Xbox Banning Discussion

Can be anything. They can just dislike you and ban you.
I don't think it was that random... Obviously, each person that had something banned had some trigger, whether it was the free month link or the foreign games. The banning of accounts versus consoles seem to be a little more random, but I would bet if we had a direct contact at MS, there would be some sort of trigger that determined console versus console and account.

I don't think it was that random... Obviously, each person that had something banned had some trigger, whether it was the free month link or the foreign games. The banning of accounts versus consoles seem to be a little more random, but I would bet if we had a direct contact at MS, there would be some sort of trigger that determined console versus console and account.
Nope, they can pretty much ban you for anything they want.

If the previous trend that they would ban your GT alongside your console next month holds true this would be be rough for the hardcore gamer crowd on sites like CAG and GAF.  To hedge any paranoia further, you're essentially telling them to not play online for at least another month.  Xbox One release is also looming next month. Wow. 

I never did the free game downloads but I did do the $1 XBL renewal deals so I'm particularly interested in the latest issue with certain cags that got banned for that.  As of last night my account and console weren't banned.  So I'm puzzled as to what's going on. 
If the previous trend that they would ban your GT alongside your console next month holds true this would be be rough for the hardcore gamer crowd on sites like CAG and GAF. To hedge any paranoia further, you're essentially telling them to not play online for at least another month. Xbox One release is also looming next month. Wow.

I never did the free game downloads but I did do the $1 XBL renewal deals so I'm particularly interested in the latest issue with certain cags that got banned for that. As of last night my account and console weren't banned. So I'm puzzled as to what's going on.
I've been playing online like nothing's happening. I will not stop playing games because of my paranoia! I thank GTA Online and the Battlefield 4 beta for making me do it. I wouldn't be playing it otherwise. :p

I think it's shitty how microsoft deals with it's customers for their own screwups. They should have been more careful and set the price to something like 99999999999 dollars.

I think it's shitty how microsoft deals with it's customers for their own screwups. They should have been more careful and set the price to something like 99999999999 dollars.
That's what they used to do, and from what I've read online, that some glitch with the conversion to money is to blame for that not being the case anymore.

Great read in this thread.

Makes me glad I went ps4 in the next gen.

I dont get why ms just didnt chalk it up as a loss and move on. Its really their screwup. Yea people had to do some work it looks like it to take advantage of the situation, but still.

Glitches happen. Just ask Obama.

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^ Or your birth.

I've been playing online like nothing's happening. I will not stop playing games because of my paranoia! I thank GTA Online and the Battlefield 4 beta for making me do it. I wouldn't be playing it otherwise. :p
Exactly I've been brushing off paranoia by playing GTA V. Where can I get the Battlefield 4 beta at?

I'm looking at my Achievements and so far I have 12 Achievements for Injustice, 2 for Dark, and 3 for Angry Birds. I also loaded up and played Bloodforge, Arcania, Rayman, Dragon Lair, Capsized, Flashback, Ikaruga, Mars Warlog and Unbound Saga. I haven't gotten to the rest like Diabolical Pitch, WRC, Dungeon Fighter, and Sonic. I thought about deleting the games but I really thought about it and decided I won't. If I got banned at least I could play them offline (if that's possible). I did how ever deleted the 0 Achievements. The only games I shared was Angry Birds and I was going to share Injustice but luckily the other person were busy and the bans started so I'm not sharing that anymore. I'm not too sure but I believe almost all the games above I downloaded was from a Morocco account not Oman. But I'm not sure and I don't want to log back in those accounts to see lol. I made an Andorra, Argentina, Bosnia, Botswana, Costa Rica, Japan, Monaco, Morocco, Oman, Russia (twice), Slovenia, and Tawain accounts. After seeing these regions, I'm not sure where I downloaded what from lol. I made them all online and never on my console, not sure if that made the difference. I do believe they ban at random but I also believe if you didn't take precautions your red flags were more easily seen.
Oh me too.  I should download all of " free "games before I was banned. All of these games cost about 200$, same as a console. Now this time for us to take a deal.

