XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

[quote name='lilboo']The game will be there when you wake up/come home from school/work ya know.[/quote]

Oh, that's not it. My 360 is dead (and will be out for probably three weeks). :oops:
Man, I just spent 25 minutes with that flash teaser game....and I must say that castle crashers will be awesome....Hell even if was just a longer version this one boss....I am down. Then I think about spells, all characters, a beat-em'up engine (Everyone's guilty pleasure), hd , oooooo man this game is going to rock.....

for those who have not played it

[quote name='chasemurata']Oh, that's not it. My 360 is dead (and will be out for probably three weeks). :oops:[/quote]
I'll wait until you get your Xbox back before I play! :grouphug:
Just waiting for it I guess. I plan on playing with one guy in particular I've been trying to play online with for a while.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']I'll wait until you get your Xbox back before I play! :grouphug:[/quote]

You are too kind, Shocky. :grouphug:

Tell the others to wait too, or else no new nudes! :hot:
I can't wait much longer! I have left 1200 points in my account for this. Various games have tempted me to waste it on them (Braid almost got me) but it's almost time.

EDIT: That's a sweet sig pic you got there of the orange knight Linkin Prime. Did they have any of the other knights or is it a custom sig? I would really like a similar one with the blue knight
Gah! Gotta get some sleep for classes tomorrow - hope you guys who are still up waiting to d/l it enjoy it. Mark my words Castle Crashers, your ass is getting purchased come tomorrow afternoon...
I heard it's only really good with other people to play with. I've looked forward to it for months and find that a little disheartening. I'll probably get it tomorrow anyway as I already bought MS points in anticipation.
Oh, it's sooo good. I'll be back on in a bit. I just tried it out though, beating level 1. It's like nostalgia.

Also, they took something from Zelda early on
Buy somethin', will ya

EDIT: Some people are having some online trouble I hear. I'm guessing that it's not even recognized as being out yet.
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Just tried out the demo and really liked it. Not enough to purchase it tho. It goes to show you how a great art style can go a long way. If XBL games were gamesharable id have bought this already.

The game has unlockable gamerpics as you play along.

I unlocked the blue knight (who I was playing as) and a barbarian.
[quote name='zewone']Sick.

The game has unlockable gamerpics as you play along.

I unlocked the blue knight (who I was playing as) and a barbarian.[/quote]

I got the same gamerpics even though I was playing as an orange knight.

Hopefully more unlock though.

And yeah this game is awesome. :drool: I want to keep playing but I have to hit the sack, they had to release it after Summer vacation eh?
What gamerpic and how'd you get it? Same with the Blue Knight. All I have is the Orange Knight.

Man, the abandoned mill was very reminiscent of
The Turbo Tunnel from Battletoads

EDIT: Just got Deer Trainer by replaying the Abandoned Mill.
You get two gamerpics for downloading the game. Blue Knight and a barbarian. I'm not sure if you can unlock additional gamerpics by playing the game or not. Just look at your list of gamerpics and you'll see the two everyone is talking about in there.
Oh, there it is.

I tried out the King's Arena in Campaign, and I don't know what the point is. I mean, can I win? I got through 9 waves before dying. I don't get it.
Sooo just a warning for people looking to get Achievements. I don't think you can use secret characters to get them unless it says "Any character" in the Achievement.

I have Alien Hominid so I had him unlocked from the get go and used him for the story mode. I had to do the Deer Trainer Achievement 2x because it didn't unlock using him, but it worked using the Blue Knight. Lame sauce. Also you cannot pick up any new weapons using the Alien. Even lamer. Why even let me choose him if you're going to gimp him like that? I already got him to Level 10 too... oh well, I'll just replay it using the Blue Knight I guess.
Oh god, I want to play this so badly. I'll have to wait for after school, but this is one of the main reasons I first wanted Xbox Live, which will be two years this winter. Glad to know it's amazing :)
Can someone get a running list of how to unlock characters/weapons/items? I'd love to get the Alien Hominid character without having to buy Alien Hominid (And no, I wouldn't buy it just to unlock him).
Ahhhh, loving the nature of the bosses and the overall presentation. Weapons have good personality and style, I love watching my magic upgrade, the leveling doesn't feel so fast that it's stupid... Everything seems well made, towards making this a highly memorable experience. BLUE KNIGHT RULES!

Must get some sleep here, now, though. I'm loving the fact that the games secret items and characters aren't just popping out willy-nilly. After the first few, it really feels like you'll have to work for these things, or wait till late in the game. I don't entirely want to know how to unlock everything... finding out on your own is half the fun!
[quote name='blitz6speed']Just tried out the demo and really liked it. Not enough to purchase it tho. It goes to show you how a great art style can go a long way. If XBL games were gamesharable id have bought this already.[/QUOTE]

so you're willing to pay a whopping $3 for it, why even say that, you sound like a tool. no one cares if you are willing to pay $3 for it. man up and pay $15 or do without.
It's so good. The boss fights are getting really tough (one is really cheap). The music is cool, and the ability to jump attack and carry an enemy from one side of the barrier to the other is so satisfying (which I did!). I'm gonna stop for now because I can't seem to get any online action going for campaign. I tried...4 times and got nothing. So, I think it's the coding.

I have 3 Achievements so far, am at level 15 with the Orange Knight, and I've beaten...6 or 7 bosses. I'll probably get back on in a couple of hours, maybe for some co-op. I'm also ranked in the Top 250 the last I checked.
[quote name='TheShiz']so you're willing to pay a whopping $3 for it, why even say that, you sound like a tool. no one cares if you are willing to pay $3 for it. man up and pay $15 or do without.[/quote]

I dont know how i will survive, but i will do without.
Just hit Level 16 and I could easily beat this next boss if I tried again (I had no potions when I started the level)

Pretty fun game though, but I feel like I'm about to beat it soon.

It's making me sad that the leaderboards won't update for me...I hit 18, I should be almost in the top 200.

Also if anyone wants to let me know where the telescope is that'd be great.
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Loving it, but there's too much shit... literally.

I took like 5000 damage at this one boss and lived. Then the next hit I died, it was really weird.
Just played a few levels solo beating the first 2 main bosses, Very Impressed with the game. I can't wait to played over live with 4 people.
[quote name='KiLL3r']Just played a few levels solo beating the first 2 main bosses, Very Impressed with the game. I can't wait to played over live with 4 people.[/QUOTE]

It was broken as of like 2 AM...not sure if it has been fixed.
bread's done