Lillian completely half-assed it, and I'm amazed nobody ever told her now to pronounce MVP's name properly. I hope they're as good for everybody and not just the preset champions. I love how the bell rings now and the intros don't start until after the pyro, I marked out huge for that. Lillian still stands with her hands behind her back in the ring, so if it shows her while she's announcing the match, it looks like she's talking out of her ass.

There's lots of small improvements like that that make me very nerd-happy. I ripped the cover off the turnbuckle and forgot about it, and later on in the match, JR said "and don't forget, there's an exposed turnbuckle!" I was blown away.

The other thing I noticed is that the wrestlers still randomly appear on the opposite side of the stage when the entrance is on the right. I'm a huge nerd for all the different sets and I'm glad you don't have to unlock them.

The championships look kind of small on the wrestlers, and I always thought it was funny that they have bolts sticking out of the back like the replicas they sell. I love the leveling up in exhibition matches and I love love LOVE that there's only one reversal button and you no longer have to guess what your opponent is going to do.

[quote name='Scorch']Okay.. Tazz is at ringside but I guess since he's with tna, they removed all of his lines. I think they did, anyway, because I didn't hear him talk once. I understand why they did this, but it's going to annoy me.[/QUOTE]

He has lines. During Edge's entrance, he said some random, indistinguishable thing as only he can.
Yeah, my Best Buy didn't have a lot of anthologies to choose from, but it rang up without any problem. What would be the most expensive thing Best Buys would likely have in stock? The Royal Rumble sets cost a little more than the Summerslam ones right?

Also, anyone wanna play later? If so add me. I can probably play before or after my Madden game.
[quote name='JJSP']Buy it at Best Buy and get ANY WWE DVD for $4.99 when purchased together. I guess they are including the speculated anthology sets.[/QUOTE]

Wow, this is money. Any DVD for $4.99? I'd get the most expensive one and sell it online.
I like it....might go from a Rental to a automatic buy this Friday....Sad thing is....I have to punch my xbox to make my freaking DVD drive work half the time....annoying as hell. But I do like it alot
Does this mean the complete Anthologies or just single volumes? Also has anyone else had success with get the sets? I guess the ad just excludes the two newest WWE DVDs. So even if they make a big fuss about one could make a big fuss about the ad not excluding them. I usually have a lot more tact than that though.

[quote name='D_Icon']Wow, this is money. Any DVD for $4.99? I'd get the most expensive one and sell it online.[/QUOTE]
I am going to try tomorrow and get the Summerslam Set and since I am lazy and busy (my selling online experience is that I never make as much as I think) just going to walk the 300 yards and sell it to FYE for 55 bucks it trades for according to Secondspin. Get the game for 5 bucks! It probably wont work out.
[quote name='JJSP']The only DVD that explicitly is excluded is the new Batista one.[/QUOTE]

My plan is already botched.....They don't have the Summerslam collection at any best buy. The only other one that trades for a decent amount is the Wrestlemania set (37.50) and they don't have that either. However one of the Wrestlemania volumes goes for 16.75....That will cover tax plus about 12 bucks off....Gotta sleep on this one.

My friend did e-mail me about buying it though, and he is somewhat of video game snob and he loves it but did mention a relatively weird amount of bugs. I am very tempting since my friend and I used to do wrestling leagues all the way back to WCW vs The World with a good old fashion pen and paper.
This game wins because Santino has his trombone taunt. I was also able to create a saluting dive off the top rope for him to use
I'm playing the 3rd week of Randy Orton's storyline, and in a match with
Batista, there's a point where Legacy comes in to help you. I've tried it 3 times, and each time, once DiBiase gets into the ring, he just stands there. I'm stuck on the ground, unable to get up, and Batista just keeps taunting.
What the hell is the problem here?

EDIT: Never mind. It worked the 4th time.
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Should probably put that in Spoilers Matt.

Also, has anybody created a finishing move where you jump off the top rope and put the guy into a DDT? IF SO, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!
You guys weren't kidding. Justin Roberts destroys Lillian on entrances. I wish I could make him the default ring announcer, actually.
I REALLY like how they switched from "earning" a finisher to maxing out the momentum (or whatever it's called) meter and allowing you to do finishers for a certain period of time (like No Mercy). This leads to "RKO.. no, counter.. He's setting him up for the pedigree!.. no, back body drop.. Orton with an RKO!" situations. It's really awesome that you don't lose the finisher when someone counters it.
I like all the small changes that have been made. The new HUD system is great. The reversal system is better with one button and smaller timing windows, plus they've appeared to have made a limit for chain grappling so that you aren't just spending forever just reversing and chain grappling. Maybe it's just me but momentum seems to build slower, and the matches I've played have lasted longer. This control/grappling system is my favorite since HCTP.

AI still needs a lot of work though, and the harder difficulties it's still a reversal fest. The ref gets in the way too often. Other odd bugs littered around the game. Nothing game breaking though.

A ton of stuff in the community area already.
I'd be in a league.

I'd also like to make a correction to my earlier post.. using your finisher once DOES use up your finisher, but if your finisher is countered, it doesn't take it away from you and you can try to set it up again. As far as I can tell, you can't store finishers anymore, either.
I'll be down for a league.

