XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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Picked up on a whim:

3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures (I'll buy almost any game for 200MSP)
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection (I don't care if the online is broken, 400 is worth the nostalgia effect)
Rocket Riot (Heard good things and again, 200 is my instabuy point)
Stacking (Again, heard good things and 300 is almost as good as 200)

Queued up demos:

Assault Heroes 1 & 2 (As much as 200 is a bargain, I'm not sure if I'll ever play these)
Babel Rising
Mad Riders

I bought Alan Wake's American Nightmare on launch and haven't even played it until this week. That'll teach me.
Hmm I won't get Mad Riders I think...it's a worde "Pure" and I didn't like Pure in the first place...

Still on the fence with Babel Rising but thanks to anyone who commented on that! ^^
[quote name='Tsel']
Rocket Riot (Heard good things and again, 200 is my instabuy point)
Make sure you factor in $40 for a new controller after you try to beat the final boss.
[quote name='Felder71']So I'm completely on the fence about Sonic 4 Episode II: I haven't beaten Episode I or even Sonic CD yet (don't really love CD though) and I feel like it's going to come down even more, maybe by the end of the year. Any thoughts? Is it worth my 600 space bucks?[/QUOTE]

Here's my Sonic 4 Episode II review. I don't think the bosses are tedious at all once you know how to beat them. The final boss is actually wayyy easier than in Episode I (or Generations), which is great.
[quote name='simmias']Make sure you factor in $40 for a new controller after you try to beat the final boss.[/QUOTE]

I didn't find it to be as difficult as most people seem to make it out to be. It took me around 15 or so attempts back when I nailed it.
[quote name='eastx']Here's my Sonic 4 Episode II review. I don't think the bosses are tedious at all once you know how to beat them. The final boss is actually wayyy easier than in Episode I (or Generations), which is great.[/QUOTE]

You make some good points. I think I'll bite. I've wasted far more before. Thanks!
[quote name='BobbyTastic']I'm lost on the logic here. It's an arcade beat-em up port, it's not like they deliberately made it short for the achievement. The achievement's just another challenge because it is beatable in 30 minutes straight (but it's rather difficult to hit that time solo) and you don't HAVE to get the achievement.[/QUOTE]

I totally get what you're saying, my logic is just that the game is incredibly short, which is a problem I have with all of these beat-em-ups that are ported to XBLA. It's a problem that lies mostly with me, I'll admit, because I remember these games taking forever to complete. I just don't see the fun in buying a game that is over in an hour and has no real reason to come back to it other than the possibility of hooking up with random players late in the night.

I think the Final Fight Double Impact did it right, including two games plus a load of challenges to complete. If Simpsons, X-Men, or Turtles in Time offered something like this, I'd say they're worth the nostalgia trip.
[quote name='metallicoholic']I totally get what you're saying, my logic is just that the game is incredibly short, which is a problem I have with all of these beat-em-ups that are ported to XBLA. It's a problem that lies mostly with me, I'll admit, because I remember these games taking forever to complete. I just don't see the fun in buying a game that is over in an hour and has no real reason to come back to it other than the possibility of hooking up with random players late in the night.[/QUOTE]

Was it more fun hanging around a smelly arcade sinking five bucks worth of quarters into a game you couldn't take home with you? Maybe it was, unfortunately I can't remember that far back anymore. In any case, give me convenience or give me death I say. ;)

[quote name='metallicoholic']I think the Final Fight Double Impact did it right, including two games plus a load of challenges to complete. If Simpsons, X-Men, or Turtles in Time offered something like this, I'd say they're worth the nostalgia trip.[/QUOTE]

FFDI was awesome, one of the better beat-em-up re-releases to be sure.
[quote name='Felder71']So I'm completely on the fence about Sonic 4 Episode II: I haven't beaten Episode I or even Sonic CD yet (don't really love CD though) and I feel like it's going to come down even more, maybe by the end of the year. Any thoughts? Is it worth my 600 space bucks?

Already picked up Warp and Assault Heroes 2 - wavering on Rocket Riot - passed on Stacking[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you already bought Sonic, but I'm definitely waiting for 400 or lower. And it will definitely be on sale again. And again. And again...

[quote name='Antarael Dulacre']Hmm I won't get Mad Riders I think...it's a worde "Pure" and I didn't like Pure in the first place...

Still on the fence with Babel Rising but thanks to anyone who commented on that! ^^[/QUOTE]

I'm still on the fence with both of those. If Babel Rising actually contains some fairly deep gameplay it might be fun, but the demo was boring as hell.

