XBLA - Magic: The Gathering - 800pts

[quote name='StarKnightX']Somehow I hope that if this does well that it'll convince companies to release other TCGs or CCGs on XBLA or even WiiWare/PSN. Unfortunately givin the status of most of the other "major" games it doesn't seem hopeful:

Vs. Series = On Life Support
Duel Masters = US support discontinued by Wizards
Yugioh = Konami focused on Nintnedo systems
Pokemon TCG = Obvious
Pirates = On Life Support (already dead?)
Heroclix = unsure
DBZ (2nd version) = On Life Support (already dead?)

About the only ones that have even a possible chance are Naruto and WoW (either one).[/QUOTE]

VS- UDE support killed in Jan. 09, fan support ongoing at vssystem.org (fuck Upper Deck!)

Yugioh- After the messy fallout between UDE and Konami (Konami claims UDE made counterfeit cards and other shady business practices) hobby support for the game is nearly dead as Konami made everyone go through them now and no one hardly is doing it and all the major tournaments dried up.

Pirates/DBZ- Not 100% for sure but I think both are dead.

Heroclix- Shut down when Wizkids went out of business last summer. A new group is trying to get the rights but hasn't been able to do it so far.

WoW TCG- With the things happening with UDE, and declining sales, rumor is Blizzard is going to pull the license when it comes up for renewal. Little turnout at the major tournaments so far this year, most top pro players of VS/WoW have gone back to Magic.

Naruto- Only seen 1 store in the STL area ever hold tournaments for it and that was 2 years ago. Pretty sure it's dead.

Epic TCG- Made by some former Magic pros out of NY, and the game is terrible. Turn 2 wins EXTREMELY common. Doing the Spoils route of having money tournaments right off the bat but no one is showing up for them.

Hobby wise the only TCG's doing well are Magic and Pokemon; with Warhammer, Warmachine, and WoW Miniatures (also UDE) doing decent to good among the miniature crowd.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Magic the Gathering was what I did during lunch back in high school with my friends lol. Sold most of my cards but have some just so I hopefully can make some money in 50 years haha. The Magic the Gathering game published by Microprose in 97 for the PC was the best. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic:_The_Gathering_video_games) Unfortunately it runs extremely fast so the adventure mode is unplayable, duel after duel and only a few inches lol. I'm so down for an XBLA version.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had the microprose game and it ran crazy fast even on my old ass PC. But it was sure fun to play the CCG and not have to worry about buying cards or finding an opponent to play. I hope the XBLA version is like that, even if expansions cost money. It would be worth it to me to pay some cash and get an entire expansion to play around with. Screw playing for booster packs of 15 cards.
[quote name='NTolerance']:roll:

They fail to realize that there's a market of people such as myself that casually played Magic 15 years ago and this game is worth exactly $10 to them, nothing more.[/QUOTE]

^--- This

I have always enjoyed the game, but I (a) don't like having to spend a boat load of money, (b) am not great at deck building/strategy, and (c) have only one friend that still has some interest in it.

Me and my buddy are going to pick it up just to play ever now-and-then. We aren't phased at all about the limitations.

Nonetheless, I am excited by both this AND Sam & Max S1 tomorrow. Good times! :razz:
[quote name='KingDox']Yeah, I had the microprose game and it ran crazy fast even on my old ass PC. But it was sure fun to play the CCG and not have to worry about buying cards or finding an opponent to play. I hope the XBLA version is like that, even if expansions cost money. It would be worth it to me to pay some cash and get an entire expansion to play around with. Screw playing for booster packs of 15 cards.[/QUOTE]
You can get the Windows XP patch for Microprose MTG game here or direct link to file here that will fix the speed issues on the pc Shandlar game. It does work and make it playable.

One of the few pc games I go back to and replay a few times a year, besides solitaire. :whistle2:#
[quote name='MSUHitman']VS- UDE support killed in Jan. 09, fan support ongoing at vssystem.org (fuck Upper Deck!)

Yugioh- After the messy fallout between UDE and Konami (Konami claims UDE made counterfeit cards and other shady business practices) hobby support for the game is nearly dead as Konami made everyone go through them now and no one hardly is doing it and all the major tournaments dried up.