You still play these game by your main gamertag on your banned console, then, simply you transfer your gamertag ( and / or save games ) to new console. By this method, you still update achievements for these game to your main gamertag. ( if your gamertag is not banned along with the machine , hah hah hah hah ).

And if you still want to play these freebies, you transfer your profile to banned console. yes.

I will not lose any coins

or more smart, to avoid problems in profile, save ( I read somewhere ) when the machine is blocked ... you should leave this machine offline right now, and just bought a new xbox :headache: then use the old machine offline forever

for me, although my console is blocked or not, I will not spend a penny more for microsoft :no:

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Now that was a well thought out, witty, utterly ingenious retort.
Sorry. I should have thought of something funny about a wife being beaten.

Some people will never admit the even had a smidgen of wrongdoing in this whole thing... And yet, there were PLENTY of us that thought about it first and decided not to do it at all. Why do you think that is?

To the people who are only posting to antagonize the people having a conversation in here, I am going to report your posts (again).  The mods have and continue to remove trolling/harassing posts (including your prior posts if you somehow have not noticed), and I am going to keep reporting them and getting them removed.  If you are interested in being antagonistic, you are more than welcome to do it somewhere else.

Logic and reason espousing a position with mature debate is VERY different from personal jabs.  They are NOT, nor will they ever be, the same thing.

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Sorry. I should have thought of something funny about a wife being beaten.

Some people will never admit the even had a smidgen of wrongdoing in this whole thing... And yet, there were PLENTY of us that thought about it first and decided not to do it at all. Why do you think that is?
I didn't do it at all either but I'm not going to blame people for getting something listed as free and then act high and mighty and kicking others while they're down.

Edit: I'm reporting the posts too, he seems to continue his need to drive his point home 50,000 times, even after the mods told people such as him to stop it.

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Exactly I've been brushing off paranoia by playing GTA V. Where can I get the Battlefield 4 beta at?
Right now, it's only open to people who reserved Battlefield 4, bought Medal of Honor Warfighter, or if you're a Battlefield 3 Premium subscriber. It will be open for the rest of us on Oct 4. I'm pretty hyped.

Sorry. I should have thought of something funny about a wife being beaten.
And I'm sorry reading comprehension is beyond you, considering I was asking why people keep supporting micro$oft if they continually get screwed over. I guess I should have put it in simpler terms for someone less fortunate.

Not antagonizing. Just commenting on the fact that there was, in fact, something that triggered the ban. It's not like MS randomly picked 10000 accounts to ban for a September Fools Joke.

It sucked for the people that had it happen (especially the account banned ones), but MS certainly didn't just ban people for nothing or for whatever they wanted.
And you've basically commented the same thing a million times already, no use in continuing to do so other than to antagonize.

Not antagonizing. Just commenting on the fact that there was, in fact, something that triggered the ban. It's not like MS randomly picked 10000 accounts to ban for a September Fools Joke.

It sucked for the people that had it happen (especially the account banned ones), but MS certainly didn't just ban people for nothing or for whatever they wanted.
Did you see the links I included two posts ago? Read those and let us know if you think a) those bans were justified and should have stood as issued or b) Microsoft over stepped its bounds in some way and the bans should not have been issued. If they were all justified, then your argument is internally consistent, but I have to severely question you as a person. If you think the bans were unreasonable on Microsoft's part, then you are admitting MS can (and has) overstepped its bounds in issuing bans, which is inconsistent with what you have been espousing in this thread. Just because they issue a ban, just because they "say" a person did something wrong does not make it so... unless you agree with the MS on the bans I previously linked.

Let us know what you think.

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Well to be fair having the word gay in your gamertag or profile is probably meant to be "funny" 95% of the time or more as far as people being immature. I can't really blame MS for banning those things if they didn't know. Especially for a town which only has 800 people in it. They restored his account after he presented them with evidence. The corporation is always going to look bad in situations like that regardless of how it goes.

