Xbox Banning Discussion

Seeing as MS doesn't even want you to purchase foreign stuff, all of this would've never happened if all the games were region locked. The Sherlock Holmes game or the Games for Gold, in other countries, were unplayable.
Xbox One is region free, but you can't sign up for foreign accounts. That's hilarious.
how is this hilarious region free means u wont have a error message saying not allowed to download or have access in your region.that has nothing to do with or creating a foreign account.

Whether or not MS was well within their rights to ban the consoles and accounts really isn't up for debate. It's their playground, they make the rules.

But the way the reacted to this whole thing is going to cause some major blowback for them, especially with such a competitive console launch only months away. But many of us, some avid Xbox supporters, were already on the fence about which way we are going this generation due to their early policies with DRM and such.

MS's hair trigger reaction to activity, which had been going on for quite some time, just made the decision that much easier.
I agree with you. I wasn't affected by the bans but seeing Microsoft get so trigger happy about banning individuals and their early views of the Xbox one reinforces my decision to go with a ps4 when that time comes. And don't get me wrong, I love my 360 and it's been my primary console. But I just don't trust Microsoft now and I probably won't in the future.
how is this hilarious region free means u wont have a error message saying not allowed to download or have access in your region.that has nothing to do with or creating a foreign account.
You can play foreign retail games, but you can't use accounts for foreign countries. Pretty sure that would mean no downloaded foreign games, DLC, etc.
Wow, this thread has exploded since last night! To clear up a few things, I have read, that are incorrect.

1. The console ban WILL NOT "brick" your console, merely puts it on a list of consoles that CAN NOT connect to XBL. (That rumor is a remnant from the bans of 2009, where they corrupted the security sectors of the HDD)

2. Deleting WILL NOT help you avoid a ban, IF, you are already on the list for banning. That being said, most of the console bans are coming from playing the "offending" game online or multiplayer online. (like I said MOST)

3. Xval is mainly for checking to see if a modded console is going to be banned. (the console recorded a security event and is waiting to send it in to M$) Isn't really designed for the answers we need.

The best thing I, an ambassador myself, can recommend is: DO NOT play ANY offending material online or multiplayer online. It seems to be a part of the trigger for MOST bannings.

4. If you got banned for using the $1 for one month of gold or $2 for 2 months, fight it. That is unless you abused it. (I'm pretty sure you could use it up to 3 times without any problems) You can get those bans reversed, it has and does happen. The first person you talk to will tell you they can't do it, which is correct, THEY can't, nor will the next few people you talk to. BUT, when you get a engineer on the phone THEY can. You just have to push hard enough to get through to them.

On a personal note, just finished my Home Media Server, 5 TB of storage for the entire house media collection, YAY! Gonna start on a BA gaming PC, for myself, since M$ is killing their consoles with their recent OVERREACTION. And last, my son and daughter WILL NOT be getting the Xbone. I will take them back to Sony. I loved my PS2 for many years! Hopefully they will love the PS4 as much. I WILL, however, go out of my way to no longer support M$, in my personal life and business. (Kinda crazy like that. Yes, I'm one of those people who WILL NOT go to WALMART. So M$ is on MY Blacklist now and should be on yours as well. 

BTW, not banned and don't expect to be.

Don't forget to take the poll:

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Consoles can be banned from Xbox Live for several reasons including, but NOT limited to.

Accounts made outside your home region are fraudulent.

So, yes, creating an account whereby you DELIBERATELY misstated your location is fraud.
Microsoft may, and probably are, banning people for having foreign accounts, but their system is specifically tailored to allow people to make foreign accounts.

To those saying "You have to provide false information to make a foreign profile": You could not be more wrong and I can easily prove it (as I did on a previous page). Try going through the process of making a new free xbox live account. One section of the form will ask for your home country. ANOTHER section of the form asks what country you would like to make the account in. I did this, with screen shots, earlier in this thread. Their system is specifically set up to allow people to make foreign accounts, otherwise it would not have seperate fields for your home country and what country you would like to make an account.

Here is my previous post:

"I just I went part way through the process just now so I could confirm if you need to lie at any point or not. In the first section of the account creation it asks "Where are you from?" (Proof). But on the next step of the process, after this page (with name, email, your country, phone number, ect) there is another drop box which is simple entitled "Country/Region" (Proof). It does not say "Where are you from?" or "Your Country/Region", it is simply asking what region would you like to have a xbl account it. This is the box that determines which region account you have. There is no lying involved. If MS didn't want people making accounts in different regions, then "Where are you from?" country and "Country/Region" country would be one box, not two. This implementation specifically allows for making foreign accounts."

Could you please just graciously admit you are incorrect?

