Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

He says his account is in "Twitter jail" now so he's got a new Twitter going with more great info and his first complaints, which have to do with, shockingly, CoD and how it relates to Game DVR.  How lazy were they with that game?

New account:

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Just wanted to give an update on an earlier post about saving more with Best Buy than targets B2G1 sale (in the long run). You can indeed put three preorders on the same transaction which allows you to take advantage of the $10 preorder promo + $25 cert for buying three next gen titles. After the 20% off for GCU it comes to $144+ tax. Factor in $55 in certs and it's essentially $89 for three games.

I know.. factoring the certs in to the final savings is cheating but it allows me to buy more loot after the points post. In the end I'll still save money this way.
What promo is this and when is it happening?

that's pretty crazy though that he got it 2 weeks before.

Would definitely have to assume someone at Target will take a shit or even Target as a whole will take a fine or something
I can't even imagine the fine they will be hit with, or are at least facing. It's millions for just one game, but this is a whole new machine and multiple games (CoD: Ghosts and KI at the least) that aren't supposed to be out. I knew somewhere would leak it early cause it happens more often than not, but I figured it would be If I had the money I'd love to throw a pre-order at every site out there for my most-anticipated things just to have a better chance at getting lucky at something like this (I did with ODST) but for this I'm not ready for the Xbox One yet anyway due to school so I'm fine. I'm loving this though and like to know what to expect from everything besides in-game content.

You know just because Target sent out a couple Xbox ones before launch doesnt mean you should jump all over youtube and do things of this nature.  This guy is in for heaps of trouble and doesnt even know it.  The target warehouse that sent those out are probably already in some deep shit.  Im not trying to be a debbie downer but, things have street release dates for a reason.  Just because you get things before the general public doesnt mean you have the right to do what hes doing.

A lot of people have xbox ones already they werent stupid enough to do what this guy is doing.  

You know just because Target sent out a couple Xbox ones before launch doesnt mean you should jump all over youtube and do things of this nature. This guy is in for heaps of trouble and doesnt even know it. The target warehouse that sent those out are probably already in some deep shit. Im not trying to be a debbie downer but, things have street release dates for a reason. Just because you get things before the general public doesnt mean you have the right to do what hes doing.

A lot of people have xbox ones already they werent stupid enough to do what this guy is doing.
Those people aren't the general public and have binding NDAs. This isn't a police state. If he buys something and it is sent to him he can talk about it all he wants.

He's not in any trouble at all. They shipped him the system in the mail. He did absolutely nothing wrong. Even if he went into the store and bought it, it would not be on him.

MS by doing the copyright on YT are acting like a bunch of whiny brats. These things happen. Take it up with Target. OMG he's posting a video opening a box of an item he was delivered not of his own choosing! Oh no!

Politically correct drivel.

You know just because Target sent out a couple Xbox ones before launch doesnt mean you should jump all over youtube and do things of this nature. This guy is in for heaps of trouble and doesnt even know it. The target warehouse that sent those out are probably already in some deep shit. Im not trying to be a debbie downer but, things have street release dates for a reason. Just because you get things before the general public doesnt mean you have the right to do what hes doing.

A lot of people have xbox ones already they werent stupid enough to do what this guy is doing.
What exactly do you think did he do wrong?
Another tip.. I was in Gamestop earlier adding to my xbox one preorder and the guy made mention that the ps4 trade in event (90% console bonus) this Sunday also applied to Xbox Ones as well. I had him look up what I would get for my Gears of War 360 and he quoted me around $200.

That's pretty sick.. considering they sell on amazon for that.

Just throwing that out there in case anyone is looking to do a trade in.
MS reporting false copyright infringement claims against this guy is wrong. It is to bad that Google doesn't care about verifying their takedown requests until after they take it down. Gotta love how easy it is to censor the internet.

It appears MS also reported his twitter handle the same way. (he was banned, but come back after maybe twitter verified he did nothing illegal.

They are so sad. Yeah, let me just hold onto this Xbox  for weeks and not use it, even if I have it now.

MS is a joke. They are bitter because someone ruined their little launch. They are so lame.

I hope it is just temporary until the launch, then he can go back online.

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All about control. MS wanted to have full control over any launch details, since it's all about them and they are attention whores.

Some random guy gets a console early and they are like "Oh no! He'll leak cool details before we can put our ugly moves all over the media about it!" and so they can preserve their little launch party, make a big deal about the first person in line in NYC and forget this ever happened. Making it all about them.

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It's not a permanent ban (banning his gamertag). They just won't let him connect to Live on Xbox One. He can go online on 360 and he can play Ghost offline. My guess his ban will be lifted at launch.