Gameplay is pretty deep this year. It's funny how it took them so long to put in things that No Mercy in 2000 had. I love the training facility menu if you want a really quick match and practice.
Any 360 users order this from GameStop and get Stone Cold Steve Austin? I was wondering if he's unlocked with an XBL redemption code or if he's just tied directly to the GS copies of the game somehow.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Any 360 users order this from GameStop and get Stone Cold Steve Austin? I was wondering if he's unlocked with an XBL redemption code or if he's just tied directly to the GS copies of the game somehow.[/QUOTE]

XBL redemtion code that's on a seperate slip of paper inside of the game case.
[quote name='Matt Young']What the fuck? I've created and saved 3 separate storylines, and still no achievement.[/QUOTE]

You DO know you have to hit that button that says FINISH STORYLINE....not save

Also Kofi Kingston is an awesome dude. He wrestled down here in FCW and when you went out for a beer with him he was very down to earth and sometimes bought a few rounds. Wish he would come visit FCW again
Anyone need themes for their CAW's or updating their superstars? I'm torn between using Triple H's "King of Kings" theme or his "Our Time" theme. I'm leaning with my "King of Kings" edit, it syncs right up with Triple H's entrance.

Man, I'd pay $10 (800 MS Points) for DLC allowing me to use custom themes with CAWs.
the TNA Sting is bad ass....have yet to check out the Sabu and RVD one.

Also, I'd like a cut theme of the brood. I'd love to use for my CAW
Okay, that was awesome. Orton RTWM spoiler.

It comes down to DiBiase vs. Rhodes. Orton is the guest ref. If you help DiBiase, it unlocks Ted DiBiase at the end. If you help Rhodes, you unlock Dusty Rhodes at the end. I tried to attack Rhodes and they both turned on me. That was awesome.

Oh, Bob Orton just showed up.. I guess I'm going to unlock him. That's pretty cool, though. I thought there was only two outcomes to that match.
[quote name='Scorch']Okay, that was awesome. Orton RTWM spoiler.

It comes down to DiBiase vs. Rhodes. Orton is the guest ref. If you help DiBiase, it unlocks Ted DiBiase at the end. If you help Rhodes, you unlock Dusty Rhodes at the end. I tried to attack Rhodes and they both turned on me. That was awesome.

Oh, Bob Orton just showed up.. I guess I'm going to unlock him. That's pretty cool, though. I thought there was only two outcomes to that match.

Actually, that's not it at all.

The WM match is a three-way with Orton/Rhodes/DiBiase. It doesn't matter who you attack in the DiBiase Vs Rhodes match, they both attack you regardless. The decision you make in the triple threat decides who you unlock. (Either Million Dollar Man or Dusty) If you pin/submit Ted, you then have to knockout M.D.M. to unlock him. If you pin/submit Cody, you then have to knockout Dusty to unlock him. Bob Orton is unlocked via one of those optional goals before hand.
Ive been making a story, and i have to say that its pretty addicting. I already made 2 months worth of storylines. Got the next month planned, and hopefully will turn it into a story that lasts 1 year and 3 months. I wanted to base it around 1 person, and do 2 scenes and 1 match per week. But now that ive gotten into it so much, im having a hard time doing less than 3 scenes and a match per week. Its great!
I downloaded a pretty rad Nigel and Super Dragon last night, and some kid I played with online told me if I boosted him to 100 wins, he'd give me 1600 pts.

I figure that can't take too long, right? Start the match, grab a chair, and get DQ'd.
[quote name='JJSP']I downloaded a pretty rad Nigel and Super Dragon last night, and some kid I played with online told me if I boosted him to 100 wins, he'd give me 1600 pts.

I figure that can't take too long, right? Start the match, grab a chair, and get DQ'd.[/QUOTE]

You should get that in 25 matches/400 points so he doesn't rip you off.
The lag on the online play is still a massive issue. It really kills the gameplay with lag and it seems to happen more often then not. So as far as online play goes I am once again incredibly disappointed due to the lag issues, yet again.
I've never had any lag online with this year's game.

How the hell do you kick out of pins? The CPU's never attempted to pin me, even on Legend, so I never had to worry about it till now. The on-screen prompt says "tap or hold" but it seems like half the time, it doesn't work. Can someone fill me in? This is so confusing. Why did they change it?
[quote name='Matt Young']
How the hell do you kick out of pins? The CPU's never attempted to pin me, even on Legend, so I never had to worry about it till now. The on-screen prompt says "tap or hold" but it seems like half the time, it doesn't work. Can someone fill me in? This is so confusing. Why did they change it?[/QUOTE]
It and the Royal Rumble minigame are my biggest gripes with this. Depending on your damage, you'll get a blue area on the bar that you'll need to stop the marker in by holding or tapping the button - it seems to be pretty forgiving, but I really wish there was a way to go back to the old system.

The Royal Rumble minigame is absolutely retarded when you're getting tossed out. I really prefer just tossing them over the rope and using a running dropkick instead of grappling with them.
[quote name='JJSP']It and the Royal Rumble minigame are my biggest gripes with this. Depending on your damage, you'll get a blue area on the bar that you'll need to stop the marker in by holding or tapping the button - it seems to be pretty forgiving, but I really wish there was a way to go back to the old system.

The Royal Rumble minigame is absolutely retarded when you're getting tossed out. I really prefer just tossing them over the rope and using a running dropkick instead of grappling with them.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I liked it for the like the first 5 people I threw out and then my hands started to cramp and I got bored with it.
Just beat with Orton unlocked both Million Dollar Man and Dusty. What I can't figure out is what is the RTWM event skip that you unlock in like week 12?
[quote name='JJSP'] Depending on your damage, you'll get a blue area on the bar that you'll need to stop the marker in by holding or tapping the button - it seems to be pretty forgiving, but I really wish there was a way to go back to the old system.[/QUOTE]

You can change it back to the old system under gameplay options.
bread's done