Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

ps4 launch lineup is worth 400 doller investment? judge systems before they are out? ps3 was more powerfull then 360 and we seen what happend with all that. In the end systems will do well with the games and the community that plays those games and service they are played on. until sony shows me once ps4 launches that psn has improved enough to even come close to live and im not talking about ps+ by the way don't matter what games look like just gameplay and community.
Is your point that at this point, neither system is worth the investment with both of their weak launch line ups?

Not really sure why your counter to what he said was PS4 when he never said anything one way or another if he thought PS4 was a better investment than Xbox One.

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Is your point that at this point, neither system is worth the investment with both of their weak launch line ups?

Not really sure why your counter to what he said was PS4 when he never said anything one way or another if he thought PS4 was a better investment than Xbox One.
at this point for me question if im getting a system at launch is not really games just the rumors coming out including ps4 over heating and features not being on these things at launch and x1 game quality issues. I will admit i have been trying to win ps4 from taco bell but if some strange reason best buy opens pre order on ps4 which i doudt happens i would jump on it over x1 at this point.

if you do a online order from best buy do they MAKE you pay with the payment type yo picked when you order the product for instore pickup? i just talked with a friend that works at best buy and told me best buy is doing crazy trade in offers about a week before each system launch. I could very well have enough stuff to sell to at least pay half of my x1 off with trad ins but not sure if i could pay for my x1 with that credit. 

I'm loving all this Xbox One talk happening.  26 more days.  I'll probably start preparing my setup for it next weekend just to make sure everything is perfect by the time it gets here.

I'm loving all this Xbox One talk happening. 26 more days. I'll probably start preparing my setup for it next weekend just to make sure everything is perfect by the time it gets here.
I already have my spot all set up for the console, I'm so excited I even purchased a new Cat6 cable for it and a super long Micro USB cord from amazon just so I have everything I need.

ps4 launch lineup is worth 400 doller investment? judge systems before they are out? ps3 was more powerfull then 360 and we seen what happend with all that. In the end systems will do well with the games and the community that plays those games and service they are played on. until sony shows me once ps4 launches that psn has improved enough to even come close to live and im not talking about ps+ by the way don't matter what games look like just gameplay and community.
The reason I wrote the comment I did is because Preedatore was trying to justify the $500 Xbox One purchase based on the 3 games not found on the PS4. I was just offering an objection to his comment not trying to validate a reason to buy a PS4.

So since you have done as you usually do and jumped to conclusions just for the sake of argument, I'll now offer up an objection to your comment. Since we are talking about an investment, we are talking about the future. Neither console has a strong launch lineup so we have to look to the past to predict the future. Sony has supported every console they've made including handhelds far better than any other console manufacturer, hands down. Sony has one of the best stables of first party developers and titles. Sony is offering stronger hardware at a 20% cheaper price point which means better multiplats. Sony has made a platform that is easier to develop on meaning it will likely be the lead platform also meaning better multiplats. Sony offers an annual service that is $10 cheaper and offers up new titles as part of that service saving even more money. In fact as far as an investment goes you would be hard pressed finding a positive reason that would qualify the Xbox One as the better investment with the exception of individual opinion/preference and that includes Xbox Live being better than PSN, or the OS being better on one or the other.

And by the way the PS3 and 360 where very close to parity in strength with the 360 being the easier platform to develop on with a better graphics processor while the PS3 was harder to develop on with a faster CPU, the scenario for this next gen is not even close so mentioning it does not validate your point or offer any significant model for predicting the future. This time the PS4 has all the strengths including cheaper price point, stronger all around hardware, and developer friendly, it is safe to say this gen will play out quite a bit differently.

So to answer your question, no the PS4 launch lineup is not worth the $400 investment, however everything else Sony has put on the table very much is.

Nintendo destroys Sony In hand helds ps vita so far has been a flop. I highly doudt ps4 stays cheaper then x1 next 8 years. Sooner or later ms will have to do. Bundle to get down to 399.99 or 350. Might I add the market seems like both are going after is casual people that want more then gaming system. With that said most of the points you made those avg people don't care or even know about power of system or how easy it is to program for. I have talked to a lot of customers at work that are interested in xbox one for the tv stuff and a lot of the non gaming stuff including kinect non gaming features. People just don't under stand that gone is gaming company's focus on just gamers.
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Nintendo destroys Sony In hand helds ps vita so far has been a flop. I highly doudt ps4 stays cheaper then x1 next 8 years. Sooner or later ms will have to do. Bundle to get down to 399.99 or 350. Might I add the market seems like both are going after is casual people that want more then gaming system. With that said most of the points you made those avg people don't care or even know about power of system or how easy it is to pr
You just proved my point, the Vita has been a flop yet Sony is still supporting it, let's look at Nintendo's flop, the Virtual Boy, it was discontinued within a year of release. And where are you getting that Microsoft will all of a sudden become the cheaper option down the road, where are you pulling this prediction from? It makes zero sense unless you are talking about them removing Kinect down the road, in which case that makes the $500 Xbox One investment that much worse.