Same thing goes for people with the name Gay. It's probably a lot easier to just make a blanket rule regarding not using words like that rather than having to investigate each one. If they allowed it then you would run into a number of people with the word gay or dick in their gt just to be funny and it would take a long time to investigate every report.

Does that mean those rules are fair or right? Not necessarily, but this is Microsoft's service and they get to write their own rules.

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Well to be fair having the word gay in your gamertag or profile is probably meant to be "funny" 95% of the time or more as far as people being immature. I can't really blame MS for banning those things if they didn't know. Especially for a town which only has 800 people in it. They restored his account after he presented them with evidence. The corporation is always going to look bad in situations like that regardless of how it goes.

Same thing goes for people with the name Gay. It's probably a lot easier to just make a blanket rule regarding not using words like that rather than having to investigate each one. If they allowed it then you would run into a number of people with the word gay or dick in their gt just to be funny and it would take a long time to investigate every report.
Eh, people can't really help it if their city or name has the name gay in it. I would have asked for evidence prior to banning rather than ban first and forget about it.

Did you see the links I included two posts ago? Read those and let us know if you think a) those bans were justified and should have stood as issued or b) Microsoft over stepped its bounds in some way and the bans should not have been issued. If they were all justified, then your argument is internally consistent, but I have to severely question you as a person. If you think the bans were unreasonable on Microsoft's part, then you are admitting MS can (and has) overstepped its bounds in issuing bans, which is inconsistent with what you have been espousing in this thread.. Just because they issue a ban, just because they "say" a person did something wrong does not make it so... unless you agree with the MS on the bans I previously linked.

Let us know what you think.
I can see why they banned them. You can't? That said, most of them should have ended with an unbanning. Sometimes the censors or whatever they use catch things that aren't bad... Like in the Ubisoft Rocksmith forums, you can't type the name of a song in Rocksmith because it's "Gobbledigook"... It catches the last 4 letters and thinks it's a racial epitaph. Is it wrong? Well... Technically. But the word exists and the censor catches it... Most of these were the same thing. They have (quite clearly, unlike this nebulous banning) what words you ARE allowed to use that refer to homosexuals and what you are NOT able to use...

D. Expression of Relationship Orientation

You may use the following terms to express your relationship orientation or gender identity in you profile or Gamertag:

  • Lesbian
  • Gay
  • Bi
  • Transgender
  • Straight
Other terms regarding relationship orientation are not allowed. In addition, you may not use these terms in a negative or inflammatory fashion or use them in reference to a third party.

Some of the other ones (Sputnik...) were stupid... And Mpeach Obama... Do they listen to what some of these snot nosed brats scream in the matches??? But I guess if someone complained, they could come under this:

Do not create a Gamertag, profile content, Avatar action, Avatar content, or in-game content that other users may be offended by. This includes, without limitation, anything related to or suggestive of:

  • Profane words/phrases
  • Topics or content of a sexual nature
  • Hate speech
  • Illegal drugs/controlled substances
  • Illegal activities
  • Controversial religious topics
  • Notorious people/organizations
  • Sensitive current/historical events
  • Any “sound alike” or “look alike” words, phrases, or puns that reference these topics are also prohibited.
I guess if someone was offended by McCarthyism or something, Sputnik would inflame them...

Well to be fair having the word gay in your gamertag or profile is probably meant to be "funny" 95% of the time or more as far as people being immature. I can't really blame MS for banning those things if they didn't know. Especially for a town which only has 800 people in it. They restored his account after he presented them with evidence. The corporation is always going to look bad in situations like that regardless of how it goes.

Same thing goes for people with the name Gay. It's probably a lot easier to just make a blanket rule regarding not using words like that rather than having to investigate each one. If they allowed it then you would run into a number of people with the word gay or dick in their gt just to be funny and it would take a long time to investigate every report.
So his name on his account includes "Gay", they know that is his name, and when he puts it in his profile he is banned... because they don't like it? It's not like this is out of the blue, there is a name on the account and the man put his name in the profile. If you want to say that they just ban everyone with "gay" anywhere in their profile, fine, but seeing as it was his name do you think the ban was justified?

