XBOX 360 Red Ring of Death FAQ: Soon to be known as the Red Dot of Death! :P

[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I think you just need to hit the guide button to open the mini-guide, scroll all the way to the right, open the profile (?) option, and choose to auto sign in.[/quote]That was it! Thank you so much.:D:D:D
I requested a repair just now on the website and they are sending my coffin within the next 4 days blah blah, my question, should I still call customer support or am I essentially taken care of at this point?
[quote name='io']Nah, because it worked the other day. And it is working now - they were just being flaky yesterday I guess. BTW, my 360 is now "out for delivery" in Mesquite, TX.[/quote]

Well then WTF is up with the site for me then??
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']Well then WTF is up with the site for me then??[/QUOTE]

Note that I am not doing anything on via my Windows Live ID. I could not get my console to register via the site earlier - it kept telling me my serial number was invalid. So I had to call in and have them register it and they created the repair request. I still can't get the system linked up to my sign in so I gave up on that (now it says it is generating an email that I need to respond to and I never get that email). So when I'm checking online I'm just going to the support page without logging in and just entering the repair number and zip that way.
[quote name='zerowing']I requested a repair just now on the website and they are sending my coffin within the next 4 days blah blah, my question, should I still call customer support or am I essentially taken care of at this point?[/quote]

nah. they are extremely unhelpful. stay away unless you hit a hitch in the process.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I think you just need to hit the guide button to open the mini-guide, scroll all the way to the right, open the profile (?) option, and choose to auto sign in.[/quote]Got it working, thank you very much :)
My xbox is on it's way back. I have to hand it to microsoft this was a much smoother transaction than last time. Only a couple days turnaround between receiving/shipping.
Is there a fix for no video and sound? I have tried composite, component and HDMI cables and still getting nothing. Also tried the TV and HDTV settings on the unit but still no picture or sound. It is a year and a half old and NOT displaying any red lights at all.

If it is not feasible to fix, what about trading it in to GS, keeping the HDD and getting an Arcade to put the HDD on. In the long run would that make more sense than trying to repair it?

I always knew when my Xbox crapped out it would be a Non covered issue. Always been my luck.
[quote name='zerowing']I requested a repair just now on the website and they are sending my coffin within the next 4 days blah blah, my question, should I still call customer support or am I essentially taken care of at this point?[/quote]

You can actually get a coffin via instead of having to call them now? I need to update my warranty, can i do that online yet?
Well, got the E74 error today, first time I've had my 360 fail, had it little more than a year and half. Need to dig through my place to see if the extended warrenty I bought at target with the 360 was 2yrs to save my self this pain in ass shiping time.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']What model is it? I'm guessing it's an OPUS. Also are you sure that's not a service date?

Meanwhile my console status is "repair in progress"! Man that's a load off my mind. I was worried they might try and charge me, since my warranty is listed as expired and I am outside of the 3 year window for console #1, but not console #2.[/quote]

I am not sure what you mean by model but its an xbox 360 elite. Yes I am sure its not the service it says 4/19/09 on the back of the console by the serial number.
[quote name='dipset121']I am not sure what you mean by model but its an xbox 360 elite. Yes I am sure its not the service it says 4/19/09 on the back of the console by the serial number.[/quote]

they've begun replacing the manufactured date with the service date. May not apply to elite model repair/replacement though.
My 360 red ringed. My warranty ends on 5/20/2009 so perfect timing. I got 3 red rings, then after that, when i turned my 360 on, nothing happens aside from the power light going green. No bootup or anything. About 30 seconds later, 3 red rings. Fingers crossed that i luck out and get a HDMI system, but i doubt that will happen.
[quote name='lllGurulll']Is there a fix for no video and sound? I have tried composite, component and HDMI cables and still getting nothing. Also tried the TV and HDTV settings on the unit but still no picture or sound. It is a year and a half old and NOT displaying any red lights at all.

