Xbox Live deals for retail employees only


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Microsoft has this promotion for retail employees only
ripped from (thanks, JamManXC)

Pick up the Starter Kit for only $29.99 (more than 50% off MSRP).
Starter Kit includes:
A 12-month subscription card
A Communicator headset
The full version of Crimson Skies®: High Road to Revenge™


Get your hands on a 12-month subscription card for only $19.99 (more than 60% off MSRP).
hey did anyone else have to pay tax for this? It was $36 with s&h then they added $3 for tax for me. Then I found out if I ordered with commercial shipping I could save a couple of bucks on s&h and tax. ?? I don't get it.
Careful guys, they WILL verify that you work at a qualifying retailer. Trust me, they'll find a way around you, so be careful.
they haven't asked me yet and they already charged my card. not that i have anything to worry about... hell, i'll even fax them my paycheck stub with a coversheet from the store i work at (which is qualifying) while i'm on the job.

p.s. i got an email stating that "crimson skies" will be coming with the package instead of mech assault, and that it was an error in the system. so, for anyone wondering if they are getting mech assault or crimson skies, it's definently crimson skies.
I didn't necessarily mean they will verify before you order, and that's what is dangerous about this. That 6-8 weeks for delivery is to confirm your employment at an eligible retailer, and they can press charges against you if you order and aren't actually employed when you make the order. If you do work for an eligible retailer, though, you can order now and not be working there when they confirm it. They only verify that you were working there at the time you placed the order.

Still, this really shouldn't be on this site as it is not available to the public and has the potential to get people into alot of trouble, since it is basically illegal if you don't meet the employment requirements. Buyer beware on this one fellas.

P.S. I just got the MechAssault starter kit for $35 after shipping on ebay, so if you don't qualify for this, just stay away from this and bargain hunt on ebay. Please don't do anything stupid just to save a few bucks guys.
[quote name='JimmieMac']When and if JSweeny can pull him self away from sucking cock he's going to tell you all that even if It IS the evil empire,MicroSoft, it's not right to lie to get something not intended for you.[/quote]

Apparently that's called for since I tell people things that should be common sense. Yep. I was sooooo burned.
[quote name='Ledhed']I didn't necessarily mean they will verify before you order, and that's what is dangerous about this. That 6-8 weeks for delivery is to confirm your employment at an eligible retailer, and they can press charges against you if you order and aren't actually employed when you make the order. If you do work for an eligible retailer, though, you can order now and not be working there when they confirm it. They only verify that you were working there at the time you placed the order.

Still, this really shouldn't be on this site as it is not available to the public and has the potential to get people into alot of trouble, since it is basically illegal if you don't meet the employment requirements. Buyer beware on this one fellas.

P.S. I just got the MechAssault starter kit for $35 after shipping on ebay, so if you don't qualify for this, just stay away from this and bargain hunt on ebay. Please don't do anything stupid just to save a few bucks guys.[/quote]

I ordered as soon as this deal was posted on Monday and my order shipped on Tuesday morning they never asked for any kind of proof of where I worked. I tried to send an e-mail to them after I ordered,(like 5 minutes later), to cancel my order and it shipped before they could cancel it.
[quote name='sniper308'][quote name='ajh2298']I placed my order yesterday at like 4:00 e.s.t. and it shipped this morning they never asked for any proof of where I worked or anything.[/quote]

Did you get an email saying it shipped? I am unable to track my order on the website.[/quote]

I got two e-mails saying it shipped one from the Microsoft Sales site and then one from the MS PUP site, neither had a tracking number.
[quote name='jamhole538']can someone give me the freaking email add so i can talk to the Xbox people[/quote]

[email protected]

They reply within about a day or two. The guy that replied to my inquiry, Nick, did confirm that they ARE shipping Crimson Skies. Woo Hoo!

And yes, be prepared to prove you work for who you claim to work for. They may or may not ask for either a business card or paystub.
[quote name='ajh2298'][quote name='sniper308'][quote name='ajh2298']I placed my order yesterday at like 4:00 e.s.t. and it shipped this morning they never asked for any proof of where I worked or anything.[/quote]

Did you get an email saying it shipped? I am unable to track my order on the website.[/quote]

I got two e-mails saying it shipped one from the Microsoft Sales site and then one from the MS PUP site, neither had a tracking number.[/quote]

I got the same thing. Two emails a day later saying it was shipping. I just checked my card, billed. Just checked the UPS site with the tracking number, on it's way. It should be here Friday.
I wonder how many people that take advantage of this will be the ones that Drop out of Pandora Tommorow multiplayer games because they are losing.