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Let's all just pray to the gamer gods that those who commited these terrible acts of deception are spared and continue gaming in peace for years to come.
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Again, just a heads up. I was banned last night and NEVER changed my region or downloaded a single game. The ONLY thing I did was use the free month link here on this very own site.
When did you first and last use the free month? How many times? Did you accumulate free months on the same day or near or after expiration?
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Okay, I am going to write this in a neutral manner.

Microsoft may be, and probably are, banning people for having foreign accounts, but their system is specifically tailored to allow people to make foreign accounts.

I went part way through the account creation process so I could confirm if you need to lie at any point.  In the first section of the account creation it asks "Where are you from?" (Proof).  But on the next step of the process, after this page, there is another drop box which is simple entitled "Country/Region" (Proof).  It does not say "Where are you from?" or "Your Country/Region", it is simply asking what region would you like to have a xbl account it.  This is the box that determines which region account you have.  There is no lying involved.  If MS didn't want people making accounts in different regions, then "Where are you from?" country and "Country/Region" country would be one box, not two.  This implementation specifically allows for making foreign accounts, which makes me question what specifically the current wave of bannings is targeting.

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Okay, I am going to write this is a neutral manner.

Microsoft may, and probably are, banning people for having foreign accounts, but their system is specifically tailored to allow people to make foreign accounts.

I went part way through the account creation process so I could confirm if you need to lie at any point. In the first section of the account creation it asks "Where are you from?" (Proof). But on the next step of the process, after this page there is another drop box which is simple entitled "Country/Region" (Proof). It does not say "Where are you from?" or "Your Country/Region", it is simply asking what region would you like to have a xbl account it. This is the box that determines which region account you have. There is no lying involved. If MS didn't want people making accounts in different regions, then "Where are you from?" country and "Country/Region" country would be one box, not two. This implementation specifically allows for making foreign accounts, which makes me question what specifically the current wave of bannings is targeting.
Doesn't the "where are you from" serve as a demographic question? E.g. I'm from China but my current region is the US. It's been a while since I made my account but I remember filling it out along those lines.

Regardless, when you select the region the intent is there. I definitely agree that temp bans and revoking licenses would have been better though.

Ikr, my main account is fine but I haven't checked my consul yet. If I don't go online I can't get banned right?
Consoles can be banned if it is either online or offline. If you stay offline, your console won't know that it was banned.
No bans reported today. That's got to be a good sign for those who have survived thus far.
A little too early to say that. More than likely the MS Enforcement team are still combing through Bosnia, Oman, Moroccan, Russian logs and compiling another list of consoles and accounts. If we can get to Saturday and not hear of any new reports, then maybe people can rest a little easier.

Wonder if it would help is this happened.

Someone downloads the games from Oman, Russia and Morocco and then plays them on main gamertag.

Then hears about the bannings and buys all of those games on main account before they get banned. 

Could that potentially get around the main account being in the banning mix since they were purchased?

Wonder if it would help is this happened.

Someone downloads the games from Oman, Russia and Morocco and then plays them on main gamertag.

Then hears about the bannings and buys all of those games on main account before they get banned.

Could that potentially get around the main account being in the banning mix since they were purchased?
I thought about this as well, still undecided if I will do it.
Wonder if it would help is this happened.

Someone downloads the games from Oman, Russia and Morocco and then plays them on main gamertag.

Then hears about the bannings and buys all of those games on main account before they get banned.

Could that potentially get around the main account being in the banning mix since they were purchased?
Why when they already know you got them for free? I don't think it'll matter

Why when they already know you got them for free? I don't think it'll matter
Because they see they were gotten for free on the fake accounts but purchased on the main one.

So the goal being that the main account survives.

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Because they see they were gotten for free on the fake accounts but purchased on the main one.

So the goal being that the main account survives.
And technically you still could be banned. I don't think they're going to go "Aw he bought them, let him go." M$ are pretty heartless when it comes to these bannings. And then you've just wasted money.

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Wonder if it would help is this happened.

Someone downloads the games from Oman, Russia and Morocco and then plays them on main gamertag.

Then hears about the bannings and buys all of those games on main account before they get banned.

Could that potentially get around the main account being in the banning mix since they were purchased?
This is the same company who is banning people who purchased 1000s of dollars worth of digital content. I don't think that will help. LOL

And technically you still could be banned. I don't think they're going to go "Aw he bought them, let him go." M$ are pretty heartless when it comes to these bannings. And then you've just wasted money.
Well, that's thing. It could be worth a shot for someone who has $400 in credit on their account.

Saving the main account would be the priority. Maybe they'd see that they were downloaded on the fake accounts, ban those, and then see that were purchased on the main account and not be able to do nothing about it.

Well, that's thing. It could be worth a shot for someone who has $400 in credit on their account.