If it is not feasible to fix, what about trading it in to GS, keeping the HDD and getting an Arcade to put the HDD on. In the long run would that make more sense than trying to repair it?

I always knew when my Xbox crapped out it would be a Non covered issue. Always been my luck.[/QUOTE]This sounds like the situation I'm in. Is your TV a Samsung by any chance? If so, you might want to check this thread out:

I'm sending mine in for repair. I debated just buying a new one, too.
[quote name='zerowing']I requested a repair just now on the website and they are sending my coffin within the next 4 days blah blah, my question, should I still call customer support or am I essentially taken care of at this point?[/quote]

I registered my Xbox 360 today. But whenever i go to the support page it says united kingdom. If i change the GB in the URL to USA it goes to United States but page not found. Is this for UK only?
[quote name='io']Note that I am not doing anything on via my Windows Live ID. I could not get my console to register via the site earlier - it kept telling me my serial number was invalid. So I had to call in and have them register it and they created the repair request. I still can't get the system linked up to my sign in so I gave up on that (now it says it is generating an email that I need to respond to and I never get that email). So when I'm checking online I'm just going to the support page without logging in and just entering the repair number and zip that way.[/QUOTE]

After my last repair I was unable to get my console information to show up under my login as well. I finally called Xbox support and asked them to register it for me but they said it was already in their system. A few minutes after I got off the phone with them, the registration form started to work again but it wouldn't accept my serial number. I was getting "invalid serial number" as well. I finally said fuck it and just figured I would call again at a later date.

I checked the site this morning and my console now shows up with the new warranty information. I have no idea why or how, I'm just glad it is there.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I registered my Xbox 360 today. But whenever i go to the support page it says united kingdom. If i change the GB in the URL to USA it goes to United States but page not found. Is this for UK only?[/QUOTE]
I'm in California, so I really have no idea what the problem is on your end, it worked smoothly for me.

I did get my coffin today so I guess the 4 days or so was right.
[quote name='zerowing']I'm in California, so I really have no idea what the problem is on your end, it worked smoothly for me.

I did get my coffin today so I guess the 4 days or so was right.[/QUOTE]

Oh i didnt order a coffin. I was just wondering why when i go to the site its in UK and not USA.
got my xbox back today. it's a zephyr/xenon :(. And it's pretty scratched up. I was really hoping for an OPUS. Sigh.... I guess this holds me over until Jaspers are readily available but this is just another RROD waiting to happen. Looks like Ill be getting a fourth xbox at some point.... sigh.
Scratched up? That sucks. I sent in a mint Elite and better fucking get a mint one back (if not a newer one). In any case, mine is already almost home. Unfortunately it probably won't be till Monday because stupid UPS Ground doesn't deliver on the weekend. But they turned it around in a day. I would think that might mean a new one, but it seems like they turned dubbfoolio's around just as quickly and he didn't get a new one... We'll see... My Wii is also on it's way back - that one will be interesting because the only problem was some slightly corrupt memory here I couldn't manage saves and channels but I could still play. They were supposed to copy off my save files, fix it, and put them back on. I figure 50-50 the memory is wiped clean :roll:. Andd 95-5 I get an old Xbox back.
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[quote name='io']Scratched up? That sucks. I sent in a mint Elite and better fucking get a mint one back (if not a newer one). In any case, mine is already almost home. Unfortunately it probably won't be till Monday because stupid UPS Ground doesn't deliver on the weekend. But they turned it around in a day. I would think that might mean a new one, but it seems like they turned dubbfoolio's around just as quickly and he didn't get a new one... We'll see... My Wii is also on it's way back - that one will be interesting because the only problem was some slightly corrupt memory here I couldn't manage saves and channels but I could still play. They were supposed to copy off my save files, fix it, and put them back on. I figure 50-50 the memory is wiped clean :roll:. Andd 95-5 I get an old Xbox back.[/QUOTE]

I have honestly not read one bad report on Nintendo's repair service. I would bet all of your saves will be intact when you get it back.

