Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

I hope I'm wrong because I like the idea of a powerhouse like MS owning the Xbox brand, hardware, and ecosystem. Can't imagine who else could step in with the financial strength to manage Xbox properly (and I don't like the idea of Google or Apple owning Xbox).
Amazon has probably been the most common rumor. But I can't see that. They're probably content to just sell Android games on their Kindle marketplace for their tablet, set top box and phone. With the rise of mobile gaming, I doubt many big companies want to take a risk on the console market that's likely to level out if not shrink some as investors want things with big opportunities for growth.
[quote name="CaseX" post="11913024" timestamp="1405090639"]Did you read the actual text of the email? I think people are spinning it the way MS wants people to read into it right now so people won't panic.

The CEO starts off by saying: "The single biggest digital life category, measured in both time and money spent, in a mobile-first world is gaming. We are fortunate to have Xbox in our family to go after this opportunity with unique and bold innovation."

Emphasis is mine. Xbox has nothing major in the mobile gaming world right now. My guess for the long term vision: either Xbox develops a PS Vita like mobile gaming device to complement the XB1 or MS sells off the Xbox brand & hardware and keeps the gaming studios/publishers to focus on developing mobile games.

I hope I'm wrong because I like the idea of a powerhouse like MS owning the Xbox brand, hardware, and ecosystem. Can't imagine who else could step in with the financial strength to manage Xbox properly (and I don't like the idea of Google or Apple owning Xbox).[/quote]
So from them saying they are fortunate to have Xbox as a brand to go after mobile one of your take aways is they would sell that brand to go after mobile?...
I should say the main issue for the Polk was chatting. There was issues with voice distortion and not registering well. They may have remedied that and if you don't even use voice chat, maybe it won't affect you in that respect.
Best Buy has these on sale for $100 this week. Had $35 in reward certificates and the 10% off from the post office so I ordered the black Polk 4 shot headsets for store pick up in a few days for $56.xx Not a bad deal

Wow, I really didn't like that video.  Dude came off as a try hard douche to me.  Big time.

Also, Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a chick flick designed around video games.  Not even close to the best movie ever.  Gross!

Wow, I really didn't like that video. Dude came off as a try hard douche to me. Big time.

Also, Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a chick flick designed around video games. Not even close to the best movie ever. Gross!
Chick Flick? Lol.

It totally is a chick flick.  Yes, there are hot chicks in it, but it's all about some sappy love story involving cheating and dumbbbbbbbb!   :wall:   It's been awhile since I've watched it though, so there may of only been the one hot chick actually . . . can't remember.  I had this argument with my friends before, and they refused to acknowledge it until I asked them what the storyline would be like without the video game references.  Bam.  Chick flick.

You want a man movie?  Anything with Jason Statham or Vinny Jones in it, pretty much.  Not as much eye candy, but when it comes down to it, there's not many movies with alternative (see: crazy color hair, piercings, tattoos, etc.) eye candy anyways.  Some examples:


Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels


Survive Style 5+ (Amazing film, but really rare)

Way of the Gun (Does not have Jason Statham or Vinny Jones . . . but Benicio Del Toro is pretty badass)

The Expendables

Any of the Transporter movies

Now *those* aren't chick flicks!

EDIT to add:  I used to get told all the time I look like Michael Cera.  This may have turned me into a hateful son of a bitch when it comes to his movies, because he always plays the same damn character and I hate it.  BOOOOOO!  :boxing:

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star trek > star wars
This is most certainly *not* the place for this debate, but ...


So from them saying they are fortunate to have Xbox as a brand to go after mobile one of your take aways is they would sell that brand to go after mobile?...
It's a possibility, is all I'm saying. If you read the whole email, Xbox is tacked on as an afterthought. The whole email flows well without that whole section. He HAD to say something about Xbox and he did it very diplomatically -- in a positive light (encouraging the Xbox division/staff and showing commitment to consumers) while at the same time leaving himself a huge and obvious (imo) loophole which doesn't contradict the rest of his message. He has to say that Xbox is innovative and amazing and a huge part of MS so that they can command a higher selling price if it came to that. That's what I read into it, anyways.

If anything I'd worry more about the gen after this one. Both companies have to consider if It's worth the cost of going another gen. Nintendo is not exactly swimming in money with the Wii U, Sony as a whole is still in bad shape despite the PS4 selling well and Microsoft probably profits the least with the XBox ecosystem outside of the tablet. I can see them killing off their tablet lineup before anything.

I'd be surprised if we see three systems going at it again next gen, rather more android consoles and maybe even a push for Apple to bring IOS games to Apple TV. 4DS (or whatever Nintendo's next console will be called) will also be the last portable console on the market thanks to Sony's Vita failure and the collapse of the handheld market. The 3DS is actually trending BEHIND PSP sales, and the DS doubled PSP sales last handheld gen.