Pirates/DBZ- Not 100% for sure but I think both are dead.

Heroclix- Shut down when Wizkids went out of business last summer. A new group is trying to get the rights but hasn't been able to do it so far.

WoW TCG- With the things happening with UDE, and declining sales, rumor is Blizzard is going to pull the license when it comes up for renewal. Little turnout at the major tournaments so far this year, most top pro players of VS/WoW have gone back to Magic.

Naruto- Only seen 1 store in the STL area ever hold tournaments for it and that was 2 years ago. Pretty sure it's dead.

Epic TCG- Made by some former Magic pros out of NY, and the game is terrible. Turn 2 wins EXTREMELY common. Doing the Spoils route of having money tournaments right off the bat but no one is showing up for them.

Hobby wise the only TCG's doing well are Magic and Pokemon; with Warhammer, Warmachine, and WoW Miniatures (also UDE) doing decent to good among the miniature crowd.[/QUOTE]

Didn't know that upper deck finally killed off support for vs. DBZ I agree is most likely dead , Bandai released the last expansion for it either early this year or late last year , heard nothing more from it since.

If Wizkids is gone , then Pirates is most certainly dead too (since it was also made by Wizkids. I just find it odd that there's seemingly always new sets at my local target whenever I go. Just lots of merchandise they are trying to clear out I guess.

Surprised that the WoW TCG is in as bad shape as it is. Figured that game would be doing really good. Epic TCG and The Spoils always intrigued me , but came off as TCG fanservice games , which seem like way to niche of a market for their own good.

As far as Yugioh and Naurto are concerned , you seem to relate tournament showings to actual performance of sales. Remember that both of those games make a lot of sales off of kids who most likely don't go to tournaments anyway. As it is both games continue to put out new expansions in a timely fashion. Naruto you might be right about , since it seems to be slowing down , but yugioh still seems to have some life in it yet.
I'll hold out on decisions. My wife was really into this when she was younger (still has her cards and goes to her friends house for a game maybe 3 times a year). I've watched a few games, but was never into it (and with other hobbies, wasn't looking to get into something with high overhead).

If they could get something reasonable for 800 points, I might buy it. But, if this looks like micro transaction hell, I'm out. I'm willing to put 800 now, and possibly 400-800 more every 6 months to a year if the transactions are worth it.

But, we'll see.
[quote name='lordwow']Price was confirmed on their website at 800.[/QUOTE]
Awesome. Hopefully XBL is back up later today and i can bookmark the page. Would like to play this tomorrow before i have to go to work...been ages since i played though. We're talking high school which was *cringes* like 7 years or so ago.
[quote name='Techsticles']You can get the Windows XP patch for Microprose MTG game here or direct link to file here that will fix the speed issues on the pc Shandlar game. It does work and make it playable.

One of the few pc games I go back to and replay a few times a year, besides solitaire. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

That's cool but is there a fix for running it on Vista? At least you can just play matches, that you set up, going around the speed problem.
[quote name='SynGamer']We're talking high school which was *cringes* like 7 years or so ago.[/QUOTE]
Lol ditto.
I was crazy excited for this, but after reading about the 280 card limit, I have no interest what so ever. I love battling in a TCG, but the biggest boon for me is opening packs and seeing what I get.
Just a quick FYI, if you purchase the game, you get a free Garruk Wildspeaker card by entering a code here. The orignal currently goes for $20+ on eBay, so it stands that the promo could sell for anything between 8-12. those willing to do the work can get the game dirt cheap essentially.

[quote name='MSUHitman']VS- UDE support killed in Jan. 09, fan support ongoing at vssystem.org (fuck Upper Deck!)

Yugioh- After the messy fallout between UDE and Konami (Konami claims UDE made counterfeit cards and other shady business practices) hobby support for the game is nearly dead as Konami made everyone go through them now and no one hardly is doing it and all the major tournaments dried up.

Pirates/DBZ- Not 100% for sure but I think both are dead.

Heroclix- Shut down when Wizkids went out of business last summer. A new group is trying to get the rights but hasn't been able to do it so far.

WoW TCG- With the things happening with UDE, and declining sales, rumor is Blizzard is going to pull the license when it comes up for renewal. Little turnout at the major tournaments so far this year, most top pro players of VS/WoW have gone back to Magic.

