XBOX 360 Red Ring of Death FAQ: Soon to be known as the Red Dot of Death! :P

[quote name='daphatty']Well, it was inevitable, my nearly three year old, nearly launch 360 red ringed on Saturday. I belted out quite the NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! when it happened. I was quite upset since I planned on using it during the holidays. I didn't start feeling better about it until after I realized that a) this was my first RROD and b) I still have 4 days left on my three year warranty!!!!

Talk about timing![/QUOTE]

That worked out extreamly well for you. I would say if anything that was a fortunate turn of events.
[quote name='torifile']Before Christmas? Nothing unless you buy a new one. Don't even think about trying to swap yours for one you buy from the store because they track serial numbers. Just so you know...[/QUOTE]

ahh but there is a way around this, thats how i fixed mine, because they refused to repair it even though they clearly told me it was under warranty but just because i bought used they gave me the shaft. fuck Microsoft.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']There's always the option of fixing it yourself, however I can't endorse doing that. There's always the possibility of it still having/getting the RROD, and the possibility of the Xbox 360 being damaged/broken due to misrepair or handling.

So fixing it yourself is really a option, but like I said I can't endorse it. However having it by Christmas is basically not going to happen if you send it out to Microsoft.[/quote]

I fixed quite a few, had few to no problems, and they most if not all still work fine, even after a year +. But I guess if you don't know what your doing/don't want to research can be risky.
Well, My 360 just got hit with the RROD today.

I talked to the customer service and apparently, they don't give "coffins" anymore. Got to box and ship it out tomorrow....

A whole month without my Xbox! And I just got so many games I wanted to play....

Manufacture date was 10-14-06 so I was surprised it lasted this long. I got a few disc read errors when playing so I knew it was inevitable this would happen. I just didnt expect now.

EDIT: situation was almost like daphatty's....
[quote name='JokerCard']I talked to the customer service and apparently, they don't give "coffins" anymore. Got to box and ship it out tomorrow....[/QUOTE]

They tried to pull that one on me, pushed the issue a little bit and they instantly made an exception.

Seems like sometimes they just don't want to be bothered with sending you a box.
[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']They tried to pull that one on me, pushed the issue a little bit and they instantly made an exception.

Seems like sometimes they just don't want to be bothered with sending you a box.[/quote]
Well, I assume it would also be faster if you just send it in with your own box. I didn't mind it so I just packed it in an old Amazon box with newspaper. =p
[quote name='CouRageouS']Sounds like the CSR you got was a dick. Apparently doing it online is ideal because I requested Sunday and got my coffin today.[/quote]

She was actually really nice.....I dont mind the boxing up myself anyways. I wanted to get it done before christmas
So the UPS website says a delivery date of 12/29 for my Xbox, yet as of today it's already reached the sorting facility down the street where they load the trucks.

Do you think there's a chance the delivery date could be moved forward and it actually go out on a truck tomorrow? If not, can I just drive over there and pick it up myself?

I think it makes the wait much harder now that I know it's so damn close.
[quote name='coolsteel']UPS is probably swamped right now so who knows[/quote]

I just called, and the CSR said they weren't doing ground deliveries until next week. She put in a request for me to be able to pick it up, and she said most likely I would be able to go over to their hub and get it. They're going to call me back within the hour. I hope she's right.
[quote name='JC Monkeyballs']I just called, and the CSR said they weren't doing ground deliveries until next week. She put in a request for me to be able to pick it up, and she said most likely I would be able to go over to their hub and get it. They're going to call me back within the hour. I hope she's right.[/QUOTE]

I hope they are doing ground because im waiting on a laptop and some shoes that i need by today, they were both guranteed by today

EDIT: just checked the tracking numbers, they are ground packages and they are indeed out for delivery
[quote name='anubis20']I hope they are doing ground because im waiting on a laptop and some shoes that i need by today, they were both guranteed by today[/quote]

Well they just called and they aren't touching the trucks my xbox is on until Sunday. My package is scheduled for 12/29 delivery though, so If you're expecting something with a delivery date of today I would assume you are going to get it.
*sigh* Just dropped mine off for shipment today. I still have one question, if anyone can answer.

It had been giving me the 3 red rings off and on all month, sometimes it would work, sometimes not. If they check and it happens to be one of the rare occasions it works, are they just gonna send it back as-is? That kind of worries me... I obviously don't want to do without for a few weeks and get the same broken console in return.
[quote name='JC Monkeyballs']Well they just called and they aren't touching the trucks my xbox is on until Sunday. My package is scheduled for 12/29 delivery though, so If you're expecting something with a delivery date of today I would assume you are going to get it.[/quote]

Update: Just got it delivered. A christmas miracle!