My guess would be that it would be a fairly high percentage. I mean, if you can follow one set of rules on expected behavior, is it really that farfetched to believe you'd completely ignore another.

That's just what the game needs... more weasels to drop out after they start to lose, or if thier turn as spies or merc (depending on thier preferance) is over.
[quote name='JSweeney']I mean, if you can follow one set of rules on expected behavior, is it really that farfetched to believe you'd completely ignore another.[/quote]

I'm not sure I follow, because, by this reasoning then anyone that doesn't work at an authorized retail chain and still takes advantage of this deal will,most likely kill someone or drink and drive.
That's taking it to absurd levels, but yes, such behavior does suggest a pronounced lack of empathy and/or fair play.

If someone is more likely to commit an act because it makes something easier or more convienent for them, they are more likely to fall into that behavior pattern for all acts.

Put into an extreme situations, they would be more likely to partake in the behavior that leads to the end states that you suggest.

People drive drunk because they put thier need to go somewhere above the saftey of the other drivers on the road.

People kill because they value thier desires and endgame more than the life of the other person.
On a side note, if you were ever left scratching your head as to why I'm caustic to you, I'll tell you, it's because I tried to send you a PM wanting to discuss your theory on people who give burned games away for now dead systems, figuring that you are the most social/moral conscious character in our little play here and you would have the clearest head on the subject and we could have a friendly volley back and forth, away from the side comments and prying eyes of the other boards people. And what happened...


You couldn't even say "Look dude, I don't like you, go away" or "I'm not really up for talking about it" Something to show me that you at least read it but decided it wasn't a path you wanted to go down.

So now, every time I see you post stuff like this I know it's not really "real", it's not how you really feel because if it was, you'd talk about it when there wasn't an audience. But instead all this soap box standing, high horse riding, moral grandstanding is just a big show for the other "good kids" out there.
On a side note, if you were ever left scratching your head as to why I'm caustic to you, I'll tell you, it's because I tried to send you a PM wanting to discuss your theory on people who give burned games away for now dead systems, figuring that you are the most social/moral conscious character in our little play here and you would have the clearest head on the subject and we could have a friendly volley back and forth, away from the side comments and prying eyes of the other boards people. And what happened...


You couldn't even say "Look dude, I don't like you, go away" or "I'm not really up for talking about it" Something to show me that you at least read it but decided it wasn't a path you wanted to go down.

So now, every time I see you post stuff like this I know it's not really "real", it's not how you really feel because if it was, you'd talk about it when there wasn't an audience. But instead all this soap box standing, high horse riding, moral grandstanding is just a big show for the other "good kids" out there.

When did you send that? I don't see it in my inbox, and I've yet to delete any PMs out of my inbox. Of course, I've had my account set on auto-log in for a while, and now that my brother looks at the site as well, he would have just looked in my mailbox, not recognized your name and deleted it.

I'd be happy to have that discussion with you via PM's. In fact, I can even tell you right here. If you have any disagreements with this, or any further questions I'd be happy to deal with them via PM.

First, there is the legal issue.

It's illegal. There is no getting around that. It is piracy, and it can still hurt Sega because if someone burned a pirate copy of a game that Sega ported to a new system. Of course, the exact same thing could be said about the sale of a used dreamcast game sold by a videogame store...
so the ill of that issue is actually greatly diminished.

There's the moral issue.

It's wrong. You didn't pay for it, you didn't buy it.

Then there is the emotional issue.
Videogames are art. The dreamcast had a good number of great, well polished games that have just vanished into obscurity. Many of them had tiny intial runs due to a lack of interest, so game stores will charge an arm an a leg for a used copy.. but becuase of that, people don't get to see this great work of art. I see that as very much akin to copying an entire comic book, a piece of art, or an entire book... it goes beyond the boundaries of fair use, but it spreads the knowledge and love of the craft and the work to others. It's just a justification, much like any of the others, but this one does actually carry some weight with me on an emotional level.
[quote name='JSweeney']On a side note, if you were ever left scratching your head as to why I'm caustic to you, I'll tell you, it's because I tried to send you a PM wanting to discuss your theory on people who give burned games away for now dead systems, figuring that you are the most social/moral conscious character in our little play here and you would have the clearest head on the subject and we could have a friendly volley back and forth, away from the side comments and prying eyes of the other boards people. And what happened...


