XBLA - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time - Now 800pts :whee: - 8/5

I'm on right now if anyone wants to make a run through. I am appearing offline, but just send me a friend request or a game request and I'll join as long as I'm not in another one with other CAGs.
[quote name='HydroX']I'm on right now if anyone wants to make a run through. I am appearing offline, but just send me a friend request or a game request and I'll join as long as I'm not in another one with other CAGs.[/QUOTE]

I'll play with you or some cags if anyone wants. I'm wondering how the online is. I'm getting on now. xD
[quote name='KingBroly']And once again, the game crashes while playing online. This time, trying to load a level. Super.[/QUOTE]
try clearing your cache. if that doesn't work delete the game and redownload it.
This is a terrible remake. The graphics, music, sound fx, gameplay (the hit detection is seriously busted, there were times I clearly struck at the air and foot soliders were being affected by it) are all inferior to the original arcade version.
[quote name='KingBroly']And once again, the game crashes while playing online. This time, trying to load a level. Super.[/QUOTE]

Didn't get to play with any cags,but I played with some random people on live. We beat the game very quickly, and had no problems. Online is the where the game is at. Already got 8 out of the 12 cheesements, and I've only beat it twice. :)
So it has online issues? That kinda sucks. Other than connection issues, is there any serious lag?

I'll need to get the demo, but I won't have Internet until I move back to college in 2 weeks. :whistle2:(
TMNT and MvC2 will be my first xbox live purchases! :D
My buddy and I had an issue with Tokka and Rahzar not spawning at the end of Skull and Crossbones. Someone had quit out on us just prior to getting there, so we assumed that may have triggered the problem.

We had to create a new game and start all over again. Bleh.
Easy way to beat Tokka and Razar: Leonardo + Y = Instant Knocking them down

I got up to Super Krang on Survival before I died. He was one hit away from dying (I can be backed up on this by a CAG) but I kept attacking instead of backing away.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']This is a terrible remake. The graphics, music, sound fx, gameplay (the hit detection is seriously busted, there were times I clearly struck at the air and foot soliders were being affected by it) are all inferior to the original arcade version.[/QUOTE]

I am actually with you on this. I agree with ya. How ever I thought the SNES was great. But can't beat four players on the Arcade version. This is one of the games I should have tried the demo first then just buying honestly. I am really disappointed honestly.
Played through the demo while trying out all 4 turtles, but was not impressed. Turtles in Time was my all-time favorite SNES game next to Chrono Trigger and I replayed this game more times than I can remember, but for some reason the game just feels like all the lame TMNT games that were released based on the 2003 television series remake. The gameplay feels a bit different, and I still need to figure out how to throw on command, or is it random? Also, I honestly can't stand the new graphics and character designs of the turtles.

Either way, I'm still debating whether or not to get it, it just disappoints me that they could not have added the original as bonus content.
Played demo. It's ok, but inferior to the original arcade version. I'm not paying 800 points for it. Call me when it's the "33% off weekly deal" on XBL.
Ugh. I really should have tried the damn demo but my childhood nostalgia got the better of me. Never again. Anyway if people are still trying to squad up then send me an FR. I want to get these achievements done asap so I can forget this remake ever existed.
Geist, I am still up for playing tonight whenever you're on. That applies to anyone else on the thread, too--just send me a FR.
fuckin' Turtlesaurusrex nailed me for 3 deaths... cheap ass mofo. Only other point in the game I had trouble was facing Shredder. Not too bad.. I don't know what the people are smoking that said they ran through it in 15 minutes alone but it took me a good 50 minutes load to credits.
[quote name='IvanHood']Geist, I am still up for playing tonight whenever you're on. That applies to anyone else on the thread, too--just send me a FR.[/QUOTE]

Ivan, FR sent. Need some survival partners that won't drop out.
[quote name='soccerstud652']Ivan, FR sent. Need some survival partners that won't drop out.[/QUOTE]

Cool, I confirmed you. Seems like it shouldn't be too tough with four people who stay for the whole game.
[quote name='IvanHood']Cool, I confirmed you. Seems like it shouldn't be too tough with four people who stay for the whole game.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe I finished the whole game today. It wasn't even cags just random people on xbox live, and we beat it. Its pretty fun with co-op.
Anyone having trouble downloading the trial game of TMNT? It gets to 99% and then decides it doesn't want to finish that 1% by saying, "can't download..." I've tried several times to download it again, but to no avail
[quote name='grundy']Anyone having trouble downloading the trial game of TMNT? It gets to 99% and then decides it doesn't want to finish that 1% by saying, "can't download..." I've tried several times to download it again, but to no avail[/QUOTE]Shipwreck mentioned that he was having the same problem on his Twitter. It's not just you.
I am down to play survival mode tonight if anyone is still up for it (or are looking for a 4th). My GamerTag is NJMane.