How? Just because you don't like kinect don't mean no one else does. Just check the high sale numbers for first kinect it sold shock well compared to Sony attempt at motion gaming and had better games.

For the amount of tech in kinect 100 bucks for the cam is a steal
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How? Just because you don't like kinect don't mean no one else does. Just check the high sale numbers for first kinect it sold shock well compared to Sony attempt at motion gaming and had better games.

For the amount of tech in kinect 100 bucks for the cam is a steal
I never once mentioned I don't like Kinect, or argued for or against it's value, so I'm unsure why you have posed this question to me.

And as a side note, high sales of the original Kinect do not dictate future demand or interest, just ask Nintendo and the Wii U about that very theory.

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Let's be honest just look at specs of both systems. They are not that diff other then DDR 5 ram And little faster CPU. The output issues on x1 has nothing to do with power of system. It's just the revs like iw being lazy seeing x1 is little more diff to program for then ps4. Just look at specs needed to play ghost at 1080 p on PC far less power then x1.
Let's be honest just look at specs of both systems. They are not that diff other then DDR 5 ram And little faster CPU. The output issues on x1 has nothing to do with power of system. It's just the revs like iw being lazy seeing x1 is little more diff to program for then ps4. Just look at specs needed to play ghost at 1080 p on PC far less power then x1.
You should study up on the specs before making statements like that. GDDR5 is one of many specs the PS4 outclasses the Xbox One on. And there is a very real possibility the ESRAM in the Xbox One is limiting the resolution and unless programmers cheat and use forward rendering, baked lighting, etc. they will not be able to achieve 1080p. This of course is speculation, but judging by the information leaking out, it's starting to be confirmed.

I never once mentioned I don't like Kinect, or argued for or against it's value, so I'm unsure why you have posed this question to me.

And as a side note, high sales of the original Kinect do not dictate future demand or interest, just ask Nintendo and the Wii U about that very theory.
Yeah but dencent kinect game sales do like nike workout game had decent sale numbers. With that said is it worth paying 500 bucks for kinect 2.0 only NO. But for all the features x1 offers and I will say a overall better 1st party games out of the gate yes 500 bucks is great value for all you get. In my mind both systems are over priced sweet spot would be 350 in this economy.
You should study up on the specs before making statements like that. GDDR5 is one of many specs the PS4 outclasses the Xbox One on. And there is a very real possibility the ESRAM in the Xbox One is limiting the resolution and unless programmers cheat and use forward rendering, baked lighting, etc. they will not be able to achieve 1080p. This of course is speculation, but judging by the information leaking out, it's starting to be confirmed.
Esram is not bad at all if used right in x1 every game can be 1080 p. if games are not in 1080 p it's just revs being lazy plain and simple. I'm sorry but no way ghost should only be 720 p on x1 iw is just lazy plain and simple.
No matter what, my Xbox 360 outputs a 1080p signal, so wouldn't the Xbox One be the same?
It's called upscaling.

Here is a site that explains and shows what upscaling can do to a lower resolution image.

As you can see when you upscale an image you get blurring, blocking and halo artifacts.

What you are looking for is 1080p native. That means the image is 1:1 and not being upscaled.

Edit: Here's another site that shows actual gameplay at different resolutions:

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I'm loving all this Xbox One talk happening. 26 more days. I'll probably start preparing my setup for it next weekend just to make sure everything is perfect by the time it gets here.
I'm pretty excited myself. The only thing I wish I would've done was upgrade the TV in my office where I'll be playing. Maybe, doing something with the sound as well. However with a newborn on the way, everything else has taken a backseat!

The only thing left for me to do is preorder some games. I've got interest in several - 2k14 (online association anyone?), NFS Rivals, Forza 5, DR3, and I still think Ryse has a chance to be fun.

I took the 22nd off, but typically my house is the last stop on the UPS route, that is going to be one looooong day!

xb1 is shaping up to be worse than people thought, it has a hard time playing games at 1080p, even ryse which should be a stunning title plays 900p max m$ maybe shooting itself tring to get this out there, sony played catch up, and are coming to market first ( sony execs said before ps4 2015 at eariest) rumors of all drm being put back in as a system update end of year too

Check out for sound.
Thanks, I will

xb1 is shaping up to be worse than people thought, it has a hard time playing games at 1080p, even ryse which should be a stunning title plays 900p max m$ maybe shooting itself tring to get this out there, sony played catch up, and are coming to market first ( sony execs said before ps4 2015 at eariest) rumors of all drm being put back in as a system update end of year too
I've tried to stay out of this, but it is just getting ridiculous. How manny of you guys are playing on TVs over 42"? Guess what, if your TV is under 42" (or monitor) you can't see the difference. Same with all this 60FPS bull shit. Most people can't even see the difference. EDIT: Viewing distance also matters.