Mad Riders seems like a lot of content for $5, but with my backlog that's not necessarily a great thing.

[quote name='CAiNiACprime']I didn't find it to be as difficult as most people seem to make it out to be. It took me around 15 or so attempts back when I nailed it.[/QUOTE]

I think I've tried at least 100 times, gotten very close before, but still haven't beaten it.
[quote name='Felder71']So I'm completely on the fence about Sonic 4 Episode II: I haven't beaten Episode I or even Sonic CD yet (don't really love CD though) and I feel like it's going to come down even more, maybe by the end of the year. Any thoughts? Is it worth my 600 space bucks?

Already picked up Warp and Assault Heroes 2 - wavering on Rocket Riot - passed on Stacking[/QUOTE]
if you can't find the time to beat those games that take like an hour to beat i don't see why you'd be interested in the sequel. just another game that's gonna sit around..

im biased tho i find the physics in episode 1/2 really terrible i can't play those
[quote name='JStryke']...Also, I thought I asked here, but maybe not. For carcassone, I'm tempted to get it, but on the fence. For the online, how active is it? Probably will be the deciding factor for me.[/QUOTE]
Can't say for sure how active the online community is now but when I played through it a while back it was pretty easy to find a game. There are a lot of international players with this type of game though so keep in mind the time-zone differences when considering if the game has an active online community.

I played a lot of Catan a few months back also and found it to be quite active as well. I could always find games at 3 am over the summer, many players play ranked matches and not player matches if that matters to you. Another perk is that now my friend XBL list populated with players from all over the world, globalization at its best!:)

If you like strategy type board games, Carcassone can be really fun.
After reading the IGN and XBLAFans reviews of Babel Rising, it sounds like a definite pass. Slow, repetitive, and a difficulty spike in the middle are all turn-offs for me. (Turn-ons include walks on the beach, sunsets, and champagne)

EDIT: I really think I'm gonna have to pass on Mad Riders too. The racing was fun but I though the stunts were really kind of stupid. And I have Pure in my backlog, and racing games aren't really my thing, so I don't see why I would need this.

Looks like just Stacking and Assault Heroes 2 for me this week.
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[quote name='tylerh1701']After reading the IGN and XBLAFans reviews of Babel Rising, it sounds like a definite pass. Slow, repetitive, and a difficulty spike in the middle are all turn-offs for me. (Turn-ons include walks on the beach, sunsets, and champagne)


Besides, if you really like Babel Rising, it actaully is a better 99 iPad game than it is on the 360 for 5-10 times the cost.
I'm having a tough time deciding whether or not to bite on Joe Danger, Assault Heroes 1 & 2, Rayman 3 HD, and Babel Rising. If anyone feels so inclined to influence me in one direction or another on any or all of these titles I'd welcome it. I've tried the demos for each but it hasn't really helped. I'd like to purchase only 2, maybe 3, more titles.

I've already purchased Alan Wake's AN, Stacking, Rock of Ages, Raskulls, and the Simpsons Arcade.

I already own all the Pinball FX tables, Limbo, Rocket Riot, MK Arcade, and Sonic 4 Episode 1. I can wait on Episode 2 to assuredly hit 400 on one of the Sega/Sonic sales that pop up so consistently and I really have no interest in any of the other titles.

Guess its time to round 2 the demos again.
[quote name='mpaullin']Anybody see IGN's review of Mark of the Ninja (which is out today)?


From the guys who made Shank. Looks pretty great. I will probably go against my instinct of waiting for a sale and get it today.[/QUOTE]

I've only played two levels so far, but it's quite fun. While not incredibly difficult, it is very sayisfying to slip through a level without beong seen and without killing any guards. However I would just like to point out that particular reviewer has a major hard-on for Thief, and he mentions very early on that he reminds him of that series.
[quote name='Polerand']I've only played two levels so far, but it's quite fun. While not incredibly difficult, it is very sayisfying to slip through a level without beong seen and without killing any guards. However I would just like to point out that particular reviewer has a major hard-on for Thief, and he mentions very early on that he reminds him of that series.[/QUOTE]

Never played thief, but I guess the better thing for me to mention is that the game currently has a Metacritic of 89 based on 9 reviews. This definitely slipped under my radar. I read about it awhile back and was mildly intrigued, but had no idea it was coming out today.
[quote name='harry hood']played stacking last night for a bit. so charming.[/QUOTE]