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[quote name="Fearia" post="11915347" timestamp="1405126402"]It totally is a chick flick. Yes, there are hot chicks in it, but it's all about some sappy love story involving cheating and dumbbbbbbbb! :wall: It's been awhile since I've watched it though, so there may of only been the one hot chick actually . . . can't remember. I had this argument with my friends before, and they refused to acknowledge it until I asked them what the storyline would be like without the video game references. Bam. Chick flick.

You want a man movie? Anything with Jason Statham or Vinny Jones in it, pretty much. Not as much eye candy, but when it comes down to it, there's not many movies with alternative (see: crazy color hair, piercings, tattoos, etc.) eye candy anyways. Some examples:

Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels
Survive Style 5+ (Amazing film, but really rare)
Way of the Gun (Does not have Jason Statham or Vinny Jones . . . but Benicio Del Toro is pretty badass)
The Expendables
Any of the Transporter movies

Now *those* aren't chick flicks!

EDIT to add: I used to get told all the time I look like Michael Cera. This may have turned me into a hateful son of a bitch when it comes to his movies, because he always plays the same damn character and I hate it. BOOOOOO! :boxing:[/quote]
Remove the stunts from Crank and you have a love story. Hell, the romantic element in The Expendables REVOLVES around Stathom's character. Sorry, you can't just remove one element to make recategorize a movie. By that logic Saw is a love story about a dying cancer patient and his protégé who learned how to appreciate life... You know, after you remove the murder porn.
While Nintendo isn't exactly swimming in money with the Wii U they aren't bleeding it anymore. Not to mention the company still has a ridiculous amount of cash on hand and I believe it's already been rumored they're in R&D for their next console.

3DS is about 20 Million ish behind the DS's sales in the same time span. The difference being the 3DS has fierce competition with smart phones, tablets, and other portable gaming consoles so regardless it's doing excellently which kind of makes me wonder what "Collapse" you're talking about.

Sony as a whole is on a much better path now so you can't simply write them off in the future. Their CEO will likely turn the company around and they'll continue to survive. They'll likely make another home console because the PS4 and Xbox One have been the fastest selling home consoles to date and they show the market for dedicated gaming consoles is alive and well. SEN has profited very well off of Playstation so it's recognizable that it's a profitable expenditure. 

Microsoft and through the Xbox has the strongest future not simply because of gaming but because Microsoft has long wanted to enter the living room and Xbox gives them that ability. I can't find the article at the moment but I remember it being mentioned at one time that both Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer believed that solidifying yourself in the living room is extremely important which is why Xbox still stands. Why else would Microsoft create Xbox? They've lost billions in R&D, and I can't say they've made money on the system as a whole.

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Remove the stunts from Crank and you have a love story. Hell, the romantic element in The Expendables REVOLVES around Stathom's character. Sorry, you can't just remove one element to make recategorize a movie. By that logic Saw is a love story about a dying cancer patient and his protégé who learned how to appreciate life... You know, after you remove the murder porn.
Don't want to go too long on this (as it's an Xbox One thread, my apologies for derailing it!), but Crank isn't primarily about love. It's about revenge. Violent, violent revenge! He just happens to care about his lady. With Scott Pilgrim, it was a love story movie in the stylings of video games. The Expendables, it was primarily an action movie with the typical love story in the background (almost as comedic relief). Same with Crank. Big difference!

Just saying, it's not my kind of movie. It's a great date movie. But I'm not big on it, and would definitely disagree with it being the "best movie ever" thing.

Just saying, it's not my kind of movie. It's a great date movie. But I'm not big on it, and would definitely disagree with it being the "best movie ever" thing.
I also disagree with you. Just because there is a strong element of romance in Scott Pilgrim doesn't make that the movie's single defining trait or genre. It's much more an action movie. And it's based on a series of graphics novels that revolve around Scott's life. His life which happens to have romance in it, as would the life of any teen/young adult who isn't too socially inept or unattractive. Although there are elements that will appeal to female readers and viewers, the story with its copious action and videogame references is more aimed at males than females.

I found the movie disappointing in that it moves at too quick a pace and doesn't give the character beats any time to breathe - sort of a highlights reel of the books. The emotional impact is drastically lessened as a result.

It should have been two movies. But it bombed, so had they gone with the two film approach they might never have actually finished the story, I guess.

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I also disagree with you. Just because there is a strong element of romance in Scott Pilgrim doesn't make that the movie's single defining trait or genre. It's much more an action movie. And it's based on a series of graphics novels that revolve around Scott's life. His life which happens to have romance in it, as would the life of any teen/young adult who isn't too socially inept or unattractive. Although there are elements that will appeal to female readers and viewers, the story with its copious action and videogame references is more aimed at males than females.