This is a LAUNCH. Games aren't going to be optimized at LAUNCH. Does anyone remember Madden for 360 and PS3. It was the shittiest looking game I've ever seen. Flat crowds, no refs on the field, no FG nets, empty sidelines. Get the hell out of here with that fud. This is a preorder thread. If you want to open a bash thread, go hang out on GAF

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It's actually a mix of screen size and viewing distance. If anyone is playing on a 50 and sitting about 6-6.5 ft away they will notice the difference.

But let's face it. It's the launch. They won't be perfect yet.
I've tried to stay out of this, but it is just getting ridiculous. How manny of you guys are playing on TVs over 42"? Guess what, if your TV is under 42" (or monitor) you can't see the difference. Same with all this 60FPS bull shit. Most people can't even see the difference.

This is a LAUNCH. Games aren't going to be optimized at LAUNCH. Does anyone remember Madden for 360 and PS3. It was the shittiest looking game I've ever seen. Flat crowds, no refs on the field, no FG nets, empty sidelines. Get the hell out of here with that fud. This is a preorder thread. If you want to open a bash thread, go hang out on GAF
One of the best posts I've read in this or any other thread of late. People don't seem to remember prior launches at all. The "console war" discussion is beyond lame, not to mention tired. It's the same old crap that's been posted here and elsewhere since June. Why do people waste their time continually rehashing the same arguments...I don't get it. If one side "wins" the console war over the other, what's in it for you? You going to win the lottery as a result of it? Jesus, just enjoy the games and buy the system you want. It's like debating politics with strangers over the net. Why waste your time and quality of life rehashing the same old endless arguments.

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It's actually a mix of screen size and viewing distance. If anyone is playing on a 50 and sitting about 6-6.5 ft away they will notice the difference.

But let's face it. It's the launch. They won't be perfect yet.
I just edited my post to reflect that because I should've put that in to begin with, thanks for pointing it out.

I'm 6'2". I can't imagine sitting that close to a 50" TV, maybe I have a different setup, but I don't think the majority of people will be sitting that close to their TV.

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People forget that the best looking games games on current gen for both systems has come out the last 2-3 years. In the end is it not about how a game plays not how sexy it looks on your 4o inch 1080p tv?
Looks do matter. I like a combo of looks, and gameplay.

The look is what draws you in. The detail,lighting,environment, effects etc.The gameplay keeps you playing. The story keeps you interested, and involved.
Thanks, I will

I've tried to stay out of this, but it is just getting ridiculous. How manny of you guys are playing on TVs over 42"? Guess what, if your TV is under 42" (or monitor) you can't see the difference. Same with all this 60FPS bull shit. Most people can't even see the difference. EDIT: Viewing distance also matters.

This is a LAUNCH. Games aren't going to be optimized at LAUNCH. Does anyone remember Madden for 360 and PS3. It was the shittiest looking game I've ever seen. Flat crowds, no refs on the field, no FG nets, empty sidelines. Get the hell out of here with that fud. This is a preorder thread. If you want to open a bash thread, go hang out on GAF
The excuses you Xbots will make to justify your Xbox One purchase are beyond belief. In what other product line would people make excuses and justifications for purchasing the inferior product at the higher price point? It makes little to no sense.. and people call Apple customers "sheep?" This is a whole other level.

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The excuses you Xbots will make to justify your Xbox One purchase are beyond belief. In what other product line would people make excuses and justifications for purchasing the inferior product at the higher price point? It makes little to no sense.. and people call Apple customers "sheep?" This is a whole other level.
Sorry bud, I don't pledge allegiance to any corporation. I buy what I want based on my needs. My current stable of tech - A Macbook Pro, Nokia Lumia 928, Xbox 360 and 3DS XL. Of course, that is 2 Microsoft products so damn, I must suck on that Microsoft tit all day long.

If you want to go around acting like Sony is king shit, then do it. Just do it in the PS4 thread. 1080p vs 720 doesn't matter for most people because they sit too far away from their TV. If you don't want to read all of the articles posted that confirm that, you are the sheep.

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Sorry bud, I don't pledge allegiance to any corporation. I buy what I want based on my needs. My current stable of tech - A Macbook Pro, Nokia Lumia 928, Xbox 360 and 3DS XL. Of course, that is 2 Microsoft products so damn, I must suck on that Microsoft tit all day long.

