XBLA - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time - Now 800pts :whee: - 8/5



These are the same paintings.
I miss gliding in the air endlessly swinging my weapon. Also the grabs such as throwing and slamming seem to happen at random in Re-Shelled while in the SNES I could pull them off by command everytime.
Good vid. Wow Krang looks a LOT better.

Just got TMNT:RS and while it's good, the 3d animation makes it easier to get lost. I just started mashing buttons hoping I'd hit something. lol
But the online option is really good.
I also wish their was an option to get the old arcade version back. but I'm content.
The music however is pretty bad.
IMO, they should've either left it alone, or remixed the old music with new instruments ala OCR.

Same core game, but not exactly the same. I really do like the survival mode though. Would be nice if the original arcade game had that as a game mode as well.
I'll def. be playing this game a lot. :)
[quote name='IceBlueShoes']Good vid. Wow Krang looks a LOT better.

Just got TMNT:RS and while it's good, the 3d animation makes it easier to get lost. I just started mashing buttons hoping I'd hit something. lol
But the online option is really good.
I also wish their was an option to get the old arcade version back. but I'm content.
The music however is pretty bad.
IMO, they should've either left it alone, or remixed the old music with new instruments ala OCR.

Same core game, but not exactly the same. I really do like the survival mode though. Would be nice if the original arcade game had that as a game mode as well.
I'll def. be playing this game a lot. :)[/QUOTE]

If you do get lost, hold the LT. It will put an icon above your head, to let you know which one is you.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']If you do get lost, hold the LT. It will put an icon above your head, to let you know which one is you.[/QUOTE]
AHh! So thats what it does! I was wondering what that was.
thanks! :applause:
[quote name='Trakan']The Turtles look and sound far worse than the original. The combat is worse. I'll get interrupted in the middle of a combo. Sometimes I'll keep doing the same initial stick-swing with Donatello instead of continuing into a combo. I'll be inside somebody's asshole beating the shit out of them, but they're somehow invulnerable. Baxter Stockman looks like a goddamn dragon. I'm not mad that it's missing the stuff from the SNES version, although they could have easily included it. The remixed music is absolutely terrible.

A remake is supposed to improve on everything the original did. This game somehow does worse in every way. If it's inferior to the original, there's a problem.

Hey, I got you to make a good post! So you and Brak don't like how the Turtles look in this game. Here's something to consider:


The old cartoon Turtles


One of the new cartoon Turtles (2003-onward)

Which one of those designs looks more like this?


The original Turtles in Time was based on the old cartoon series. Reshelled is a remake for modern audiences. Kids today don't want the cartoon in which squishy, short Turtles fight robot foot soldiers. They watch the new cartoon that's a lot closer to the comic books. You don't like the new cartoon because it's different than what you grew up with? That's what the Turtles are now. So Reshelled uses the new cartoon character designs and even the real voices from that cartoon for each turtle. The old game just had generic Konami voices and each Turtle had the same voice. The art and voice overhaul is necessary for pleasing modern audiences, even if it conflicts with some people's nostalgia.

Oh yeah, and the mash-up of a game based on the old TV series with characters from the new TV series may seem strange... But the animated movie "TMNT Forever" coming to DVD later this year operates along similar lines. The old Turtles and their enemies will meet the new Turtles and co, so Reshelled could almost be viewed as existing within the TMNT Forever universe.

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I think most people wanted the old school look. If you look at a lot of the non-buyers of the game, the reason given was 'no old school version included'.
[quote name='eastx'][/QUOTE]I hear what you're saying eastx, but given your premise I think a better course of action would be to just make a brand new game! Why take an old gem and go all George Lucas on it?
I might buy it still, but what bothers me is that they really didn't add much to the game besides updating the graphics and adding online play. Anything would have been good, more characters, more levels, upgradeable turtles, unlockable costumes,...anything. But they gave us nothing. And they didn't even give us the SNES content for whatever reason. Pretty disappointing.
[quote name='eastx']Hey, I got you to make a good post! So you and Brak don't like how the Turtles look in this game.

The original Turtles in Time was based on the old cartoon series. Reshelled is a remake for modern audiences. Kids today don't want the cartoon in which squishy, short Turtles fight robot foot soldiers. They watch the new cartoon that's a lot closer to the comic books. You don't like the new cartoon because it's different than what you grew up with? That's what the Turtles are now. So Reshelled uses the new cartoon character designs and even the real voices from that cartoon for each turtle. The old game just had generic Konami voices and each Turtle had the same voice. The art and voice overhaul is necessary for pleasing modern audiences, even if it conflicts with some people's nostalgia.

