Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

The Plex app for Xbox One is supposed to go live either later tonight or tomorrow. They're also working on an Xbox 360 app but it won't be available for a couple of weeks.

I don't use these media services so I can't comment about its quality but I'm sure it'll benefit somebody.

I'm not sure if it's old news but I noticed a bunch of third-party Xbox One games on the digital store changed their available times from 3:00am eastern to 12:00am eastern. I know Forza Horizon 2 was the first that made the change to 12:00am but when I checked at the time any third-party title was still listed at 3:00am.

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sony people = how dare ubisoft make a game 900 p im taking off my pre order those aholes "pumping chest" all i have to say is  :wall: . plzz if you guys want to play 100 percent 1080 p games get a gaming pc sick and tired of the all and mighty ps people crying because a game is only 900 p. im more upset games are still coming out at only 30 fps.

sony people = how dare ubisoft make a game 900 p im taking off my pre order those aholes "pumping chest" all i have to say is :wall: . plzz if you guys want to play 100 percent 1080 p games get a gaming pc sick and tired of the all and mighty ps people crying because a game is only 900 p. im more upset games are still coming out at only 30 fps.
I don't think you are getting why people are annoyed by this. Has nothing to do with it being 900p. Has to do with if the game could be 1080p on a system then it should. Now, perhaps that isn't the case and they really couldn't get it to run at 1080p and 30 fps but with the way Ubisoft said it at first, it made it sound like they are not making the PS4 version 1080p because they wanted both to be the same.

sony people = how dare ubisoft make a game 900 p im taking off my pre order those aholes "pumping chest" all i have to say is :wall: . plzz if you guys want to play 100 percent 1080 p games get a gaming pc sick and tired of the all and mighty ps people crying because a game is only 900 p. im more upset games are still coming out at only 30 fps.
I agree with Timbo.

I don't think you are getting why people are annoyed by this. Has nothing to do with it being 900p. Has to do with if the game could be 1080p on a system then it should. Now, perhaps that isn't the case and they really couldn't get it to run at 1080p and 30 fps but with the way Ubisoft said it at first, it made it sound like they are not making the PS4 version 1080p because they wanted both to be the same.
welcome to the world us pc gamers have lived for years. Games have always been dub down to work on every system close to equal as possible. i think unity will be really good game and yes im getting it for ps4 still who cares.

No one should be ok with devs not making the game the best possible on ANY system.

If they can make it run 1080p/30fps then it should. I would be ok withh 900p/60fps, but that's not the case.

Honestly the whole "if you care about graphic go play pc" thing is a cop out to me. Why shouldn't you expect developers to get the most they can out of a system? This goes for all systems
Ubisoft posted an update statement about the matter with the general outline being that the guy messed up his wording as I expected. I'm sure most of the PlayStation fans will just say it's damage control, but given Ubisoft's generally shitty PR I just think the guy really did mince his words there. Ubisoft had another article mentioning the lack of a Wii U version and they said they didn't want to strip the game down to get it playable on the system because it would be "Unfair" to their fans, so I doubt they'd immediately contradict both their statements like that on purpose.

We understand how Senior Producer Vincent Pontbriand's quotes have been misinterpreted. To set the record straight, we did not lower the specs for Assassin's Creed Unity to account for any one system over the other.

Assassin's Creed Unity has been engineered from the ground up for next-generation consoles. Over the past 4 years, we have created Assassin's Creed Unity to attain the tremendous level of quality we have now achieved on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. It's a process of building up toward our goals, not scaling down, and we're proud to say that we have reached those goals on all SKUs.

At no point did we decide to reduce the ambitions of any SKU. All benefited from the full dedication of all of our available optimization resources to help them reach the level of quality we have today with the core Assassin's Creed Unity experience.
By that logic, their new engine that was built from the ground up for this generation cannot do 1080p? Or they have lowered expectations and are happy that they met them, but their fans have higher expectations because 1080p has been the standard that they expect.

No one should be ok with devs not making the game the best possible on ANY system.

If they can make it run 1080p/30fps then it should. I would be ok withh 900p/60fps, but that's not the case.
i never said it's right but ti's been going on for years since early gaming system days

By that logic, their new engine that was built from the ground up for this generation cannot do 1080p? Or they have lowered expectations and are happy that they met them, but their fans have higher expectations because 1080p has been the standard that they expect.
Well further in the original article they mentioned that there was a CPU Bottleneck for both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 so it's quite possible they just couldn't hit 1080p. Having a new engine doesn't mean they suddenly get a big power boost over using their old engine they've just created a new one that I imagine is easier to use and features more visual effects being used.