Stacking is all I bought this week. I played the demo because I was worried it would make me nauseous like others have said in this thread but surprisingly I was fine with it
I really wanted to like Bloodforge when it came out initially in April. I downloaded the demo, and couldn't get pass the horrible camera angles and the sense of just not knowing what in the world I was doing when it came to trying to execute moves. Luckily I didn't spend 1200pts then.
Now months later at 600pts, I've tried AGAIN with the demo.......is it me, or does anyone else just feel like they're constantly mashing buttons, hoping to get a shot off ? I've looked at the combinations for moves on the help screen, but honestly it seems useless for me....especially the ones that involve the left / right stick with either A/B/X/Y. I can't figure them out.
So right now, I'm thinking about passing on it again........I'd LOVE to hear everyone's point of view....especially those that are in love with the game, and perhaps you can lend me some tips on executing some of these moves without feeling like I'm just pressing and pressing the buttons.

I WONDER the chances of Microsoft lowering the price even further as the holiday approaches.......have ANY games that were initially rolled out at 1200 or more points, been cut by more than 50% ??

Final question also.....(in addition to the Bloodforge help)..........in December it will be a year since getting my Xbox 360, and I'm curious in knowing the types of deals/sales around Black Friday - Christmas. Good bargains on marketplace games / points to purchase ?? Any chance of getting a major leak of the deals ahead of time ??..(kinda like how the retailers have their sales leaked online several weeks in advance.)

Thanks for everyone's feedback in advance.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']I'm having a tough time deciding whether or not to bite on Joe Danger, Assault Heroes 1 & 2, Rayman 3 HD, and Babel Rising. If anyone feels so inclined to influence me in one direction or another on any or all of these titles I'd welcome it. I've tried the demos for each but it hasn't really helped. I'd like to purchase only 2, maybe 3, more titles.[/QUOTE]

I think Joe Danger is worth 600msp if you've never played it, if you did already play it on PSN, no need to re-buy it for 360. It's an OK game, it's kind of a mix between Trials HD and a platformer of sorts. It does get pretty tough by the end.

I bought Assault Heroes 1 for 200msp a while back and I was happy with my purchase for that price. That's why I bought the 2nd one this time for the same price.

I've only read reviews and played the demo of Babel, but I'm definitely passing. You may just want to get it on your phone for cheaper if you have smartphone.

I don't understand why so many people are having such a hard time biting on Rayman 3. It's a full-length platformer from the PS2 days for $5. Ya, it's a nightmare for achievement hunters but it's also a great value. I paid $8 for it on PSN on release, only played an hour or so, and have been very happy with it. If you have any nostalgia for older 3D platformers (which I do), I think it's a no brainer.

[quote name='harry hood']played stacking last night for a bit. so charming.[/QUOTE]

I forgot how good it looks for a downloadable game. The actual type of game isn't my favorite, but it's still well worth 300msp.

[quote name='Tarheel76']*sigh*......
I really wanted to like Bloodforge when it came out initially in April. I downloaded the demo, and couldn't get pass the horrible camera angles and the sense of just not knowing what in the world I was doing when it came to trying to execute moves. Luckily I didn't spend 1200pts then.
Now months later at 600pts, I've tried AGAIN with the demo.......is it me, or does anyone else just feel like they're constantly mashing buttons, hoping to get a shot off ? I've looked at the combinations for moves on the help screen, but honestly it seems useless for me....especially the ones that involve the left / right stick with either A/B/X/Y. I can't figure them out.
So right now, I'm thinking about passing on it again........I'd LOVE to hear everyone's point of view....especially those that are in love with the game, and perhaps you can lend me some tips on executing some of these moves without feeling like I'm just pressing and pressing the buttons.

I WONDER the chances of Microsoft lowering the price even further as the holiday approaches.......have ANY games that were initially rolled out at 1200 or more points, been cut by more than 50% ??

Final question also.....(in addition to the Bloodforge help)..........in December it will be a year since getting my Xbox 360, and I'm curious in knowing the types of deals/sales around Black Friday - Christmas. Good bargains on marketplace games / points to purchase ?? Any chance of getting a major leak of the deals ahead of time ??..(kinda like how the retailers have their sales leaked online several weeks in advance.)

Thanks for everyone's feedback in advance.[/QUOTE]

Bloodforge is definitely a hack 'n slash. Honestly, I didn't even bother looking at the combo lists for the game more than once. I just found a few button combos I liked, learned how to evade, and went from there. To me, that's how a hack 'n slash is meant to be played. Do you use all the different combos in games like God of War?