You couldn't even say "Look dude, I don't like you, go away" or "I'm not really up for talking about it" Something to show me that you at least read it but decided it wasn't a path you wanted to go down.

So now, every time I see you post stuff like this I know it's not really "real", it's not how you really feel because if it was, you'd talk about it when there wasn't an audience. But instead all this soap box standing, high horse riding, moral grandstanding is just a big show for the other "good kids" out there.

When did you send that? I don't see it in my inbox, and I've yet to delete any PMs out of my inbox. Of course, I've had my account set on auto-log in for a while, and now that my brother looks at the site as well, he would have just looked in my mailbox, not recognized your name and deleted it.

I'd be happy to have that discussion with you via PM's. In fact, I can even tell you right here. If you have any disagreements with this, or any further questions I'd be happy to deal with them via PM.

First, there is the legal issue.

It's illegal. There is no getting around that. It is piracy, and it can still hurt Sega because if someone burned a pirate copy of a game that Sega ported to a new system. Of course, the exact same thing could be said about the sale of a used dreamcast game sold by a videogame store...
so the ill of that issue is actually greatly diminished.

There's the moral issue.

It's wrong. You didn't pay for it, you didn't buy it.

Then there is the emotional issue.
Videogames are art. The dreamcast had a good number of great, well polished games that have just vanished into obscurity. Many of them had tiny intial runs due to a lack of interest, so game stores will charge an arm an a leg for a used copy.. but becuase of that, people don't get to see this great work of art. I see that as very much akin to copying an entire comic book, a piece of art, or an entire book... it goes beyond the boundaries of fair use, but it spreads the knowledge and love of the craft and the work to others. It's just a justification, much like any of the others, but this one does actually carry some weight with me on an emotional level.[/quote]

Points taken and noted.

I'm not sure what happened to the PM, I do know that it was sent and I check and saw it in my outbox,meaning you hadn't read it but then it was gone from there and never poked it's head out again.

I just think that with the surge in resale of used games it really does diminish the piracy aspect. Sega's already made their money from that one copy but in theory Ebgames could make their money over and over and over again on it as people play it and return it. But if I have a game and make a copy for a friend, for free, just so they can check it out and never resell it isn't that better for the "art" aspect of it?
If you made a game and it was available only for a short time, wouldn't you like to think that some where out there, 20 years from now there's a kid in Kansas telling his friend he HAS to play this old skool game he has a copy of, rather than having the kid have to search on and paying 200 dollars for it just because it's on original version?

Well, right or wrong it's all going to continue to happen, all anyone can do is make people more aware of what's wrong, like the church does with the fornicating teenagers.

Back on topic, if there was one, I don't drop out of games. I hate when it happens but dropping out of games and taking advantage of a deal that wasn't intended for me is two different things.


I say I work for Best Buy, I don't but I say I do, Microsoft finds out I don't, I don't get the deal. For some reason with these "exclusive deals" they take the burden of proof off of the individual. Why? I don't know. Is it easier for them? Maybe it is better to just assume that everyone who signs up is the working where they say they work. What happens if they ask for proof? I don't give it. Then what? Nothing. They send me a stern letter saying they could blah blah blah but in the end I took a shot and missed. They must not be too concerned about it if they don't have tighter security.

Now, why is this "exclusive retail deal" in effect? It's for employees at retail chains to be able to afford the Xbox Live experience and evangelize the service to others. So they're buying advertising. They are buying you with deep discounted subscriptions so you'll tell everyone how great Xbox Live is.

What about the individual user? I tell everyone that will listen how great the Xbox Live service is and how the Friends list for online gaming in one of the greatest steps forward in gaming we've seen in years. But what do I get for it? Nothing and that's fine,until I see a deal on the table that I could be part of. Just because I don't work for a chain doesn't mean I don't talk about Live, which is all they want you to do. They don't offer it to the general public, because as we've seen on this site and others, some people will take anything and resell it or buy it only because it's cheap. I don't feel as if I'm trying to rationalize my theft. I'm just showing why the deal was created and why I feel as if I should be included.
You guys that dont actually work retail piss me off... I hope it does take 6-8 weeks for it to get to your houses, but it won't. It takes 8 days, max. I've ordered stuff from them before.
Damn, I want to take advantage of this deal, but thanks to CAG, I've spent too much already. I finally see something where my Target employment pays off and I can't take advantage of it.
When I was doing the quizzes they tell you if they find out you do NO work at a qualified retailer they won't ship the games and won't reverse the charges. To get the charges reversed you have to call them up and deal with it that way. They also claim they can prosecute anyone who tries to "cheat" the system.
I've heard of it done, many, many times before. Don't think that they're not gonna catch you. cuz they do.

