Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Sorry, if I sounded like a troll, it was not my intention. I always end up buying all the platforms and I think I'll do the same even this time for exclusives like Destiny on Xbox One and the next Uncharted/Last of Us (Naughty Dog next game).

I posted in this topic because I thought that the Deals section of CAG was not segregated and that we posted about gaming in general.

COD is the biggest franchise in gaming and a sub-par Xbox One version would be a disaster IMO. Especially if it won't be an isolated case. Why would somebody pay the same $60 for a next-gen version with inferior visuals? Hopefully, Activision will fix the graphics before the game ships or the resolution will be just a little less than 1080p and we won't notice.

In the current gen 360 versions of multi-platform games were often better on 360 and that was one of the big pros of the 360.

Yeah, let's blame the hardware, not the lazy, piece of **** developer that is using the same engine for over a decade for the garbage Call of Duty games.

Also don't forget, this is Sony we're dealing with. They're going to play dirty and spread the FUD like no one else can. They bullied GameStops into zero support for the Dreamcast if they wanted any PS2 shipments and in 2005 when they had nothing to show for themselves all they did was sit and try to smear the Xbox 360 through various ways. I ran a blog/website back then and documented all of Sony's garbage and with all the crap they were spewing it was basically a full-time job keeping up with it all.

Then the PS3 came out, performed terribly, and it was so pathetic that it stopped being funny.

Seems like a new generation of gamers have to feel that burn from Sony before they wise up again, but it'll happen. It becomes clearer each day that Sony rushed this console and it's nothing more than a beefed up PS3. No innovation, nothing that changes (besides exciting).

Remember when Sony ripped on Achievements and Friends Lists and said they specifically would never do Achievements? Remember how they copied everything? Look for another mimicking of Microsoft once these consoles come out and people realize Sony, like Infinity Ward and Call of Duty, is the same old shit and they feel like actually getting a fresh experience for their money.
Both Sony and MS suck as a company. They are both major conglomerations that don't care about fans; actually, all companies are like that. They only care about the bottom line and if it lines up with what the fans want, they'll say it's a favor to us. Reason why MS/Sony seem to make so many dumb reasons (*gasp* I just hated on your precious MS!), is because they are doing what they think would be best for them. If they see a big enough reaction from the fans sales, they'll start fixing stuff and expect the fans to eat up. Seeing people like you, pledge their allegiance to a freaking company (not even just one person which is still sad), is hilarious.

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It was obvious to anyone that could add 2+2 that the PS4 is more powerful, didnt expect that much of a difference though.
I don't understand the wording of this, he says "I'm not reviewing any Xbox One games" So how does he know that Ghosts is 720p on X1 if he is not reviewing X1 games..

I don't understand the wording of this, he says "I'm not reviewing any Xbox One games" So how does he know that Ghosts is 720p on X1 if he is not reviewing X1 games..
it means he doesnt have to keep his mouth shut. The press are under an NDA until a week before the Xbox 1 releases.

it means he doesnt have to keep his mouth shut. The press are under an NDA until a week before the Xbox 1 releases.
Ok that makes more sense to me, because the way it sounded to me was "Yeah i have never ate a bigmac, but their terrible."


Actually on the other hand this still does not make sense to me lol.

If your not reviewing Xbox One games, then why would you have a X1 right now.

And why would you have a copy of Ghosts if your not reviewing X1 games on the X1 to compare to the PS4.


At this point I don't even care what res it is, I'll take 720p with dedicated servers any day.

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Uh..this is the Xbox One thread, in case you forgot among all the trolling and people being afraid to say anything positive about the Xbox One without being attacked (like the guy above who praised the CryEngine).

When someone says something negative about the Xbox in a Sony forum, that isn't trolling. When someone comes into a Xbox forum, or thread, and starts not only bashing the Xbox and saying they don't want to buy it anymore, but linking to a rumor site run by the competition with a rumor that is already known as a joke, that is trolling.

Me bashing Obama on some tea party website would not be inflammatory (which is one of the main traits of a troll comment). Yet, if I go somewhere online where Obama supporters are everywhere, possibly his facebook, and post the same thing, that would be trolling.