[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']*sigh* Just dropped mine off for shipment today. I still have one question, if anyone can answer.

It had been giving me the 3 red rings off and on all month, sometimes it would work, sometimes not. If they check and it happens to be one of the rare occasions it works, are they just gonna send it back as-is? That kind of worries me... I obviously don't want to do without for a few weeks and get the same broken console in return.[/quote]

From what I've seen you will be fine.
[quote name='Malik112099']It really isnt that big a deal...[/QUOTE]
Not really, but it is a big deal. If I knew they weren't going to send me a coffin, I would have just printed the shipping label and sent it out a week ago.

Also, my 360 has been locked in my entertainment system, running, for 4 hours, and won't red ring. It's hot enough to fry an egg in there, but not overheat the damn 360. These things are tougher than people say they are.
Overheating your 360 (towel trick) wont red ring your 360. All it will do is force it into low power mode (or off) and turn on the cooling fans full blast. Dont worry about red ringing it before sending it off to MS. It seems that most of the time they dont even check for it.
My 360 just Error-coded E-73 today and crapped out on me :(. I'd bought it back in April for GTA IV and it only lasted this long... :/. I think I'm gonna go snag a $200 Arcade "jasper" and then sell the other one after it gets fixed.
Well my 360 just froze twice while playing Fallout 3 within the span of 10 minutes. So much for my no RROD streak I suppose. Now I'm kind of hesitant to even play it.

And I'm on vacation for the next week and a half...
So you are either not going to play it out of fear of the RRoD or not play it after the RRoD actually occurs. I say go ahead and enjoy it while you can, it may never RR0d on you (this is a joke of course).

The only 360 that does not RRoD is one that is never turned on. I know this from experience.
[quote name='Malik112099']Overheating your 360 (towel trick) wont red ring your 360. All it will do is force it into low power mode (or off) and turn on the cooling fans full blast. Dont worry about red ringing it before sending it off to MS. It seems that most of the time they dont even check for it.[/quote]

Overheating it will just give it the half ring of death. Not the best way to go. I've been fixing these for years and the best thing to do is to just do it yourself or send it in to someone who knows how to fix em.
[quote name='hppypnts']Well my 360 just froze twice while playing Fallout 3 within the span of 10 minutes. So much for my no RROD streak I suppose. Now I'm kind of hesitant to even play it.

And I'm on vacation for the next week and a half...[/quote]

As far as I'm aware this has something to do with fallout 3, not your 360. my 360 and a friend's 360 did the same thing near the end of the game.
[quote name='Darkchaos91']Just ordered my coffin. Sucks my warranty expired 9 days ago.. Of Course...[/QUOTE]

are u paying for the fix?
Does anyone's 360 freeze for like 20-30 seconds when you hit the guide button on the controller to bring up the quick guide? It does this A LOT these it just the NXE being buggy or my 360 going to tank?
[quote name='anubis20']are u paying for the fix?[/quote]

Yeah. Should I call them and tell them something? I just payed this morning so I could get asap.
[quote name='Darkchaos91']Yeah. Should I call them and tell them something? I just payed this morning so I could get asap.[/QUOTE]

If you're getting 3 red rings, then you shouldn't have to pay a cent, even after your warranty expires. If it's another problem, I guess you're SOL?
[quote name='Sofa King Cheap']If you're getting 3 red rings, then you shouldn't have to pay a cent, even after your warranty expires. If it's another problem, I guess you're SOL?[/quote]

Yeah, SOL. E 74. Do you get another year warranty once you get your xbox back?

Edit : Is there Anyway to like stop you live account while this is happening. Like Postpone, it until I get the xbox back? I know they'll send a month of live but still..
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[quote name='ITDEFX']Does anyone's 360 freeze for like 20-30 seconds when you hit the guide button on the controller to bring up the quick guide? It does this A LOT these it just the NXE being buggy or my 360 going to tank?[/QUOTE]

Mine has done that a few times. but only when I'm online. Hasn't happened offline, yet.
[quote name='Darkchaos91']Just ordered my coffin. Sucks my warranty expired 9 days ago.. Of Course...[/QUOTE]

Out of curiosity, how much are they asking for the fixes? $100 plus shipping costs or what?