Also, I've posted this a billion times, but here's my review of Bloodforge. I'm not a professional reviewer or anything, but the game got TRASHED by actual reviewers but it's actually a sweet game, so I felt like I needed to stand up for it and actually (kinda) wrote a review.

To answer your other questions, yes lots of games discounted by more than 50%. Just this week Stacking has been discounted 75%, from 1200msp to 300msp.

The past few years XBLA has had both Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales and Holiday sales. The Black Friday sales are usually pretty damn good, but the holiday sales last year were actually super disappointing. Nothing ever leaks early, we just find out about the sales the exact same way we find out about them now.
Sorry can't help you with Bloodforge but if I'm not mistaken, Stacking is currently 75% off 1200 points making it 300 points so it's definitely possible :)
[quote name='tylerh1701']

Bloodforge is definitely a hack 'n slash. Honestly, I didn't even bother looking at the combo lists for the game more than once. I just found a few button combos I liked, learned how to evade, and went from there. To me, that's how a hack 'n slash is meant to be played. Do you use all the different combos in games like God of War?

Also, I've posted this a billion times, but here's my review of Bloodforge. I'm not a professional reviewer or anything, but the game got TRASHED by actual reviewers but it's actually a sweet game, so I felt like I needed to stand up for it and actually (kinda) wrote a review.

To answer your other questions, yes lots of games discounted by more than 50%. Just this week Stacking has been discounted 75%, from 1200msp to 300msp.

The past few years XBLA has had both Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales and Holiday sales. The Black Friday sales are usually pretty damn good, but the holiday sales last year were actually super disappointing. Nothing ever leaks early, we just find out about the sales the exact same way we find out about them now.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a million Tyler-.
[quote name='Whedon']Stacking is all I bought this week. I played the demo because I was worried it would make me nauseous like others have said in this thread but surprisingly I was fine with it[/QUOTE]

Hopefully you'll be ok for the rest of the game. The train station level did not bother me. The motion sickness kicked in on the 2nd level when you get on the ship.
^That one guy writes for a website about video games and people with anxiety disorders. You guys should start a website about video games and motion sickness. Maybe you'll be able to get a few review codes. You can even give it a motion sickness quotient too, like "4 barf bags out of 5 - have the mop ready".
[quote name='tylerh1701']...You guys should start a website about video games and motion sickness...You can even give it a motion sickness quotient too, like "4 barf bags out of 5 - have the mop ready".[/QUOTE]Great Idea!:rofl:
[quote name='ooga']Hopefully you'll be ok for the rest of the game. The train station level did not bother me. The motion sickness kicked in on the 2nd level when you get on the ship.[/QUOTE]

Played this game for hours constantly (to be honest I did play through it + DLC within 2 nights and never got said motion sickness even after staring such a long time at this game xp)
I think I went a little (maybe a lot) crazy with this sale. lol I ended up getting:
Alan Wake
Rayman 3
Assault Heroes
Assault Heroes 2
Geometry Wars
Rock of Ages
Rocket Riot

Still debating whether or not I want Sine Mora and two Sam and Max games, that golf game was decent, but I'm not too much into it.
How are the Sam & Max games? I am guess they are similar to the Back to the Future one. I thought BTTF was fun, but only because I really liked those movies. Is Sam & Max the same way, where it is only fun if you really enjoy the cartoon?

Decided to pass on both Assault Heroes, and Babel Rising. Purchased Rayman.

I'm down to my final decision. Joe Danger.

If I wasn't a fan of Trials HD how likely do you think it is I would tire of this game rather quickly? I've tried the demo and I know its goals are different but it's the most similar XBLA experience I can compare it to. I enjoyed what I experienced of it, I'm just unsure if I may grow bored of it as I did with Trials.
Mark of the Ninja is from the Shank devs. Anyone who made Shank is great in my book.

Between that and DD:Neo next week, I will be in hog heaven.

Those of you sitting on MS Points codes you can't quite sell, this is one of those situations where a potential customer is about to go shopping for points. Just a heads up.

EDIT: Also, Babel Rising was boring as hell on iOS.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Decided to pass on both Assault Heroes, and Babel Rising. Purchased Rayman.

I'm down to my final decision. Joe Danger.