As far as your 360, you won't be getting your original back, it will be a refurb with the same serial number assigned to it. With the amount of returns that they get, they don't have time to fix your actual unit, they just swap it with another one.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I have honestly not read one bad report on Nintendo's repair service. I would bet all of your saves will be intact when you get it back.

As far as your 360, you won't be getting your original back, it will be a refurb with the same serial number assigned to it. With the amount of returns that they get, they don't have time to fix your actual unit, they just swap it with another one.[/QUOTE]

Well, I was reading about some similar issues on the Nintendo support forum and people said they got it back wiped clean instead of restored - that's why I'm worried. We'll find out in a few days I guess. Both the Wii and 360 are scheduled to get here within a day of each other (they are both "racing" here via truck through UPS Ground, interestingly enough).

The more I think about MS swapping out refurbs the more it pisses me off. Not so much for the refurb part, but the fact that I probably get some crusty old beat up machine owned by some kid ;). I'm pretty finicky with my electronics stuff and want it to look nice/be in good condition. You'd hope with the Elite, in any case, that they would send one with a clean case...
E73/E79 general hardware error on my 2008-04-10 XBox 360 Falcon Elite.
Played Saints Row 2, turned off console and BAM! This nasty msg came up and I wanted to kill Bill Gates and everyone that has made this piece of shit console because this is now the second time I have had a XBox die, however, I know some of your poor, POOR souls have had your XBoxs die way more then two times so I should just shut up and live with it.

Looks like my Wii and all my other old crappy systems are going to get some attention in the mean time.

I will give you guys updates as to the latest turn around time.

Also, they did not want to ship me a coffin, however, I have a box that I can use to send them and I will most likely keep my coffin this time around. I appreciate all you guys for keeping this thread going, and I'm sure this won't be the last time my XBox dies. So I'll be seeing you guys plenty more in the future.

P.S. All of my friends have had XBox issues, ranging from scratching discs, to outright system failures. So out of my 12+ real life friends none of them have escaped the RROD or something very similiar to it. So, yeah, this system is still a giant steaming piece of crap and hopefully the 720, or whatever it is, does not have these issues and at the very least be backwards with the 360 games only because I'm sure eventually all 360s will die and we'll be left with our collections of wonderful games that can no longer be used. I hope MS realizes this.

Sorry for rambling, and I'm shocked that I was actually pretty calm considering I was going to play my 360 most of the weekend.

I was playing Half Life 2 today and was right in the middle of playing when the game freeze and the screen turned really fuzzy. Restarted the console, same thing. Any idea if that is pointing to a RRoD?
Never heard of that one. This thread doesn't get as much attention as it use to anymore, eh? Still pretty long.

Wife and I got impatient and we had bonus money sitting around, so we now own two 360's. One is a Jasper Arcade and the repaired one sent out is a Falcon Elite. I hope MS is still giving same boards back and what not.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']
Wife and I got impatient and we had bonus money sitting around, so we now own two 360's. One is a Jasper Arcade and the repaired one sent out is a Falcon Elite. I hope MS is still giving same boards back and what not.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, but there's a small chance you'll get mine since they've had it for over a week with a chance to refurb it by now ;) (though probably not since your power supply wouldn't work on it, if I understand that correctly). It is a launch Elite, so that means what? Original stuff I guess (not Falcon). I put tiny little silver Sharpie marks on the case and backing so I'll know if I got any part of my original one back.
Oh yeah I forgot about power supply. So I would probably getting a Falcon or Jasper, tho most likely the Falcon. The power cord from the Falcon fit in the Jasper supply with no issues whatsoever before.
Mine didn't RROD but it's grinding when I put a disc in (although the disc doesn't spin, it just sits idle in the tray). Also I can't keep a connection on any online arcade games/demos. I don't know what the hell it's problem is, but I'm leaning towards just buying a Jasper when I get my paycheck at the end of the week.

