XBLA - Braid - 1200pts

All you cheap asses need to suck it up and buy the game. I can't remember the last time something has sucked me in like this.

I am definitely loving this game. I've completed worlds two, three, and four and have most of the pieces of five. Six is kicking my ass right now though. I really agree with people not wanting to use strategy guides. Most games when I get stuck I'm straight off to Gamefaqs or something like that, but I just can't bring myself to ruin the experience here.

I love love love the main theme song so much. I'll just sit there between worlds for three minutes at a time listening to it.
[quote name='The 7th Number']

I wish the moves were more consistent. One level you can grab a key and back up and still hold onto it, the next level you cant. [/quote]

From what I've noticed, if the key is sparkling, you can use it once and can't pick it back up by reversing time. If it isn't sparkling, you can pick it up and reuse it. That's why you have to use the 2 keys in a certain order in
the stage (sorry I forgot which one) that you climb down the ladders and find a sequence of 3 doors.

Sparkling doors stay open when you reverse time, the non-sparkling doors will close again when you reverse time.
Well I caved and bought it Sunday morning. I'm still a little uneasy paying 1200 pts for an XBLA game but all in all I'd say Braid is worth it.

If you read the hidden epilogue texts, and finished the game and were still a little confused, the following link has an excellent explanation of it all. Braid is a game that is definitely open to interpretation, but out of all the theories I read this one actually made the most sense to me...
It's basically a story about the development of the atomic bomb and how it affects Tim, his relationships, and the world in general.

Also, according to Shawn Elliott's "Unraveling Braid" article on 1up.com, "Rewinding the game for ten minutes in World Two regresses Braid into a prototype. Rewinding for ten more minutes produces the game's original design document." I'm gonna have to try this.

Edit: Bah! I think Shawn was just havin a laugh.
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[quote name='polly']I'm still a little uneasy paying 1200 pts for an XBLA game but all in all I'd say Braid is worth it. [/quote]

Agreed! In addition to the story and gameplay, I'm in love with the soundtrack.
[quote name='deszaras']Agreed! In addition to the story and gameplay, I'm in love with the soundtrack.[/QUOTE]

There's actually a tracklisting for the entire soundtrack on the offical game blog. You can use that to get the songs. I actually listened to some of the other stuff from the CDs all the songs are from and it is all pretty awesome.

[quote name='The 7th Number']I still havent found any stars, though i not really looking for them. I really dont know what they are. If they are just invisible, or you need to do something to make the appear, i just dont know.[/quote]

The stars are visible but they are—I am not sure if this spoils anything—
hidden off screen.
Which means you have to do something special in a level to get to them.
This game is great! Picked it up Saturday, but get stuck with the most absurd pieces. I'm not even aiming for the stars at this point, I just want to put some puzzles together. So far, I've only managed to do that in World 3! :) Here's to hoping logic will kick in soon!!
Haha, yeah I only completed Worlds 5 and 6 by pure accident. The solutions really do make you feel dumb for trying whatever it was you were doing for so long only to figure out it was way simpler.

World 1 is kicking my ass so far. I have no idea what on Earth I have to do to get past the first stage.
I must be retarded. I can only get 9/12 pieces in World 3. It was late last night though so maybe I was tired. I love this game - I can't wait to get home and try again tonight.
[quote name='javeryh']I must be retarded. I can only get 9/12 pieces in World 3. It was late last night though so maybe I was tired. I love this game - I can't wait to get home and try again tonight.[/QUOTE]

You might fell like goon now, but when you actually reach those pieces your missing you'll feel like a genius!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I felt the same way when I got stuck. Best thing to do is take a break away from it for a day then get back to it. I did that and all the puzzles I was missing just kinda all melded. it's alot easier always than it seems, just be clever.[/quote]

I tried again today, and I'm still having a real tough time with the shadow mechanics in World 5.
[quote name='Jagged Toaster']I tried again today, and I'm still having a real tough time with the shadow mechanics in World 5.[/QUOTE]

5-4 and the Elevator Action 2nd puzzle both racked my brain for awhile. I thought the 5-4 solution was a bit of a stretch compared to the rest of the game puzzles though.
I found World 3 pieces easy (or maybe I was lucky?); but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get the two pieces on that one part of World 2! My legs don't jump that high and I can't see any other way to get up there. Drat!

