Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

I've only visited this thread once or twice in the past month and now I remember why, two guys calling all who post anything negative a troll and such and then just saying shut the thread over and over when the thread turns against them until someone gets sick of it all and shuts it for them.  Same story different thread.

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Any word on if there is going to be a difference between the current gen and next-gen NBA 2K's? Thinking I'll pick up 2K14 on XB1 just to have another game on it and I'm okay with waiting till November to play it.
I haven't heard anything yet but I'd wait for reviews. I had bad experiences with new gen sports titles. The first Madden on the 360 for example was horrible. The 2k hockey games were OK, but they never fixed those glitched achivements and I didn't notice any graphical differences between the 360 and OG XBox versions.

Also not sure how much you care, but the new NBA Live is next gen exclusive AFAIK. It will only be out on PS4 and XB1. 2k has always been a better series but I'm curious to how the next Live will look/play. Hope redbox is carrying XB1 and PS4 titles near launch.

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I haven't heard anything yet but I'd wait for reviews. I had bad experiences with new gen sports titles. The first Madden on the 360 for example was horrible. The 2k hockey games were OK, but they never fixed those glitched achivements and I didn't notice any graphical differences between the 360 and OG XBox versions.
Yeah I switched my FIFA GameStop pre-order to 360. Then I'll check out the One version review and if it's not a disaster I'll pay the $10 to upgrade.

Also just bought the Prestige Edition of Ghosts. This is gonna be an expensive launch for me lol
Yeah I switched my FIFA GameStop pre-order to 360. Then I'll check out the One version review and if it's not a disaster I'll pay the $10 to upgrade.

Also just bought the Prestige Edition of Ghosts. This is gonna be an expensive launch for me lol
yikes 200 bucks for a cod game. just hope for people buying that thing that the cam is good the black ops 1 and 2 big package stuff was awful my car never worked from start. I got the mw2 night vision goggles and they still work and are pretty cool so hope this cam works but i refuse to pay that much for a cod game for me it's the hard edition.

I haven't heard anything yet but I'd wait for reviews. I had bad experiences with new gen sports titles. The first Madden on the 360 for example was horrible. The 2k hockey games were OK, but they never fixed those glitched achivements and I didn't notice any graphical differences between the 360 and OG XBox versions.

Also not sure how much you care, but the new NBA Live is next gen exclusive AFAIK. It will only be out on PS4 and XB1. 2k has always been a better series but I'm curious to how the next Live will look/play. Hope redbox is carrying XB1 and PS4 titles near launch.
Ah that makes sense. Although I bought NBA 2K6(?) at 360 launch and it played fine. Madden was a disaster though, you're right on that.

As for Live, I just can't trust it. I really feel like it's going to be horrible haha.

yikes 200 bucks for a cod game. just hope for people buying that thing that the cam is good the black ops 1 and 2 big package stuff was awful my car never worked from start. I got the mw2 night vision goggles and they still work and are pretty cool so hope this cam works but i refuse to pay that much for a cod game for me it's the hard edition.
I don't have a video camera so I decided I might as well get it as I was at least going to get the hardened edition.
We have a kinect in the house its never used and sits in a drawer. I was bored the other day so thought i'll plug it in. I just find it so frustrating and it just doesn't do anything for me. Voice commands are okay but the waving is not. I tried to play Skyrim and nothing worked it couldn't once register my voice properly and do the spells / whatever I wanted..

The fact Xbox one doesn't require the kinect is good news for me, but the fact you have to buy the console with one is kinda lame, I hope they release a version without it but I doubt it.

An apparent insider (cboat) over at Neogaf made an interesting post earlier. Skip to post 4 for a translation. One thing he mentions is a possible Kinectless SKU spring of next year. This is easy to guess if they have bad sales in the first months after launch but I guess you can believe he's an insider or not.

An apparent insider (cboat) over at Neogaf made an interesting post earlier. Skip to post 4 for a translation. One thing he mentions is a possible Kinectless SKU spring of next year. This is easy to guess if they have bad sales in the first months after launch but I guess you can believe he's an insider or not.

He has notoriously been incorrect on the past
He has notoriously been incorrect on the past
He thought a game was Prince Of Persia and it wasn't. He's said that MS is having yield problems and people like to tell him he's wrong on that, but so far no proof either way. So yes of course someone like you would say he has been "notoriously" incorrect. We'll see.

Lets look at a few of his easy predictions that will be verified true/false at some point:

- PS4 late Oct launch

- MS + Platinum (a developer) = KmaiyaTown? Whatever the hell that may be (he says it is NOT for N. America or Europe)

- Indie policy for X1 hasn't been/ won't be set until post launch

- Kinectless SKU quite possible spring 2014

So those are just from today.

He already called some things that were proven true. Such as MS not launching in all the territories. Looking through his posts at what else he says...Metal Gear Phantom Pain is not an Xbox One exclusive, all MS launch titles must support Smart Glass, he said respawns game (which we now know is Titanfall) wont be a launch title and will come to other platforms later...that's all the farther back I'll go for now I think everything else is old.