This was one of those deals that was only available to certain people, but some people just can't handle that... The fleecing of America, I guess....
[quote name='jt2k3']This was one of those deals that was only available to certain people, but some people just can't handle that... The fleecing of America, I guess....[/quote]

My point exactly as to why this shouldn't be on this website. Sorry to all of you that don't work for a participating retailer, but you are gonna fuck up these deals for the people who can honestly say they qualify for it. It does not exist so that you may take advantage of it. And in my opinion, the risk of even losing my money, let alone being pressed with charges of fraud, is more than enough to keep me away from this kind of thing if it is not intended for me. I really hope noone gets in trouble, but if you do, then you had it coming.
Self importance and lack of empathy are all to common of traits these days, I'm afraid.

The people that are doing it to get the service cheaper I can understand.. I don't agree with it, but I understand thier motives.

The people that are doing it, and trying to convince themselves and others to do it and that it is right to do just don't make sense to me. By drawing others into your scheme, you not only increase the chances of you getting caught, but you also dramatically increase the chances of you not getting what you want in the first place..

Do you think Microsoft is really that dumb that they won't notice a sudden spike in the number of people signing up for a promo? Don't you think that will raise a couple red flags for them, and lead them to earmark a couple of submissions during that questionable time period?

I mean, this "deal" has been on two major deal sites and who knows how many other "game related" message boards...though Microsoft likely did brisk trade on this promo before, there would have to be a bump in the number of submissions just based on what has been posted in this thread.
[quote name='"siamesellama"']When I was doing the quizzes they tell you if they find out you do NO work at a qualified retailer they won't ship the games and won't reverse the charges. To get the charges reversed you have to call them up and deal with it that way. They also claim they can prosecute anyone who tries to "cheat" the system.[/quote]

What joke. Do this or not--it's up to you. I didn't. But "They also claim they can prosecute"? Um, not in this country. Impersonating a Kmart employee still isn't a crime here. Not the last time I checked. LOL.
"When I was doing the quizzes they tell you if they find out you do NO work at a qualified retailer they won't ship the games and won't reverse the charges. To get the charges reversed you have to call them up and deal with it that way. They also claim they can prosecute anyone who tries to "cheat" the system."

Go to the site
No where on the coressponding pages does it say its only available to retail employees.

The home link takes you to the same page and the legal link takes you to microsoft's legal page.

If someone were to pass you the link *hint hint* how would you know that it was for employees only?

the store line could be interpreted as the store you frequently shop at and the "retail" in the webaddress would signify that its a "retail" product.

I am very careful when it comes to sketchy stuff and I read through everything linking the site and in no way or form does it say you have to be an employee before ordering.
the store line could be interpreted as the store you frequently shop at and the "retail" in the webaddress would signify that its a "retail" product.

I am very careful when it comes to sketchy stuff and I read through everything linking the site and in no way or form does it say you have to be an employee before ordering.

You people are rediculous... As much as I love this site it has bred a new breed of gamer, and its getting really sickening.

Right... it doesnt say which store you work at because, duh. of course. Microsoft just wants to give software, the only way they make money off the Xbox practically, to any jackass shmuck who walks into a Best Buy everyday to see if he can get a game for $4.99. The deal was not meant for you, deal with it. For crying out loud its like me taking a piece of poster board, writing Fry's on it, and taping it over the neon lights in front of my KB, stepping back, and saying this is Frys. Now I can pricematch the Weekend sales that are on teh West coast, mainly due to the fact that this is the East Coast, and I have no Frys. Yes.. i'll be a jackass and say. Well, the sign in front of the store says Frys... So it must be a Frys, and therefore must have the same price as a Frys.

