Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

my best buy tonight only had ghost,just dance,fifa,madden, bf4 out i hope tommow night thye have nba and ac4 out those are the game im getting when i pick up my system.

TimboSliceGB said:

lololol wonder if they would work for people
They definitely timed this release perfectly for grade-school kids. Most (at least where I live) get all of next week off so the X1 release is perfect for them to dig in and play for a long spell. Mine should get here some time Friday and if it is before my son gets home from school I will get it set up and patched and ready to play for him. However, I think it will probably not arrive until 6pm or so which will drive him crazy. I look forward to that ;). I intentionally didn't go for the midnight release pickup option, though, because he has finals on Friday. He can game for 9 days after that without any worry about homework or tests. It kind of makes me jealous I'm not a kid again with no responsibilities or worries and endless amounts of free time ;).

I'll have to remember to snag the controller before he touches it. I just got back from Gamestop with a regular X1 controller so I'll let him play with that one and try to sell the "Day One" edition controller. If it covers the replacement controller and that $40 copy of AC IV I'll be happy.

When I was in GS I saw a few people pay off their systems and another guy cancel at least one game preorder because he heard something about a save glitch that makes you lose all your progress. I'm not sure what game (or even system though the implication was X1 since it was a preorder) though I thought it might have been NFS Rivals. Not sure what that's about - maybe he was just making something up as an excuse to cancel it.
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I avoided Amazon this time around. They're usually pretty good at getting stuff to me quick, (I've literally had stuff ship at 2 or 3 in the morning, and arrive at my home at 1pm the same day). However, I went with GameStop this time, because I can drive up there when they open at 10am on Friday, and physically pick up my console and games. I figure at that time, living on the east coast, I'll have less people to deal with in other time zones, (figure they'll still be sleeping, at work, or waiting for delivery), being on Xbox Live, and slowing down the day one update. Also, I was able to pay off the One over time, instead of the charge being done in one big chunk on my card.
For anyone worried about Amazon, if your order said Friday delivery, they'll get it there 99% of the time, (the 1% being something unavoidable, like bad weather or a shipper being stupid and routing it to the wrong place. I've had 2 orders out of a few hundred not make it to me on time, and they bent over backwards to make it up to me).
On a side note, I hear Amazon is teaming up with the post office to offer Sunday delivery. That could help out for those holiday game purchases made on Friday or Saturday.
GameStop opens at 8 on Friday just a heads up.
Is my XBox One from Amazon the only one not shipped yet.. It seems like it. Would it be able to reach Boston if shipped Thursday? I mean, that's what I paid for.
My June 10th preorder hasn't shipped either, though from my experience living in RI, I regularly receive items shipped via Prime in 24 hours. If nothing is going on tomorrow morning I will contact them.

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amazon does this for reason if you are close enough to dist center and could possible get it a day early they don't send it out till thurs so that's not possible.

My June 10th preorder hasn't shipped either, though from my experience living in RI, I regularly receive items shipped via Prime in 24 hours. If nothing is going on tomorrow morning I will contact them.
My case is reversed. In the summer when I bought some hard-copy books, they didn't arrive until about a day after estimated delivery date.
'We can't tell you anything about it, but it appears there is one Xbox One out there not working.'

LOL.  That link is killing me.  Literally a news report about admittedly nothing.  They might as well write a news article about one of my off-topic posts in here.  It'd be a lot more interesting than that garbage.  Can they do an article on how I re-organized my whole setup and spent the last 3 hours cleaning my basement up and making it look the best it has in a long time?  I also hope to record a video tomorrow night of me running to the final level of Halo 4.  It'll only be like five minutes or so, but I finally want to get it on video what I do so I can show people after nearly six years of doing it.

You need another hobby, bro.
He has one...


I've lost hope that I'm getting the Xbox One on Thursday at this point.  Looks like Amazon is holding it so that I don't get it early.  Unless it ships in the next hour or two it's not happening, which is fine with me.  I have tons of festivities to attend to tomorrow night and I also would like to be able to go to school tomorrow since I feel like I've barely been there this week lol.  Time has been going by so slow after going by pretty quickly over the past 3-4 months.  A lot of things that made life miserable are finally going away all at the same time as the Xbox One enters my life.  I'm so pumped.  I'm feeling great from all the working out I've been doing and am 100% ready to get to it on Xbox Fitness and get even better.