By that logic, their new engine that was built from the ground up for this generation cannot do 1080p? Or they have lowered expectations and are happy that they met them, but their fans have higher expectations because 1080p has been the standard that they expect.
only true next gen system i have seen is metal gear/pt demo engine. Most game makers are still using tons of old tech in engines for next gen and saying it's a next gen engine

Lots of armchair programmers and game designers sounding off on this issue. None of us knows why they couldn't/didn't decide to wring any extra performance out of the PS4 version of the game relative to the Xbone version. Maybe it wasn't practical or would have resulted in delaying the game. Maybe the devs decided to get started on their next project instead. Maybe they just decided it wasn't a good return on investment. To hear some people talk you'd think the PS4 dev kit has a big lever with '900p' and '1080p' settings and all you have to do is flip it.

How do we know. It can be we don't which is why ps4 fanboys getting mad is just dumb
He said "if," I know you struggle with grammar and reading comprehension, but "if" means there is a conditional clause which means there is a possibility that it cannot hit 1080p. And DestroVega is hardly a PS4 fanboy, so the only thing that is "just dumb" is your posts but that isn't anything new around here.

Lots of armchair programmers and game designers sounding off on this issue. None of us knows why they couldn't/didn't decide to wring any extra performance out of the PS4 version of the game relative to the Xbone version. Maybe it wasn't practical or would have resulted in delaying the game. Maybe the devs decided to get started on their next project instead. Maybe they just decided it wasn't a good return on investment. To hear some people talk you'd think the PS4 dev kit has a big lever with '900p' and '1080p' settings and all you have to do is flip it.
No One needs to be an armchair anything when there is a direct quote from Ubisoft stating they went for parity. And people think that the issue people have with this is the resolution which is only partially the case. The true underlying issue here is that this will set a precedent where devs can accept funds from Microsoft to gimp PS4 versions of games especially if there is a marketing deal in place. I now fear for games like The Witcher III, Evolve, CoD. etc getting the same treatment and it just isn't right for this to happen because Microsoft made such a poorly spec'd machine.

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He said "if," I know you struggle with grammar and reading comprehension, but "if" means there is a conditional clause which means there is a possibility that it cannot hit 1080p. And DestroVega is hardly a PS4 fanboy, so the only thing that is "just dumb" is your posts but that isn't anything new around here.

No One needs to be an armchair anything when there is a direct quote from Ubisoft stating they went for parity. And people think that the issue people have with this is the resolution which is only partially the case. The true underlying issue here is that this will set a precedent where devs can accept funds from Microsoft to gimp PS4 versions of games especially if there is a marketing deal in place. I now fear for games like The Witcher III, Evolve, CoD. etc getting the same treatment and it just isn't right for this to happen because Microsoft made such a poorly spec'd machine.
Ubisoft's already clarified the situation and it sounds like the guy just used the wrong set of words. It happens all the time, especially when Game Developers themselves end up getting involved in PR over the actual PR people. Aside from one man's quote that was already proven wrong you have no evidence at all they intended to reach parity.

Also you have ZERO evidence Microsoft intentionally paid for parity. Going into full suggestions like that with no evidence or proof to back you up just further makes you look like a giant fanboy. What would Ubisoft have to gain intentionally gimping a version of their game just to make a few bucks from Microsoft down the road? They're already getting paid for the game's advertisements and it sounds like you want to make silly anti Microsoft arguments for the sake of not liking Microsoft, which is essentially what a fanboy is.

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Is this just your personal theory about what went down, or do you have any real evidence whatsoever?
That is one theory out there, yes. And a pretty solid one at that, because who stands to benefit from parity in this other than Microsoft? But lets say no money exchanged hands for parity, it still sets a precedent to gimp PS4 games for the sake of parity for whatever reason there may be and that is still an issue.

Ubisoft's already clarified the situation and it sounds like the guy just used the wrong set of words. It happens all the time, especially when Game Developers themselves end up getting involved in PR over the actual PR people. Aside from one man's quote that was already proven wrong you have no evidence at all they intended to reach parity.

