Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Oh and just a FYI

If you preordered COD Ghosts through Amazon for the X1 and did not pay it off with credit already you will be getting Charged the 3rd or the 4th of Nov since it is getting released for the X1 on Nov 5th. I just talked to Amazon support and they confirmed to me that as far as they know the X1 version will be released the 5th and not the 22nd with the X1.
I wonder if they never updated their systems? Best buy has ghosts coming out the 19th with all the other third party xbox one games. Either way we will have the game before the system. :)

I played the xbox one tonight at a Xbox Tour event! PM me if you have any specific questions but it was awesome.

Played RYSE, BF4, FIFA 14, and DR3.

I just want to know if Ryse looks and plays like crap?

I'm getting DR3. Does that look impressive?

Also got my Xbox One payed off tonight.
I just want to know if Ryse looks and plays like crap?

I'm getting DR3. Does that look impressive?

Also got my Xbox One payed off tonight.

Ryse was awesome!

The graphics were insane and the sound was unbelievable with the astro headset on, it was like being in the coliseum.

The point was I didn't decide which to get until recently. I did have the first ps4 preorder at my former Best Buy store but then I transferred to another store and had to cancel it. Now I think the Xbone is going to have the better launch and multiplayer. The benefit to working at BBY is that I can monitor inventory and make sure I am there when they come in. Just won't get all the fancy day one stuff.
Based on what we're seeing already I feel bad for all the kids that are going to get a PS4 and have it constantly acting up on them and eventually just dying and having Sony charge them $100 or more just to fix it.  It's feeling like the PS2 all over again.

Based on what we're seeing already I feel bad for all the kids that are going to get a PS4 and have it constantly acting up on them and eventually just dying and having Sony charge them $100 or more just to fix it. It's feeling like the PS2 all over again.
They will replace it for free either way. All consoles have a year warranty besides most people are paying for extended warranties which I will most likely do with my xbox one as we'll you never know.
I'll be going warranty-free, just like I did my Xbox 360 and every other console I've had (which is basically every single one that's come out besides the PS3 and Wii).  Once I got my Xbox in June 2003 I realized I didn't need anything else and sold my GameCube (which I got at a midnight launch) and my PS2 and I've been gaming on Live ever since.

I've never had a system give me problems besides the PS1.  That plastic black thing that held the discs it just disintegrated over time.  I was young at the time so my dad got me a new one and I think that one too started having the same problem near the end of its life.  I never had a PS2 issue thankfully due to refusing to buy one for a year due to how Sony decided to compete dirty with the Dreamcast.  i only bought it for Vice City (and GTA3) in October 2002 and once I was done with those I was done with it.

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Based on what we're seeing already I feel bad for all the kids that are going to get a PS4 and have it constantly acting up on them and eventually just dying and having Sony charge them $100 or more just to fix it. It's feeling like the PS2 all over again.
I don't feel bad for kids dumb enough to run their ps4s in a closed box.
I had issues with my PS2, 360 Wii of all things. Problems happen. There is an acceptable number of failures that each company expects. Obviously RRoD was a little different, but I have some faith that all of these companies have improved their manufacturing and engineering, especially after seeing the RRoD fiasco last gen.

I really think that X1 pulled away when it comes to launch titles, but it looks like the PS4 may run better out of the gate. Things are going to level out over time and the differences will be negligible. On the other hand, MS may have put too much money into proprietary things (kinect, cloud, etc) and it will be interesting to see if Devs take advantage of that or if they just focus on getting the games on both systems.

The point was I didn't decide which to get until recently. I did have the first ps4 preorder at my former Best Buy store but then I transferred to another store and had to cancel it. Now I think the Xbone is going to have the better launch and multiplayer. The benefit to working at BBY is that I can monitor inventory and make sure I am there when they come in. Just won't get all the fancy day one stuff.
Do you know if they will have some additional systems on launch that were not pre-ordered? I waited to long as well and now im thinking I wont be getting one this year

ive applied a few amazon gift cards to my order at amazon and i got the dreaded message:

DELIVERY ESTIMATE We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you via e-mail as soon as we have an estimated delivery date.

Hope this means ill still get the day one but I don't know now. 

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Based on what we're seeing already I feel bad for all the kids that are going to get a PS4 and have it constantly acting up on them and eventually just dying and having Sony charge them $100 or more just to fix it. It's feeling like the PS2 all over again.
Love how you don't include the 360 as a system really prone to failures. ;)

ive applied a few amazon gift cards to my order at amazon and i got the dreaded message:

DELIVERY ESTIMATE We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you via e-mail as soon as we have an estimated delivery date.

Hope this means ill still get the day one but I don't know now.
Your boat, I'm in it. Although my crime was changing the payment method on Wednesday.

Since then, Amazon CS rep Shivknee and his supervisor Ram both said there was a possibility it would not arrive on release day (in which case I'm wondering would it arrive at all - I can't imagine Amazon would be receiving Day One editions for delivery after Day One) while Amazon CS rep Jeane C advised me to wait and that she felt that that release day delivery would show up again (no idea how she determined that) and Amazon CS Gokula R sent me this via email today:

"I've checked our website and see that the release date of the item is on November 22, 2013. Also, on researching your order, I see that the shipping speed of your order is the fastest method (One-Day Shipping). So, in this case, I can confirm that your order will be delivered on the November 22, 2013."