So his name on his account includes "Gay", they know that is his name, and when he puts it in his profile he is banned... because they don't like it? It's not like this is out of the blue, there is a name on the account and the man put his name in the profile. If you want to say that they just ban everyone with "gay" anywhere in their profile, fine, but seeing as it was his name do you think the ban was justified?
I never said it was justified or right. It's Microsoft's service. Keeping the majority happy is more important to them than keeping a few happy. If you know it's going to be an issue then just keep your name or city out of your profile. People have to play by Microsoft's rules. They don't want to spend even more resources having to investigate every usage of the word gay, or dick or w/e on their service. Whether or not people find it offensive is the issue. Is it stupid to be upset/offended over someone's name being dick or gay? Yes. But if MS is getting 1k reports about it being offensive they are going to do something about it. They are going to make their lives easier rather than make exceptions. If they didn't do anything about it then they would have to continuously filter through every complaint that person received about their gt.

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So his name on his account includes "Gay", they know that is his name, and when he puts it in his profile he is banned... because they don't like it? It's not like this is out of the blue, there is a name on the account and the man put his name in the profile. If you want to say that they just ban everyone with "gay" anywhere in their profile, fine, but seeing as it was his name do you think the ban was justified?
You don't know the end of the story. After presenting evidence, was he unbanned? I don't know... He should have been (and I would guess, was).

Not to mention how dated those incidents are. Microsoft updated their policies several years ago in response to them.

Regardless, in this situation Microsoft did ban for a good reason.

^ No not really. It was their own fault they left themselves open for that glitch anyway. Any other digital service would suck it up and fix it, not ban consoles/gamertags.

^ No not really. It was their own fault they left themselves open for that glitch anyway. Any other digital service would suck it up and fix it, not ban consoles/gamertags.
So it's not the fault of the people who downloaded them at all? Wow. You're not going to get away with everything.

I can see why they banned them. You can't? That said, most of them should have ended with an unbanning. Sometimes the censors or whatever they use catch things that aren't bad... Like in the Ubisoft Rocksmith forums, you can't type the name of a song in Rocksmith because it's "Gobbledigook"... It catches the last 4 letters and thinks it's a racial epitaph. Is it wrong? Well... Technically. But the word exists and the censor catches it... Most of these were the same thing. They have (quite clearly, unlike this nebulous banning) what words you ARE allowed to use that refer to homosexuals and what you are NOT able to use...

D. Expression of Relationship Orientation

You may use the following terms to express your relationship orientation or gender identity in you profile or Gamertag:

  • Lesbian
  • Gay
  • Bi
  • Transgender
  • Straight
Other terms regarding relationship orientation are not allowed. In addition, you may not use these terms in a negative or inflammatory fashion or use them in reference to a third party.

Some of the other ones (Sputnik...) were stupid... And Mpeach Obama... Do they listen to what some of these snot nosed brats scream in the matches??? But I guess if someone complained, they could come under this:

Do not create a Gamertag, profile content, Avatar action, Avatar content, or in-game content that other users may be offended by. This includes, without limitation, anything related to or suggestive of:

  • Profane words/phrases
  • Topics or content of a sexual nature
  • Hate speech
  • Illegal drugs/controlled substances
  • Illegal activities
  • Controversial religious topics
  • Notorious people/organizations
  • Sensitive current/historical events
  • Any “sound alike” or “look alike” words, phrases, or puns that reference these topics are also prohibited.
I guess if someone was offended by McCarthyism or something, Sputnik would inflame them...
Did you notice that you actually failed to answer my question? Should those issues in those articles result in people being banned, in your opinion?

Yes, I see why they were banned. That doesn't mean that it was right to do so. Do you think that if I complained about "crazedracerguy" as a name and they decided to ban that name that such an action would be acceptable if they cited it as "offensive"? Yes, I can imagine a person being offended by the term "crazed" because they have had mental issues in the past, but would you say that is a good reason for MS to ban it? I would say not.

