Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Thanks for the video, I like when people can support their claims. That being said I can see why I didn't hear anything on it. He was very quick to rush the subject and quickly moved away to talk about other things.

Going to stop talking about the Twitter guy. You clearly didn't understand what I was talking about. You mentioned the issue was an example of Microsoft messing up PR messages but that guy didn't even work for them. Him lying/misspeaking shouldn't automatically be associated as some "shady" Microsoft tactic.

You basically gave Sony a free pass. Exclusive is exclusive. Take a game like Uncharted 2, that's an exclusive because it's only on PlayStation 3. Sony directly said at their conference that Grim Fandango was only coming the PS4/Playstation Vita. It doesn't matter how you want to spin that either by saying that if a game is also on PC that still makes it an exclusive, or by saying that people should have expected it to be on PC even though Sony said otherwise.

I won't since I hated the Destiny Beta, I was just speaking in general.
Since Square Enix and Microsoft entered into a deal for exclusivity on the new Tomb Raider game, they're both partnered for marketing/PR for the game and anything that either side does erroneously affects both. Microsoft is obviously footing the bill for the whole thing, so they call the shots on what Square Enix and its people can do/say about that game and this guy obviously was in the wrong for whatever reason. I don't know why you rush to him being a liar.

I don't think I ever said that if it's on PC, it's still exclusive if it's on PS4/Vita, so please refrain from putting things in my literal mouth. If you keep doing this, I'll be happy to stop engaging you on this topic completely.

Let's be honest with each other. The news doesn't start and end at these press conferences. There's an entire show at E3 where press gets to talk with these companies to push for more details since not every single detail will come out about every announcement, so those of you that want more information can usually find it. It sucks that the Far Cry 4 thing didn't spread very far because that's one of those things I'd expect every person with an appointment at Ubisoft/FC4 should be pressing them on.

As far as Double Fine is concerned, Tim Schafer and Double Fine as a whole are very active on Twitter to give out additional information and this is what they posted on the Tim Schafer and DF accounts later that they announced Grim Fandango for PS4/Vita:

So don't tell me that it's some really hard piece of information to find. They partnered with Sony on the PS4/Vita versions, so that got the focus at Sony's press conference and then Double Fine specifically announced that it was also coming to PC, Mac, and Linux after that. Stop being so focused on the idea that everything has to be detailed at the press conference and realize that they can release more information on the internet afterwards to their audience.

It is absolutely ridiculous that your argument is that they cleared things up on ONE site, one ONE video, and a damn HOUR/HOUR FOURTY in to that video. Even in the video everyone stops Adam because they had no idea how the coop worked.

Also People should not be expected to know Double Fine's business model in order to know what platforms their games are releasing on. Madness. Pure. Damn. Madness.
As I said above, I didn't know that nobody else that had an appointment with Ubisoft/FC4 or Adam Boyes decided to not ask/report about that feature at all, but that's not really my fault that I happened to follow the one site that got the dirt on that news.

Just check up for the Double Fine thing since those that care about Grim Fandango would be likely to follow them on Twitter and saw that they plainly announced it for PC, Mac, and Linux later to quell fears of it being only on PS4/Vita. Double Fine knows what it's doing when talking to fans, mostly. Using this internet thing to get more information is madness, I know.

Edit: Just did a google search, GameSpot and Kotaku reported on it during E3, but lots of others like Game Informer, IGN, Eurogamer, Joystiq, and more just reported on the basic "invite friends to play without owning the game" form of the news. That's so crazy considering how eager they typically would be to just echo what other sites have dug up on it, but I guess the noise and pressure of E3 news suppressed something like that.

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Did everyone notice that Pinball FX2 is now available? A few tables aren't ready yet though.