Oh yeah, and the mash-up of a game based on the old TV series with characters from the new TV series may seem strange... But the animated movie "TMNT Forever" coming to DVD later this year operates along similar lines. The old Turtles and their enemies will meet the new Turtles and co, so Reshelled could almost be viewed as existing within the TMNT Forever universe.[/QUOTE]

Look, guy, I get what you're saying. Don't talk to me like I'm a fuckin' retard. They're still Turtles. I get it. What I'm saying is that I don't like it, and it's one of the reasons this game doesn't live up to the original.

Call me crazy, but I think a re-make would trying to capture the nostalgia for the audience that loved the original moreso than modern audiences. I get what they tried to do. It didn't work for me, and apparently, it didn't work for a lot of people.

Obviously, with the whole redesign with the Turtles brand years ago, they are going for another look/audience. Like BustaUppa said though, they'd be better off making a new game than screwing up the original.
I didn't mean to imply that you're not smart or something. You had just made several posts in a row that expressed negative sentiments without providing any details. When you provided details, I could finally understand your viewpoint.

Keep in mind I'm only addressing the gripes of graphics and voices here. It's really fine if the new art doesn't do anything for you. But the way some people are describing it, the revamp is an affront to humanity, or at least Turtles fans. That's not a reasoned response. Like I explained above, their decision to change the graphics and voices makes a lot of sense. BustUppa's response is reasonable - you don't have to like what they did, but don't act like it's madness, either.

Anyone can get the original arcade game elsewhere in emulated form, so I find an update to be a lot more exciting. Was it a mistake to leave out the option of playing the original in the remake? Obviously so, if a fair number of people want that. Still, plenty of people are happy with this version too. For my money, it's a much more fun game than any other TMNT game of the last several years.
[quote name='eastx']For my money, it's a much more fun game than any other TMNT game of the last several years.[/QUOTE]

That's probably a given. I don't doubt that.

Let me ask you this. When it comes down to it, would you rather have what we have now with this remake, or the SNES version with 4-player online coop?

I think the answer is obvious, and pretty much proves the remake is inferior.
But that was my original point. Just because something is inferior, that doesn't make it the maximum level of bad.

Example: The Super NES version of Street Fighter 2 isn't as good as the arcade game by most criteria, so is the SNES version suddenly atrocious? No, it's just a little worse. Some people may even like it better for adding a versus mode despite all the graphical and aural fidelity it loses or the many little differences in timing and moves. If anything, it allowed many people to play Street Fighter 2 against other people more often than the arcade game, since as kids maybe we couldn't get to the arcade much or whatever. In the same way, TMNT Reshelled doesn't have all the features that the SNES version did, but it adds a little bit of stuff and lets us play online with people, which we couldn't otherwise do if it never came out.

I agree that videogame remakes should be superior to the originals, but just because a game doesn't accomplish that in every possible way, that doesn't mean it's the worst game ever or shouldn't exist.
[quote name='eastx'] I agree that videogame remakes should be superior to the originals, but just because a game doesn't accomplish that in every possible way, that doesn't mean it's the worst game ever or shouldn't exist.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough, but a port and a remake are two very different things IMO.
I really miss the SNES throws that you could actually control. Somewhat of a deal breaker for me, as that's part of my nostalgia for this game.
[quote name='KingBroly']But how many remakes are as good, if not better than the original? Not a lot.[/QUOTE]

Monkey Island remake that apparently no one cares about on CAG. They re-did the graphics and kept the original in.

Which is what this title should have done considering all the complaints.
Bought this game and was playing it last night on live. 4 players on screen just seems like it is to much. At times I couldn't even tell where I was. Also as much as I hate to say this but it would be nice if you could save. After about 3 or 4 levels I wanted to watch TV and had two options quit and watch tv and start all over or keep playing even though I didn't want to.
Yeah, with 4 players online doing the campaign co-op it is chaos and gets crazy. You lose where you are and you better find where your character is at quick. The game is not worth 800 points, sorry to say. I am a fan and played this game online last night with 3 other people in co-op campaign and took us about an hour to complete it. This is something that you let a friend buy and then you go play it for free over there; wait for a giveaway or find another way to play or get it for $5. The graphics are nice and it plays smoothly but there really isn't any replay value.
I think GiantBomb nails it in their review.