Saving the main account would be the priority. Maybe they'd see that they were downloaded on the fake accounts, ban those, and then see that were purchased on the main account and not be able to do nothing about it.
Well they can ban you simply for not liking you, so they'd still be able to do something about it.

So these bannings have pretty much only happened to people who scammed free games, right?  I have an alt account for the UK that I used to legitimately purchase DLC for Dodonpachi Resurrection a year or so ago and a couple of other accounts for downloading demos/videos but I've never tried to glitch a free paid game.  I was thinking about grabbing some JP MSP cards to get Virtual On and Virtua Strikers but damn, don't want this shit to happen to me.

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Well, that's thing. It could be worth a shot for someone who has $400 in credit on their account.

Saving the main account would be the priority. Maybe they'd see that they were downloaded on the fake accounts, ban those, and then see that were purchased on the main account and not be able to do nothing about it.
My thinking about this is that the people doing the banning are being very objective about this, did they do THIS, then BAN. No questions or exceptions. But I also think if you did purchase the content, perhaps, just perhaps you could get the ban overturned, but that sounds like wishful thinking.
When you hear about longstanding members with hundreds if not thousands in Xbox digital purchases being banned for this stuff, it really feels like its hopeless. I would guess 75% of the people that did these tricks would rather pay for the cost of the games than suffer a ban, yet that option hasn't been given, unfortunately. Most people did this without fully realizing the repercussions. Since Microst has never banned for this in the past, this has come as a shock to most.
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It seems like it might be fairly easy to avoid the ban (if it hasn't happened yet).  Speaking as someone who works with databases, and that's all that Xbox Live is, a great big database, if I am running a query to find accounts that meet a certain criteria, I'm checking whether they meet that criteria right now.  Thus, migrating your Omasnia account to the U.S. would probably greatly reduce the chance of it being picked up in a query involving the criteria "Account region = Omasnia".

Not that I would recommend...  eh, I'd recommend it.  What have you got to lose?  That is, that you don't already risk losing...

I am curious, I have NEVER downloaded any of these free games. Not once.

I just logged onto my Xbox 360 to play GTA V and got a notice of suspension. The only thing I've ever done is use the free month link from the deals forum.

Any insight guys?

Well as of yesterday i logged into my xbox console and I never received any notice of any console or account ban.

The way I understand it, if anything is banned, a message will automatically pop up once you turn on your Xbox right? So I think I'm clear as of yesterday since I didn't see anything. I've used the $1 month/Gold link multiple times over the past few years. I've renewed the $1 month/Gold only about 4 times this year thus far. I did not download any of the free games or create any region specific accounts like Oman or Hungary. Your story has me worried. By my count there's two members so far that have been account banned for using the $1 renewal link on cag. If MS is going to pursue this, a ton of cags are going to be screwed.
It seems like it might be fairly easy to avoid the ban (if it hasn't happened yet). Speaking as someone who works with databases, and that's all that Xbox Live is, a great big database, if I am running a query to find accounts that meet a certain criteria, I'm checking whether they meet that criteria right now. Thus, migrating your Omasnia account to the U.S. would probably greatly reduce the chance of it being picked up in a query involving the criteria "Account region = Omasnia".

Not that I would recommend... eh, I'd recommend it. What have you got to lose? That is, that you don't already risk losing...
I already deleted all the accounts (even my other US ones), save for my main.

It seems like it might be fairly easy to avoid the ban (if it hasn't happened yet). Speaking as someone who works with databases, and that's all that Xbox Live is, a great big database, if I am running a query to find accounts that meet a certain criteria, I'm checking whether they meet that criteria right now. Thus, migrating your Omasnia account to the U.S. would probably greatly reduce the chance of it being picked up in a query involving the criteria "Account region = Omasnia".

Not that I would recommend... eh, I'd recommend it. What have you got to lose? That is, that you don't already risk losing...
Unfortunately, ALOT of people who migrated those accounts back to the US, as per the original instructions, already have been console banned. The problem is your console ID, not your main GT ID, is mainly what they are going after.

Like I said already, seems like they are going after people who played the "free" games online and multiplayer. Most of those who didn't play online or multiplayer have remained untouched, so far.

Unfortunately, ALOT of people who migrated those accounts back to the US, as per the original instructions, already have been console banned. The problem is your console ID, not your main GT ID, is mainly what they are going after.

Like I said already, seems like they are going after people who played the "free" games online and multiplayer. Most of those who didn't play online or multiplayer have remained untouched, so far.
FWIW i played WRC powerslide in online MP a bunch the weekend it was free

judging on the amount of people on the servers then, a lot of us thieves did the same lol i don't think the game was that popular prior.