Naruto- Only seen 1 store in the STL area ever hold tournaments for it and that was 2 years ago. Pretty sure it's dead.

Epic TCG- Made by some former Magic pros out of NY, and the game is terrible. Turn 2 wins EXTREMELY common. Doing the Spoils route of having money tournaments right off the bat but no one is showing up for them.

Hobby wise the only TCG's doing well are Magic and Pokemon; with Warhammer, Warmachine, and WoW Miniatures (also UDE) doing decent to good among the miniature crowd.[/QUOTE]

Uh, just to clarify the state of TCGs:

Vs: DEAD (which saddens me, as I had just gotten into it, thanks to the PSP game). Marvel & or DC to join Universal Fighting System (UFS).

Yu-Gi-OH!: Hurt by the sudden switch up from UDE to Konami. Organized play dried up, sales still went insanely strong (almost as good as early 2008, and matched / surpassed MTG, despite no OP). OP is on the rise back up and they should have the #2 spot clinched by the end of 2009.

DBZ / Naruto: Naruto sales have dropped off completely, while DBZ is in it's 4th TCG and is doing poorly. OP is pretty much dead for both games.

WoW TCG: Doing great and is UDE's bread & butter with YGO out of the picture. Stagnant sales however.

Unviversal Fighting System: A hobby-exclusive card game tailored made for the fans (and in some regards, BY the fans). Slowly gaining ground, but no retail / mainstream exposure hurts it. Encompasses many Franchises such as Street Fighter, Soulcaliber, Darkstalkers, Samurai Showdown, King of Fighers, even Penny-Arcade (complete with my favorite card ever, Fruit fucker :) ). Rumors abound of them acquiring the Mortal Kombat, Marvel (or DC, forget which one) and Tekken franchises.

Magic The Gathering: The king is slowly losing it's crown. Fan support is dying, sales are stagnant, OP is dropping off and the game is essentially in it's darkest hour. Still king of the hobby shops, but YGO & Pokemon have dropped them off the retail map and the hobby market is doing terrible in general. Things have gotten so bad that the entire research and design was altered and it seems as though they're drawing inspiration from Yu-Gi-Oh! of all sources. Time will tell if Magic can recover from the free fall it's currently experiencing.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Magic The Gathering: The king is slowly losing it's crown. Fan support is dying, sales are stagnant, OP is dropping off and the game is essentially in it's darkest hour. Still king of the hobby shops, but YGO & Pokemon have dropped them off the retail map and the hobby market is doing terrible in general. Things have gotten so bad that the entire research and design was altered and it seems as though they're drawing inspiration from Yu-Gi-Oh! of all sources. Time will tell if Magic can recover from the free fall it's currently experiencing.[/QUOTE]
Considering it started back in 1993...I'd say it's had quite a good run, and made more money then Richard Garfield and Peter Adkison could have ever imagined.

EDIT: And damn it, XBL is still down.
You can search the Marketplace on the web and find the title card, but the link is broken. Sam and Max is up now, but it wasn't two hours ago. I think they're still coming out of maintenance.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Just a quick FYI, if you purchase the game, you get a free Garruk Wildspeaker card by entering a code here. The orignal currently goes for $20+ on eBay, so it stands that the promo could sell for anything between 8-12. those willing to do the work can get the game dirt cheap essentially.

Uh, just to clarify the state of TCGs:

Vs: DEAD (which saddens me, as I had just gotten into it, thanks to the PSP game). Marvel & or DC to join Universal Fighting System (UFS).

Yu-Gi-OH!: Hurt by the sudden switch up from UDE to Konami. Organized play dried up, sales still went insanely strong (almost as good as early 2008, and matched / surpassed MTG, despite no OP). OP is on the rise back up and they should have the #2 spot clinched by the end of 2009.

DBZ / Naruto: Naruto sales have dropped off completely, while DBZ is in it's 4th TCG and is doing poorly. OP is pretty much dead for both games.

WoW TCG: Doing great and is UDE's bread & butter with YGO out of the picture. Stagnant sales however.