You basically gave Sony a free pass. Exclusive is exclusive. Take a game like Uncharted 2, that's an exclusive because it's only on PlayStation 3. Sony directly said at their conference that Grim Fandango was only coming the PS4/Playstation Vita. It doesn't matter how you want to spin that either by saying that if a game is also on PC that still makes it an exclusive, or by saying that people should have expected it to be on PC even though Sony said otherwise.
I won't say Frisky doesn't ever do that, as his Sony bias is clear (as mine is for Microsoft I guess), but he's right in this situation. When console manufacturers claim exclusivity, they often do not factor PC into the equation. If you honestly did not know that, I have to question whether you just started paying attention to gaming news this week or something. In these situations, exclusivity (timed or otherwise) usually means "exclusive among consoles." Look at Dead Rising 3 on PC, etc. They already knew it was coming to PC a long time ago, but that doesn't mean they're going to talk about it before the 'bone version has its chance to sell.

All talk until we see something from it. I don't have a lot of hope at this point. Most of Rare's good employees have moved on and the ones left aren't the "Original" Rare we all know and love.
What do you expect? Phil hasn't been on the job that long. It will take a while for initiatives he sets into place to actually take effect. Obviously he wants Rare making real games again, hence the quote. Mattrick and his regime didn't care about that at all. But even with Spencer having decided Rare needs to make the kinds of things that gamers once expected from them, the change won't happen overnight. They have to actually decide on a project (likely after developing multiple competing prototypes) and then get that project far enough along for an official announcement.

Spencer has already established his gaming cred and his desire to bring the Xbone back in-line with what console gamers want. Although things could certainly change on the dark day that he decides to leave his current position, there's a lot more evidence in favor of him believing in making traditional games, etc. and unofficially ditching the Kinect than there is to the contrary.
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Grim Fandango? Double Fine? Not coming to PC? Come on. Using "Common sense" isn't an excuse. Hell a lot of people (Like myself) don't regularly follow their games so they aren't going to automatically assume it's coming on PC. Regardless when you're told it isn't at a conference you don't just go "Well I know it is even though they said it wasn't" the facts would be against you.
Again, following my GTA V point, Sony isn't going to advertise the PC at their conference. "Hey guys, you could also not support us at all and buy this game on steam!". Doesn't make sense. The only systems that will be mentioned for games will be ones within the Sony family. So with Grim Fandango the only thing you can assume from 'coming to PS4 and Vita' is that it's not coming to the PS3.

As for the Playstation Game Share, yes, there has to be limitations of some kind. I haven't completely researched the feature as I don't even own a PS4 yet but I'm sure there will be some type of time limit to the 'assist a friend' feature. Maybe the co-op feature will be confined to local co-op modes only?

I was really hyped for Quantum Break but after finally seeing that gamescom gameplay my hype for that game went way down. The game looks good graphic wise but the gameplay itself is not looking so hot. The combat doesn't seem like it is flowing very well at all. I am still planning to pick it up but I would have to see more gameplay or different time abilities to see if it is worth picking it up right away.

neogaf is holding a petition to withdraw the agreement of tomb raider as a timed xbox exclusive, LOl
It looks like they're just reporting that there is one, they didn't start it.

To who? Neogaf is full of mostly idiots and rumor mongers who throw a ton of s*** at the wall and eventually some sticks. Typically stuff that anybody with a minor knowledge of the gamin industry could predict. Yes, I know some industry people are there, but the site is full of so much sewage and hostility towards anybody I don't know why anyone still bothers to go there. But hey, online petitions work wonders and since they have so much weight I'm sure they have the power to nullify a contract.
I like to read neogaf from time to time, but they're Sony biased which is annoying. Plus I disagree with your second point, the moderation team is very strict which is good, some of the trolls I mean members from this forum wouldn't last a day on there.

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but they're Sony biased which is annoying.
Speaking of Sony bias, someone mentioned the Tomb Raider forums so I went to check out what they were saying, and wow. There's people that went out today to buy the ps4 & last of us, and they said after 18 years of Tomb Raider they'll never touch another one again even if it comes to ps4 lol. They're also telling people to pirate the game when it comes out.

Back to xbox...I liked the Quantum break gameplay. The combat had a Mass Effect feel to it so i'm sure i'll like it. Did anyone read about the live action integration with the game? I'll post some quotes...