So, to all of you that live here on the East Coast, I propose that if you condone this, start walking around with a Frys posterboard, and taping it to the front of the store, because "the sign outside says nothing about this not being a Frys. Or, better yet, since you want retail perks so much, just go into a store and demand employee discount. Hell, where does it say that you need to be an employee to use that? An employee discount just is the same value of the price that employees of a retail chain get off of the product that they sell!

Amazing, you guys have opened up a new world of cheap ass possibilities for me. I dont know how to thank you.. other than say pray that Cheapy starts doing random IQ tests to people that come to this site and abuse the deals that he posts, because it really is getting re-goddamn-diculous.
[quote name='Valkryst']"When I was doing the quizzes they tell you if they find out you do NO work at a qualified retailer they won't ship the games and won't reverse the charges. To get the charges reversed you have to call them up and deal with it that way. They also claim they can prosecute anyone who tries to "cheat" the system."

Go to the site
No where on the coressponding pages does it say its only available to retail employees.

The home link takes you to the same page and the legal link takes you to microsoft's legal page.

If someone were to pass you the link *hint hint* how would you know that it was for employees only?

the store line could be interpreted as the store you frequently shop at and the "retail" in the webaddress would signify that its a "retail" product.

I am very careful when it comes to sketchy stuff and I read through everything linking the site and in no way or form does it say you have to be an employee before ordering.[/quote]

Keep up the great rationalization'll be a great alcoholic some day!

I received my shipping confirmation a few minutes ago (UPS). And before the pious start ranting about stealing, I do qualify for this promotion, ordered right off the link that was emailed to me by Microsoft.

I work for the home office of a retail chain, so I'm not on the "front lines", but I agree with jt2k3...the perks of working in a retail store can sometimes be few and far between, and it's nice when a vendor like MS recognizes this and throws a bone every once in a while.

I feel your pain jt2k3!
[quote name='eshbums'][quote name='Valkryst']"When I was doing the quizzes they tell you if they find out you do NO work at a qualified retailer they won't ship the games and won't reverse the charges. To get the charges reversed you have to call them up and deal with it that way. They also claim they can prosecute anyone who tries to "cheat" the system."

Go to the site
No where on the coressponding pages does it say its only available to retail employees.

The home link takes you to the same page and the legal link takes you to microsoft's legal page.

If someone were to pass you the link *hint hint* how would you know that it was for employees only?

the store line could be interpreted as the store you frequently shop at and the "retail" in the webaddress would signify that its a "retail" product.

I am very careful when it comes to sketchy stuff and I read through everything linking the site and in no way or form does it say you have to be an employee before ordering.[/quote]

Keep up the great rationalization'll be a great alcoholic some day!

I received my shipping confirmation a few minutes ago (UPS). And before the pious start ranting about stealing, I do qualify for this promotion, ordered right off the link that was emailed to me by Microsoft.

I work for the home office of a retail chain, so I'm not on the "front lines", but I agree with jt2k3...the perks of working in a retail store can sometimes be few and far between, and it's nice when a vendor like MS recognizes this and throws a bone every once in a while.

I feel your pain jt2k3![/quote]

They're not being "thrown a bone" and you, head office man, should know that, unless you're some sort of summer intern and havn't learned the ABCs of marketing yet. You think Microsoft is giving something for nothing you are out of your mind.

They're giving the deep discount so people ,who will be on thr front lines to talk about the product, can afford it. They know the kids at Gamestop are broke and may not buy a subscription normally so they are stuffing them into their hands so they call tell all the potential customers they see everyday how great XBox Live is.

You thinking Microsoft is giving something for almost nothing is almost humorous. Almost.
[quote name='JimmieMac'][quote name='eshbums'][quote name='Valkryst']"When I was doing the quizzes they tell you if they find out you do NO work at a qualified retailer they won't ship the games and won't reverse the charges. To get the charges reversed you have to call them up and deal with it that way. They also claim they can prosecute anyone who tries to "cheat" the system."

Go to the site
No where on the coressponding pages does it say its only available to retail employees.

The home link takes you to the same page and the legal link takes you to microsoft's legal page.

If someone were to pass you the link *hint hint* how would you know that it was for employees only?

the store line could be interpreted as the store you frequently shop at and the "retail" in the webaddress would signify that its a "retail" product.

I am very careful when it comes to sketchy stuff and I read through everything linking the site and in no way or form does it say you have to be an employee before ordering.[/quote]

Keep up the great rationalization'll be a great alcoholic some day!