If so, for that price I would have just forked over another $100 and got a new wireless controller, integrated memory and a Jasper system. Then again if your broke I don't blame you.
[quote name='deadite76']Mine has done that a few times. but only when I'm online. Hasn't happened offline, yet.[/QUOTE]

This happens all the time with the new dashboard update. Seems to be slow popping up friends lists and what not. My only complaint so far with the new dash board.
I just checked out and read up on some of the warranty info.
I saw that it said if you get RRoD than they repair it free of charge.
I read this over and over again. and it does say that.
it sounds too good to be true.
I was wondering if anyone knew if this was true of if they are just BSing people.???
[quote name='legendarywaffle']I just checked out and read up on some of the warranty info.
I saw that it said if you get RRoD than they repair it free of charge.
I read this over and over again. and it does say that.
it sounds too good to be true.
I was wondering if anyone knew if this was true of if they are just BSing people.???[/quote]
its damn true.

for my last xbox they sent me a coffin.

free of charge.
make sure it is still in warranty though.
or your fawked
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Out of curiosity, how much are they asking for the fixes? $100 plus shipping costs or what?

If so, for that price I would have just forked over another $100 and got a new wireless controller, integrated memory and a Jasper system. Then again if your broke I don't blame you.[/quote]

Yeah it was 94 something then with tax it came out to be 100.58.

I'm not broke but I just decided that I could finish some of my back log and could find time to finish other stuff that I need to finish instead of sitting in front of my 360. Guess this month is really going to drag.. lol.

Does anyone know how long it will take for my 360 to get to them? Just as long as its taking for the box to get here? A week?
I have a RRoD 360 that someone gave me. I went to find out about sending it in to get it fixed, but on the form it says it needs a receipt? I don't have one, obviously. It's a really old xbox, do they expect you to keep recpeits for years? Do I really need one?
[quote name='danked']I don't think you need a receipt just give them a Serial number, or you can give it to me so I can Fix it[/quote]

Well I "fixed" it with the towel trick.. but if it RRoD's on me again I'm sending it in.

Thanks for the info though.
My launch 360 just red-ringed for the first time and since I registered via mail with my warranty at launch it's not letting me "register" my system to my gamertag/Windows live ID to do the online repair stuff. It tells me the consoles already been registered. My MS extended warranty just expired on 12/08/08 :cry:

Guess I'll give support a call and see what they say.
So I was playing COD5 earlier today and I'm playing Cliffside and there is black lines all across the map. When I go into the guide everything is fine, and when I get back into the lobby everything is fine. I play another match and the same thing, I have black lines along my map. I turn off my 360 and turn it back on... BAM! I have one red light and the E74 error. I called Microsoft and they want $99 to fix it. I'm so torn on what to do right now. I'm gonna try the towel trick I think. I don't care if I ruin my system, as far as I'm concerned my system is already fucked!
[quote name='woodcan']My launch 360 just red-ringed for the first time and since I registered via mail with my warranty at launch it's not letting me "register" my system to my gamertag/Windows live ID to do the online repair stuff. It tells me the consoles already been registered. My MS extended warranty just expired on 12/08/08 :cry:

Guess I'll give support a call and see what they say.[/quote]
Yeah, just call. When I tried to register online it gave me the same thing, but I guess the move your contact information with the system over the phone if it isnt working correctly online. =p

My console is now in repair. I guess we're aiming at next week for it to comeback. =d
Got my 360 on Christmas of '06. Within the past 5 days, my console has been freezing up on startup and sometimes when I try to just navigate NXE (a little over 10 freezes altogether in this period). About 3 times while playing a game, a graphic error would come up which looks somewhat like a checkerboard. Turned it on yesterday and I got the 3 red rings. Left it alone for an hour and came back, it suddenly works again. I was able to get about 75 minutes of additional game time between then and this morning before the rings came back. Once it even came on to display E71 error. Every time I turned it on afterward has been RRoD. The several times that I got the checkerboard the colors have varied from purple, blue, red, and yellow.
One of the graphic screwups I got:
Sorry for bad quality, its my camera, but you can get the general idea.

I also ran through the entire plug/unplug process multiple times. No dice.
Hey everyone, i'm new to the 360. My cousins just came from korea where they had bought a 360 about a year ago. They brought it with them when they came to live with us (they are starting school here...). When i tried to set it up, i got the rrod. It is my understanding that MS will replace it if the console is still under warranty (3 years), but what if the product was purchased over seas? They don't have a receipt or anything so how could i prove that the system is still under warranty? Sorry if this specific topic has been covered already, just can't read through it all. Thanks for any help you guys can give!
bread's done