If you pumped your share of quarters into any of the innumerable beat-'em-ups of yesteryear's arcades--games like Final Fight, Double Dragon, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles--then a high-definition 3D update to any one of those games might sound like a great idea to you. But that's probably because you haven't played any of those old games since they were popular and thus have not yet come to the belated realization that these games are actually pretty simple and boring by today's standards.

Is the arcade version a lot better? Don't count the SNES version since this isn't a remake of that. I think the people who enjoy this game, enjoy it for what it is.

Basically, the arcade game in HD. I didn't have these unrealistic high hopes going into it, and I got exactly what I expected. If this doesn't sell well, I'm sure Ubi will be kicking themselves because a direct port of the arcade version probably wouldn't have gotten this much negative response.

I'm curious why they didn't elect to remake the SNES version though. Maybe it was licensing issues?
[quote name='seanr1221']
Is the arcade version a lot better?[/QUOTE]

I fired it up on MAME last night to see if I was fooling myself - and to answer your question, I'd say yes. Well, not "a lot better," but definitely more fun. This game didn't need a big overhaul like this. The first game was essentially a straight port and it was fine. Honestly, all TiT RS made me want to do is play the prequel on XBLA.

That Giantbomb review though - I am getting tired of people saying that the game is lackluster just because "it was good back then and it isn't now, since games are better now." fuck those people with a rusty pickaxe. Go jump on the SNES version of this game and tell me it isn't fun.
Ok I am finally going to post my thoughts on this game. It is good, not great, not as good as the originals, either SNES or Arcade, but it is still a good remake despite its flaws. I have played and beaten (multiple times) Turtles in Time on the SNES within the last year so I think I have a good basis for comparision. All the people saying this pisses on their childhood are wearing nostagia glasses when looking at the original. While still a lot of fun today it IS NOT drastically different from this remake... it's just not. Anyone who says otherwise either hasn't played the original in years or is just a moron.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']This game is the biggest disappointment since Resident Evil 5.[/QUOTE]

That's the first time I've ever seen someone say something negative about RE5, besides myself.
[quote name='seanr1221']I think GiantBomb nails it in their review.

Is the arcade version a lot better? Don't count the SNES version since this isn't a remake of that. I think the people who enjoy this game, enjoy it for what it is.

Basically, the arcade game in HD. I didn't have these unrealistic high hopes going into it, and I got exactly what I expected. If this doesn't sell well, I'm sure Ubi will be kicking themselves because a direct port of the arcade version probably wouldn't have gotten this much negative response.

I'm curious why they didn't elect to remake the SNES version though. Maybe it was licensing issues?[/QUOTE]

I don't agree with what giant bomb said about Final Fight. I still enjoy it to this day. I love old school games, and beat em ups in general. I think that is the reason they didn't do the snes version must have been licensing issues. I look at this game different than most people. It may not be all that great,but its better than nothing. :lol:
True, so far there have not been ports or remakes of any Konami NES or SNES games - they always use the arcade versions, like with Contra and Super Contra. So there may be legitimate licensing issues.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Monkey Island remake that apparently no one cares about on CAG. They re-did the graphics and kept the original in.

Which is what this title should have done considering all the complaints.[/QUOTE]

I definitely liked Monkey Island SE. But my point is there are a handful of remakes in a sea of them that are as good as the original, and there are even fewer that surpass the original. This one is just like every other one, but it's still fun to play, albeit mind-numbing and confusing at times.

Personally, I can only think of 3 remakes that surpass the original:
- Metroid Zero Mission
- Super Castlevania IV
- Super Mario Advance (remake of SMB2 USA)
[quote name='intoxicated662']Yeah, with 4 players online doing the campaign co-op it is chaos and gets crazy. You lose where you are and you better find where your character is at quick. The game is not worth 800 points, sorry to say. I am a fan and played this game online last night with 3 other people in co-op campaign and took us about an hour to complete it. This is something that you let a friend buy and then you go play it for free over there; wait for a giveaway or find another way to play or get it for $5. The graphics are nice and it plays smoothly but there really isn't any replay value.[/QUOTE]
I also thought it was a bit hard to find oneself with 4 turtles on screen. Then I went back to check the older arcade games to compare.
It's also hard to find out what's going on at times then, especially on the skateboard, like levels.
Atleast w/ this version you can that "find" button feature.

Maybe it's just me, but this newer version is starting to grow on me. It's not perfect and I would've been happy w/ the arcade version as well, but it looks a lot better overall. I like this animation style with the combination of the comic and old cartoon style.
The voices are better now.

What I don't like: the music sucks. End of story. As I said before, I think they should've just remixed it and updated it with new instruments or something.
I'm also not too keen on this version of Leatherhead.
I prefer the old one.