Unviversal Fighting System: A hobby-exclusive card game tailored made for the fans (and in some regards, BY the fans). Slowly gaining ground, but no retail / mainstream exposure hurts it. Encompasses many Franchises such as Street Fighter, Soulcaliber, Darkstalkers, Samurai Showdown, King of Fighers, even Penny-Arcade (complete with my favorite card ever, Fruit fucker :) ). Rumors abound of them acquiring the Mortal Kombat, Marvel (or DC, forget which one) and Tekken franchises.

Magic The Gathering: The king is slowly losing it's crown. Fan support is dying, sales are stagnant, OP is dropping off and the game is essentially in it's darkest hour. Still king of the hobby shops, but YGO & Pokemon have dropped them off the retail map and the hobby market is doing terrible in general. Things have gotten so bad that the entire research and design was altered and it seems as though they're drawing inspiration from Yu-Gi-Oh! of all sources. Time will tell if Magic can recover from the free fall it's currently experiencing.[/QUOTE]

Wow if UFS gets Marvel and DC. They have been trying to get Mortal Kombat since Midway went with Score, but with the state Midway is in I doubt it will come anytime soon.

Well if OP is continuing again through Konami it's not being done in St. Louis, which used to be a Yugi hotbed. None of the hobby stores here are supporting or even selling Yugioh anymore. Only OP for Yugioh in the state is Lawrence, KS (Kansas City area.)

I would say WoW is not doing that great because all it had were strong sales (mainly from those trying to get in-game items especially when things like Spectral Tiger were selling for $500 plus on EBay) and the Pro Tour and now the sales are dropping, UDE is in a state of flux (lots of job cuts), and the top pro players from VS and WoW are going back to Magic.

I have friended a lot of the former VS Pros on Facebook and all their status updates are about Magic and all the stores here are still selling it so I didn't realize it was as bad as you say it is (and I defer to you as I don't play Magic.)

I would say they're taking from the best parts of VS, as combat resolution in VS does not use the chain (stack.) Wizards has already used the extended art cards and playmats so they're doing what the major networks did with the XFL (taking the camera on a wire over the football field) and running with the idea as they're own. It's good business.
[quote name='Brak']I thought this was coming out today...[/QUOTE]

I was able to queue it online, but once I got to my system to download. I keep getting "Can't download.." messages.
[quote name='SynGamer']Considering it started back in 1993...I'd say it's had quite a good run, and made more money then Richard Garfield and Peter Adkison could have ever imagined.

EDIT: And damn it, XBL is still down.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MSUHitman']Wow if UFS gets Marvel and DC. They have been trying to get Mortal Kombat since Midway went with Score, but with the state Midway is in I doubt it will come anytime soon.

Well if OP is continuing again through Konami it's not being done in St. Louis, which used to be a Yugi hotbed. None of the hobby stores here are supporting or even selling Yugioh anymore. Only OP for Yugioh in the state is Lawrence, KS (Kansas City area.)

I would say WoW is not doing that great because all it had were strong sales (mainly from those trying to get in-game items especially when things like Spectral Tiger were selling for $500 plus on EBay) and the Pro Tour and now the sales are dropping, UDE is in a state of flux (lots of job cuts), and the top pro players from VS and WoW are going back to Magic.

I have friended a lot of the former VS Pros on Facebook and all their status updates are about Magic and all the stores here are still selling it so I didn't realize it was as bad as you say it is (and I defer to you as I don't play Magic.)

I would say they're taking from the best parts of VS, as combat resolution in VS does not use the chain (stack.) Wizards has already used the extended art cards and playmats so they're doing what the major networks did with the XFL (taking the camera on a wire over the football field) and running with the idea as they're own. It's good business.[/QUOTE]

I should clarify, since I made it seem a lot worse than it actually is. Magic is still holding to the #1 spot, and I doubt they'll be removed anytime soon. HOWEVER, they have a serious problem getting new players aboard. The problem is so severe that they're doing everything they can to change up and appeal to the YGO! crowd (which is a bad idea IMO). While it's great that they are trying to get new blood into the game, it's bad because they're alienating their core fan base.
I shudder now to think about how much I spent on Magic cards back in middle school and early high school in the late 90s. Thankfully I was able to sell all my cards for a pretty good sum, since I took good care of them.