I'm not even trying for some of the pieces on 4, 5, or 6 yet. I figure if World 2 can trip me up, I'm not going to have much hope! Haha!
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[quote name='Shan82']I can't figure out how to get the two pieces on that one part of World 2! My legs don't jump that high and I can't see any other way to get up there. [/quote]

Take a close look at the painting. There's something unique about it compared to the others.
I got lucky with those 2 pieces in World 2.
But as polly mentioned, you have to make a ledge with the puzzle pieces. I made it purely by accident, jumped and landed on it.
Haha! Yep, I found that almost straight away. I can't seem to get him to jump far enought to make it from there! It's aggravating!! Argh. ;)

Gonna go try again for a few minutes b/4 I have to leave!
[quote name='polly']
If you read the hidden epilogue texts, and finished the game and were still a little confused, the following link has an excellent explanation of it all. Braid is a game that is definitely open to interpretation, but out of all the theories I read this one actually made the most sense to me...
It's basically a story about the development of the atomic bomb and how it affects Tim, his relationships, and the world in general.

Man, and I thought I had it all figured out. I've got to say, reading that makes it a thousand times more interesting.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I definitely feel like I got my $15 worth out of this game just on speculating what all of it means. I thought the story and writing style was better than most books I've been reading.
[quote name='Shan82']Haha! Yep, I found that almost straight away. I can't seem to get him to jump far enought to make it from there! It's aggravating!! Argh. ;)

Gonna go try again for a few minutes b/4 I have to leave![/quote]

You can move the painting around in the box and it affects where the ledge is. You can position it where you want then.
I'm so glad more and more people are deciding to pick this up (and not regretting it). I've demanded everyone I know with a 360 pick this up immediately. Hopefully Target's deal on Live points helps this one out a little, because it certainly deserves to be played.
I played the demo and didn't really like it, but everyone is just saying the full game is so good. I have enough points from the Target deal... but damn it I really don't want to spend 1200 of them on a 2-3 hour game with little replay value. If it was 800 I would probably just pick it up right now but instead I'm just in kind of a quandary.
I was missing....

5-3 - first piece above entrance
5-4 - last piece above exit
6-7 - In another castle

Cleared these today.
5-3 i got help by
looking at the icon on the door before entering that stage.
5-4 i beat because of a mistake. I was so confused about this level too. lol
6-7 i was able to figure out.
[quote name='DrFoo']I played the demo and didn't really like it, but everyone is just saying the full game is so good. I have enough points from the Target deal... but damn it I really don't want to spend 1200 of them on a 2-3 hour game with little replay value. If it was 800 I would probably just pick it up right now but instead I'm just in kind of a quandary.[/quote]

This game is WAY longer than 2-3 hours. Did you fully complete the demo? I played it a little and didn't see the big deal but once I sat down and figured out how to solve World 2 I was hooked.
I beat the game.

The last level is awesome, there is one point thats pretty hard, its pretty much just timing though. But the end was weird. After seeing the ending my mind is blown and i am soooo lost.
Finally finished, some of the pieces in level 6 were frustrating.

The ending was so brilliant... I think my jaw literally dropped as I was watching :applause:

P.S. No regrets on the $15 price tag.
Well, just F.Y.I, one of the stars may require you to restart your game from the beginning.

I'll try to keep the spoiler as spoiler free as possible. Be warned-it will give you a decent hint of the whereabouts of a star, a minor hint on what is required to get it, though I HIGHLY doubt it will tell you how to get it.

If you have completed World 3's puzzle (as in connected all the pieces) and haven't gotten the "World 3" star, you're screwed and will have to restart to get all 8.

Or, if that doesn't make sense, here is a little more detail of what I am talking about. Again, not spoiling it, but it is a MAJOR hint.

You need two different pieces of world 3's puzzle to do something. If you connect world 3's puzzle, you can't break it apart and use those certain pieces.

And if you're considering getting a certain star that requires a lengthy commitment, you may want to check the spoilers first.
So far i got stars 3, 4, and 6. I looked star 3 up just to see what one was like, but i also took a look at star 2. (glad i did) I didnt get that one yet though. But i was able to find stars 4 and 6 pretty easy on my own.
Level 6 fucking sucks...there's one puzzle piece that involves cannon, that was pretty impossible to obtain...shit was hard, I know I had it right but had to look it up on youtube...turns out they did the same thing...after about an hour of trying I finally got it, not sure why. The last level was absolutely awesome, totally twisted too.
are there some levels where you have to go back and get the puzzle peices later? I just bought this and I was in the first level and theres the one with the clouds and I can't get those last two. Is there going to be times where you have to go back later?
Finished it after hours of frustration, very well made game , well worth the 1200 ms points. All the puzzles can be done as you reach them bar 2 pieces in world 2, and thats all you're getting out of me. Definitely a member of the Braid Brigade, good luck in finishing it...
[quote name='Maynard']are there some levels where you have to go back and get the puzzle peices later? I just bought this and I was in the first level and theres the one with the clouds and I can't get those last two. Is there going to be times where you have to go back later?[/QUOTE]