But the optimal experience that we’re building assumes that you’ll play an act of the game, and each act of the game will climax in a special moment we’re calling a ‘junction in time’.”

“And these moments, you’re actually playing the main bad guy, Paul Serene, because he has time manipulation powers. And he has the most powerful time power of all which is the junction power. He can see glimpses of different future timelines, and as a player then you are playing him. You can explore these glimpses, and you’re asked to make a decision on which future is going to come to be in your Quantum Break experience. You make a choice and from that point on, that is the reality of the game.”

“And immediately after that act and that junction moment, which is kind of an interactive, dynamic, player-created cliffhanger, you then go into an episode of the show. Immediately you start seeing the consequences of your choice, and you can choose to either watch or skip the episode of the show, but if you do watch the show you learn certain things that will be helpful for you in the next act of the game.”

Lake said the production team working on the live-action show is shooting alternate scenes to ensure all possible outcomes are accounted for

I wasn't fond of the Quantum Break showing. I thought it was jarring becase Phil Harrison started it off by saying how Remedy crafts amazing stories and have done that with Quantum break and the whole showing is just action packed scene after action. That being said I didn't like how the combat looked at all. The gunplay looked pretty weak and it didn't look like that and the melee blended well together.

I like to read neogaf from time to time, but they're Sony biased which is annoying.
You weren't there last gen when they were 360 biased, well until Microsoft started shifting to casuals in 2009. Also there are 10 million to 5 million Microsoft owners, so it's safe to say the 10 million fanbase is going to have louder voices than the 5 million on any site or forum not dedicated to one platform.

Speaking of Sony bias, someone mentioned the Tomb Raider forums so I went to check out what they were saying, and wow. There's people that went out today to buy the ps4 & last of us, and they said after 18 years of Tomb Raider they'll never touch another one again even if it comes to ps4 lol. They're also telling people to pirate the game when it comes out.

Back to xbox...I liked the Quantum break gameplay. The combat had a Mass Effect feel to it so i'm sure i'll like it. Did anyone read about the live action integration with the game? I'll post some quotes...

But the optimal experience that we’re building assumes that you’ll play an act of the game, and each act of the game will climax in a special moment we’re calling a ‘junction in time’.”

“And these moments, you’re actually playing the main bad guy, Paul Serene, because he has time manipulation powers. And he has the most powerful time power of all which is the junction power. He can see glimpses of different future timelines, and as a player then you are playing him. You can explore these glimpses, and you’re asked to make a decision on which future is going to come to be in your Quantum Break experience. You make a choice and from that point on, that is the reality of the game.”

“And immediately after that act and that junction moment, which is kind of an interactive, dynamic, player-created cliffhanger, you then go into an episode of the show. Immediately you start seeing the consequences of your choice, and you can choose to either watch or skip the episode of the show, but if you do watch the show you learn certain things that will be helpful for you in the next act of the game.”

Lake said the production team working on the live-action show is shooting alternate scenes to ensure all possible outcomes are accounted for
I liked what What I saw of the game play just release, and the game has had my interest from go. The Show quote makes me much more interested as well.

NPD is up and unfortunately it doesn't look very good for the Xbox One. The PS4 accounted for more than 50% of next-gen games sales in July so chances are software sales for the system were low. This holds true because Watch Dogs continued to sell badly on the Xbox One, tracking lower than both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.

The Xbox One didn't have major titles coming out so that may have hurt sales considerably.

Microsoft's statement is below.

“Xbox One continues to sell at a strong and steady pace following the release of the $399 console in June, when month-to-month sales more than doubled,” a Microsoft spokesperson told GamesBeat. “We continued to see this momentum in July.”

We won't get console numbers until later tonight.

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Watchdogs numbers on the X1 are shocking, what the hell happened there? I do feel like the X1 numbers will pick up this holiday though, we got a two big games coming out not to mention the console bundles.