I've toyed with the idea of getting back into it over the years, an idea I don't think my girlfriend would be thrilled with. I stopped playing around 2000, which I guess was like 6 or 7 cycles ago now, so I'm sure the game would be totally unrecognizable to me these days.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I should clarify, since I made it seem a lot worse than it actually is. Magic is still holding to the #1 spot, and I doubt they'll be removed anytime soon. HOWEVER, they have a serious problem getting new players aboard. The problem is so severe that they're doing everything they can to change up and appeal to the YGO! crowd (which is a bad idea IMO). While it's great that they are trying to get new blood into the game, it's bad because they're alienating their core fan base.[/QUOTE]What things are they doing to appeal to the YGO! crowd specifically, or what inspirations are they taking from it, if you don't mind me asking? I'm not at all familiar with YGO, or any other TCG besides Magic for that matter, and even with Magic I'm more of a collector than a player. I've been into the game off and on (mostly on) since it's inception, but I really only ever play it with my brother and my son. I wasn't aware of it's flagging popularity, or of the game having trouble getting new players. Thanks for any info.
[quote name='bvharris'] I've toyed with the idea of getting back into it over the years, an idea I don't think my girlfriend would be thrilled with. I stopped playing around 2000, which I guess was like 6 or 7 cycles ago now, so I'm sure the game would be totally unrecognizable to me these days.[/QUOTE]Nah, you'd get back into it pretty quickly. There'd be a few new wrinkles to learn, some new game mechanics and whatnot, but it's like riding a bike. I stopped playing for about 4 years after my kids were born, but eventually the collector in me couldn't stay away. :lol:
[quote name='Danimal']What things are they doing to appeal to the YGO! crowd specifically, or what inspirations are they taking from it, if you don't mind me asking? I'm not at all familiar with YGO, or any other TCG besides Magic for that matter, and even with Magic I'm more of a collector than a player. I've been into the game off and on (mostly on) since it's inception, but I really only ever play it with my brother and my son. I wasn't aware of it's flagging popularity, or of the game having trouble getting new players. Thanks for any info.[/QUOTE]

I can only speak anecdotally to its flagging popularity, but this seems to gel with what I've seen. When I was playing back in Middle School I could rattle off a half dozen local hobby shops off the top of my head which had regular tournaments (this was during the heydey of Pokemon and Star Wars TCGs as well). I don't live around there anymore, but most of those places have shuttered or if they're still around, don't have tournaments anymore. I always played video games AND Magic (this was before I had girlfriends), but I would suspect that electronic entertainment is largely to blame. The 13 year old who was arguing card rules with you in the mid 90s (I promise this wasn't me) is now "pwning" you on Halo.

[quote name='Danimal']Nah, you'd get back into it pretty quickly. There'd be a few new wrinkles to learn, some new game mechanics and whatnot, but it's like riding a bike. I stopped playing for about 4 years after my kids were born, but eventually the collector in me couldn't stay away. :lol:[/QUOTE]

If I ever did get back into it, it would probably be as more of a collecter than a player. I'm past the point in my life where I'm interested in sitting in a hobby shop with sweaty teenagers for 5-6 hours. :D
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[quote name='SynGamer']Game is finally live.

EDIT: Can't download. I purchased the game, but it gets to 1% and says it can't be downloaded.[/QUOTE]

Same here
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Unviversal Fighting System: A hobby-exclusive card game tailored made for the fans (and in some regards, BY the fans). Slowly gaining ground, but no retail / mainstream exposure hurts it. Encompasses many Franchises such as Street Fighter, Soulcaliber, Darkstalkers, Samurai Showdown, King of Fighers, even Penny-Arcade (complete with my favorite card ever, Fruit fucker :) ). Rumors abound of them acquiring the Mortal Kombat, Marvel (or DC, forget which one) and Tekken franchises. [/QUOTE]

[quote name='MSUHitman']Wow if UFS gets Marvel and DC. They have been trying to get Mortal Kombat since Midway went with Score, but with the state Midway is in I doubt it will come anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

I completely forgot about UFS , particularly because , as mentioned , its not very mainstream. Good to hear its going strong though. Given the franchises that it encompasses , it seems like it would be a great candidate for a virtual card battling game.

