XBLA - Castle Crashers - 1200pts - Necromatic DLC 160pts 8/26

Well when i mean the most frustrating, i really meant it took me two tries to beat it. Everything else takes me one try. LOL.

PS. Anyone want to link me to whats so great about the end?
Apparently its some newsground inside joke. Which sucks since i dont go there really, so i dont get it.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Yeah you got to hit the guys that are close to the line, this will block them from hitting the ball and giving you the score.[/quote]
I don't know, maybe it's just because I have a slow reaction. But whenever I do that, the big one seems to immediately recognize me and kick me away. Sometimes even when he's behind everyone else.
[quote name='The 7th Number']If you are playing co-op and a partner dies, do they just rejoin, or do you have to start the level over?[/quote]

You have the option to revive them via a mini-game. If you both die, you both go back to the map.
[quote name='The 7th Number']If you are playing co-op and a partner dies, do they just rejoin, or do you have to start the level over?[/QUOTE]

If you don't or can't do CPR on them, you have to play the level without them until you pass it or you die. If you pass it, they rejoin the next level.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']You can always do CPR on them regardless of how long you wait, just approach the dead body and press "Y"[/QUOTE]

Twice now, I have seen, if someone is doing CPR and gets knocked away, the player stays dead until the level is completed, i.e. the Y stops flashing. This happened to me on the last boss. It sucked.
Just started again with the orange and blue knight (still not done with green), all I did was increase strength until it was full at level 13. I can breeze through now.
Randomly jumped through pages and didn't see it, but were the online coop issues resolved?

I want to purchase this but if there's still issues then... yeah.

[quote name='MadChedar0']Randomly jumped through pages and didn't see it, but were the online coop issues resolved?

I want to purchase this but if there's still issues then... yeah.


You can play with one other person just fine. I can't get a game to last more than a few minutes while playing with 4 people though.
[quote name='BREVITY']There is still that issue where you lose your saved character too. I lost my lvl 23 person and had to start over.[/quote]
you should of loaded your profile while inside the character select screen. It worked for me.
[quote name='the_deej']is there any date set for a patch release??[/quote]

No, all we got is Soon. Its still an amazing game. And i want to find someone who play with when the patch is out online.
[quote name='akilshohen']you should of loaded your profile while inside the character select screen. It worked for me.[/QUOTE]
I tried that... it's not working.
Lost my level 36 Grey Knight, all the animals, and a good weapon selection. heads will roll for this.
Well, heads didn't exactly roll, but i did get this email:
Thanks for your for your email! Unfortunately, the problems you have been experiencing have been happening to a number of people, most often occurring after somehow moving your game or your profile to another Xbox. Hopefully this email will explain a bit what has been going on and what we are doing about it.

Everyone here at The Behemoth is pretty upset as well at the issues that have come up with data loss. The frustration at losing all your hard won items/levels is totally understandable and justified. Both The Behemoth and Microsoft put Castle Crashers through rigorous testing and these problems did not occur until it was released to the retail market. For whatever reason, sometimes there are issues that just do not surface until the game is released. There is no way we would have launched the game in its current state if we had known about it. We take great pride in the quality of games we produce here, and our top priority is making sure your gameplay experience is as good as possible.

We are hard at work to getting these problems fixed and a Title Update out just as soon as humanly possible. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that we will be able to find a way to return your lost items/orbs/etc (though we are trying!), but at least you can be sure that it will not happen again once the Title Update is out. We are also working on ways to make this unfortunate situation up to our fans.

Please accept our sincere apologies and we hope you can understand that we are doing everything we can to fix this as quickly as possible. You can follow the progress of the Title Update if you wish on our development blog , where we will be posting information as we get it.


Dan, John, Tom, Emil and the rest of The Behemoth team.

PS. Some people have found that signing out of their profile and then back in again _from within_ Castle Crashers has recovered their lost data. While this doesn’t work for everyone, it’s worth a try!
[quote name='carpwrist']Well, heads didn't exactly roll, but i did get this email:[/QUOTE]
Thanks for posting this. I was pissed when I lost all my stuff. Mad enough I have not yet brought myself to play it again.
I just hope the online is still going a couple months from now when I eventually decide to buy it. While it is broken I can't justify spending $15 on it. If it is really that good, it will still be good in two months.
I'm almost considering deleting my Castle Crashers information from my harddrive, because at least two or three times per day I receive random friend invitations and messages and chat invites from people who see that I'm ranked 10th (Lifetime) on the leaderboards and want to buddy up.