I'd send mine back to MS but I bought a Gamestop refurbished. I don't think they take those back, do they? I opted not to buy any sort of coverage on it since at the time, if it died, I didnt really care.
I am NOT in a good mood today. Both my 360 and Wii came back at the same time. The Wii has been wiped clean despite it working fine for games that were already on it. So there goes SSBB and Animal Crossing saves along with tons of others (all those ones they wouldn't let you copy to the SD card in their infinitely awesome wisdom :bomb:). fuck them, I would have kept the damn thing and gotten another had I known they would do that.

Anyway, just opened up the 360 (an Elite) and it is clearly the same case as I put some silver sharpie markings on it. The plug shows that it is the old crappy one (Xenon/Zephyr or whatever). And to top it all off, there appears to be something loose inside it shaking around. Wonderful. Now I bet it will grind up my discs (something my old one never did).
Well, despite getting an old (and thus just as likely to break as my original one) Elite back I am definitely more pleased with the MS service than with Nintendo. Just got through copying what few game saves I was allowed to back up to the Wii from my SD card and realized I have now lost 100's of hours me and my family put into the following games: Animal Crossing, SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, de Blob, Elebits, Endless Ocean, Mario Super Sluggers, and possibly Mario Strikers and Metroid (though I do have some sort of save file for those so maybe they are OK). It sort of makes me never want to start another game on the Wii again knowing the flaky storage solution.

Anyway, back to MS. So I fired up my Xbox and was blown away by one thing right off the bat. Despite being the exact same model as my old Elite (original launch version - thus all the original crappy 360 components with none of the smaller/cooler chips or even the extra fans and such), this one is about, I dunno, 10 TIMES quieter than mine.

I remember when I got my Elite I was astounded at how noisy it was. I posted here on CAG about it and I got some people who agreed theirs was loud too and others who seemed to think the 360 wasn't much louder than any other console. I thought those latter people must be insane because my old one could drown out the sound of all 4 of my other consoles combined. It wasn't too noisy (so I thought) when the disc wasn't spinning. But when the disc was being used it sounded like a motorcycle in my living room - seriously, it could be heard upstairs with 2 doors closed in between. But now I can sort of understand the people who didn't think it was that big of a deal. This new one barely makes much more noise when accessing the disc. In fact, when I fired up Oblivion it took me a while to realize it wasn't running off my disc install (as this being a different console on the inside I needed to delete and re-install the disc). Now don't get me wrong, the thing is still way noisier than my other consoles - it's just that it isn't two orders of magnitude louder (just maybe 1 now). My son kept asking me what was wrong with this one because it was so much quieter. He thought it had to be broken in some way :lol:.

Another pleasant surprise was the DLC issue. We've heard some horror stories here (having to recover the gamertag, having to deal with customer service to reset the once per year licence transfer, etc). Well, when I read the instructions I was a little pissed because it said you had to redownload every piece of DLC to get the licence to transfer. I had 392 things in my DL history. Now, sure, many of these were demos/videos, but I had lots of Rock Band stuff and such. So I started to go through it and of course, it doesn't actually have to redownload - it just gets the new licence I guess. But then I decided to try a game on one of my sons' accounts just to see what would happen. I picked one I hadn't redownloaded yet, made sure I was not logged in, and ran it - no problem! So I guess they already transferred the licenses? I would have said maybe I even had the same console back except for 3 things: 1) They sent it out the day after they got it. The super-fast turnaround indicates they didn't actually work on my system. 2) This system is much quieter! 3) It did complain about my disc installs and said I had to delete and reinstall since they were for a different system (as an aside I don't really get this restriction as you need the original disc in there anyway so what difference does it make?).