I found the movie disappointing in that it moves at too quick a pace and doesn't give the character beats any time to breathe - sort of a highlights reel of the books. The emotional impact is drastically lessened as a result.

It should have been two movies. But it bombed, so had they gone with the two film approach they might never have actually finished the story, I guess.
We'll have to agree to disagree.

Back to Xbox One . . . what do we think the next monthly update is going to be? 3D Bluray? Pre-loading for digital pre-orders? Family sharing?

Well, The Master Chief Collection is already working on driving extra sales. I bought a second XB1 controller last night at BB ($50 with a $20 GC) just so that my buddy who is up in December can do some couch co-op with me. Nice work, M$
My guess is txt msg is easier to view/report for harassment and what not. Always hated those stupid random voice msgs on the 360 selling points scam/someone supposedly boosting for MS pts.
I've always hated them because I have to plug in a headset to listen to them. They just come out quiet and/or mangled through the TV/surround speakers. And if you're in a party or in-game chat, you can't hear what's going on while you check the message.

Text messaging is way more convenient for me, but I always have a keyboard nearby.

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Really? Not once did I get anything unsolicited in my xbox messages.
I played COD with my friends almost every other night on the 360 pre-Ghosts (Ghosts basically killed our every other day habbits, that and the X1 came out and we got splitt because of that. They are both getting their One's come October) and about once to twice a week we would get voice msgs inviting us to boost/private lobbys for real $.

I've always hated them because I have to plug in a headset to listen to them. They just come out quiet and/or mangled through the TV/surround speakers. And if you're in a party or in-game chat, you can't hear what's going on while you check the message.

Text messaging is way more convenient for me, but I always have a keyboard nearby.
You've always said that, but I've always been able to loudly and clearly hear them through my TV speakers. Most people don't have keyboards near their consoles. I only got one for Animal Crossing Wii chat. Everyone has a headset unless they lost it.

Regardless of preference, there is absolutely no justifiable reason for not including a critically important and promiment feature that the last gen system had at launch.
I've always hated them because I have to plug in a headset to listen to them. They just come out quiet and/or mangled through the TV/surround speakers. And if you're in a party or in-game chat, you can't hear what's going on while you check the message.

Text messaging is way more convenient for me, but I always have a keyboard nearby.
Yeah this was the big annoyance for me. Having to plug in a headset to listen to the message and 90% of the time it was someone spamming me to get quick level ups in Call of Duty and the other 10% of the time it was someone crap talking about "owning" me.

There should be a simple option of disabling voice messaging then. It was a feature I can't believe they left out.
Oh, as annoying as voice messages are in comparison to text messages, it would be silly to disable them. Like Matt says, it is pretty silly that Microsoft left the feature out of the Xbone.

TV speakers? Pfft. Surround sound.

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I would love surround sound but can't afford it. Not gonna buy a SS headset that only works for one console, either.

Playing games in stereo with my Microsoft Lifechat headset is excellent. Unfortunately, the headset only works with PlayStation and not Xbox do to it using a USB interface.
Do you guys think xbox ones with kinect will be the eqivelent of the 60gb ps3s in the future?   I'm tucking cash aside for when halo 5 comes out but think it would be nice to have kinect having just lost my remote.  Also can you record tv directly to your console?   I hate my uverse dvr. 

TV cannot be recorded directly to the Xbox One DVR, you would still need to use your cable box's DVR.
Dang that's a shame. Most of my tv is downloaded off the internet and copied to my ps3 anyway nowadays anyways so not too big of a deal. But, can you voice search recorded tv shows etc without going through all the menus and stuff on your dvr? Or is basically just remote desktop?

Has anyone been having any problems with their X1 lately? Since yesterday afternoon, I've been unable to use netflix (I try to select a profile and nothing happens when I press A). When I try to play NBA 2k14, I get stuck at the loading screen.

Has anyone been having any problems with their X1 lately? Since yesterday afternoon, I've been unable to use netflix (I try to select a profile and nothing happens when I press A). When I try to play NBA 2k14, I get stuck at the loading screen.
no issues here try hard boot

[quote name="RiPPn" post="11929798" timestamp="1405537248"]Why that comment exactly?[/quote]
Probably because 9/10 if somebody posts something they are excited about on Xbox one you have to say it sucks, isn't interesting, or something along those lines.
Probably because 9/10 if somebody posts something they are excited about on Xbox one you have to say it sucks, isn't interesting, or something along those lines.
Except my comment was about the color scheme and nothing to do with Xbox, maybe you guys should quit being so insecure about the Xbox brand and realize people can have opinions that differ from your own? eastx even said he isn't a big fan of camo, so even though he kind of agrees with me he still had to take that subtle jab at me to try and provoke me into an argument.. interesting isn't it?

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bread's done