That shit is getting real annoying.
I know what you mean. I've gotten so many random questions about 'can I have teh scepter from you' and 'I want the Red Dragon Knight, halp me'. I don't even know what these people are talking about. They think being high on the leaderboards is saying you have everything.
[quote name='zewone']Would that take you off the leaderboards though?[/quote]I don't know, but I would really like to find out.

[quote name='yukine']Just block it so only people on your friend list can message you.[/quote]Well, I don't mind the occasional CAG hitting me up for a friend request or message from an angry kid that I just beat in w/e game, so I'll keep it the way it is. I just don't see how these people expect me to drop everything I'm doing on Rock Band 2 or The Force Unleashed to load up CC and play with them when I've never even seen/talked to them before. It is starting to become fun messing with them, though.

[quote name='KingBroly']I know what you mean. I've gotten so many random questions about 'can I have teh scepter from you' and 'I want the Red Dragon Knight, halp me'. I don't even know what these people are talking about. They think being high on the leaderboards is saying you have everything.[/quote]Yeah, I saw that you were 15th or w/e, so I'm sure they just go down the list and send the same help message to everyone. The fact that I got the rank with the Fire Demon blows kids' minds, though. At least half the "fanmail" I get is asking me about that character and how I got him.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I'm almost considering deleting my Castle Crashers information from my harddrive, because at least two or three times per day I receive random friend invitations and messages and chat invites from people who see that I'm ranked 10th (Lifetime) on the leaderboards and want to buddy up.

That shit is getting real annoying.[/quote]

Max out your FL that way they can't send you invites....won't stop them from sending messages though :\
[quote name='A Happy Panda']^$$$$a calls it fanmail.[/quote]The people...they love me :cool:

[quote name='LinkinPrime']Max out your FL that way they can't send you invites....won't stop them from sending messages though :\[/quote]The people that are asking me about weapons and shit are the ones boggling my mind, I'm not as confused as to why they want a Castle Crashers celebrity on their friends list :roll:
The fact that the update hasn't been released still is total crap.

The game's in development for what 2 years and it is still released with a crippling bug and non-operating online multiplayer? What did they test that whole time?
[quote name='dipset121']Come on 1200 points??? I like the game a lot but this needs a price drop to 800 at least.[/quote]Where were you months ago when they announced it would be 1200 points? :lol:
[quote name='dipset121']Come on 1200 points??? I like the game a lot but this needs a price drop to 800 at least.[/quote]

If you really like the game a lot you would spend the 1,200 points to buy it.
[quote name='KiLL3r']If you really like the game a lot you would spend the 1,200 points to buy it.[/QUOTE]

Why should he? There are games with better value available at a cheaper price. I also passed on Castle Crashers, but mostly because i stopped buying games on XBL. If i was going to buy it there, i wouldn't pay a cent over 10 bucks.
No, it will be the perfect price, when the online multiplayer isn't completely broken.

You can get a good amount of entertainment playing the offline single player, but I don't think I'm the only one who bought it day one expecting awesome online co-op.
I'm not playing this anymore until they fix the online co-op.

Also, it's tough to play this with a Hori stick because using magic is weird.
So ... one month later and still no patch? Really? Hopefully the patch will be released concurrently with a free coupon for Alien Hominid HD *crosses fingers*.
[quote name='RudyPants']So ... one month later and still no patch? Really? Hopefully the patch will be released concurrently with a free coupon for Alien Hominid HD *crosses fingers*.[/quote]

The Behemoth devblog (http://devblog.thebehemoth.com/) was last updated on 24 Sep and just vaguely promises a patch "soon"... I guess it's caught up in the "unpredictable" timeline of the Xbox Live certification process.

With Gears of War 2 plus an onslaught of other games right on the horizon, I wish Behemoth well, but Castle Crashers is likely to be drowned out and relegated to the video game industry history books as a cautionary tale to indie developers.

I wonder what kind of long-term impact this will have on the company. Alien Hominid was clever but impractically difficult for a mass market, and now they've got the Castle Crashers blunder...
I so want this, but at the same time I'm thinking of waiting to see if it gets into hits. I won't be playing online, so that kind of takes a bit out of it for me. The demo is fantastic though. I'd love to see Capcom bring D&D to XBLA and this gameplay reminds me so much of that. It's better in a lot of ways, but I sunk so many quarters into that game...
[quote name='lordwow']The lava level there keeps kicking my ass, the dudes who shoot the fireballs, ugh.[/QUOTE]

Just air juggle the guys from left to right. Do your best to avoid their fireballs because they can catch you into a juggle of their own.
bread's done