I received my shipping confirmation a few minutes ago (UPS). And before the pious start ranting about stealing, I do qualify for this promotion, ordered right off the link that was emailed to me by Microsoft.

I work for the home office of a retail chain, so I'm not on the "front lines", but I agree with jt2k3...the perks of working in a retail store can sometimes be few and far between, and it's nice when a vendor like MS recognizes this and throws a bone every once in a while.

I feel your pain jt2k3![/quote]

They're not being "thrown a bone" and you, head office man, should know that, unless you're some sort of summer intern and havn't learned the ABCs of marketing yet. You think Microsoft is giving something for nothing you are out of your mind.

They're giving the deep discount so people ,who will be on thr front lines to talk about the product, can afford it. They know the kids at Gamestop are broke and may not buy a subscription normally so they are stuffing them into their hands so they call tell all the potential customers they see everyday how great XBox Live is.

You thinking Microsoft is giving something for almost nothing is almost humorous. Almost.[/quote]

I know they're not doing this out of the kindness of their heart. Not only are they getting products in the hands of the people that can make sales for them, but they're also increasing their customer base for their service, so six months from now they can advertise "a million users worldwide". MS isn't doing this for the sheer joy of giving, it's a marketing tool and nothing else. "Throwing a bone" implied something that retail employees can take advantage of, like their employee discount, or the PUP program through Microsoft. It can be rough working retail sometimes, but taking advantage of discounts and training is a nice perk.
[quote name='AlanSaysYo']It really should be as simple at this: if you didn't get an e-mail, you shouldn't use the site. Period.[/quote]

I got the e-mail, and I can't believe this is all over the internet. I hope that whoever signed up for it and doesn't qualify gets prosecuted.
[quote name='AlanSaysYo']It really should be as simple at this: if you didn't get an e-mail, you shouldn't use the site. Period.[/quote]

no, it should be as simple as this: if you can't legitimately order the item based on the businesses they listed in the drop down menu on the site, then you shouldn't be using this deal

if it was only intended for those who received the email, they wouldn't allow other people who did not receive the email to order. obviously, microsoft had the intentions of allowing people who work at the given businesses the option of ordering the products at half price, otherwise they would have made it so it wasn't possible.
Right.. but those people are still legally, and ethically, eligable for the deal, so thats no biggie. If you sell Microsoft products, then you should be signed up for the retail site though. Also, only people on the Retail Training List got the emails. I still have to put my info in when I sign up for the deal, even tho i've ordered numerous games from the site in the past.
CheapyD, if you are reading this, please, please, please remove this deal/topic from your site. I love bargain hunting as much as anyone on this site, but this type of thing should not be advertised to those that are not eligible. Please don't ever post any deals that aren't intended for public use.

And all of you silly people who are trying to rearrange the fine print on these offers to somehow justify your use of something that is clearly not for your consumption, just stop whining about how you should be allowed to participiate as well. Swallow your pride/enormous egos and use some of that money that this site works so hard to make sure you don't waste and pay for a Starter Kit if you need one that badly. I just got one off ebay with everything in the retail site one (swap crimson skies for mechassault) for $35, which is exactly how much the microsoft retail site deal is after shipping. Just shop around and please don't screw the honest people out of this deal.
maybe you got your deal off ebay from someone who scammed microsoft in this deal. SEE!

but seriously though, i qualify for this deal, and had no idea that it was around before cheapy posted it. should i not be alerted of it? it's not your job to police the people ordering. microsoft will deal with them in due time, eventually it'll catch up to them. relax, enjoy your XBL subscription, and leave personal choices like this up to each individual.

keep em comin cheapy!
Darn! My sister works for Microsoft and I'm positive that she'd have no problems getting this for me. But I don't have an Xbox and I'm not going to go out and buy one just for this. :(
Do you have to be part the Microsoft Training Program to be eligible to buy this game from Microsoft, or can any normal employee buy this? I e-mailed Microsoft about this, and I am waiting for a response.
[quote name='frenchmovietheme'] it's not your job to police the people ordering. microsoft will deal with them in due time, eventually it'll catch up to them. relax, enjoy your XBL subscription, and leave personal choices like this up to each individual.

keep em comin cheapy![/quote]