You notice how every list MS provides for banning reasons says something along the lines of "includes, but is not limited to" or something to that effect? They have tried to write in a catchall that allows them to ban for whatever reason they choose, justified or not. Just because someone says "I can do anything I want" does not mean that it is okay for them to do so.

^ No not really. It was their own fault they left themselves open for that glitch anyway. Any other digital service would suck it up and fix it, not ban consoles/gamertags.
I can't agree with you there. That's like blaming a person for leaving their house unlocked rather than blaming the person that broke in and stole everything.

You don't know the end of the story. After presenting evidence, was he unbanned? I don't know... He should have been (and I would guess, was).
I do know he was unbanned, that was only because he raised a stink and got media attention. People defended him and the gaming community was against MS. If news outlets had not picked up the story, how do you think anyone on the XBLPET would ever have given his case a second look?

Not really, because then they would know not to expose one of microsofts glitches, would make M$ think more about pricing on regions, and the gamers that got the games would have nothing.

I can't agree with you there. That's like blaming a person for leaving their house unlocked rather than blaming the person that broke in and stole everything.

No your analogy is taking it way too far. Getting these games for free is more like a victimless crime.
So it's not the fault of the people who downloaded them at all? Wow. You're not going to get away with everything.
Not your fault you are an angry troll to eh? No cookie FOR U! rofl btw the mods said not to do what you are doing Mr hypocrite.

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Did you notice that you actually failed to answer my question? Should those issues in those articles result in people being banned, in your opinion?

Yes, I see why they were banned. That doesn't mean that it was right to do so. Do you think that if I complained about "crazedracerguy" as a name and they decided to ban that name that such an action would be acceptable if they cited it as "offensive"? Yes, I can imagine a person being offended by the term "crazed" because they have had mental issues in the past, but would you say that is a good reason for MS to ban it? I would say not.

You notice how every list MS provides for banning reasons says something along the lines of "includes, but is not limited to" or something to that effect? They have tried to write in a catchall that allows them to ban for whatever reason they choose, justified or not. Just because someone says "I can do anything I want" does not mean that it is okay for them to do so.
Why are you still going on about those articles? Not only are they from several years ago, but Microsoft admitted they were wrong and updated their policies to reflect that. The Fort Gay person was unbanned, I'm not sure about the person in the UK.

Does that situation apply to this? Was the individual downloading the games banned because of a misunderstanding? No.

Here is a very straight forward question.  True or False (your opinion): If a piece of content is listed as free in a region which you legitimately have an account for, Microsoft is in the right if they choose to ban you for downloading it?

Why are you still going on about those articles? Not only are they from several years ago, but Microsoft admitted they were wrong and updated their policies to reflect that. The Fort Gay person was unbanned, I'm not sure about the person in the UK.

Does that situation apply to this? Was the individual downloading the games banned because of a misunderstanding? No.
The point was discussion of MS banning practices in general, which you apparently missed.

Not your fault you are an angry troll to eh? No cookie FOR U! rofl

Not to mention that these people wanting consoles banned, people with consoles will most likely sell them to gamestop and some gamer thinking he's getting a fully functional console will be pissed to find that it's banned. But that's well and good as long as you don't download a game for free from M$.

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Here is a very straight forward question. True or False (your opinion): If a piece of content is listed as free in a region which you legitimately have an account for, Microsoft is in the right if they choose to ban you for downloading it?
Legitimately? False.

So if anyone on here lives in Oman, let me know. I will be the first one to come to your defense. I'll even chip in some lawyer money. Oh, but that's right. If you legitimately lived in Oman and signed up for an XBL account, you would have gotten an error that said XBL was not available in your country...

Antiquated practices which have no relevance to this incident. Do you have more recent reads?
Are you seriously saying that the past actions of a company have no bearing on their current or future actions? You don't think that they give insight into how the company operates or the mentality of the company practices?

bread's done