For months in this thread people have to walk on eggshells if they ever want to say anything positive about the Xbox One cause there's always a handful of people ready to go nuts and start rating posts and threads down in retaliation. We can't just sit here and talk about all the games we have coming or post awesome videos cause then someone comes in, a troll, and starts rattling off Sony talking points and resolution numbers that no one actually cares about until Sony tells them to. It's annoying and pathetic, but mainly it's absolutely transparent, especially when I've seen this show before.
I get insulted every time I mention that I wish Xbone kept it's original policies. I mean dl from the disk? That sounded amazing and you'd still be able to trade it back in. People were to quick to wine without reading all the details. Now the consoles are basically identical.

Sorry, if I sounded like a troll, it was not my intention. I always end up buying all the platforms and I think I'll do the same even this time for exclusives like Destiny on Xbox One and the next Uncharted/Last of Us (Naughty Dog next game).

I posted in this topic because I thought that the Deals section of CAG was not segregated and that we posted about gaming in general.

COD is the biggest franchise in gaming and a sub-par Xbox One version would be a disaster IMO. Especially if it won't be an isolated case. Why would somebody pay the same $60 for a next-gen version with inferior visuals? Hopefully, Activision will fix the graphics before the game ships or the resolution will be just a little less than 1080p and we won't notice.

In the current gen 360 versions of multi-platform games were often better on 360 and that was one of the big pros of the 360.
Because people have been doing this for years. Apparently you haven't realized PC games are often $60? Also most gamers should be about the gameplay anyhow.

Yay for double post!

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I get insulted every time I mention that I wish Xbone kept it's original policies. I mean dl from the disk? That sounded amazing and you'd still be able to trade it back in. People were to quick to wine without reading all the details. Now the consoles are basically identical.
It's all about how they handled it. They treated it like gamers (and this generation in general) aren't incredibly cynical and jaded. They seemed to think like everyone was going to assume the best, when in reality everyone is going to assume the worst. They shouldn't have done it at all if they couldn't get the whole vision perfected from the start. Trying to say "Oh you can still rent games, but not at first." wasn't going to fly with people.

It's all about how they handled it. They treated it like gamers (and this generation in general) aren't incredibly cynical and jaded. They seemed to think like everyone was going to assume the best, when in reality everyone is going to assume the worst. They shouldn't have done it at all if they couldn't get the whole vision perfected from the start. Trying to say "Oh you can still rent games, but not at first." wasn't going to fly with people.
Agreed. I just wish they hadn't puss'd out. They could of got their message across. I truly hope the policies come back, I hate that if I want digital I will be stuck with it. This shit was going to be revolutionary. As lame as it sounds, I hate changing discs. I'll buy PC games digitally without thinking twice but they are so cheap. With a $60 price tag, I want to be able to get my money back if I hate it. The old policy would of allowed this. It truly was the best of both worlds.

Guys there's a discussion about the XB1 in the 360 forum, rant and ramble there. This is about where to pre-order/how pre-orders are going and what not *rings bell over and over* MODS? MODSSSSSSS!

Agreed. I just wish they hadn't puss'd out. They could of got their message across. I truly hope the policies come back, I hate that if I want digital I will be stuck with it. This shit was going to be revolutionary. As lame as it sounds, I hate changing discs. I'll buy PC games digitally without thinking twice but they are so cheap. With a $60 price tag, I want to be able to get my money back if I hate it. The old policy would of allowed this. It truly was the best of both worlds.
LOL. How exactly would it be revolutionary? The fact that your choice of retail vs. digital would slowly disappear and you would be left with only digital? The fact PC has already been doing it for years? Please explain.

If it was download only, it would be terrible. With PCs, you can download from various sites. Just think about the Xbox Marketplace. That's it. No other option of being able to download it from other sources. MS would be free to charge however much they want. Not to mention, the way most companies handle DL rights (I'm looking at all 3 of you, Nintendo/Sony/MS) turns a lot of people off. It's the reason I go with retail whenever I can. If I had multiple sources, like I do with music/tv/movies/PC games, I'd be a lot more open to the concept. Might as well get a PC, when the game companies decide to do that.

I see no pros to digital only. I don't lose my disc. I'm careful with them, so I don't have to worry about scratches. Opening a game and sticking it in the disc slot is not a problem, because I'm not lazy.

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with all this talk about ghost this and that the people bashing this rumor about 720 have they seen the awful ps4 footage of ghost that was released? let me get this right iw was lazy is all it's showing. Looks like ps4 might be more easy to program for which is why the version might on paper look better. The game im looking at is bf4 which is by far more heavy hitting on the system then ghost and both systems run bf4 at close to 900 p 60 fps.  if you look at cod on ps3 compare it side by side to 360 you could tell ps3 was little more smooth so in the end the diff will not be big of deal.

