xbox 360 首都高 shutokou announced


11 (100%)
well, the news is in Japanese, so maybe someone who speaks japanese and bored can translate for us =p


 前作『首都高バトル01』を大きく上回る、シリーズ中最大のカスタマイズ要素を用意。エンジンチューンによって変化するボンネット内部のエンジンルー ム、シートやステアリングといった内装パーツの変更、バリエーション豊かなネオン管の装着、大胆な外観変化をもたらすボディキット、そしてドアのガルウィ ング化まで、既存のレースゲームに類をみないカスタマイズ要素を豊富に揃えています。

 従来の1対1でのSPバトルに加え、最大5連続でライバルとのバトルが続くチェーンバトル、パーキングから発生し最大4台までが同時走行するサバイバル バトル、バトル中に突然違うライバルに乱入されるという緊張感あふれる乱入SPバトルなど、様々なバトル形式でユーザーを楽しませます。

■遂に実現 オンラインバトル!
 オンラインに繋げたユーザー同士で、マッチングによる1対1のSPバトル対戦が可能となりました。対戦成績も全国ネットランキングとして表示されるため、 Xbox Live上でも盛り上がる内容となっています。

Xbox360 has achieved new visual heights! The new commemorative edition utilizes the potential of Xbox360 to its maximum, reproducing Roppongi Hills, the Shibuya Cross Tower, and the Shinjyuku high-rise complex etc.! Furthermore, "detailed road surface unevenness" , center line, and neon signs highlight the incredible realism of the game's rendering of public roads. This game is the genre's leader in vehicle customization, with the most elements available anywhere! This game even tops "capital city high battle 01", preparing the largest customization element in the series. From tuning the engine, to the body kit, and the gull wing conversion of the door, there are few things you can't customize: modify the seat and the steering wheel, install neon tubes--there is unparalleled customization beyond any existing race game. Also, there's a new battle type: the abundant battle system! Feel the intensity of 5 opponents as opposed to previous edition's 1 on 1. And finally you can now play online! With matching technologies, you can play 1 on 1 online and test your skills against the best racers on Xbox Live. With more areas to play and interesting new rivals to face in story mode, this game will rock! You can even race at night in different timezones with different challenges and racers realistically.
[quote name='jrutz']Don't knock it - I love this series.


This is Tokyo Xtreme Racer, isn't it? I really liked 1 & 2 on the DC, but I couldn't get worked up over Zero and 3 on the PS2. The idea wasn't fresh anymore. Hope this one breathes new life in the series.

Yup, this is the TXR series from the DC days. Man I have fond memories of the first TXR. I got it as a DC launch title and stayed up ALL night playing it that first night. Finished it eventually. The gameplay is slick, the first racing game to use a health meter to determine the winner. Plus the real world environments were awesome - nothing like driving around Tokyo in the dead of night. TXR2 I think was the pinnacle of the series, although TXR:0 was pretty good too.

Here's some more on it:

Shutokou Battle X will also feature some much needed variety. You can now race in three different time periods: night, midnight and day break. During night, surrounding buildings have lights on, but these switch off at midnight. During daybreak, the sky begins to brighten (never thought you'd see that in a Tokyo Xtreme Racer game, eh?) and the road fills with fog.

bread's done