If I wasn't a fan of Trials HD how likely do you think it is I would tire of this game rather quickly? I've tried the demo and I know its goals are different but it's the most similar XBLA experience I can compare it to. I enjoyed what I experienced of it, I'm just unsure if I may grow bored of it as I did with Trials.[/QUOTE]

Depends on how much of a completionist you are as well. I am in love with Trials and I liked Joe Danger. Joe Danger was awesome solely for the fact that I had a blast finishing every single thing in that game.

As much as I do enjoy it though, sounds like you won't like it so much. You're better off waiting for the sequel, which sounds a lot more zany.
[quote name='Tarheel76']*sigh*......
I really wanted to like Bloodforge when it came out initially in April. I downloaded the demo, and couldn't get pass the horrible camera angles and the sense of just not knowing what in the world I was doing when it came to trying to execute moves. Luckily I didn't spend 1200pts then.
Now months later at 600pts, I've tried AGAIN with the demo.......is it me, or does anyone else just feel like they're constantly mashing buttons, hoping to get a shot off ? I've looked at the combinations for moves on the help screen, but honestly it seems useless for me....especially the ones that involve the left / right stick with either A/B/X/Y. I can't figure them out.
So right now, I'm thinking about passing on it again........I'd LOVE to hear everyone's point of view....especially those that are in love with the game, and perhaps you can lend me some tips on executing some of these moves without feeling like I'm just pressing and pressing the buttons.

I WONDER the chances of Microsoft lowering the price even further as the holiday approaches.......have ANY games that were initially rolled out at 1200 or more points, been cut by more than 50% ??

Final question also.....(in addition to the Bloodforge help)..........in December it will be a year since getting my Xbox 360, and I'm curious in knowing the types of deals/sales around Black Friday - Christmas. Good bargains on marketplace games / points to purchase ?? Any chance of getting a major leak of the deals ahead of time ??..(kinda like how the retailers have their sales leaked online several weeks in advance.)

Thanks for everyone's feedback in advance.[/QUOTE]

Can't comment as I haven't played a demo of Bloodforge yet but as for deals and sales during Black Friday and Christmas. I managed to snag Beyond Good and Evil for 160 MSP during the Black Friday sale. As for the Christmas/Holiday sale they do 12 days of deals counting down to New Year's. Last year wasn't that bad like someone mentioned, from what I remember Bastion was half off, Fruit Ninja Kinect half off, sale on the Forza 4 season pass(which is also 50% off today), Gears 3 season pass( this sort of pissed me off as i had it bought already), and among others. I would suggest stocking up on points around December and just wait till the sales roll in. You shouldn't be disappointed so long as you haven't picked up too much already.
[quote name='tylerh1701']^That one guy writes for a website about video games and people with anxiety disorders. You guys should start a website about video games and motion sickness. Maybe you'll be able to get a few review codes. You can even give it a motion sickness quotient too, like "4 barf bags out of 5 - have the mop ready".[/QUOTE]

I'd be up for that. I haven't ever been able to play a first person shooter (and actually, my brother has the same problem), without nearly throwing up. When it first came out, I got about thirty minutes in to my brand new copy of Halo before I had just couldn't do it any longer.

Personally, I'd LOVE to play the upcoming Dishonored, but there's no way I could take the FPS perspective. I really wish developers would consider the people with problems like this, and actually make a 3rd person option for all the people out there with similar motion sickness issues.

[quote name='Abbadon74']Personally, I'd LOVE to play the upcoming Dishonored, but there's no way I could take the FPS perspective. I really wish developers would consider the people with problems like this, and actually make a 3rd person option for all the people out there with similar motion sickness issues.[/QUOTE]
Typically it's not the FPS angle you have a problem with ... it's the constrained camera POV that the developers have limited you to. Normal games would give you 90-120 degrees of vision for a widescreen monitor, but the wise folks at Valve once discovered by limiting you to 60 degrees (with Half Life), it "feels more action oriented", and therefore translated to higher focus group surveys. And since then, almost every FPS has followed suit with an artificially low field of vision stretched across the monitor.

Next time you're in a Source-engine game (on PC), pop into the console & change the POV camera, and see what a difference it makes.
This has been an incredibly expensive sale for me. So far I have picked up:

Alan Wake's American Nightmare (might encourage me to finish Alan Wake + DLC)
Rayman 3 HD (great value)
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space
Sam & Max Save the World
Sonic 4 Episode II (already had Episode I)
Metro 2033 - Ranger Pack (might encourage me to finish the game)
Pinball FX2 Core
Pinball FX2 - Plants vs Zombies (fun table, very very easy 50 point achievement) (Ninja edit - not part of sale just bought it this week)

I had thought of getting the Joe Danger DLC but it didn't have achievements so I passed. I played Assaults Heroes but it didn't do anything for me. I am very tempted to buy 3D Ultra Minigolf though. Carcassonne also seems good but I am worried about finding matches so I am curious as to how the CPU is.