As far as I know you can get any puzzle piece at any point in the game. All the levels are self-contained with the exception of one which requires you to
use a platfrom that's painted on a couple of puzzle pieces
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Level 6 fucking sucks...there's one puzzle piece that involves cannon, that was pretty impossible to obtain...shit was hard, I know I had it right but had to look it up on youtube...turns out they did the same thing...after about an hour of trying I finally got it, not sure why. The last level was absolutely awesome, totally twisted too.[/quote]

I've actually had an easier time with 6 so far than I did with 4. 5 I did really easy as well. Once I figured out how the shadows worked, it was easy. I know which one you are talking about with the cannon. That fast firing cannon drove me nuts for about 15 minutes until I figured it out.
For those on the fence reading the glowing praise for the game but aren't sure whether to spend the $15, there are many posts that encourage you to buy the game so let me be one of the few discouraging comments.

It took me less than 5 hours to complete Braid. Once you solve the puzzles there isn't much reason to replay it except to do a speed run. The art is great and there is one really fantastic puzzle in the game.

But if you want a platform puzzle game, N+ and EXIT are both on XBLA arcade and are cheaper. Braid messes around with Time mechanics well, but the overall design of the puzzles aren't too much different than other platform puzzle games.
How do you do the speed run to get the last achievement? Do you have to start a new game? Also what's the time to beat and where does the time display?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How do you do the speed run to get the last achievement? Do you have to start a new game? Also what's the time to beat and where does the time display?[/QUOTE]

You unlock the ability to do a speed run when you complete the game by getting 60 pieces. The option appears in the menu. The time to beat, I believe, is 45 minutes. Though a bit hard to see, your current time will be displayed in the top right corner. There is a set of videos on youtube of someone completing the game in 40 minutes if you want to watch that before giving it a go.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Level 6 fucking sucks...there's one puzzle piece that involves cannon, that was pretty impossible to obtain...shit was hard, I know I had it right but had to look it up on youtube...turns out they did the same thing...after about an hour of trying I finally got it, not sure why. The last level was absolutely awesome, totally twisted too.[/quote]

Hmm, sounds like you are doing it wrong because none of the puzzles require trial and error. The solutions are quite simple. I hope that doesn't sound mean because I am being sincere.
I tried out the demo since everyone around here is putting this game over big time. I liked it. Thought it was cool. Would I spent 15 bucks on it? Probably not. I might buy it down the road at some point though.
[quote name='Razzuel']Hmm, sounds like you are doing it wrong because none of the puzzles require trial and error. The solutions are quite simple. I hope that doesn't sound mean because I am being sincere.[/QUOTE]

Well... sometimes it takes some trial and error to find that simple solution. ;)
[quote name='Razzuel']Hmm, sounds like you are doing it wrong because none of the puzzles require trial and error. The solutions are quite simple. I hope that doesn't sound mean because I am being sincere.[/quote]

No it doesn't sound mean at all. I'll show you the video that I saw, it was pretty much the same way for me:

If there's an easier way, let me now.
[quote name='xcoax']Well... sometimes it takes some trial and error to find that simple solution. ;)[/quote]

Maybe but that is because that is our fault in over analyzing the puzzles. I can think of a bunch of examples where I was trying brute force and trial and error to solve the puzzle, completing overlooking how simple the solution really was. My best example is a puzzle piece on world 6-5. If you have got that one and that puzzle frustrated the hell out of you then you did it wrong. When I was doing speed runs it clicked and I realized how simply it really was.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']No it doesn't sound mean at all. I'll show you the video that I saw, it was pretty much the same way for me:

If there's an easier way, let me now.[/quote]

For that part I
let the lion man fall to the ground and when he was about halfway between the balcony and the cannon I jumped on his head and then landed on the cannon. Remember the higher you fall from onto a lion man's head the higher you get launched.
Did that help?
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Anyone think they know what the story is actually about? After I beat it I did some digging around and found a bunch of different versions. This one was the most interesting interpretation. WANING, it's major spoilers: http://www.rllmukforum.com/index.php?showtopic=190136%C2%A0

At one point I had a feeling science was involved, and I even made the connection of "princess=nucular bomb" Then I thought, maybe Tim was a stalker/villain seeing as how the princess was running away from him at the end after he was watching her sleep.
bread's done