Also you have ZERO evidence Microsoft intentionally paid for parity. Going into full suggestions like that with no evidence or proof to back you up just further makes you look like a giant fanboy. What would Ubisoft have to gain intentionally gimping a version of their game just to make a few bucks from Microsoft down the road? They're already getting paid for the game's advertisements and it sounds like you want to make silly anti Microsoft arguments for the sake of not liking Microsoft, which is essentially what a fanboy is.
You're just as foolish to believe Microsoft doesn't make these kinds of deals, we already know of the indie parity clause, so who's to say there wasn't one written in the marketing contract? You're just as quick to jump in favor of Microsoft as I an to side against them which makes you an apologist just as much me a fanboy, and there is over 30 years of shady practices by that corporation to prove against them. And Ubisoft's retraction was nothing more than damage control, sorry not buying it, sometimes the truth leaks in candid interviews and I believe it far more than calculated PR.

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Moaning about resolutions is real fun, almost as fun as it gets. But you know what's even more fun?


We finally posted my Warframe review today. It's a killer alternative to Destiny that costs nothing, so everybody needs to give it a try.

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That is one theory out there, yes. And a pretty solid one at that, because who stands to benefit from parity in this other than Microsoft? But lets say no money exchanged hands for parity, it still sets a precedent to gimp PS4 games for the sake of parity for whatever reason there may be and that is still an issue.
You need evidence to make it a solid theory, the lack there of just makes it a wild accusation. You haven't even proved there's actually a parity thing going on since Ubisoft's completely said the opposite as of recently and you're just grasping the straws one of game developer's mistaken words.

It sounds like you're mad they couldn't get 1080p on your PowerStation 4 and you think that's clearly the result of malicious intent. Watch Dogs isn't 1080p either, and I didn't hear anyone clamor that clearly Microsoft paid for parity back then.

You know what's funny? Everyone is all like "wah! Ass Creed resolution!", while I'm over here thinking "Thank God Shadow of Mordor isn't a LotR Ass Creed!".

Just saying, I give 0 fucks about Ass Creed. Tried to get into those games multiple times and always hated playing them. I'm done with that god awful series.
You need evidence to make it a solid theory, the lack there of just makes it a wild accusation. You haven't even proved there's actually a parity thing going on since Ubisoft's completely said the opposite as of recently and you're just grasping the straws one of game developer's mistaken words.

It sounds like you're mad they couldn't get 1080p on your PowerStation 4 and you think that's clearly the result of malicious intent. Watch Dogs isn't 1080p either, and I didn't hear anyone clamor that clearly Microsoft paid for parity back then.
You should probably check the definition of the word theory.

[quote name="RiPPn" post="12143909" timestamp="1412693740"]You should probably check the definition of the word theory.[/quote]
I'm pretty sure he's calling your theory not solid.
Is there at least any truth to Microsoft funding Unity's advertising?  

Not saying it isn't possible, but they don't really need too.

So what would be so fanboys reason why most games ran better on 360 less powerfull system then PS3. Let me guess same thing happend then with game dumb down to work on all systems. But now out of no where they refuse to buy game for same reason.
So what would be so fanboys reason why most games ran better on 360 less powerfull system then PS3. Let me guess same thing happend then with game dumb down to work on all systems. But now out of no where they refuse to buy game for same reason.
Actually no, the reason PS3 had such a hard time was a system way too complex for its time. 360 went the right way using a PC infrastructure and it made it easier to develop. So developers made the 360 version the best it could because of how easy it was, and then ported it to PS3. It was a lot harder developing for PS3 and then moving over.

This gen Sony learned their lesson, went back to a PC infrastructure, but have more powerful parts. This means they can develop for PS4 easily, and then just lower the graphics when porting it over, similar to turning the graphics down on a PC version.

Well Naughty Dogs games look better than anything on 360, outside of that, Cell processor was hard to develop for.   Been the argument for years.  

In the sake of fairness, Sony truly counteracted every single move MS has made this gen.  MS played Checkers and was somewhat arrogant and Sony played Chess.  Worked out for them so far.

Anyone know where I can get $5 or less 1 month codes for xbox live?  I'm getting the Sunset Overddrive bundle on the 28th and want to get 2 months of xbox live to hold me over until January 1st when I will renew for a full year and always know the exact date my live is going to expire

My personal theory is they are just lazy or cheap. I don't think it's a grand conspiracy theory
No they just used all the extra resources and time they had to program a female playable character. That takes a lot of work, didn't you know that?