I have 800 points left over, any suggestions?
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With 800 points, assuming you don't own anything else...

- Geo Wars 2
- Rocket Riot
- Raskulls

That's 1000, but you could get 2 of 3.
[quote name='LordVila']This has been an incredibly expensive sale for me. So far I have picked up:

Alan Wake's American Nightmare (might encourage me to finish Alan Wake + DLC)
Rayman 3 HD (great value)
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space
Sam & Max Save the World
Sonic 4 Episode II (already had Episode I)
Metro 2033 - Ranger Pack (might encourage me to finish the game)
Pinball FX2 Core
Pinball FX2 - Plants vs Zombies (fun table, very very easy 50 point achievement)

I had thought of getting the Joe Danger DLC but it didn't have achievements so I passed. I played Assaults Heroes but it didn't do anything for me. I am very tempted to buy 3D Ultra Minigolf though. Carcassonne also seems good but I am worried about finding matches so I am curious as to how the CPU is.

I have 800 points left over, any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Raskulls and Geometry Wars 2 are probably the best of what you haven't picked up so far. Carcassonne is a lot of fun, but I haven't bothered to play it online so I couldn't say how the community is.

The PvZ Pinball table just came out didn't it? It's not part of the sale unless they are doing one of those rare early adopter sales? I don't know if they are or not, but I hadn't heard they were.
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Raskulls and Geometry Wars 2 are probably the best of what you haven't picked up so far. Carcassonne is a lot of fun, but I haven't bothered to play it online so I couldn't say how the community is.

The PvZ Pinball table just came out didn't it? It's not part of the sale unless they are doing one of those rare early adopter sales? I don't know if they are or not, but I hadn't heard they were.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the recommendations guys. Also the PvZ table wasn't on sale I just bought it normally.
[quote name='ooga']Hopefully you'll be ok for the rest of the game. The train station level did not bother me. The motion sickness kicked in on the 2nd level when you get on the ship.[/QUOTE]

Well son of a...I didn't get to the ship.
[quote name='tylerh1701']^That one guy writes for a website about video games and people with anxiety disorders.[/QUOTE]

Do you have any info on finding that website? Google didn't help. Sorry for off topic but can't find a way to pm from my phone.
Debating on a few games would like some feedback.
Alan wake i know i will grab that loved the main game.
Raskulls is it any good? Tried the demo wasnt sure.
the simpisons arcade remember playing that as a kid any thoughts?
Anyone try rayman 3 is it good?
And heometry wars 2.
[quote name='Lonedragon87']Debating on a few games would like some feedback.
Alan wake i know i will grab that loved the main game.
Raskulls is it any good? Tried the demo wasnt sure.
the simpisons arcade remember playing that as a kid any thoughts?
Anyone try rayman 3 is it good?
And heometry wars 2.[/QUOTE]

All of those games are worth buying! If you have the Microsoft Points to get them all, get them and quit waiting for a sale. Also, with new retail games coming out in the next couple of months you might as well enjoy these now.
[quote name='Cornelius']Typically it's not the FPS angle you have a problem with ... it's the constrained camera POV that the developers have limited you to. Normal games would give you 90-120 degrees of vision for a widescreen monitor, but the wise folks at Valve once discovered by limiting you to 60 degrees (with Half Life), it "feels more action oriented", and therefore translated to higher focus group surveys. And since then, almost every FPS has followed suit with an artificially low field of vision stretched across the monitor.

Next time you're in a Source-engine game (on PC), pop into the console & change the POV camera, and see what a difference it makes.[/QUOTE]

That's definitely possible, and is something I hadn't considered before. I know when playing Arkham Asylum (a third person game), I found the camera POV a little constrained. I actually got neck pain from, apparently, straining my neck to see more of the peripheral area.

Still, I really, really wish Dishonored would have a third person option.

[quote name='HDShadow']Gears of War 3 season pass is $15. Score![/QUOTE]

ugh bought it a few weeks ago thinking it wouldnt be on sale until at least christmas. Been dreading the last few days knowing it would come up on sale lol :cry:
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