One game that I forgot to mention before , and I'm curios if either of you or anyone else knows the status of it , Chaotic. That was a game I didn't think would last very long , but yet the show and the game keep chugging along.
I still think Magic is taking more from VS than Yugi. From what I understand the only major change in the rules is combat damage not using the stack, which is the same way as damage resolution was in VS.

VS worked liked this:
declare attack (either to character or directly to player)
attack declaration goes on chain (attacks can be made illegal by effects)
attack is declared legal by defender, attacking character exhausts
attacking player has priority to put effects on the chain
defending player responds
when both players pass, chain completed, damage calculated all in one-step, also check if any effects trigger on combat resolution/character stunning (auto KO, additional loss/gain of life, exhaust another character, etc.)

The new Magic rules seem to be
player declares attack and exhausts attackers
defender declares blockers
attacking player can put abilities on the stack
defending player can put abilities on the stack
combat resolves, no additional affects once you enter into combat resolution (ie before my character dies I do x.)

Now I don't play Magic so I could be totally wrong with that so please correct me if I'm wrong. Also from what I've read this game uses the new rule set that's starting in 2010 for the physical TCG so beware of that also.
[quote name='[B']SynGamer[/B]] Game is finally live.

EDIT: Can't download. I purchased the game, but it gets to 1% and says it can't be downloaded.

[quote name='AlohaMars2']Same here[/QUOTE]

Ditto, error 80070057, something wrong with them hopefully.
Yep, it's something with the ongoing maintenance (24hrs lol) that is causing the problems I guess. Someone had a semi-transcript of their call to CS on the official forums that said as much.
[quote name='halfbent']Hopefully it's like the old PC game, played that one something fierce.

As far as MTG:Online goes, I thought you could trade in and get actual copies of the card? Or did they nix that idea, I know it was talked about being done while it was still in beta at least.[/QUOTE]

As far as I know, you can do this trade only once you complete a set, which, for casual players, is kind of tough. You can do it with "foil" cards or "regular" cards.

While boosters are regularly priced on Magic Online, there are tons of single cards available for fairly cheap from "bots" (typically much cheaper than they would be IRL), so you can typically build the decks you want for cheaper. I guess you can look at this as the "tradeoff" for having real, resellable-for-cash cards (or you can work on getting a whole set so that you can sell it IRL, I suppose too... or there are other typically more complicated ways of turning the digital cards into real cash, but you can look into that yourself). One other benefit of the online game, depending on how/where you play IRL, is that booster packs that you win from drafts/tournaments can be used towards more drafts/tournaments. This may not be possible where you play IRL, as stores like to be able to sell you their stock of cards rather than let you bring in your own (presumably cheaper) packs, so playing drafts/tournaments on Magic Online may actually be cheaper for you if you can win some packs when you play.

Also, not sure if people have mentioned this in the few pages of discussion, but as of now this doesn't really work like regular Magic or Magic Online. You basically get a bunch of pre-made decks that you can play with and you pick up more cards as you advance through the single player mode... so deck construction is fairly limited. The game itself is sort of a streamlined version of the game, with lands automatically being tapped for you, etc.

Because of these differences, my guess is that expansions will be new decks to play with/against and more "puzzles" to solve (as there's a "puzzle" mode in the game too). I can't attest to the quality of the game yet as I haven't been able to play it yet.
I also bought the game today but couldn't download it. I also wasn't able to join a friend's Ghostbusters multiplayer game that he set up. I guess Xbox Live is still having some problems.
[quote name='Danimal']What things are they doing to appeal to the YGO! crowd specifically, or what inspirations are they taking from it, if you don't mind me asking? I'm not at all familiar with YGO, or any other TCG besides Magic for that matter, and even with Magic I'm more of a collector than a player. I've been into the game off and on (mostly on) since it's inception, but I really only ever play it with my brother and my son. I wasn't aware of it's flagging popularity, or of the game having trouble getting new players. Thanks for any info.[/QUOTE]

Well the first changes came years ago, when they released the Kawigama block attempted to appeal to the Japanese culture. The latest "Yu-Gi-Fication would be the introduction of reprints in Starters (making the more sought after cards easier to get) and the introduction of a new rarity; Mythic Rares (which mirror YGOs Super / Ultra / Secret / Ghost rares). I wasn't aware of new rule changes, however.