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Ok guys trying to figure this out.  I found a 2 day xbl trial in my ME3 case.  If I redeem it on the 29th and 2 one month codes will that make my live expire on Jan 1st?  I want my live to renew on the 1st of january every year because it's an easy date to remember

Is there at least any truth to Microsoft funding Unity's advertising?

Not saying it isn't possible, but they don't really need too.
It's being advertised as an Xbox game the same way Destiny, and Shadows of Mordor were advertised as PlayStation games. Usually those deals include marketing deals where Microsoft/Sony would pick up on some of the games advertising fees. Call of Duty is the same way for Microsoft, and I Sony more then likely chipped in for Destiny advertising given the volume of game it was, and I definitely know Sony paid for Shadows of Mordor's advertisement because the game was heavily marketed as a PlayStation game and reviewers didn't even get Xbox copies because of that.

Also you have ZERO evidence Microsoft intentionally paid for parity. Going into full suggestions like that with no evidence or proof to back you up just further makes you look like a giant fanboy.
Im sorry, but didn't you jump to the same conclusion without evidence in the ps4 thread?

I imagine Microsoft had a hand in the parity thing since the game's marketing is getting funded by them. I can't see Ubisoft making the decision on their owns since there isn't much logic behind it.
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That is one theory out there, yes. And a pretty solid one at that, because who stands to benefit from parity in this other than Microsoft? But lets say no money exchanged hands for parity, it still sets a precedent to gimp PS4 games for the sake of parity for whatever reason there may be and that is still an issue.

You're just as foolish to believe Microsoft doesn't make these kinds of deals, we already know of the indie parity clause, so who's to say there wasn't one written in the marketing contract? You're just as quick to jump in favor of Microsoft as I an to side against them which makes you an apologist just as much me a fanboy, and there is over 30 years of shady practices by that corporation to prove against them. And Ubisoft's retraction was nothing more than damage control, sorry not buying it, sometimes the truth leaks in candid interviews and I believe it far more than calculated PR.
First off don't edit your post with a massive chunk of information like that just start a new post instead.

Second off I'm not foolish in the slightest, it's foolish to speculate about conspiracy theory deals without any evidence to back them up. I'm not quick to defend Microsoft I simply stand by the facts and the fact is there is absolutely nothing to suggest Microsoft has done anything malicious and yet despite that you've taken it upon yourself to claim that this is somehow all their fault and they're the evil masterminds behind this "parity" talk despite the fact they have nothing to do with the Assassin's Creed game development.

The "30 Years of shady practices" comment just makes me think you're an idiot fanboy because that just sounds like some baseless fact you throw out there to make them sound scummy. I'm pretty sure Sony hasn't been had the cleanest record over the years, but you'd probably prefer to sweep that under the rug and accuse Microsoft as being the devil in disguise. Honestly you can believe whatever you want, but you're completely ignorant if you want to claim that Microsoft is going around convincing game developers to intentionally cripple the PlayStation 4 versions (Which is the highest selling next generation platform around) all for a few bucks and a pat on the back. That sounds like the stupidest thing I've ever heard especially considering the continued lack of evidence other than your fanboy opinion "Knowing It's a fact" just because Microsoft is evil in your eyes.

Im sorry, but didn't you jump to the same conclusion without evidence in the ps4 thread?
That was a mistake on my part for acting without knowing the facts. After reading around the web I changed my opinion on the matter rather than blindly blaming Microsoft for something that as far as I know they didn't have a hand in.

At the time the news was released I used assumption over logic, and I shouldn't need to tell anybody what assuming ends up making you look like in the end. I normally follow facts before acting on controversy but I found the news ridiculous at the time and wanted to post ahead of gathering all of the evidence.

First off Kazeno Katana don't tell me how to post, if I wish to edit I will do so..thanks.  And why are you trying to make this a Sony vs Microsoft issue, this is about Microsoft and Ubisoft, and you keep throwing the word fanboy around when doing so making you look the part more than anyone ekse.  And thanks asspickle for Kazeno Katana quote, basically exposing him as a hypocrite and nulling any arguments he's made.  That is almost on the TimboSliceGB level.. wow!  Funny enough I've seen him arguing points on here and saying the opposite on GAF so this really isn't all that shocking, I think the dude just likes to argue for arguments sake.