Also the new level of Neon Nightriders is just weird. Wasn't it supposed to be at night? lol

Having said that overall I think it's a good remake. Not perfect, but good. It's not supposed to be a deep game (nostalgia does that to ya sometimes) like Fallout, but rather a quick game you can pick up.
[quote name='eastx']True, so far there have not been ports or remakes of any Konami NES or SNES games - they always use the arcade versions, like with Contra and Super Contra. So there may be legitimate licensing issues.[/QUOTE]
Not sure if that's true but Contra 3 and the original TMNT for the NES have been released on Wiiware... Not sure about XBL though...

And we'll probably see a TMNT:4 Arcade port...
For 400MS points...
I meant on non-Nintendo systems... Sorry about that.

Leatherhead is indeed a butt to fight against in Reshelled. It's nice to see him looking more frightening like the comic book version though.
[quote name='KingBroly']
Personally, I can only think of 5 remakes that surpass the original:
- Metroid Zero Mission
- Super Castlevania IV
- Super Mario Advance (remake of SMB2 USA)
- REMake for Gamecube
- Monkey Island Special Edition

Fixed :p
I want to preface that I didn't include Monkey Island into the equation since if it didn't include the remade version, I don't think it would've been as good as the original. Some of the designs were...uh...interesting. I know Metroid Zero Mission included the original as an unlockable, but it was still far and above the original.

As for REmake, maybe...I guess. I never liked Resident Evil games until 4 so I can't really say one way or another. Give me REmakes in the style of RE4 (preferably Wii controls) and then we'll talk about it.
REmake is better than the original in every conceivable way. Out of Monsta Mack's list, all but one of those games are full retail titles. I think it's harder for a downloadable title to exceed the quality of a retail title since the budget and potential audience are so much lower.

Oh yeah, you forgot Bionic Commando Rearmed - another game that's better than the original in every possible way (despite being a downloadable game).
[quote name='eastx']REmake is better than the original in every conceivable way. Out of Monsta Mack's list, all but one of those games are full retail titles. I think it's harder for a downloadable title to exceed the quality of a retail title since the budget and potential audience are so much lower.

Oh yeah, you forgot Bionic Commando Rearmed - another game that's better than the original in every possible way (despite being a downloadable game).[/QUOTE]

I guess the original Bionic Commando really sucked then because I really hate Rearmed.
Played the demo. I kind of like this. I'll probably eventually get this if I can pick up cheap points somewhere.

I rather them released the original. However, a whole new turtles game (with the re-shelled look) and based on Turtles in Time. Maybe even like a Turtles in Time II. :shrug:
It's like impossible to get the heroes in a halfshell achivement for me because usually always one player quits mid match (What, can't hang around for ten minutes?) and survival is gonna take awhile.
You get Heroes in a Half Shell by beating the game with each Turtle individually. Not by completing an online game with all 4 Turtles.
I'm enjoying this game. I spent some time this afternoon trying to beat survival mode. I'll pull it off eventually and then I'll have all 200 GS.
[quote name='KingBroly']You get Heroes in a Half Shell by beating the game with each Turtle individually. Not by completing an online game with all 4 Turtles.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I tried explaining this to another guy,but he still don't believe me. I'm only missing two. Missing the one for the third stage where you can't get hit by any traps, and I don't have the one for survival mode. I think the survival mode one would be about damn impossible.
[quote name='KingBroly']For the Traps one, you can still get hit by the metal doors and get the Achievement.[/QUOTE]

That's interesting to know. I really thought it might have included those as well.
My brother, son, and I beat the game on normal today. Two of us missed the Achievement for not dying on the final boss. Luckily the game is kind enough to let you earn Achievements through the Quick Play stage select, so we jumped right back into the fight and got the Achievement.
Yeah I can confirm the vines hitting you won't count against the achievement.

I got it on my first try through the level, and was hit by the very first set of vines.

Overall the game is decent, not great, it's really only fun because I've been playing with friends through it.
[quote name='jman619']I think the survival mode one would be about damn impossible.[/QUOTE]

It's much easier than it sounds. Just do it solo.
[quote name='KingBroly']You get Heroes in a Half Shell by beating the game with each Turtle individually. Not by completing an online game with all 4 Turtles.[/QUOTE]

Good to know thanks.
So would you recommend this game? I just picked up a 1600 points card and was thinking of getting this. But i read a review and it said this game sucked, and was frustrating. Playing the demo, the controls didnt seem as tight as i wished they were.
bread's done