I don't really play Magic, every time I try to get in, I just lose focus.

[quote name='Kaijufan']I also bought the game today but couldn't download it. I also wasn't able to join a friend's Ghostbusters multiplayer game that he set up. I guess Xbox Live is still having some problems.[/QUOTE]

Same here :(
[quote name='SynGamer']Anyone else having problems getting their code (for the foil card) to generate?[/QUOTE]

I'm having the same problem.
[quote name='lordwow']Works now.

The first match in the campaign, the green deck you can use matches up horribly against the red deck.[/QUOTE]

Not really if you think about it. The Green deck generates a good amount of mana acceleration and pumps out bigger creatures, coupled with trample cards and even massive life gain (the bane of burn decks -- ie; decks that seek to deal you damage through card effects, rather than monsters) can easily overpower the red deck and it's bunch of one-shot burn and weenies.

Just stay alive long enough to drop your fatties (bigger monsters) and then just sit there until you come across the one Sorcery that gives all your guys + 3/3 and Trample and then swing for the fences.

Looks like I have a new addiction besides YGO! 2009
Gay, not the game but the fact that after I purchased it it said use the code underneath. The code could not be generated, check your Xbox live connection !? I'm connected online right now!? Oh well...
Hmm.. it's ok. Matches take a long time because of an automatic 4-5 second window after every phase that you cannot skip. Also, when you win cards you can add them to an existing deck, but you can't take out cards that originally were in it, which is pretty damn lame. So no matter what, your green deck is going to have that stupid gain 8 life spell.
Cripes. Using the initial green deck I killed the guy in one swift attack (after building a horde).

20 to -17 in a single offensive.
[quote name='lordwow']Works now.

The first match in the campaign, the green deck you can use matches up horribly against the red deck.[/QUOTE]

I didn't seem to have much trouble. Beat it my first try.

No online co-op and pre-made decks sucks, but this is definitely worth all of $10.
Seems like the people online ranked are mostly still using that starter green deck.

Easy wins :)

But, I hope it counts as a win for you when the other person disconnects. People quit on the turn they are gonna lose : /
[quote name='Trakan']I didn't seem to have much trouble. Beat it my first try.

No online co-op and pre-made decks sucks, but this is definitely worth all of $10.[/QUOTE]

This is from The Wizard of the Coast site:
Q: What game modes will be available in the Xbox LIVE Arcade version?

A: The Xbox LIVE Arcade version of Duels of the Planeswalkers features a full single player campaign game vs. AI opponents and a second cooperative (two-headed giant) campaign vs. AI opponents. Duels of the Planeswalkers also offers online two player, online cooperative (two-headed giant) play, as well as 3 and 4 player online multiplayer (free for all) game play.
Sooo, theres online co-op but I haven't tired it yet.

Hmm they're working on the code error thing, good to hear:
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It's alright, if I wasn't planning on selling the Garruk for $5-10 to make this cheaper I'd be disappointed though. Not being able to take cards out after you've won new ones is an extreme disappointment because as above, I don't want to run a terrible life gain card in the green deck. A majority of the time it also feels as though, because of the card mix and lack of deck building, that my wins and losses are dictated almost solely by topdecks and not my skill level. The puzzles were nice, but I wish there were more of them.
[quote name='Trakan']I didn't seem to have much trouble. Beat it my first try.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']Not really if you think about it. The Green deck generates a good amount of mana acceleration and pumps out bigger creatures, coupled with trample cards and even massive life gain (the bane of burn decks -- ie; decks that seek to deal you damage through card effects, rather than monsters) can easily overpower the red deck and it's bunch of one-shot burn and weenies.

Just stay alive long enough to drop your fatties (bigger monsters) and then just sit there until you come across the one Sorcery that gives all your guys + 3/3 and Trample and then swing for the fences.

Looks like I have a new addiction besides YGO! 2009[/QUOTE]

Damn. I played the opening game 3 times. The first two times I wasn't able to get more than 5 land out the entire game, while I got pounded by their two flying creatures. The final game they were just out-creaturing me every round, I think they ended up having about 8 creatures out by the end of the game, and just were using their spell that deals 3 damage to my creatures and then attacking.

I played Magic for a couple years about a decade ago, and I may try it just using the red deck.
bread's done