Anyway, so not only did I not have to go online and set up the license transfer (which they tell you they do automatically with a repair but I know others have had issues with), but it appears they actually did the licence transfer somehow - though I have no idea how if the HD is required (as I kept that of course). Maybe is there some way I'm still connected to Live and that's why it worked? I definitely signed out of my account and used the same controller to sign in to my son's account. I thought the hassle with DLC on another system was you had to have a second controller signed in with the original purchasing account? I guess I could try yanking the Ethernet cable and logging in at startup as my son and see what happens to be 100% sure it works.
[quote name='io']I am NOT in a good mood today. Both my 360 and Wii came back at the same time. The Wii has been wiped clean despite it working fine for games that were already on it. So there goes SSBB and Animal Crossing saves along with tons of others (all those ones they wouldn't let you copy to the SD card in their infinitely awesome wisdom :bomb:). fuck them, I would have kept the damn thing and gotten another had I known they would do that.

Anyway, just opened up the 360 (an Elite) and it is clearly the same case as I put some silver sharpie markings on it. The plug shows that it is the old crappy one (Xenon/Zephyr or whatever). And to top it all off, there appears to be something loose inside it shaking around. Wonderful. Now I bet it will grind up my discs (something my old one never did).[/QUOTE]

I cannot believe that Nintendo wiped the game saves. It is sad when the hackers have better backup solutions than Nintendo does. That really sucks.

Glad your refub Elite is less noisy than your last one. Both of my refurbs have been about the same as my original (i.e. loud as hell).

I also didn't have to do anything with my DLC. I was able to play my XBLA stuff offline with no issues. I went ahead and redownloaded the licenses for the Rock Band 2 stuff anyway, but I don't think I actually needed to.
You know, if they included a note that maybe explained why they did it I'd be OK with it. Clearly the saves could be accessed properly as my games worked fine. But if there was some technical reason why they couldn't get at them to restore them that's fine (though I'd be skeptical). But they said nothing - in fact, an email I got when it was being sent back (a generic message sent to everyone) said specifically they can't/won't let you know what was wrong with it or what they did to fix it.

As for the 360, it really is amazing the difference from one system to another. I've never really seen another 360 in action besides my original Elite so my reference point was that they were noiser than hell. I'd have thought the same of this one if it was my first 360 (as it is still way noiser than the Wii or PS3), but in comparison with my last one it seems whisper quiet ;).
[quote name='SynGamer']OK, my console was received on the 19th, and was also repaired and shipped back on the that good or bad?[/QUOTE]

It was the same with mine. It's good - it means their turnaround is better than it used to be (from what I've heard). You aren't getting the same system back anyway though like I said above they did swap the case for me (that is, I got my original case back). I think in the past you had to wait 2-3 weeks for them to send you someone else's refurbed machine. At least they don't make you wait for that any more ;).
I got an e-mail on Monday saying they had shipped mine back, so I had some hope that I'd get it by Friday in time for the 4-day weekend that I have coming up (I'm taking a vacation day to stretch it out to 4 days) When I checked the tracking on it today, though, the delivery date is listed as the 26th. :bomb:

So what happens to the secondary accounts on my 360, assuming I'm getting back a different console and have to reclaim my gamertag, redownload everything, etc.? In other words, my wife's, son's and daughter's IDs? Will my son's gamerscore be reset to zero? His game saves should be fine since I kept the HDD, right? I feel stupid even asking that, but this is my first time sending it back, so I don't know what to expect with all of this. I know my son had like one or two achievements left to get in Lego Batman. It would be a bummer if he had to start over.
Danimal - I know my post was somewhat lengthy, but you need to re-read my 4th paragraph. Not only did I not have to recover my Gamertag, I didn't have to redowload all my DLC and everything seems to be working on the secondary accounts. Note that these secondary accounts are Xbox Live accounts (though Silver). If you are talking about regular (non-online) profiles, then I think you will be fine - that should all be tied to your HDD.
[quote name='io']It was the same with mine. It's good - it means their turnaround is better than it used to be (from what I've heard). You aren't getting the same system back anyway though like I said above they did swap the case for me (that is, I got my original case back). I think in the past you had to wait 2-3 weeks for them to send you someone else's refurbed machine. At least they don't make you wait for that any more ;).[/QUOTE]
With such a quick turn-a-round, i take it i won't luck out and be getting a 360 with HDMI? I was really hoping that a quick turn-a-round would mean they were sending me a completely different console.
[quote name='io']Danimal - I know my post was somewhat lengthy, but you need to re-read my 4th paragraph. Not only did I not have to recover my Gamertag, I didn't have to redowload all my DLC and everything seems to be working on the secondary accounts. Note that these secondary accounts are Xbox Live accounts (though Silver). If you are talking about regular (non-online) profiles, then I think you will be fine - that should all be tied to your HDD.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, io. I did read your whole post, and I was encouraged by learning you didn't need to go through all that hassle. Makes me hopeful that I won't have to, either. I guess I was asking my question as a worst-case scenario; if I did have to recover and redownload for whatever reason. And yeah, the secondary accounts I'm talking about are all non-online profiles. I've been thinking that they'd be OK, but since I'm kind of a nitwit when it comes to anything tech-related, it's nice to hear someone else say it. :)
I do have one non-online secondary account. I'll fire that up later and make sure it works OK and let you know. It's my daughter's and she uses it only once every 6 months or so ;). To be completely thorough on the DLC check I'll disconnect my Ethernet cable before turning on the 360 just to make sure there isn't any funny business with the licences going on.
My 360 finally red-ringed. I got in on the Hot Topic deal last year and the 360 has served me well until today. I swear no less than five minutes into Bully the screen goes purple/pink and just freezes. Power on/off and the red rings! Yay!

Just got off the phone and the nice lady in India will be sending me the coffin. Here's my question: Anyone know what sort of system I'll be getting back? Seeing that I have the Halo edition 360, does it mean they'll try to fix it, or take the case off and put it on a newer machine? I honestly wouldn't mind if they sent me a newer, quieter 360.
[quote name='valloq']My 360 finally red-ringed. I got in on the Hot Topic deal last year and the 360 has served me well until today. I swear no less than five minutes into Bully the screen goes purple/pink and just freezes. Power on/off and the red rings! Yay!

Just got off the phone and the nice lady in India will be sending me the coffin. Here's my question: Anyone know what sort of system I'll be getting back? Seeing that I have the Halo edition 360, does it mean they'll try to fix it, or take the case off and put it on a newer machine? I honestly wouldn't mind if they sent me a newer, quieter 360.[/QUOTE]

What is it with the coffins being sent? I was on and off the phone with them a few times and they never offered to send me anything. Oh well, no biggie as I had an Amazon box that worked well enough.

Anyway, to answer your question I would assume they will simply put the case on some refurbed innards. That is what they did with my Elite. I suppose they could have just swapped it out entirely for another Elite but I know I got my original case back as I had marked it.

As for getting a quieter one that is really a crapshoot. Mine came back much quieter but that was just pure luck - not because the one they replaced it with was any newer or better in any other way (in fact, given that it had the original full-power plug socket it is, in fact, an "original" model though with HDMI since my Elite had HDMI of course).
Was getting ready to have some RE5 co op action with my buddy, and I get the call from him that his box just red ringed on him. Now his xbox was the Halo 3 special edition, but it was the Zephyr chip so we'll see how it goes for him.

I told him to register online, and get ready to box it up and send it out but it's going to suck for mail since it's a holiday weekend.
I figure I'll post here to share my story...its kinda long so I apologize in advance and thank those that read it...(note I am not trashing MS here man I am pretty loyal to them, although far from a fan boy as I have pretty much every system going back to the mid-80s...though my experience here has tainted things somewhat).

So, after almost 3 years of faithful service my 360 red rings.