I didn't mean to sound like I was trying to John Wayne everyone, I just want to make sure that people like you and me, people who actually qualify for the service, will still have this service available in the future. If Microsoft sees enough people taking advantage of the offer, they may decide to not continue the personal use program at all. Gamestop is about to lower our employee discount (again) because too many people abused it by letting their friends use it, etc. I just don't want to be deprived of a service designed for me and those like me in consequence to someone else's ignorant and irresponsible actions.
I own a legitamite home retail, do I qualify for this? I supposed I could just try it myself and see, but I hate creating passwords for sites/forums I never intend to use. Heh.
I didn't mean to sound like I was trying to John Wayne everyone, I just want to make sure that people like you and me, people who actually qualify for the service, will still have this service available in the future. If Microsoft sees enough people taking advantage of the offer, they may decide to not continue the personal use program at all. Gamestop is about to lower our employee discount (again) because too many people abused it by letting their friends use it, etc. I just don't want to be deprived of a service designed for me and those like me in consequence to someone else's ignorant and irresponsible actions.

well, we can all understand that. the sad fact is there are always going to be dishonest people, and there is next to nothing we can do about that. whether or not cheapy takes this down is irrelevent. it's on fatwallet, other websites, etc. i agree its pretty crappy when people who don't qualify end up going for this deal, but hopefully MS will wise-up and ask for proof of employment.
Does anyone actually think that Microsoft is as concerned about this as some of these people are? Give me a break. NEWS FLASH...They don't care! All they care about is getting as many people on board as possible before Xbox 2 rolls out.
Have you guys even seen the retail site? I don't think anyone is any more knowledgeable about their products after taking their quizes. It's all about getting everyone to love Microsoft and have no feelings toward Sony.
[quote name='cdancause']Does anyone actually think that Microsoft is as concerned about this as some of these people are? Give me a break. NEWS FLASH...They don't care! All they care about is getting as many people on board as possible before Xbox 2 rolls out.
Have you guys even seen the retail site? I don't think anyone is any more knowledgeable about their products after taking their quizes. It's all about getting everyone to love Microsoft and have no feelings toward Sony.[/quote]

Have you ever seen the retail site? They dont have unlimited quantities of stuff to give out. And, so what if the quizzes don't help taht much. They aren't there to convert you away from your holy lands, they are there for... NEWS FLASH.... RETAIL EMPLOYEES to better understand the product that they are selling for Microsoft, instead of just blindly saying XX about X game. And, getting free games and promo stuff out of it is just Microsofts way of giving back. Of course they care if people are piggy backing off of them. If they wanted just any jackass to get any game that they wanted for free... guess what.

They would be free. Its not to get joe schmoe on board for Xbox 2, its to get retailers hyped about the Xbox, and thus the consumers.
Humm, this is a tricy website. M$ DOES CHECK if you work for any of those retail stores. Read somewher that 1 guy did all the trainning and chose the prizes with his reward points and he got charged for them. They ask you for your credit card to cover the shipping right ? If you do get it then you are lucky, but I wouldn't want to save just a few bucks just to go to prison or get prosecuted by M$ or the US Government for lying about something. Remeber, what goes around, comes around. We all live in a small world after all.
Why do the other retail folks care if non-retail people buy it? If Microsoft cared they would have better security on their site. Microsoft does not care!!! $35 a piece is more than their cost! This is just a way for Microsoft to sell it to the cosumer for the same price they sell it to Retail stores.... It's the retail stores that care not Microsoft and that is why they do not sell everything on their website.
Have you ever seen the retail site? They dont have unlimited quantities of stuff to give out. And, so what if the quizzes don't help taht much. They aren't there to convert you away from your holy lands, they are there for... NEWS FLASH.... RETAIL EMPLOYEES to better understand the product that they are selling for Microsoft, instead of just blindly saying XX about X game.

Thats all well and good in theory but the reality of it that anyone that works at those stores can do it, and that means it might as well be any Joe Shmoe. What's the point of giving the security people free games...I don't think that is going to impact the customer but under this program it is 100% legit for them to do that. If you go to the other Microsoft retail sites they require much more information for you to be able to participate in the program. I mean how hard would it be for one of the Microsoft reps to give give the management a set number of reference codes to let employees use. Then the stores could let only those that are selling the games participate. Do they do that for the Xbox...NOPE. Why? Because they just want to pump games out so everyone loves them. They just are not very concerned with who is getting these things as long as someone is and they are not bad mouthing them.

And the quantities on the site are basically unlimited since they are always replacing the items when they run out (for almost everything). [/quote]
bread's done