I chatted with a MS Store rep to confirm they were shipping via UPS, and they are. From what I read, you can change to will call as soon as the package ships. Maybe it will arrive Thursday before close and I will be able to snatch it up early :bouncy:
Yes, this is great news, thanks for letting me know. UPS doesn't let their drivers return with any packages in their truck, everyone's system will be delivered by launch this means as long as they are sent out with that delivery date. How does this will call thing work?

um lets see leaked so much information two week early
That's not the way the world works. He's an ordinary consumer not a member of the media that signed an NDA.

Even if there was something buried in the terms and conditions he couldn't have agreed to it before he opened the packaging.
It's not a permanent ban (banning his gamertag). They just won't let him connect to Live on Xbox One. He can go online on 360 and he can play Ghost offline. My guess his ban will be lifted at launch.
I hope they make him have to call in to customer service on launch day to unban his gt. Imagine the wait. He he. Keep your mouth shut and you could still be playing on Live, but no, this is the look at me! Twitter generation.
So MS gets great PR, gets great impressions.

Then bans the guy?

MS logic.

This better be temporary. He did not sign any NDAs.

Anyone know if the games being shipped by the Microsoft online store are expected to arrive by release date? I kinda want the Pin Ultimate edition of Killer Instinct and I don't know if my local store is going to have enough in stock.

I'm torn on this one. Obviously Microsoft wants to control the information about the console leading up to the launch of it. Of this guy was posting nothing but negative comments then it's a different story.

However he was putting pretty much all positive stuff about it and they probably should have let him roll with it. Perhaps some things aren't final and they don't want the wrong message getting out?
I think if he had just played it and just sent a picture out, sure.

But he was doing FULL BLOWN everything. Revealed everything he possibly could.
If you get a console early that should not matter. If they perma ban his console that's BS. If I got a console through LEGIT means, and upload things I shouldn't be punished for being a legitimate consumer.

Let the hype train build. Then just confirm everything.

If you get a console early that should not matter. If they perma ban his console that's BS. If I got a console through LEGIT means, and upload things I shouldn't be punished for being a legitimate consumer.

Let the hype train build. Then just confirm everything.
Yeah, I can see their stance, but he was generating positive buzz around it and it wasn't like he was bashing it or talked back about it. Maybe they had plans of reveals, but still.

I really want to see what happens to Target

Dude did something that he knew he shouldnt have.  Its no different than getting an early copy of a game and MS blocking you from playing it.  I do find it funny how many people think just because he's a customer that it's not MS's right to protect the release date.  And I'm sure Sony would have done the same thing if this had happened weeks ago as well.  Plus, now dude has target as a company, and whoever in distribution probably out of a job and facing fines.  Just for a little face time and attention online.  Kinda selfish if you ask me.

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Your Costco is pre-ordering them?
I assume they are but I actually did it through the website. Not exactly the bundle I wanted to go with but that's what I get for waiting this long. I still might go hit up a midnight release and try and get something a little cheaper and then flip the Costco bundle or return it.

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I assume they are but I actually did it through the website. Not exactly the bundle I wanted to go with but that's what I get for waiting this long. I still might go hit up a midnight release and try and get something a little cheaper and then flip the Costco bundle or return it.
Ah ok. I was confused as hell. I know in-store it is impossible to do a pre-order.

Anyone know if you're required to use the $10 reservation credit @ Target when getting the xbox one? Hoping I can just get my reserved console and not have to spend anymore money.
I assume they are but I actually did it through the website. Not exactly the bundle I wanted to go with but that's what I get for waiting this long. I still might go hit up a midnight release and try and get something a little cheaper and then flip the Costco bundle or return it.
"Microsoft designed Xbox One to play an entirely new generation of games—games that are architected to take full advantage of state-of-the-art processors and the infinite power of the cloud."

I love Microsoft and have my Day One Edition @ Best Buy. When they say things like "the infinite power of the cloud", I lol at their marketing department.

Major N said the guy won't be perm banned. He's reaching out to him to get things sorted out.

I may have to get the Costco deal if it gets here within a few days of 22nd.
Would anyone be interested in starting an Xbox One Day one group? I'm going to need some friends to play with. Apparently "normal" people can't afford this thing.

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My friends too are either can't afford it or just not getting anything or ps4.  I am only 15 but you can add me I will be getting it on the 22nd.  so excited. 

I will be having Ghosts, and Dead Rising 3. Add me

GT: ShinigamiDojima

Also is there a way to group friends ala Google+ style or something.
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Yes, this is great news, thanks for letting me know. UPS doesn't let their drivers return with any packages in their truck, everyone's system will be delivered by launch this means as long as they are sent out with that delivery date. How does this will call thing work?
I guess you just call UPS and ask them and it should work.


Major N said the guy won't be perm banned. He's reaching out to him to get things sorted out.

I may have to get the Costco deal if it gets here within a few days of 22nd.

I would get in on it ASAP.I don't think it will last long.
bread's done