Now, I know some people may say they take care of their stuff and it might sound repetative like a criminal always saying "I am innocent", but I will say it anyway. I REALLY take care of my stuff which is problably why it lasted as long as it did. In fact, if you come to close to the TV and the electronics you will hear it from me and that goes for the wife, the kids and anyone else that comes to my house. My TV and my consoles are like my kids too. Although I love my kids and my obsession with games is powerful indeed.

In any case, it was all for naught as it died. So I call in and unlike most people, I didn't get sent a box, I had to get my own.

I pack it all up in an awesome oversized box I got at Walmart and pack it in really good. (I was an eBay power seller of games and movies with well over 8,000 positives so I know what I am doing).
Anyway, my 360 was MINT. If not for the red rings which it seems that no one is safe from if you bought one of the older versions that uses the Zephyr boards and whatnot. It goes in, and comes back pretty quick. The whole process took about 2 weeks...maybe a day or two more.

The UPS box is fine. Only one slight dent in the corner but everything else seems fine. It didn't look beat up at all.

I open it up and see the 360 is in a plastic with two foam 'holders' and it all seems fine...until I get it up and out and to my horror this is what I got back:

1. The 360's face plate was cracked. I know they say dont send in any custom faceplates but mine was not custom and the rep told me that I should only take off any custom faceplates since the 360 you'll get back will have a factory faceplate.

In any case, this one was cracked and the little door that opens and closes when you plug in a USB device is broken OFF. As in it is there but the hinge is broken and the two little teeth that keep it together on the face plate, one is totally broken off and the other is bent. So the door doesnt open or close, it is litterally dangling, hanging by a thread.

2. There's a blue marker marked on the back by the A/V port. I can imagine the previous owner did this to see if he'd get his console back.

3. The grey grill, on the side or should I say bottom (if you stand your console up) was flapping open. Upon further inspection the little teeth that make sure that it stays shut and keep it flush with the consoles exterior is broken off completely.

4. As if all of that wasn't enough...there's something inside the console that is rattleing around. As if something is broken and loose inside. Think of it have a cereal box and just one cheerio inside....then as the box moves around you hear that cheerio rattling around back and forth in the box....yeah thats the noise I am hearing. Its not the DVD drive lense or a wire moving around or whatever. This 'loose piece' is litterally moving from one end to the other of the console.

After seeing all of this I didn't plug it in or anything because I figured this thing was messed up, period.

Now, I immediately call XBOX support and they get me to a supervisor. I was polite and didn't ask for one, as all I wanted was them to take this nightmarish thing back and send me a decent refurb, not a nightmare, but the rep heard me out and transferred me right away. So the supervisor was nice and she said she was sorry about this and was sending me a box and to send it back to them. I guess I got lucky as this supervisor was American and not overseas so we communicated really well. (no offense to anyone)

She told me however to send it in with my power supply. I thought this was odd but said OK. She gave me a ref# I had to put on the box and on a paper inside with the console. So at the end she said I'd be getting a call from another rep soon as they will be investigating what happened. So, I get a call like a day later (was also American) but the dude called while I was at work so he just left a new ref. # and said nothing really, just the he was from XBOX and calling to talk about my situation and that if I had any further questions to call MYXBOX yadda yadda...but that I'd be getting another call from another rep soon. I didn't have any questions so I just waited for the next call and my shipping box.

So, this time, about a week later (really 5 days), I get my box for it yesterday (Wednesday) and was getting ready to send out the nightmare 360 when just before I head out to UPS during my lunch break, I get a call from a rep. (not sure this time if he was American or Overseas as his english was good but kind of so-so at times) I talk to the guy and have to repeat everything. He asks me if I'd like to do this next day air. That way I get my console back quicker. I said 'sure', and I asked if I just print the next day air label out through the website or what? Since I already have a box here with all the stuff I need to get it out already (the one the Supervisor sent me). He says, no, I will be getting another new box tomorrow (Friday the 22nd of May) since he's sending it next day air, and I will be getting a next day air shipping label and shipping instructions inside. This time though the dude contradicts the Supervisor and says that I do not need to send in the power supply. Just the 360. Then he gives me ANOTHER ref#.

