I'm sure this beats a dead horse, but I think the Xbone really has a lot of potential. I love the way things are integrated and while it has a steeper learning curve to get the most out of it, I think it does have an edge on Sony in terms of full feature set. Don't get me wrong, I love my PS4 but this is something a tad more unique and I am looking forward to seeing how much it evolves over the next 10 years. I am actually kinda sad they went back on some of the "draconian" DRM policies, because I think there was some potential to really impact the way we interface with our systems. But that is for a longer discussion.
That being said, no issues with my launch unit from amazon except for the LoZ imprint from it being placed on top of the Xbox box. And obviously having something heavier placed on top.
I think, I'm interested in seeing how the games evolve on the PS4 vs how the OS evolves on the Xbone. Both have a home and I'm enjoying every minute of each.
Good luck to CAG's who haven't received their Day Ones or have had issues.