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with all this talk about ghost this and that the people bashing this rumor about 720 have they seen the awful ps4 footage of ghost that was released? let me get this right iw was lazy is all it's showing. Looks like ps4 might be more easy to program for which is why the version might on paper look better. The game im looking at is bf4 which is by far more heavy hitting on the system then ghost and both systems run bf4 at close to 900 p 60 fps. if you look at cod on ps3 compare it side by side to 360 you could tell ps3 was little more smooth so in the end the diff will not be big of deal.
You're still calling Ghosts at 720p a rumor? You don't believe Cheapy? LOL.
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You're still calling Ghosts at 720p a rumor? You don't believe Cheapy? LOL.
system is about month away. the 720 issue seems more like a iw issue then a xbox one system issue. If its a game issue it could easy be fixed which is why nothing has been said by iw or ms. NO way x1 don't have enough power to power cod ghost at 1080 p when bf4 will be running close to 900 p. Even alot of the people talking about the rumor is blaming this all on IW and them being lazy. Plus go watch the ps4 footage of ghost and tell me that is full 1080 p it looks like the game is being played on a ps3.

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Guys there's a discussion about the XB1 in the 360 forum, rant and ramble there. This is about where to pre-order/how pre-orders are going and what not *rings bell over and over* MODS? MODSSSSSSS!
Just in case they're unaware, the Xbox 360 sub-forum is where the Xbox One discussion is occurring, since there is no actual Xbox One sub-forum. Since it's a bit confusing, here is the Xbox 360 sub-forum. Further, here is the Xbox One discussion thread.

The point of this thread is to alert people to places for pre-orders of the Xbox One, and perhaps other potential offers of sales related to it (like the Xbox One play and charge and controller pre-order bundle briefly being on sale recently).

Thoughts on the system, or competitor systems, positive or negative, are essentially useless to this thread.

I don't understand why the initial Xbox One discussion thread was locked because people went off on personal stories and rants, yet this thread, specific to pre-ordering the system, remains open when the same people keep bickering for no reason.

What a big dick waving match this thread is.  All of you idiots suck.  If I wanted gamefaqs quality posts, I'd go there.

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Dem feels.



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What a big dick waving match this thread is. All of you idiots suck. If I wanted gamefaqs quality posts, I'd go there.
Before E3 I used to go on that site and scroll down to see the top topics. But nowadays I don't even scroll down lol, just poll vote and look up some faqs. On PS4 store for pre-orders, it lists both Ghosts and Battlefield 4 as "Video output in Full HD 1080p requires 1080p native display" If Xbox One does not hit 1080p for both of those games it will be a bummer, but I wouldn't expect it to be a every game thing. It's a brand new system, would imagine still working out the kinks and just a few of the 1st gen games on these systems will be an issue for.

Is there anywhere we can buy the Xbox One controller now?

LOL. How exactly would it be revolutionary? The fact that your choice of retail vs. digital would slowly disappear and you would be left with only digital? The fact PC has already been doing it for years? Please explain.

If it was download only, it would be terrible. With PCs, you can download from various sites. Just think about the Xbox Marketplace. That's it. No other option of being able to download it from other sources. MS would be free to charge however much they want. Not to mention, the way most companies handle DL rights (I'm looking at all 3 of you, Nintendo/Sony/MS) turns a lot of people off. It's the reason I go with retail whenever I can. If I had multiple sources, like I do with music/tv/movies/PC games, I'd be a lot more open to the concept. Might as well get a PC, when the game companies decide to do that.

I see no pros to digital only. I don't lose my disc. I'm careful with them, so I don't have to worry about scratches. Opening a game and sticking it in the disc slot is not a problem, because I'm not lazy.
Well it would be nice if you researched it at all. The physical would have been both. The physical disc allowed you to dl the game and play without the disc. Then you could sell the disc and give away your rights to the game. Your physical and digital rights. Now we are force to have one or the other. Your response is the the exact reason we lost that ability. Incomprehension.
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watching that 360 launch video made me remember how decent launch line up for 360 was compared to this upcoming gen

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Well it would be nice if you researched it at all. The physical would have been both. The physical disc allowed you to dl the game and play without the disc. Then you could sell the disc and give away your rights to the game. Your physical and digital rights. Now we are force to have one or the other. Your response is the the exact reason we lost that ability. Incomprehension.
Well, you could only do it one time, and it was only going to be at select Microsoft approved places. Plus you couldn't loan games to your friends..