If you want to go around acting like Sony is king shit, then do it. Just do it in the PS4 thread. 1080p vs 720 doesn't matter for most people because they sit too far away from their TV. If you don't want to read all of the articles posted that confirm that, you are the sheep.
Not acting like Sony is the king of anything, they have the better system, accept it. But even if the hardware was identical, the PS4 is still $100 cheaper, then you factor in that it's substantially stronger hardware and it's a no brainer. Sure in launch titles resolution suffers and maybe your TV size and viewing distance BS is a fine excuse, but down the line when games get more complex and it isn't just resolution that is compromised what will be your excuse then? You say you don't have allegiance to Microsoft yet with all the negative surrounding the system you are blindly buying into their inferior product at a higher price, if not allegiance then what is it?

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Not acting like Sony is the king of anything, they have the better system, accept it. But even if the hardware was identical, the PS4 is still $100 cheaper, then you factor in that it's substantially stronger hardware and it's a no brainer. Sure in launch titles resolution suffers and maybe your TV size and viewing distance is a fine excuse, but down the line when games get more complex and it isn't just resolution that is compromised what will be you'r excuse then? You say you don't have allegiance to Microsoft yet with all the negative surrounding the system you are blindly buying into their inferior product at a higher price, if not allegiance then what then?
The only reason I'm getting an X1 at launch is 'new toy syndrome' and familiarity with the Xbox platform. I'm serious - go read this article about the 'power' of a system -

For the $100 price difference. Who cares? We're talking about a 7-8 year investment for both platforms. Less than the cost of two games. I know it doesn't interest a lot of people, but I think it is going to be awesome to walk into my office and say 'Xbox On' and watch my Xbox, TV and controller all come on at once.

it's substantially stronger hardware and it's a no brainer.
Orly, where, prove it? Both systems are about the same performance wise. And because both systems have similar guts if one suffers slightly the devs will just likely dial things back a little so both versions look, play and perform the same. MS recently bumped their specs to improve things on their end but the gap between both machines were pretty close anyways.

Where you will likely see some difference is with 1st party games, multi-platform will be level this time around. Anyways I will get both machines.

The excuses you Xbots will make to justify your Xbox One purchase are beyond belief. In what other product line would people make excuses and justifications for purchasing the inferior product at the higher price point? It makes little to no sense.. and people call Apple customers "sheep?" This is a whole other level.
it's my money why would you care what i do with it and why should i justify why im buying x1 you playstation fan boy. im buying x1 because i do enjoy the 1st party titles at launch for x1 then the ones for ps4. I think xbox live with dedicated servers will be a better service still then psn. 2) i have tons of friends on live unlike psn. 3. i like the added featurs of x1 including kinect and the tv stuff. 4 i can't pre order a ps4 even if i wanted one.

what nagativty is around the x1? At work i have people ask me more about x1 then ps4. Most people don't even know about the rumors about ghost and all that garbage. rippen everyone knows you are a ps fanboy stop coming in here and trying to start garbage talk.

rippen how can you justify paying 400 dollers for a system that don't even have announced features on the system at launch and the launch line up is pretty weak compared to x1 first party titles. See i can go and do the same thing to you buying ps4 at launch. Both these systems at launch is hard to justify but we  buy them anyways because it's a new toy.

I know it doesn't interest a lot of people, but I think it is going to be awesome to walk into my office and say 'Xbox On' and watch my Xbox, TV and controller all come on at once.
You do realize the PS4 has voice commands as well?

Orly, where, prove it? Both systems are about the same performance wise. And because both systems have similar guts if one suffers slightly the devs will just likely dial things back a little so both versions look, play and perform the same. MS recently bumped their specs to improve things on their end but the gap between both machines were pretty close anyways.

Where you will likely see some difference is with 1st party games, multi-platform will be level this time around. Anyways I will get both machines.
The spec bump did little to narrow the margin between the Xbox One and the PS4. And we are already seeing multiplats better on the PS4, so your multiplats will be level statement is incorrect.

Edit: And I will no longer feed the TimboSliceGB troll.

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Rippn really needs to pop sonys dick out his mouth. Do we not remember ps3 having issues running games at 1080p? As I recall Sony had pushed out to consumers it was better to run games at 720p. This tool is forgetting all the negativity that surrounded sony and the launch of ps3. At the end of the day Microsoft has the more user friendly online survive as to they proved to everyone they are capable of holding a massive amount of people online through server side. Your jumping into ps4 hoping all the functionalities of there online service works which your basically part of a beta of. On top of that they are now charging for anyone to play games online just exactly like Microsoft does. Funny thing is Sony wants to be like Microsoft in every way. Remember how they justified not having achievements but went ahead and made trophies which is basically the same damn thing as an achievement. You deserve to be banned for how hard of a troll you are.
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I'm new to CAG, but I can't be the only one who wants both the PS4 and X1 to be awesome, right? I understand wanting to feel like you chose to spend your money on the right console, but slamming the one you're not buying seems silly to me. I personally intend on buying both at some point.

bread's done