EDIT: I am on now if anyone wants to play survival mode. Just shoot me a friend request.
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Well, I was strongly considering picking this up. But after reading so many disappointed impressions, and playing the demo, I think I'll pass. I also remembered that I actually still have this game on SNES, so if I really need a fix, I'll just dig that out of the closet.

It's really too bad Ubisoft didn't do more (or maybe less?) with this game. They definitely should have followed the example set by SFIIHDRemix and Monkey Island, by including the original game as well...especially if they thought they could charge 1200 points for it.
I went on my lunch break to a friends to coop with him. I am so glad I didn't buy it. I wish they would have just released the aracde version without messing with it.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Played demo. It's ok, but inferior to the original arcade version. I'm not paying 800 points for it. Call me when it's the "33% off weekly deal" on XBL.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I'm going through the demo right now and it's vastly inferior.
I definitely like the game, and while not as good as the SNES version, it does have a couple of high points like the 3d combat and the character design. The redesign of the levels are neat too, except for them being too small and it's very hard to see much of anything in Neon Night Riders. Worth the 800 points? Sure. Better than Castle Crashers? HELL NO! When I beat Story Mode with Leo and Raph (Raph first, because it might've counted me beating Survival Mode with Leo) I'm pretty sure I'll be done after this week. I'll play a couple of online games, but it'll be back to Dead Space and Gears 2 for me.

For me, the game gets a 7 to 7.5. The online works well, albeit a bit strange at times (scrolling issues and you'll be on top of other characters sometimes)

BTW, for anyone wondering how to beat Survival Mode it's simple.
Skull & Crossbones boss: Y after they jump knocks them back down immediately
Leatherhead (Hatless): Hold on the pizza, 3 hits, run away unless he hits you, then 3 again, jump over charges (does 3 times mostly)
Super Krang: Circle until he attacks then hit 3 times, then circle again (stay out of his plane)
Krang: Wait for him to start sending robots at you, and just spam Y (I barely did this because his bubbles deal about 3/4 of a bar of damage)
Shredder: Wait for his attack, then hit him 2-3 times, then keep away until he does that again. When he starts using his OHKO attack, just wait for him to come down at his side, then hit him a couple of times. Once you get him to do this attack, it's pretty much over.
Well, with the Summer of Arcade deal (buy all summer of arcade games, get 800 points free), I'll suck it up and pick this up for the 800 point bonus so long as I decide I want Trials HD (I think I do).
OK good. Then I'm not crazy for thinking that this is sucky.

The sound fx for one. Sheesh. I checked the options to see if it was turned up all the way and they are but they lack punch. No pun intended. Music isn't as good as the original and it too sounds muted. And since the sound fx lacks punch you never feel like you are doing any damage. I'm expecting to see some more energetic effects with the damage being dealt. Feel the controller rumble when I get knocked into a wall or when the wrecking ball drops. I noticed that you can't jump after another jump until your turtle replaces his feet properly so you have to wait to jump again. Very lame. I figured they would have expanded the controls some more. Like have light (x) and special (y) attacks, a throw button (b), jump (a), and the locate button (L). The game looks so plain despite having really clean and pretty graphics. I don't like how you can attack diagonally. It should be left and right ONLY.

Just so weak. Did they not learn anything from all the other remakes on XBLA?
Hey guess what? You can attack Up and Down as well.

The major gripe I have about the game is the recovery time. You get knocked down in this game A LOT, and your recovery time is usually 3-4 seconds. Against a boss (Leatherhead/Mudman) you can get absolutely destroyed because they crowd you.

But still, a good game, not a great game.
[quote name='KingBroly']Hey guess what? You can attack Up and Down as well.

