XBLA - Shred Nebula - 800Pts - Sept. 3rd -- Interview on CAG Foreplay!!!!

It's cool that it's getting so much exposure, I hope it does well for you guys. Do you get paid according to sales? :p
I can't really talk about any of that SpazX, but yeah we are having a real push on press right now. We have a large focus on the website of course, but I am trying to get in contact with the ShipWrecks to see if we can do something for you guys.
if the game does well sales wise, will there be continued support after it launches like say.... expansion packs and what not or are you guys getting ready to tackle another game after Shred Nebula launches?
[quote name='fart_bubble']if the game does well sales wise, will there be continued support after it launches like say.... expansion packs and what not or are you guys getting ready to tackle another game after Shred Nebula launches?[/quote]

I can't talk too much about that stuff either, but as James said in the X-Play interview we are planning on have a huge tournament early 2009. So if that is a pretty good indication that we will continue support.
If this game does well, would you consider developing a CAG game? ;)

p.s. i want to be a power-up; a gong that adds gong armor to Cheapy or Wombat
Oh wow...those ships are sick! Are there more that haven't been revealed or is that it? Do we have the option to choose a color for the ships?

Also, you say "multiplayer ships" does that mean that there's only one ship for the single player?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Oh wow...those ships are sick! Are there more that haven't been revealed or is that it? Do we have the option to choose a color for the ships?

Also, you say "multiplayer ships" does that mean that there's only one ship for the single player?[/QUOTE]

There are 8 total multiplayer ships (4 have been revealed):
my favorite hasn't been revealed yet though.

There are tons of single player enemies though that aren't playable though.

The single player arcade adventure is focused around RIP Rocket itself and its mission.

Each ship is highly detailed with multiple maps on it to make them very pretty. We might have added some cool hidden things in the game though.... I can't remember though really :)
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Nice :applause:

Are you guys going to have gamerpics and themes available as well?[/QUOTE]

Yeah I am pretty sure we will, They should be pretty!

1 week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be online tonight at 1AM (PST)(I believe that is when they put them up) playing online for anyone that wants to play against me.
[quote name='MotzCTG']I will be online tonight at 1AM (PST)(I believe that is when they put them up) playing online for anyone that wants to play against me.[/QUOTE]

wish my fucking 360 would finally get back
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So what's the verdict? Anyone play last night or this morning? I passed out before it was up :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

LOL so did I, I'm not going to lie. I will be home in about 2 hours and will be on :)
I just played it and it's pretty good. The controls will take some getting used to, but I might pick it up later.
I bought the game and have played a bit. It's pretty neat! I want the theme for it, but I don't wanna spend another 80 points :(
It's.. neat. But not for me. Feels like too many buttons to push and it feels really sensitive and I was flyin all over the place. Not a bad game, but I won't be purchasing this.

Good luck, though!
If you are just downloading the demo please check out Score Attack mode, a lot of people seem to be drawn to that :)
I did! I played for a good hour (between the modes). This is a solid title, just not for me.

Do you guys have any plans on other XBLA titles? Hell, even PSN/WiiWare titles in the works?
[quote name='lilboo']
Do you guys have any plans on other XBLA titles? Hell, even PSN/WiiWare titles in the works?[/QUOTE]

does gamesharing on psn influence putting this or future titles on psn?
I usually don't buy arcade games due to there being so much junk out there that i'll play for a day or two and never touch again.
Now that I know a CAG worked on it I'll definitely download the trial and give it a shot.
What kind of scores (if any) has this gotten so far?