[quote name="asspickle" post="12009964" timestamp="1408057240"]Watchdogs numbers on the X1 are shocking, what the hell happened there? I do feel like the X1 numbers will pick up this holiday though, we got a two big games coming out not to mention the console bundles.[/quote]
People keep thinking that it should flip immediately, but it took years for PS3 to gain momentum. I don't see why this will be any different. Especially since they are slowly rolling out to markets where the system isn't available yet. I agree that they will pick up this holiday but I think it will be a while before they beat Sony in sales, if at all.
I don't see them beating Sony worldwide this gen, but the gap should be closed significantly with the next 2-3 years.  

I don't see them beating Sony worldwide this gen, but the gap should be closed significantly with the next 2-3 years.
u.s and uk is their main focus and the gap in u.s is closing. This Fall could be huge for ms and it starts in 10 days with madden. Don't forget fifa 15 has stuff in ut only on x1 version.

Will we ever get past the sales discussion? I can see this still being talked about in 3 years.

As long as the company backs the product and it's best it can be, who cares?
Will we ever get past the sales discussion? I can see this still being talked about in 3 years.

As long as the company backs the product and it's best it can be, who cares?
I agree to a point, sales numbers really have no effect on us (unless you own stakes in one of the companies) and for the most part they just fuel petty fanboy wars.

But, it's still something I check out each month just to simply see whats trending in the industry. For example, I loved seeing Last of Us at the top of the charts. I freaking love that masterpiece and it's great a new batch of gamers are able to enjoy it.

Personally, I think the Xbox One is going to have a nice fall. The price cut, the bundles, Master Chief collection. They'll do ok.

u.s and uk is their main focus and the gap in u.s is closing. This Fall could be huge for ms and it starts in 10 days with madden. Don't forget fifa 15 has stuff in ut only on x1 version.
EDIT: Nvm, the gap wasnt as big as I thought it was. Still want to see what the numbers were for July.

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Yes and no. XB1 hasn't been released yet in multiple markets.
Of those markets not released yet though which ones are going to give it a big boost in sales? I'll have to look but I think a lot of those markets are usually more Sony territory than Xbox.

I would think November the X 1 has a good chance to out sell the PS4 in the US with Halo.

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November will be the do or die month for them. They have Halo Master Chief Collection, and Call of Duty which is being marketed more towards the Xbox One and is usually more popular on Microsoft's systems. If they don't outsell the PS4 I'd consider it a disappointment, especially since the big game for Sony that month is Little Big Planet 3 and that's on the PS3.

November will be the do or die month for them. They have Halo Master Chief Collection, and Call of Duty which is being marketed more towards the Xbox One and is usually more popular on Microsoft's systems. If they don't outsell the PS4 I'd consider it a disappointment, especially since the big game for Sony that month is Little Big Planet 3 and that's on the PS3.
oct has sunset overdrive. like i said before the push needs to happen starting with madden in 10 days and then uk with fifa 15 having things only on xbox one might help in uk.

i know alot of people selling current x1 for white bundle.

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Of those markets not released yet though which ones are going to give it a big boost in sales? I'll have to look but I think a lot of those markets are usually more Sony territory than Xbox.

I would think November the X 1 has a good chance to out sell the PS4 in the US with Halo.
All markets would help, don't be naive.

All markets would help, don't be naive.
I think you're being naive if you think its as simple as releasing in more markets when those markets are not their strong areas. I mean, it will give them a few extra units sold but its not going to be a major impact for them.

I think you're being naive if you think its as simple as releasing in more markets when those markets are not their strong areas. I mean, it will give them a few extra units sold but its not going to be a major impact for them.
In all fairness, I don't think we can exactly pinpoint which is each country's preferred system. As of market availability:

48 markets compared to 13.

Majority of which are going to open up in September for Microsoft. That's a big difference of potential customers worldwide.

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In all fairness, I don't think we can exactly pinpoint which is each country's preferred system. As of market availability:

48 markets compared to 13.

Majority of which are going to open up in September for Microsoft. That's a big difference of potential customers worldwide.
Well the markets that Microsoft branded "Second tier" (Good way to talk about your consumers) have probably already jumped on the PS4 by now. It seems like they've really been dragging their feet branching out.

new preview update rolling out

Stream TV to SmartGlass – Launching first in markets receiving the Xbox One Digital TV Tuner, you will be able to stream your TV across your home network to your smartphones and tablets using the Xbox SmartGlass app

Multiple GameDVR Deletes – You will be able to choose multiple GameDVR clips to delete at once in the Upload app.