That doesn't exactly give me a lot of confidence, as he tells me nothing I didn't know.

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Your boat, I'm in it. Although my crime was changing the payment method on Wednesday.

Since then, Amazon CS rep Shivknee and his supervisor Ram both said there was a possibility it would not arrive on release day (in which case I'm wondering would it arrive at all - I can't imagine Amazon would be receiving Day One editions for delivery after Day One) while Amazon CS rep Jeane C advised me to wait and that she felt that that release day delivery would show up again (no idea how she determined that) and Amazon CS Gokula R sent me this via email today:

"I've checked our website and see that the release date of the item is on November 22, 2013. Also, on researching your order, I see that the shipping speed of your order is the fastest method (One-Day Shipping). So, in this case, I can confirm that your order will be delivered on the November 22, 2013."

That doesn't exactly give me a lot of confidence, as he tells me nothing I didn't know.
You need to ask them because the XONE Day One Edition is different than the PS4 Launch Edition. The XONE D1 Edition looks slightly different from the Standard Edition and has different packaging and the Day One Edition logo is on the console and controller. So it's possible more could be made but you won't get it on release day. That's why you should ask them if you are guaranteed a Day One console.

The PS4 launch and standard consoles are identical with the Launch Edition meaning you get it on release day.

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Do you know if they will have some additional systems on launch that were not pre-ordered? I waited to long as well and now im thinking I wont be getting one this year
Most should. It's going to depend on how many preorders they received (obviously). I just wouldn't expect the number to be very high.
I wish we could get some details on RYSE. I still haven't picked which game I want on launch day yet.

I'm between BF4, COD, RYSE, and NBA 2k14. Ryse is really the only exclusive but I've heard so many different views on it.

I got FIFA 14,NBA 2k14, and most likely will get ryse the graphics look pretty amazing on it. Just haven't decided, I pre ordered dr3 I'm not gonna get it though. I'll wait for it to be dropped in price I'm not really impressed with it.
Since the XBone controller is considered "wired" when plugged in will I be able to use it on my pc? I'd like to play some old games with a controller.

I'm definitely getting NBA, Madden, and CoD. I'll consider FIFA. I mainly play it with friends when they come over. So, I may just do a trade-up for that one.

That's awesome. Not sure why, but out of everything I've seen about 2K14 and how good it looks, this was the tipping point that made me decide I have to get this game day one. I love the 2K series, but I usually only pick it up every other year or so. I was thinking I'd skip it this year, but suddenly I NEED this game.

They need to put this into the Xbox One commercial.  I just did this at the Xbox One Test Drive event.

I put a few pictures into my album here:

I only played for about 30 seconds, which is all I wanted to do anyway.  I didn't want to play anything but a few seconds of Forza and test out the triggers.  I didn't know if the rumble was going to be on for the triggers (I heard they weren't a few weeks ago) but they certainly were and it was AWESOME.  The controller is already so nice looking and perfect feeling and then the rumble in the triggers (as well as the body) is awesome when driving and braking.

I went to the FIFA setup as I waited for Forza and was just holding the controller and I hit the Dashboard button (on purpose, to feel it and the Dashboard) and the lady came over right away and did NOT want me in there and said it wasn't complete and won't be like it is there when it's all done.  I didn't bother trying to explain to her how much I know and how much I've already seen of the Dashboard (thanks to this thread) and just told her I wanted to feel the Guide button.  From what I remember it's more of a flat button now, which is fine with me).  I have very large hands and it felt perfect in my hand.

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Quick question for those of you that pre-ordered at walmart. On my receipt it just says "Xbox One HWR 088xxxxx2158" with no reference to the day one edition on there. I pre-ordered this back in August when it was first available too, so my question is, is that the day one edition just with no indication or what?

They scanned it from a corporate sheet and also I somehow got $100 off my Xbox one.. It said "was $500 you saved $100." Which means I only had to put down $40 to reserve it.


I actually thought that first part showcasing the car was a real scene. God damn, and this wasn't even at 1080p/720p, whatever it'll run at

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Only less than a month to go!
Yeah, we are less than 4 weeks out. That's insane. Man the one post showing NBA 2K14 before after screenshots got me excited for that game and I haven't played a basketball game since probably 2k9 or so. I already got DR3, F5, Ryse, Ghosts, and Watch Dogs paid off. I'm on the fence about AC4, NFS: Rivals, and now NBA 2K14 is on my radar. Damn 22nd get here already

COD Ghosts won't run at 1080p on Xbox One (maybe it will be 900p like Ryse or just old-gen 720p), but it will run at 1080p on PS4... looks like multi-platform games will look substantially worse on Xbox One... I'm debating cancelling my pre-order at Fry's now... but I don't think I will be able to pre-order a PS4 anywhere :(.

Titanfall will be probably 720p... maybe I will play it on PC, because a PS4 version hasn't been announced it yet.

In the current-gen I have always played COD on 360 due to the better online experience and pad... but I'm not sure that will be enough to keep me as an Xbox One player 


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bread's done