XBLA - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time - Now 800pts :whee: - 8/5

Anybody want to set up a time tomorrow night to play through it start to finish? I will be free pretty much any time after 8:00 EDT, and it would be fun to get a group of four together.
lol you'll probably beat it in an hour

They are so lucky they dropped the price. Hell, they shoulda dropped it to 400.

This is not speaking on the quality of the game. Its great looking and plays just like its predecessor, but DAMN... IT IS SO SHORT!

I went and did an XBox Live game and with the same group, we flew through the entire game and beat it literally, on my first go through with it (time between my last post + 15 minutes to the time of this post). This was by no means intentional, but wow.

It is incredibly short (8 boards + final battle with Shredder).

In fairness, I believe the guy who set up the game had it on normal, but still, it's not a very deep experience even with the additional "survival" mode.

Very easy achievements too!
[quote name='IvanHood']Anybody want to set up a time tomorrow night to play through it start to finish? I will be free pretty much any time after 8:00 EDT, and it would be fun to get a group of four together.[/QUOTE]

I'll be on about the same time. Feel free to message me.
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I beat the game in 15 minutes on Easy. I'm going through on Normal with Donatello right now (taking a break). Co-op on easy is too easy, even with a lot of chaos going on. Level 3 is a mess IMO. Also, they put in double jumping for some stupid reason. What do I like about the game? The 3d combat. It works pretty well, although it'd probably work better with a Dualshock.

What do I not like about the game? The scrolling. This is pretty bad. The final boss fight took me 5 minutes because he kept going off-screen and the game didn't scroll until I basically got to the edge of the screen (Where he was to greet me with one of his lovely attacks). Also, online the game kinda, sort pseudo-scrolls with the host. Once again, level 3, too much crap going on, if the host is at the front, and you're at the back, spike fence is nailing ya. Also in co-op, you cannot quit during a level, only after a level.

Survival Mode on Co-op is something I wanna do for the Achievement. It seems like the only way. Why it's Normal or higher is beyond me because they shouldn't have put Easy mode on there for it.
Just ran through single player on Normal. I had a good time, looking forward to trying multiplayer tonight. Seems like it's easily worth 800 points.
I wish they left the original graphics and had the extra level. Those are my main two complaints.

Also with four people on the screen in 3d I have to keep hitting the left trigger to get the ! to appear over my heard to know where the fuck I am.

I love TMNT but I'm on the fence myself now if this was even worth 800 pts and might have went emo if I did actually pay 1200 for this. I actually like the original TMNT better so far.
Also everyone and their mom is complaining about the music on Gamefaqs. Apparently the music was very epic on the SNES, and in the remake not so much (I didn't really notice the music much in this remake, so I guess it would be average here).

@flameofdoom666 If you downloaded the TMNT 1989 Arcade and liked It then you'll like this to, and this game is equally short to. Online co-op wasn't laggy but there was an issue with the scrolling where my team got stuck ahead somehow and I was behind them so they died/got hurt (hard to explain). Gets a bit chaotic on the screen with four people.
I grabbed it immediately this morning and love it. After playing it for a while, I can see that I'd be pissed if they kept it at 1200 pts. The graphics are real nice but not an overhaul like 1942: Joint Strike was. Yea, it's short but these old arcade sidescrollers were never long, they were always about appeal and replay-ability and that's what this has, especially if you are a TMNT fan. It was well worth 800 pts for me.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Also everyone and their mom is complaining about the music on Gamefaqs. Apparently the music was very epic on the SNES, and in the remake not so much (I didn't really notice the music much in this remake, so I guess it would be average here).[/QUOTE]Damn, weren't early previews claiming that the sound was lifted directly from the arcade version? Oh well.
I love the game and all, and I love the Turtles, but this should've been 400 points. Especially with the music being different. Haha. The music was part of the experience and it's just not the same.
[quote name='HydroX']I love the game and all, and I love the Turtles, but this should've been 400 points. Especially with the music being different. Haha. The music was part of the experience and it's just not the same.[/QUOTE]"The experience" you speak of is what should have been the main selling point, IMO. For me, that all-important "nostalgia factor" is where much of the value lies in a game like this... and you lose that when the graphics AND sound are all changed.

I would have preferred an all-or-nothing approach here... either give us a raw 'n dirty port for 400 pts, like TMNT 1989, or devote all these new gfx and sound resources to a completely fresh, brand new TMNT beat-'em-game. I would have purchased either one of those.
Bought it as soon as I woke up this morning. Having fun with it thus far. I'd certainly like to give the online co-op a shot later.
i downloaded the demo and im not really sold. i forgot how repetitive the combat is (only like 3 attacks) not so sure i want to spend my money on this yet, still playing splosion man but i have to say it looks awesome graphic wise
Currently playing it on Normal and I agree with Hydro. Definitely not worth 800 and just not the same as porting the SNES version which they should have just done then added co-op and achievements. I'm hoping co-op with a few friends will help salvage my disappointment. ;'(
yea this game kinda sucks. when you first heard this game you think "nostalgia". But with different graphics, music, and even a change in gameplay (you can hit 360 degrees, wth) its a completely different game. So without the nostalgia factor, it becomes a mindless beat em up w/ the stigma of being one of those horrible license games that are coming out recently.
[quote name='decrot']yea this game kinda sucks. when you first heard this game you think "nostalgia". But with different graphics, music, and even a change in gameplay (you can hit 360 degrees, wth) its a completely different game. So without the nostalgia factor, it becomes a mindless beat em up w/ the stigma of being one of those horrible license games that are coming out recently.[/QUOTE]

well damn, I was really hoping to get to use some of my 18,500 MS points, guess I will download anyways, points were free anyways, at least good for Co-op
[quote name='decrot']yea this game kinda sucks. when you first heard this game you think "nostalgia". But with different graphics, music, and even a change in gameplay (you can hit 360 degrees, wth) its a completely different game. So without the nostalgia factor, it becomes a mindless beat em up w/ the stigma of being one of those horrible license games that are coming out recently.[/QUOTE]