The major gripe I have about the game is the recovery time. You get knocked down in this game A LOT, and your recovery time is usually 3-4 seconds. Against a boss (Leatherhead/Mudman) you can get absolutely destroyed because they crowd you.

But still, a good game, not a great game.[/QUOTE]

I think you missed my point. In side scrolling brawlers it's better to be only be able to attack either left or right. If the camera angle followed the shell of the character then attacking in all directions would be suitable and would feel more natural.

I'm sorry. I don't even think this game is good. I'd rather play the original and even then I'd rather play the best gat damned 2d brawler ever.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather play the SNES version myself (because it has more content, the game mechanics are better and the music is better) but the game is worth the price of 800 points. It sure as hell isn't worth 1200.

The 3D combat is a nice addition, and I know what your concern is, but I think it's good, and I think it would make some beat-em-ups better.

EDIT: Um...Shanghai are the ones behind this.
[quote name='KingBroly']Don't get me wrong, I'd rather play the SNES version myself (because it has more content, the game mechanics are better and the music is better) but the game is worth the price of 800 points. It sure as hell isn't worth 1200.

The 3D combat is a nice addition, and I know what your concern is, but I think it's good, and I think it would make some beat-em-ups better.

EDIT: Um...Shanghai are the ones behind this.[/QUOTE]

It's not worth $10 and it's by the Ubisoft Singapore team.
I like the game enough so far that I think its worth the 800 points. 1200 would have been too much, but the game is still pretty good. It's definitely best with a group of 4 people with mics.
Was confused as to why it's named Turtles in Time RS in the games list but it makes sense to avoid abbreviating it to TMNT: TIT. Gotta wait till I get some more goddamn points to try out the game myself.
[quote name='KingBroly']I definitely like the game, and while not as good as the SNES version, it does have a couple of high points like the 3d combat and the character design. The redesign of the levels are neat too, except for them being too small and it's very hard to see much of anything in Neon Night Riders. Worth the 800 points? Sure. Better than Castle Crashers? HELL NO! When I beat Story Mode with Leo and Raph (Raph first, because it might've counted me beating Survival Mode with Leo) I'm pretty sure I'll be done after this week. I'll play a couple of online games, but it'll be back to Dead Space and Gears 2 for me.

For me, the game gets a 7 to 7.5. The online works well, albeit a bit strange at times (scrolling issues and you'll be on top of other characters sometimes)

BTW, for anyone wondering how to beat Survival Mode it's simple.
Skull & Crossbones boss: Y after they jump knocks them back down immediately
Leatherhead (Hatless): Hold on the pizza, 3 hits, run away unless he hits you, then 3 again, jump over charges (does 3 times mostly)
Super Krang: Circle until he attacks then hit 3 times, then circle again (stay out of his plane)
Krang: Wait for him to start sending robots at you, and just spam Y (I barely did this because his bubbles deal about 3/4 of a bar of damage)
Shredder: Wait for his attack, then hit him 2-3 times, then keep away until he does that again. When he starts using his OHKO attack, just wait for him to come down at his side, then hit him a couple of times. Once you get him to do this attack, it's pretty much over.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree any more.

Side note: Broly, are you down for some survival tomorrow? I am having trouble with some of the bosses, I could use the extra manpower to back me up as I go through it.
Uh...maybe. I think getting the Survival achievement is best done by one's self, though. The only bosses I have trouble now with is Krang and Leatherhead. The former because the depth perception is weird there, and the latter because there's just no good way to attack him and if you get stunned, you're going to take a good amount of damage.

Also, Shanghai, Singapore, whatever. It doesn't make a difference to me. It's still Ubisoft, and there's still a lot of screen tearing in this game.
I tried the demo and its unbearable for me. I downloaded it after watching the review on Gametrailers and i have to agree with them except for their beat em up comments. I like monotonous beat em up as long as the asthetics are good. I just felt like this game didn't get the care like the original had from Konami. I thought Ubisoft just took everything visually and made it for up to date and then messed up the fighting in this game. I felt like i had no control of throwing guys to the screen or slamming them unlike the SNES version..where i can chuck guys at the screen all day....Also to nitpick a little more..why does it when you hit foot soldiers..it sound like your squeezing a wet sponge. Is it so hard to re-release the arcade version again for 400 points instead of this game.
bread's done