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He has notoriously been incorrect on the past
He's got like a 95% track record on being right all the way back to the launch of the 360. If he was notoriously incorrect, he'd have been banned from GAF a long ass time ago.

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I don't know why Matsui can't admit its at least possible that there will be a Kinectless sku.

With as much as Microsoft has gone back on, not sure why anyone would think they wouldnt do this as well.

I do think a kinectless sku is very unlikely before launch if for no other reason than Microsoft sees huge potential in advertising dollars connected to it. They've repeatedly talked about it being used for targeted advertising. If that actually makes them any significant amount of cash. I don't see the Kinect going anywhere.

An apparent insider (cboat) over at Neogaf made an interesting post earlier. Skip to post 4 for a translation. One thing he mentions is a possible Kinectless SKU spring of next year. This is easy to guess if they have bad sales in the first months after launch but I guess you can believe he's an insider or not.
  • No Live streaming for Xbone, architectural reasons (not fully complete).
  • Latest SDK version (from couple of weeks ago) dropped performance by 15-20% across the board, dont get mad, happens all the time in console dev cycle and eventually will be fixed. No chance of early October release for the Xbone.
  • Certainly not for all 21 countries, localization excuse is complete BS. (look at the list of countries that got delayed and their local languages)
  • Late October launch for PS4. PS4 SDK is ready and is basically master2 final (released today).
  • FYI, though people are mad about Bayoneta going sequel, you'll be somewhat unhappy about whatMS is moneyhatting with Platinim(?), other japanese devs in play but Kamaiya town (?) is only 1 I'm solid on. Game not for Europe.
  • Big park nuked game, it was a bomba, dead now. A whole studio focussed on TV services only. All the best talent went to Bigtusk or left MS entirely. Rare still kinect focussed, no matter what else you've head.
  • New indide publishing policy not set yet for Xbone, post launch.
  • September surpise is early. Apologise in advance, everything I saw over last 24 months was that there is no chance of a kinect-less SKU. Solid concrete decision.
  • Whisper of Kinect optional SKU early next year (March/April), enough smoke now that I dont want to wait until September.
Dropped performance right when they increased the clock speed on the GPU a few weeks ago. How are they even having trouble with the SDK when the company as a whole specializes in software?

I guess we will find out next week won't we?

This thread is a steaming pile of shit!
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One idiot posts on Gaf and our thread is once again derailed and destroyed. Can't we just close this and move on. Can't you guys bash the X1 in the PS4 thread?

Some idiot who can't even put sentences together posts on Gaf and all of the PS4 junkies come out of the woodwork. This thread is a joke. Why can't their be any equality in here. This thread is supposed to be used to discuss the X1 and the games etc. I would be banned in a second if I went over and acted like most of you in that thread. This is so god damn ridiculous. If would delete this thread and no longer follow it if the steaming pile that is 3.0 CAG allowed me to do so.
Traken only confirmed his track history of leaking information, not sure how that is jumping on the hate wagon. You should really calm down and not get so worked up over a freaking system. You act like you have personal involvement in the Xbox One or it's your own personal life work. Dude it's going to be okay..

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It seems even the site alone is skewed against Xbox One as it isn't referenced in the forum title still. Yet PS4 was added to the Sony forum title right after launch.

This site extremely skewed towards Sony...

I'm surprised we are even allowed to mention the X1 on here. Such a joke.
Traken only confirmed his track history of leaking information, not sure how that is jumping on the hate wagon. You should really calm down and not get so worked up over a freaking system.

It's not the system. That is apparently not even what people are focusing on now. Now it's just a huge god damn food fight that no one will win. I don't understand why people can't just leave the people who want to be excited about "a freaking system" alone and let them get excited about it.
[quote name="Deader2818" post="10995134" timestamp="1376879100"]
If you don't like this site you can simply leave. Im sure no one here is going to miss you.[/quote]
When did I ever say I don't like this site?

Yeah I didn't think I did. Thanks!

Most of the community I really like and enjoy gaming/discussing etc with them. This thread however is really not a very fun place to talk about the X1 and its a shame. That's all me and Timbo and others have been saying.
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As was said before, you have been given a thread where only positive things about the Xbox One can be said.

Just because you don't like it when someone posts that is not positive about the xbox one, doesnt mean it shouldnt be discussed at all.

And no, taking it to the PS4 thread is not a correct answer.

As was said before, you have been given a thread where only positive things about the Xbox One can be said.

Just because you don't like it when someone posts that is not positive about the xbox one, doesnt mean it shouldnt be discussed at all.

And no, taking it to the PS4 thread is not a correct answer.
Unless someone works for Microsoft, having information of a big performance drop is total bullshit. Even Apple insiders can't get leaks like that, and they have so many more possible holes.
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Unless someone works for Microsoft, having information of a big performance drop is total bullshit. Even Apple insiders can't get leaks like that, and they have so many more possible holes.
So should we make a rule that no rumors shall be posted in this thread?

Or should we make a thread just for Xbox One rumors as well?

No one has even really been discussing that rumor tbh, Matsui went off about this guy being full of crap and all he was told what that this guy has been right 95% of the time and has had a proven track record.