Good luck and I hope this game will open up the gates for future projects for you.
i did not like the controls at all. i can appreciate the work that goes into developing a game, so i would like to say good job to MotzCTG. however, just like lilboo, its not for me.

i do think having one of the devs in the community tames comments down. i think there would be some "man, that sucks", when there is anonymity involved.
:rofl: No, that's not true. In the Wii Shop Channel thread we had one of the developers who made "Critter Creatures" talk in that thread and people were like "DIS GAME SUXXXXOR!1"..:rofl:

I would have had the same opinion regardless if the OP was a developer or not. It just seems like a good game for certain people; just not me :)
Tried out the demo a couple nights ago, seems like it could be pretty good but the controls are a bit hard to get used to. Seems like it would work better with a mouse. I didn't delete the demo, I want to give it a full spin later, and If It seems like I can get used to the controls, I'll get it.
I'll have to chime in with a complaint about the controls as well. Having thurst/reverse on the left trigger/bumper respectively feels backwards when most people aren't southpaws. If there was an option for custom controls this would be no problem, but there are only 2 button combinations that can be switched. I dug the trial, but i only used the right trigger once...at the end! Nothing that you can't get used to, but backwards imo.
I think I would have appreciated a dual stick controls? Is that what it's called? AKA like Geometry Wars.
Dual Stick + light use of the shoulder buttons.
Hey guys thanks for all the comments, on multiple message boards the main complaint has been with the controls of the game. I tried to defend them and other devs have tried to defend them, but I'm not going to defend them here too much, because they are what they are really. It seems to me like if you can sit down and play with them for about an hour or 2 through training or score attack and realize that this is not a dual stick shooter then maybe that can help.

Welp for anyone else please give it a try out(demo is free, play score attack too), and I hope that you enjoy it. And don't worry just cause a Dev is on the boards doesn't mean you can't trash talk my game, as long as you justify it :)

Don't forget to listen to my interview on the new CAG Foreplay! and enter the contest to win Shred Nebula :) :)
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Tried out the demo and it's not bad, though I'm not a fan of the zoomed in camera. Seems similar to NovaStrike on PSN, though that game's was a bit too zoomed out or at least the ship was too small.
I actually joined specifically to post in this thread after seeing more control-bashing.

Believe me, I'm with all of you that dislike the controls - I have my gripes with them as well. I posted on GFAQS with a few criticisms about the game, and even came up with a (IMHO) nice dual-stick controller layout.

BUT (and this is a big one), once you spend a couple hours with the game, you really do get used to the controls.

I think the biggest issue people are having is in thinking the game is Asteroids or Subspace. I almost wish the devs would stop comparing the game to other games, but there's no avoiding it. If you *are* going to compare the game to another, Subspace is really as close as it gets.

A lot of people seem to be having a Rotation vs. Free issue, too. If you move the stick to the left, your ship is going to turn quickly to point left. If you move the stick to the right, etc. etc. Rotation would slow your ship down to a point where the game would be unplayable - there's just too much action to have that type of control scheme.

From what I read, it looks like the CTG team is going to try to work in some more control customization, and I'm really hoping that will improve the way people are perceiving SN.

Really, though, for those of you that grabbed the trial, said 'bleh', and immediately put it down... spend some more time with the game. My first reaction was pretty poor, but once I put some time into it, I enjoyed it enough to buy it.
I'll probably buy this in the coming days. The controls are different in that they are sort of old school, but that's pretty easy to adjust to. Nothing really worth complaining about.
Look forward to playing you online! Most of the developers are on every night playing for a few hours. We usually get some nice 4-8 player matches going. Enjoy!
I played the demo and I too couldn't get a complete grasp of the controls. I know that putting a few hours into the game would probably alleviate that issue, but honestly I have enough games to play that I don't want to spend that amount of time to be able to just play the game correctly.

I appreciate all of the hard work that went into this game. The graphics and sound design are pretty good for an XBLA game. It's just that a game like this, which is going to be compared to other "space shooters" on XBLA, needs to grab you quickly in order to sell. The fact that the controls have such a learning curve is going to turn off a lot of people and discourage impulse buys.
I'm enjoying the game so far, but I've yet to play more than a 2 player match.

I've tried a couple times to find a match, but I don't get anything.

I'm gonna keep trying for an 8 player match...

Anyone here want to play sometime?
bread's done