XBLA - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time - Now 800pts :whee: - 8/5

If this game is 15 I think I'll cry. The last game I got at 15 (Castle crashers) Was a pretty big disappointment so I've vowed never to buy another 15 dollar XBLA title again. Unless it's really that good.
[quote name='BustaUppa']so did any interesting info come out of that 1up conference??[/QUOTE]

Sadly no. They showed Smash Up as well, and mentioned it played like brawl. The TMNT:Turtles In Time was basically those 2 stages that have already been seen. They didn't mention anything worth watching it for. My guess is the game will be 1200 points. Sadly I would pay even 1600 points for this since I
ahaa ok thanks for the update!

One thing I've been wondering is whether they'll use the gameplay tweaks that were introduced in the SNES version. SNES had a more fighter-style throw command, whereas I believe the throws occurred randomly in the arcade version. Also you could choose your dashing style in the SNES version, so you could double-tap to run (in the arcade you had to just walk in a direction until the automatic running kicked in).
Has there been any new information on whether or not we can choose to use the original sprites from the SNES version (like in SSFII Turbo HD Remix)?
If the game is 1200 points, you know what I'll do? Go play some Castle Crashers. It's got to be 800 points because a remake isn't going to be worth 1200.

I'm concerned by the no joining in even while in local play, though.
[quote name='budz']The simpsons arcade I would buy on day 1 though.[/QUOTE]

Me too. I would also love the X-Men arcade over XBL.

I will be buying this TMNT remake day one. This was one of my favorite games in the arcade and on the SNES.
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Ugh I don't know if I can pay $15 for this. I have the old ones readily available to play at any moment so I'm not sure if I can justify this.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']http://majornelson.com/archive/2009/07/09/2nd-annual-summer-of-arcade-kicks-off-july-22nd.aspx http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/25424

1up has a comparison video between the original and the remake.[/QUOTE]I hate to say this but I'm really not digging it now that I'm seeing the game in motion. Not writing it off, but definitely not granting it insta-buy status. I'll have to try the demo first and see how I feel. I actually wish the developers went the "lazy" route with this one and did a straight port.:whistle2:x
looking at the vids, seems like they changed the gameplay a bit. looks like you can hit enemies above and below you, not just right in front of you like before.
Remember how one of those previous-gen TMNT games (Mutant Nightmare or something like that) had Turtles In Time as an unlockable? I always avoided it because I heard they changed the music, but does anyone know WHAT music was changed? Like was it just the intro, or most of the actual in-game music? Because if the majority of the game sounds like the original, I may just go that route the next time I grab some old games at a GameStop b2g1.
[quote name='KingBroly']They took away every sound bite from the game except for hitting guys.[/QUOTE]YIKES, yeah never mind, I just YouTubed some videos of it and it's quite terrible. The random-ass music they put in is mixed rather prominently, too. Damn! :whistle2:(
[quote name='decrot']looking at the vids, seems like they changed the gameplay a bit. looks like you can hit enemies above and below you, not just right in front of you like before.[/QUOTE]

This is one of few times, where I can't complain about such a change. The old games of this type always had a bit of a "hit radius", that allowed you to hit enemies not exactly on your plane. This is just a better graphical representation of that.

I love how Guardian Heroes gave you set planes to jump to. This eliminated the need for angled attacks, and allowed one to do special move commands, Fighting game style, really easily.

If there is one place I can say Castle Crashers dropped the ball, if was with this situation. The VS mode was much crappier than it should have been, because lining up hits felt horrible with non-cpu opponents. I would have prefered either a Guardian Heroes, or Turtles Reshelled method, rather than what we got.

I think the chaos in this port will make the angled hits fit well into the game. Seeing a character hit straight forward, but hit 3 enemies, in 3D space, on different planes, would look sloppy. The solution they used is much better, and shouldn't adversely affect this game.
Thanks for posting the comparison video. It made me pretty excited again for this.

I like the music though :( It seems to match the SNES version of the game which is the version I grew up on.
I dont remember sucking this much as a kid. i just bought yesterday the arcade version on XBL and i pretty much died on every screen. i noticed while being hit though it felt like glitch hitting. I don't remember EVER in the arcade or snes version getting hit 3-4 times without being able to move.. i dont remember the snes version being this hard or messed up (luckily i have infinite lives!)
[quote name='timesplitt']I dont remember sucking this much as a kid. i just bought yesterday the arcade version on XBL and i pretty much died on every screen. i noticed while being hit though it felt like glitch hitting. I don't remember EVER in the arcade or snes version getting hit 3-4 times without being able to move.. i dont remember the snes version being this hard or messed up (luckily i have infinite lives!)[/QUOTE]

Yeah.... You are talking about the old one that was released on Arcade/NES. This thread is for the one that isn't out yet. ;)
Will be buying thanks to the influx of cheap MS points (which I legally obtained through Amazon mind you through rewards).
Gameplay of Big Apple (Go to Youtube to watch in HD):


I'm impressed with the quality of lighting and animation in this game, personally. Regardless of the price, I have to say I don't get the feeling that this game was "phoned in" like many ports. I love the fact that the actions have the same snap and timing I expect when watching a 2D game, but in 3D. And the Turtles redesigns, while different, remind me much more of what I've seen of the comics over the years, with their sleek, slightly edgier look.

Lastly, even if the music is new, IT SOUNDS LIKE 90'S KONAMI MUSIC! WoOT! Konami always had those BIG BEATS in their music, that always said "YES, THIS IS AN 8/16 BIT ERA KONAMI GAME!". That's replicated suprisingly well here.
I was kinda hoping the game would just get a facelift. I'll have to play the trial, but right now I'm not feeling the diagnol free-roaming combat.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']

Source: http://www.gamerbytes.com/2009/05/tmnt_turtles_in_time_remake_fo.php via:

Excellent news...day one for me for sure! I like the new look as well, just hope that they add a bit more detail/texture to the turtles and enemies.

Does the chick come with the game?
Not interested for $15. I played TMNT 1989 Arcade about five times (2 hours or so), and I'm not looking to pay another $15 for a similar experience.
crap... now i gotta wait longer....

been playing the snes version on my wii to catch up.. cant wait.. price is a lil steep though..
After Worms Armageddon and it's 800 points of bliss I can't justify paying 1200 for what I know will be less gameplay.
[quote name='deszaras']fuck! I'm pissed it got switched. I don't want to wait any longer for this.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I knew getting TMNT one week, and MVC2 the next week was to good to be true.
[quote name='jman619']I agree. I knew getting TMNT one week, and MVC2 the next week was to good to be true.[/QUOTE]
you know you're still getting one of the games one week, and the other the next week right?
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Pushed back AND 1200 pts? Oh god...

Well, I don't think I'll be picking this one up.[/QUOTE]

I was willing to pick it up regardless up price, but to push it back to August...

I'm not waiting any longer for this damn game.
[quote name='decrot']you know you're still getting one of the games one week, and the other the next week right?[/QUOTE]

Yeah just switched around. I was really looking to buy turtles though. I bought points early just for these games. :lol:
bread's done