Parties – The Party App has been re-organized, so you can now see what activities everyone in your party is doing and tell more clearly who is playing in the same game with you.  You can also more quickly perform common actions like muting, joining, or sending game invites.  Also, Parties now have a Party Leader.  This person can change whether the party requires invitations, and she/he can remove others from the party.

Media Player – A new app will be available soon that enables you to play media files from either an attached USB device or from a network connected home media server that supports DLNA protocols. The preview version of the Media Player app will initially only support USB devices, with DLNA support coming soon. 

Bandwidth Usage Display – Located in Network Settings under the Troubleshooting column, Bandwidth Usage will show you how much bandwidth your Xbox One is consuming over a period of time. This is useful if you want to track against bandwidth caps set by ISPs in certain markets.

I wanna play Volgarr the Viking very soon on X1, any news when thats coming out? Its time for a new batch of stealth indie releases ;)

[quote name="RBK" post="12010269" timestamp="1408065916"]I thought already announced Forza Horizon 2 and FIFA 15 will be the first games with that option?[/quote]
They did. Some more information on when it will be available would be nice. My guess is it will be in the September update. That is if it requires an update.

^ mine downloads system updates only. No game or app updates but maybe that's all it does?

My bigger problem is my Xbox is set to turn off after 1 hour of inactivity and I fall asleep on the couch and it never turns off. My cable box even shuts off after three hours of inactivity.
I'm tempted to finally join the preview program, but I seem to remember you can only play online with others who are also in it. Is that right? I kinda want to play Diablo 3 online before reviewing it, which seems like it'd be harder with a smaller pool of potential players.

Pinball FX2 is really nice on the 'bone, by the way. I keep forgetting to use the bumpers to switch between groups of tables though. Not sure why we can't just do it with the d-pad and/or stick.

[quote name="DestroVega" post="12011221" timestamp="1408113385"]^ mine downloads system updates only. No game or app updates but maybe that's all it does?

My bigger problem is my Xbox is set to turn off after 1 hour of inactivity and I fall asleep on the couch and it never turns off. My cable box even shuts off after three hours of inactivity.[/quote]
I found out that if a game is running when you go to standby it will not finish downloading it if it is incomplete or it won't update it.
[quote name="eastx" post="12011380" timestamp="1408117949"]I'm tempted to finally join the preview program, but I seem to remember you can only play online with others who are also in it. Is that right? I kinda want to play Diablo 3 online before reviewing it, which seems like it'd be harder with a smaller pool of potential players.

Pinball FX2 is really nice on the 'bone, by the way. I keep forgetting to use the bumpers to switch between groups of tables though. Not sure why we can't just do it with the d-pad and/or stick.[/quote]
That was the case on 360. I know I've played with people in the preview on One, but I don't know if it always works.
NPD July numbers.

PS4 - 187K

XBO - 131K

I'm actually quite surprised. Xbox One did really good considering it didn't have any big releases for July. PS4 had a pretty huge drop off point from June, (It sold 269k in June) and I find that really odd considering The Last of Us was said to sell really well in its early days. Guess we'll have to see August NPD to see exactly how much of a difference it made.

Well, EU got a Last of Us Bundle and the US did not. Plus Last of Us came out the 29th so only like 3 days of tracking for it.

Both systems had a drop from the month before, 80kish for PS4 and 66kish for 360.

August numbers will show if the Madden bundle made an impact.

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Well, EU got a Last of Us Bundle and the US did not. Plus Last of Us came out the 29th so only like 3 days of tracking for it.

Both systems had a drop from the month before, 80kish for PS4 and 66kish for 360.

August numbers will show if the Madden bundle made an impact.
Actually NPD tracks into a certain date through the next month. The Last of Us Remastered was tracked for 5 days as it went into August too.

bread's done