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you're completely ignorant if you want to claim that Microsoft is going around convincing game developers to intentionally cripple the PlayStation 4 versions (Which is the highest selling next generation platform around) all for a few bucks and a pat on the back. That sounds like the stupidest thing I've ever heard especially considering the continued lack of evidence other than your fanboy opinion "Knowing It's a fact" just because Microsoft is evil in your eyes.
Where there's smoke...

Weren't you running around in one of the GS threads trying to convince everyone that Gamestop wasn't reprinting and then gutting CE's?

Companies tend to do really shitty things all the time and almost never cop to it (just think of how long it took MS to admit that putting a paywall up to use Netflix was a mistake and then correct that mistake).

So if Microsoft is guilty of paying for parity, why not do it for every game? Why not just buy the fucking rights to the game? They have a shit load more cash to spend and its not even close. Who's to say the same thing wasn't done for all the games Sony funded? That's not possible though, Sony is white knight herpp.

Also, all the elite game developers in this thread should make a game since all of you are experts on game development and get paid the big bucks.

So if Microsoft is guilty of paying for parity, why not do it for every game? Why not just buy the fucking rights to the game? They have a shit load more cash to spend and its not even close. Who's to say the same thing wasn't done for all the games Sony funded? That's not possible though, Sony is white knight herpp.

Also, all the elite game developers in this thread should make a game since all of you are experts on game development and get paid the big bucks.
Are you suggesting that its possible that the games that have higher resolution/fps on PS4 is because Sony funded those games to be that way? And if so, you think they paid the developers to make sure those games are lower on Xbox One?

Moaning about resolutions is real fun, almost as fun as it gets. But you know what's even more fun?


We finally posted my Warframe review today. It's a killer alternative to Destiny that costs nothing, so everybody needs to give it a try.
Come on, now... as your friend, I must say that is a ludicrous statement. I've owned Waframe since last year and enjoy it. The updates have made it better, and it is indeed very good when compared to other F2P games.

But to say it's a "killer alternative to Destiny"? That'd be tantamount to (a few years ago) saying, "Love Rock Band, but don't have much cash? Konami's Rock Revolution is the perfect solution!"
First off Kazeno Katana don't tell me how to post, if I wish to edit I will do so..thanks. And why are you trying to make this a Sony vs Microsoft issue, this is about Microsoft and Ubisoft, and you keep throwing the word fanboy around when doing so making you look the part more than anyone ekse. And thanks asspickle for Kazeno Katana quote, basically exposing him as a hypocrite and nulling any arguments he's made. That is almost on the TimboSliceGB level.. wow! Funny enough I've seen him arguing points on here and saying the opposite on GAF so this really isn't all that shocking, I think the dude just likes to argue for arguments sake.
I admitted I was wrong earlier, that's something you never seem to do and this post is you continuing your tirade. Also I don't post on Neogaf so I don't know where you're pulling the fact that I hold opposing opinions on that website.

It's nice that you basically refused to comment on any of the facts I laid out for you and this sounds like a giant tirade for no good reason. You say I like arguing for the sake of arguing but this post is an example of you attacking me without adding anything to the point I was making and you completely refused to comment on any of the facts I posted because your entire argument doesn't have any legs to stand on so rather than try and refute my claims you just go for the personal attacks instead.

Where there's smoke...

Weren't you running around in one of the GS threads trying to convince everyone that Gamestop wasn't reprinting and then gutting CE's?

Companies tend to do really shitty things all the time and almost never cop to it (just think of how long it took MS to admit that putting a paywall up to use Netflix was a mistake and then correct that mistake).
If you could bring up those comments that'd be great, it doesn't sound like something I'd say and I haven't been in the GameStop thread for a really long time since I've stopped shopping there for several months now. I'm not saying I never said those things, but honestly if I did I imagine those posts must be really old because I can't recall taking that stance.

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Well now that you mention it, yes I do. Like rippn I have this grand theory how Sony pays developers to gimp games. Idk how they do it, but somehow they do it. Maybe if my theory was applied to all games ever made, we could find the first fanboy and kill him so he can never reproduce. Enough of my crazy theories, Sony could never do no wrong, Sony is the bed company evar. :fridge:

bread's done