They had a vision but really did not do a good job at getting it out there at all or making it sound the least bit appealing. They should have either ran with it and kept to their vision but push the console back a few months to a year to get everything ironed out so they could clearly get their message out or just realized that they didn't really have the time to get it out the way the wanted and just scarp it before even going up at e3 and then having to reverse everything anyways.

Well it would be nice if you researched it at all. The physical would have been both. The physical disc allowed you to dl the game and play without the disc. Then you could sell the disc and give away your rights to the game. Your physical and digital rights. Now we are force to have one or the other. Your response is the the exact reason we lost that ability. Incomprehension.
You apparently can't comprehend the fact it would have eventually been completely DL. That was obvious the plan, to create an all digital game system. That's why I used the word "slowly." Apparently, you have trouble with incomprehension as well.

And quit blaming it on the consumers of why MS couldn't pull it off. Do you not remember the confusing and cryptic answers various people of MS gave for this awesome, "revolutionary" feature? Maybe, if the various heads of the MS hydra knew what the frack they were talking about, people wouldn't have been confused.

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You apparently can't comprehend the fact it would have eventually been completely DL. That was obvious the plan, to create an all digital game system. That's why I used the word "slowly." Apparently, you have trouble with incomprehension as well.

And quit blaming it on the consumers of why MS couldn't pull it off. Do you not remember the confusing and cryptic answers various people of MS gave for this awesome, "revolutionary" feature? Maybe, if the various heads of the MS hydra knew what the frack they were talking about, people wouldn't have been confused.
I didn't help that they didn't talk about it at all on stage and instead addressed peoples questions through interviews after words and confusing people as to what was really going on. They made comments and then back tracked on them and making assholeish comments (ie: if you dont have good internet access, to bad, get an xbox 360)

You apparently can't comprehend the fact it would have eventually been completely DL. That was obvious the plan, to create an all digital game system. That's why I used the word "slowly." Apparently, you have trouble with incomprehension as well.

And quit blaming it on the consumers of why MS couldn't pull it off. Do you not remember the confusing and cryptic answers various people of MS gave for this awesome, "revolutionary" feature? Maybe, if the various heads of the MS hydra knew what the frack they were talking about, people wouldn't have been confused.
Proof of this "obvious" plan to go all digital? Your opinion of what would eventually happen is not proof.
Proof of this "obvious" plan to go all digital? Your opinion of what would eventually happen is not proof.
if they didn't want to go all digital, then why try and make the console have to always be connected to the internet?

If they didn't want to go the route, why do any of that stuff they wanted to do before changing the policies?

Even if all these "sources" are correct it doesn't matter. What res are Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, and Titanfall running at on PS4.

3 unreleased, unproven titles is surely worth a $500 investment?!? Add in that the system is backed by a company that has relied heavily on 3rd party multiplats, and multiplats will be better elsewhere, all I can say is I hope you enjoy your purchase.

Proof of this "obvious" plan to go all digital? Your opinion of what would eventually happen is not proof.

I didn't help that they didn't talk about it at all on stage and instead addressed peoples questions through interviews after words and confusing people as to what was really going on. They made comments and then back tracked on them and making assholeish comments (ie: if you dont have good internet access, to bad, get an xbox 360)
Exactly. That Angry Joe interview with Major Nelson is a prime example. *shudders*

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3 unreleased, unproven titles is surely worth a $500 investment?!? Add in that the system is backed by a company that has relied heavily on 3rd party multiplats, and multiplats will be better elsewhere, all I can say is I hope you enjoy your purchase.
ps4 launch lineup is worth 400 doller investment? judge systems before they are out? ps3 was more powerfull then 360 and we seen what happend with all that. In the end systems will do well with the games and the community that plays those games and service they are played on. until sony shows me once ps4 launches that psn has improved enough to even come close to live and im not talking about ps+ by the way don't matter what games look like just gameplay and community.

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ps4 launch lineup is worth 400 doller investment? judge systems before they are out? ps3 was more powerfull then 360 and we seen what happend with all that. In the end systems will do well with the games and the community that plays those games and service they are played on. until sony shows me once ps4 launches that psn has improved enough to even come close to live and im not talking about ps+ by the way don't matter what games look like just gameplay and community.


bread's done