My June 10th preorder console has shipped :D

Go figure I get the ESO beta invite for this weekend as well..
I got an ESO invite as well. So between that and all the other stuff we have planned for this weekend I'm not sure that my X1 will make it out of the box until Monday

I've lost hope that I'm getting the Xbox One on Thursday at this point. Looks like Amazon is holding it so that I don't get it early. Unless it ships in the next hour or two it's not happening, which is fine with me. I have tons of festivities to attend to tomorrow night and I also would like to be able to go to school tomorrow since I feel like I've barely been there this week lol. Time has been going by so slow after going by pretty quickly over the past 3-4 months. A lot of things that made life miserable are finally going away all at the same time as the Xbox One enters my life. I'm so pumped. I'm feeling great from all the working out I've been doing and am 100% ready to get to it on Xbox Fitness and get even better.
What's making your life so miserable? Stop the chaka chaka, if you do it too much you'll go blind!

My June 10th preorder just shipped.

Question - Can I go to Best Buy tomorrow night at Midnight and buy Ryse, Forza and DR3? Can I still preorder online?
regular versions yes to both questions. day ones, not at BB. Amazon only

I think he's saying that Best Buy is currently sold out of the Day One editions of those games, but should have standard editions available for sale at the midnight launch. Amazon is one the few online retailers left still taking orders for Day One Forza, Ryse, and Dead Rising (also the Microsoft Store, of course).

What's making your life so miserable? Stop the chaka chaka, if you do it too much you'll go blind!
I dislike most of my classes this semester after loving the last two at this U, and there's been multiple extensive construction projects making my commutes to and from school last almost two hours when it should be 20-30 minutes. The projects are ending, semester is ending, my cat is doing well (which wasn't the case 3-4 months ago)and now the Xbox One is on its way (or is about to be). Everything I've wanted for several months is happening and everything I hated is coming to an end (plus a nice 5+ week break right after).

Just saw this post on a different board:

"dude ppl are crazy, the gamestop by the walmart has had ppl since earlier this week in tents. I walked by and asked why they didn't pre-order and they said they did and they like to camp out still to be the first one with it, wtf?"

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I hate highway construction too, they are doing sooooo much of it around where I live in Riverside, CA. Nothing like sitting in traffic after a hard day at work, I really feel you on that!

Sorry it was merchie...

Can someone clarify this?
Dont know who gave this guy this info but, there are more retailers who will have day one editions of games that people did not pick up. The gamestop I work at has plenty of day ones of every game. Im positive a lot of people will not be picking them up. It just depends.

Day one editions were for pre orders only.

Anyone going to a Microsoft Store midnight launch? I heard an ad on the radio saying they'll have $25k in prizes. My console's being shipped but I feel like I gotta go to that lol

Remember when I told you Amazon is sometimes conservative in their delivery estimates?
I think it was my 5 days of constant bitching at them!

This was the email I received from them after it went into the shipping process.

We're contacting you about order #xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx for "Xbox One Console" and our recent e-mail 
asking you to verify your payment and shipping information. We appreciate the time you took to 
verify and update your payment information and understand that you may have seen an estimated delivery
date later than our original estimate of November 22, 2013. The good news is that you will still 
receive it on our original estimate of November 22, 2013. We're upgrading your order to One-Day 
Shipping at no additional cost in order to meet that date.
We apologize for any concern caused by the later delivery estimate displayed after updating your 
We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Customer Service[/quote]
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Yes, as in tomorrow. between 11:30 and 3:30 according to ups
How did you get those estimates? Even when paying for the extra services with mychoice they don't do that, they give you a two hour window before or after your average time the driver is in the area. Next Day Air has a commit time depending what area your in, my area is before 10:30 AM some areas are noon and really rural areas are end of day. Even a NDA saver doesn't have one unless it's commercial doesn't have a time it needs to be delivered by.


I think I am set for launch tomorrow night :)   Hopefully my Amazon order for my best friend ships soon.  It is kind of worrying me after seeing people in this thread say theirs are shipped or being prepared for shipment. 

Debating if I want to wear the T-Shirt to work tomorrow... At the very least I will wear it to midnight launch :D

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And my order just shipped with a Guaranteed date of Friday!



I think I am set for launch tomorrow night :) Hopefully my Amazon order for my best friend ships soon. It is kind of worrying me after seeing people in this thread say theirs are shipped or being prepared for shipment.

Debating if I want to wear the T-Shirt to work tomorrow... At the very least I will wear it to midnight launch :D
Oh that keychain is awesome! I have the gears of war 360 controller one and it would be sweet to get an X1 one to go with it! haha


I think I am set for launch tomorrow night :) Hopefully my Amazon order for my best friend ships soon. It is kind of worrying me after seeing people in this thread say theirs are shipped or being prepared for shipment.

Debating if I want to wear the T-Shirt to work tomorrow... At the very least I will wear it to midnight launch :D
How you get dat?

bread's done