Inside my head at that point I am like OK this is getting wierd, but my lunch break was almost over so I needed to get back to work.

I called in after work again to clear things up because I needed to know what was up with this contradicting deal with the Power Supply and now I had like 3 different ref#'s.

I get this dude on the phone that was nice at first, but his english was kind of broken and we just didn't seem to be communicating very well (definitely overseas) so he started talking like he was sending out ANOTHER BOX for me (a third one??!?!?!). I was like 'NO', I already have a box here with a 3-5 day shipping label and the last guy that called ME is sending me another one with a next day label, I dont need a THIRD box...

Anyway, I made him get me a supervisor because he wasn't really understanding me.

She was nice and all, but she sure wasn't like the first supervisor that I got when I called to try and get this mess resolved this first time around, as this supervisor was very 'read from a script' type. (also overseas for sure) She told me that they had 'reviewed' my case and after that 'review' I did not need to send in the power supply. Also, that my original ref# given to me by the first supervisor was now invalid and that the last one that I got, from the guy who called me and set things up via next day air, was the one I needed to use for this situation. She also said that I'd be dealing with FedEx this time around and not UPS.

So, that's where I am at now. I have checked the MS site and unlike before, when I put in the repair order ref#, I go to the site and it says that they have NOT gotten a tracking # for this yet, where as before it'd be there within a minutes (its now been way longer). I may or may not call them again just to see what is up with that tracking # or I may wait for the box that is supposed to come tomorrow (hoping it does get here by tomorrow) and hope for the best.
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Ironside - though my machine came back in pretty good shape with the original case (and no faceplate since I took mine off) I did also have something loose inside just as you described. A single cheerio in an otherwise empty cereal box is a good descripttion (though I assume it is a piece of plastic or a screw or something ;)). Anyway, it works fine (for now).
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[quote name='io']Ironside - though my machine came back in pretty good shape with the original case (and no faceplate since I took mine off) I did also have something loose inside just as you described. A single cheerio in an otherwise empty cereal box is a good descripttion (though I assume it is a pirce of plastic or a screw or something ;)). Anyway, it works fine (for now).[/QUOTE]

Well brother, believe it or not the faceplate deal was the least of my concerns despite how cracked and messed up it was.

What freaked me out was that loose piece. Knowing that the console, despite my best efforts, got hot enough to red ring I kept having visions of whatever it is flying around melting or damaging the board somehow and messing the console up again. As it is, since I didn't even plug it in, who knows if it will even turn on if that piece is something important.

Also, on the back, I am not sure if yours looks this way, but on the small edges where it looks like that's where you'd use a tool to pop the console open (where the two pieces of the plastic exterior of the console meet), it looks really beat up as if someone took a screw driver and jammed it in there really good and poped that sucker open no mercy style.

I am telling you bro it looks like they were busy that day and I 'won' the lotto of getting the one that wasn't really looked over or one console thats been repaired five or six times. Its as if the guy just got a shipping box, got a label and went to the back and grabbed whatever and just threw it in the shipping box figuring the guy that gets it wouldn't care. Heck, maybe the repair guy didn't even notice since he did it so fast.

In any case, its a quality control issue. I am hoping that the dude that gets this one this time actually takes the time to send me one that doesn't look like it was used in WW2 as a grenade.

I know I am getting back a refurb, but a refurb is supposed to be like they say, MS certified. However what I got this first time around wouldn't be certified to sell at the Ft. Lauderdale Swap Shop flea market.

My second console RRoD today while I tried to boot up UFC 2009. Got 2 solid years out of that bastard.

I just put in for a repair via the online support -- anyone know how long it takes to get the email with the tracking label? I thought it would just pop up to print off, but I didn't see anything...?

Also if I want to rid this problem for the time being, what's the most sought after "chip" in the new 360s?
bread's done