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So If I use my hard drive from my banned system in a new system and play those games am I going to get banned again? I've deleted the fake accounts

So If I use my hard drive from my banned system in a new system and play those games am I going to get banned again? I've deleted the fake accounts
I wouldn't use the HDD in any other system. Just leave it as is. ENJOY THE FREE GAMES! :) ...and you already have content licenses associated with your profile (and system) that can't ever be taken off of this console since it's banned.

When you get another system just Recover the UNBANNED profile and do a license transfer. Re-download the content that you want as needed.

Remember, content licenses are associated with the profile that "purchased" them. A license transfer will not bring over the "FREE" game licenses that are tied to the other region profiles -- and they can't ever be transferred since they are banned.

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If you got banned why would you go and buy another console? Haven't you had enough already?

Too bad it has been that late in the game and modding a banned console isn't going to do much anyway.
Makes me worry about this to

Since sharing digital games would be "theft" in Microsoft's eyes. The other person is playing the Games on Demand title for free.

Should I worry about this?
I believe this is the duplication part that they write about in the marketplace theft ban emails and I believe I've seen people claim this got them banned in the past. However as with the free games bans it seems the majority of people have done it with no issues. At this point though who knows they're obviously cracking down on whatever ridiculous thing they deem as "theft".

Unfortunately, ALOT of people who migrated those accounts back to the US, as per the original instructions, already have been console banned. The problem is your console ID, not your main GT ID, is mainly what they are going after.

Like I said already, seems like they are going after people who played the "free" games online and multiplayer. Most of those who didn't play online or multiplayer have remained untouched, so far.
I've played every single "free" game besides DARK, on my main, while online... So far I'm one of the lucky ones who hasn't been banned, seems inevitable though. Hopefully, I'm one of the ones that managed to slip through the cracks somehow.

I wouldn't use the HDD in any other system. Just leave it as is. ENJOY THE FREE GAMES! :) ...and you already have content licenses associated with your profile (and system) that can't ever be taken off of this console since it's banned.

When you get another system just Recover the UNBANNED profile and do a license transfer. Re-download the content that you want as needed.

Remember, content licenses are associated with the profile that "purchased" them. A license transfer will not bring over the "FREE" game licenses that are tied to the other region profiles -- and they can't ever be transferred since they are banned.
That's my point, my account isn't banned thank goodness. The content is assoiated with the HDD so putting the HDD in a different system will allow me to play with no issues, I'm just wanting to make sure that if I was to play the free games I wont get banned, seeing as they only banned the console via console id/mac address. I don't think they did anything to the HDD.

If you got banned why would you go and buy another console? Haven't you had enough already?

Too bad it has been that late in the game and modding a banned console isn't going to do much anyway.
Because some people have thousands of dollars worth of games that they'd still like to play. The account ban would be devastating, but a console ban wouldn't be that huge, in the overall scheme of things.

That's my point, my account isn't banned thank goodness. The content is assoiated with the HDD so putting the HDD in a different system will allow me to play with no issues, I'm just wanting to make sure that if I was to play the free games I wont get banned, seeing as they only banned the console via console id/mac address. I don't think they did anything to the HDD.
Putting your HDD onto another console WILL NOT allow you to play the free games.

The licenses are associated with the console they were first downloaded to. They can only be played on the original banned system.

Putting your HDD onto another console WILL NOT allow you to play the free games.

The licenses are associated with the console they were first downloaded to. They can only be played on the original banned system.

What about using a transfer cable? I swear I've done that before. I was able to transfer my content from one console to the other without any problems. I think the only licenses I had to transfer was castle crashers

That's my point, my account isn't banned thank goodness. The content is assoiated with the HDD so putting the HDD in a different system will allow me to play with no issues, I'm just wanting to make sure that if I was to play the free games I wont get banned, seeing as they only banned the console via console id/mac address. I don't think they did anything to the HDD.
The content isn't tied to the HDD. It's tied to the console and the account used to "purchase" it. If you move the HDD to another Xbox and removed the associated account, the content will not play. It would need to be license transferred to the new Xbox using the account used to makes those "purchases" without being logged into XBL with said account.

I've played every single "free" game besides DARK, on my main, while online... So far I'm one of the lucky ones who hasn't been banned, seems inevitable though. Hopefully, I'm one of the ones that managed to slip through the cracks somehow.
My two friends haven't been banned yet either and they did they exact same thing. Played all games online with their main account except for Dark.

Starting to wonder if the folks getting banned did more than just this.

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What about using a transfer cable? I swear I've done that before. I was able to transfer my content from one console to the other without any problems. I think the only licenses I had to transfer was castle crashers
I'm not an expert on this but I've had my fair share of Xbox's that shit their pants. I'd just give up on the free games and on Black Friday buy a 4GB console for $99.99 or whatever they charge then and use your HDD in it. Sell your banned console for whatever you can get and don't buy an Xbox One.

bread's done