I sort of feel the same way in one way. I was excited about it before it was out. I knew it wouldn't be amazing or anything. I didn't think it would be as bad as it is either. I love TMNT maybe a little to much. Of course I knew the original would be way better. I would say the remake is just a average game or slightly below. I still feel it was worth 800 points since I'm a turtles fan.
[quote name='Poor2More']well damn, I was really hoping to get to use some of my 18,500 MS points, guess I will download anyways, points were free anyways, at least good for Co-op[/QUOTE]

How do you have so many 'free' points?
[quote name='seanr1221']IGN gave it a pretty meh review.


But did you guys actually read the review (not just look at the number)?

It's like the IGN reviewer never played the original Turtles in Time, or was not informed on the very simple concept the game is about.

It's typical IGN...hype-hype-hype every game with previews/news/media, give high scores to big-budget games, give mediocre/low scores to lower-budget games.
[quote name='hypertails02']But did you guys actually read the review (not just look at the number)?

It's like the IGN reviewer never played the original Turtles in Time, or was not informed on the very simple concept the game is about.

It's typical IGN...hype-hype-hype every game with previews/news/media, give high scores to big-budget games, give mediocre/low scores to lower-budget games.[/QUOTE]I dunno, I consider myself pretty "informed" when it comes to Turtles In Time and I pretty much agree with the IGN review :/
In a nutshell, we would have been better off with a faithful port rather than an "enhanced" one. If you're going for nostalgia, you might as well go all the way! The fresh coat of paint just makes the old-school gameplay limitations stand out more.

I really wish there was a commercially available version of this that just left the game alone!!! :whistle2:(
The IGN review is dead on.

I got it first thing this morning and I cannot see myself going back to it EVER once I nab the achievements (2 left!). It's a really mind-numbing game after a while. The nostalgia factor is nice, but you get past the new paint job and its something to avoid.

If you are on the fence at all, just wait for a deal on it. I am a Turtles fan, as well as a hack and slash fan, but this is just stupid.

They dropped the price for good reason.
IGN's review contradict some of the other reviews on the market which gave the game in the 8's. Its kinda like Wii Sports Resort. Some reviews like the game and others thought it was just mediocre. Seems the case here. I am buying all the summer games anyway (plus I grew up on TMNT) so if I hate it I will chalk it up as my free game :) . (Plus for the price I paid for my points each of the 5 games of summer cost me $6.)
I thought the demo was pretty decent. The fun of this has always been in playing it with 4 players. Does each player need a profile to play it?
I do agree with the graphic change how it removes much of the brightness/cartoony-ness of the previous game, that's understandable.

However, the entire point of the game is that you run right, mash attack, and jump once in awhile. If Ubisoft replicated the formula well (which is what the IGN review seemed to explain) then why such a low review score? From the SNES version I played, it still included cheap kills and unavoidable traps, but that's part of the game! I had some frustration, but playing with a friend we were determined to finish the game no matter how many times we died.

Sorry I am a huge fan of the game mainly because I played it throughout my childhood and was one of the games that threw me into enjoying video games with friends.
I'd like to see an update with the original graphics...

I'd even pay for the extra Technodrome level and Slash/Rat King/Bebob and Rocksteady bosses.

(At the end of level 3, which is a bonus level in the SNES version, the Technodrome comes up from the Earth after the Turtles defeat Rat King. There is a two part level in the Technodrome and then the Turtles face Shredder/Tank/Tokka and Rahzar and then are sent back to the age of the dinosaurs.)
[quote name='flameofdoom666']How do you have so many 'free' points?[/QUOTE]

Pontiac Xbl point giveaway (19,000 or so from that)
Sons of Anarchy Point Giveaway (6,000-7,000 points)
[quote name='seanr1221']If they had just ported the arcade game and charged the same, I wonder if it would be getting higher scores.[/QUOTE]I have a feeling it would actually get lower scores from mainstream gaming websites, but probably a more positive response among fans of the original game, oddly enough (or a more positive response from ME, at least :p).

[quote name='soccerstud652']I'd like to see an update with the original graphics...

I'd even pay for the extra Technodrome level and Slash/Rat King/Bebob and Rocksteady bosses.

(At the end of level 3, which is a bonus level in the SNES version, the Technodrome comes up from the Earth after the Turtles defeat Rat King. There is a two part level in the Technodrome and then the Turtles face Shredder/Tank/Tokka and Rahzar and then are sent back to the age of the dinosaurs.)[/QUOTE]One thing they should have done, if they were so intent on new graphics and everything, would be to have made an "ultimate" version of the game that included all the elements of both the arcade and SNES versions. A re-coded "best of both worlds" version of Turtles In Time would be a worthwhile investment, even with questionably "enhanced" graphics!
As long as the update/DLC is free or reasonably priced, I'll get it.

IGN- Did Gamespot's harsh reviewers migrated to IGN? Geez, that was a horribad review considering he never played the arcade/SNES version.
I just ran into a problem. A friend invited me to a game, but had to back out, so it gave me an Error message, and the game crashed my system.
Just got done with my first play through. While I agree with previous posters comments about wishing they included the classic version with it, for 800 points I'm having fun and enjoying it. At 1200 I can honestly say I would have been disappointed.
bread's done