Then it turned into that CAG is against the Xbox One for some reason.

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With the amount of 180s Microsoft has done. I'm not even sure what they say themselves is fact or rumor.
I don't know why a a optional Kinect sku later would be considered a bad thing. That would definitely allow Microsoft more breathing room to price the Xbox one cheaper than the PS4. They might even be able to price it at $299, that would take Sony to town right away.

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Well, even in his rumor, he said that the SDK performance going down isnt a big deal as it always happens.

Nothing here is really all that negative about the Xbox One. Personally, I think its obvious they are having some kinda issue because why else would they scale back launch counties?  Unless they just felt it wasnt worth it at this time and to get more consoles into their better territories?

other then that, its not like he said that its getting delayed or anything.

Unless someone works for Microsoft, having information of a big performance drop is total bullshit. Even Apple insiders can't get leaks like that, and they have so many more possible holes.
The guy is pretty reliable and is rumored to be a Microsoft insider. Not everything is correct but check his pre E3 post and post #23 for translation.

The guy is a legend at Neogaf for a reason.

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One idiot posts on Gaf and our thread is once again derailed and destroyed. Can't we just close this and move on. Can't you guys bash the X1 in the PS4 thread?

Some idiot who can't even put sentences together posts on Gaf and all of the PS4 junkies come out of the woodwork. This thread is a joke. Why can't their be any equality in here. This thread is supposed to be used to discuss the X1 and the games etc. I would be banned in a second if I went over and acted like most of you in that thread. This is so god damn ridiculous. If would delete this thread and no longer follow it if the steaming pile that is 3.0 CAG allowed me to do so.
I'm not sure why you're upset. Rumors are rumors and they're going to get posted. This is a discussion thread and that means good or bad. Anyways, neither of the things cboat reported are bashing MS. He said the 20% drop is perfectly normal and will be addressed, it just won't make an October launch. He also said there's a chance of a kinectless option, which a lot of people are waiting for, myself included.

Nobody is trolling or arguing here. You're just overreacting.

Here's cboat correctly providing everything about the 360 before we knew anything.

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Well, even in his rumor, he said that the SDK performance going down isnt a big deal as it always happens.

Nothing here is really all that negative about the Xbox One. Personally, I think its obvious they are having some kinda issue because why else would they scale back launch counties? Unless they just felt it wasnt worth it at this time and to get more consoles into their better territories?

other then that, its not like he said that its getting delayed or anything.
I took the country scale-back as a lack of production yield, not problems with the machine itself.

As far as inside info, I'm surprised just comparing it to apple. Nothing gets leaked from them, it's always Foxconn production leaks.
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I'm not sure why you're upset. Rumors are rumors and they're going to get posted. Neither of the things cboat reported are bashing MS. He said the 20% drop is perfectly normal and will be addressed, it just won't make an October launch. He also said there's a chance of a kinectless option, which a lot of people are waiting for, myself included.

Nobody is trolling or arguing here. You're just overreacting.
All WV does is try to start arguments with people. Every single thing that's posted that isn't essentially "Microsoft can do no wrong. Xbox one is the most awesome thing ever and will be shipped with the Kinect", WV flips out.

i can't stop lol at that guy on that website saying streaming will not be possible on xbox one when ms has a major deal in place with twtich um ok. Might i add ms upgraded the system not downgrade it. In my opinion if ps4 is ever announed in this topic that comment should be deleted. this topic was fine now it's nothing more then the one that was closed down. 

So if a Kinect less option is in the works you'll still win by buying at launch if you don't give a rats ass about the Kinect.

I'm sure MS will charge $150 or more for a stand alone Kinect. You can probably eBay your Kinect down the road and get close to $100ish for it.

If you want the system, buy it now. If you're waiting on reviews for games or a outright price drop... then just wait.

i can't stop lol at that guy on that website saying streaming will not be possible on xbox one when ms has a major deal in place with twtich um ok. Might i add ms upgraded the system not downgrade it. In my opinion if ps4 is ever announed in this topic that comment should be deleted. this topic was fine now it's nothing more then the one that was closed down.
No live streaming is referring to gamescom, not the console itself. They are essentially doing what Nintendo did at e3. While Sony will be doing a press conference and live streaming it.
No live streaming is referring to gamescom, not the console itself. They are essentially doing what Nintendo did at e3. While Sony will be doing a press conference and live streaming it.
i was talking about that post you made which is now deleted. the guy said streaming on xbox one was not possible.

i was talking about that post you made which is now deleted. the guy said streaming on xbox one was not possible.
My post is still there and "the guy" said "No Live streaming for Xbone, architectural reasons (not fully complete)." Microsoft is not doing a live stream because the Xbox One's achitecture is not complete which is in response to Phil Spencer's earlier comment about not doing it due to "like watching a party you're not at". Which makes no sense cause they live streamed E3 for us with no problems.

“The nice thing about the way the showcase is shaping up is people at home will have access to it. Streaming is probably not the way to do it because it will be like watching a party that you’re not at,” Spencer said, adding, “So what we’re going to do is, throughout the day, we’re going to take video snippets from the floor and release them on the Xbox Wire.”

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bread's done