Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

During the trailer of Youtube live stream of Star Wars Battlefront:

"Please stand by. We're experiencing technical difficulties."

Yup, Battlefront did broke the internet.

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"Break the internet" ?!?!?!? Where is the damn gameplay?!?!? Major let down. But at least the details have been promising. Third person / first person is back, so that's great. Disappointed in this reveal though.

but people with 7 or 8 are getting free upgrades to Windows 10 I thought?

Yupp! it is!
Not to derail this thread, but I had to deal with Microsoft on a issue I was having. While working the girl asked if I was going to upgrade to 10 and I said yes since it's free. She told me that I wouldn't be able to since the laptop I'm using is the windows 8.1 that came with it. I would need to buy windows from Microsoft and install that one. I asked what do you mean I didn't read anywhere about this. She said oh yeah, the windows you're using is OEM and not a real copy of windows. I asked so any computer right this moment running 8.1 from factory won't be upgraded free to 10? She said that's right would you like to buy windows 8 now? So take it for what it's worth I don't know how true that is or she was trying to make money for a sale.

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Not to derail this thread, but I had to deal with Microsoft on a issue I was having. While working the girl asked if I was going to upgrade to 10 and I said yes since it's free. She told me that I wouldn't be able to since the laptop I'm using is the windows 8.1 that came with it. I would need to buy windows from Microsoft and install that one. I asked what do you mean I didn't read anywhere about this. She said oh yeah, the windows you're using is OME and not a real copy of windows. I asked so any computer right this moment running 8.1 from factory won't be upgraded free to 10? She said that's right would you like to buy windows 8 now? So take it for what it's worth I don't know how true that is or she was trying to make money for a sale.
My assumption is she was trying to make money... otherwise if true MS is in for another shit show... This was huge when announced since Apple has been doing it for a while and even before that only charging $20, versus MS's $100+ cost. When they said free everyone said finally. Where was this at?


Here is another article that specifically talks about 8.1, and that the only limitations will have to do with hardware on a persons computer. if it can run windows 10, you are getting windows 10

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Nice. Not sure if I want to upgrade right away though. Still like my 7.
from the sounds of it, it will be much more similar to windows 7, since that has been the most successful OS they have had since XP.

Seems like MS always needs to OS to get a good one... Millenium sucked, XP rocked, Vista sucked, 7 rocked, 8 Not very good, 10?

from the sounds of it, it will be much more similar to windows 7, since that has been the most successful OS they have had since XP.

Seems like MS always needs to OS to get a good one... Millenium sucked, XP rocked, Vista sucked, 7 rocked, 8 Not very good, 10?
Oh no! What happen if 9 was the awesome one and they skipped it.

State of Decay was one of the best Xbox Live arcade games on the 360. It had its flaws but it was so damn good. I really enjoyed it, more so than the Walking Dead episodic movie game. I still remember the time when my main character's grenades just went off after Zombies surrounded him. Rip Marcus...

The DLC, Lifeline, that's included now is a must have. You get a lot more resources to your disposal. There's nothing better than artiller-ing a horde from a far. Also you've pretty much have an armory at your disposal too.
Yeah I never played SoD on the 360, going to grab it at Best Buy for $24 on GCU which comes with “The Australian” knife DLC.  Guess knives are pretty important in that game.

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[quote name="kickrockz713" post="12647282" timestamp="1429335263"]fuck, now I don't even want to turn it on. :wall:[/quote]
Good news is it's only impacting some, and everything should be mostly synced to the cloud. You would need to re download anything installed to the console though. Hooray for external hard drive.
Good news is it's only impacting some, and everything should be mostly synced to the cloud. You would need to re download anything installed to the console though. Hooray for external hard drive.
Nice, all my digital stuff is on the external and disc games are on the console hard drive. So I would only have to redownload game patches reinstall the disc if I get hit with it.

What skins do you guys use? I've used decalgirl, Amazon in the past and just applied Dbrand to my Xbox One.

Good news especially for people like me who only bought the console for exclusives.
E3 hype train is leaving the station.

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Just got my XBox One yesterday, the Master Chief Collection bundle. Haven't played that game yet as it's still downloading. However, I played a little #IDARB (meh) as it dl'ed quick and now am playing the Fast & Furious Forza Horizon game. Loving it so far, graphics are insane and I'm digging the controls. It seems a bit more realistic than the first Forza Horizon which I put quite a few hours into.

Also, can't wait for ESO to drop in June.

Who else is stoked for Shovel Knight on Xbox One? I played through the game on my 3DS when it came out last year and loved it, but the thought of playing with Battletoads in the XB1 version has sold me on buying the game again next week. Kratos on PS4/Vita just doesn't do it for me the way Battletoads do. 

Who else is stoked for Shovel Knight on Xbox One? I played through the game on my 3DS when it came out last year and loved it, but the thought of playing with Battletoads in the XB1 version has sold me on buying the game again next week. Kratos on PS4/Vita just doesn't do it for me the way Battletoads do.
Super stoked for it! Shame we always get games like this and Binding of Isaac later than other platforms, but at least they're coming.

Super stoked for it! Shame we always get games like this and Binding of Isaac later than other platforms, but at least they're coming.
Shovel Knight is next week, so only a week later than Playstation. I almost want to get the PSN version so I can play it on my Vita too, but I should probably hold off.

True, and that's not so bad. But Wii U got it almost a year ago.
Someone has to throw the Wii U a bone every now and again. It's not often Nintendo gets anything first, plus Shovel Knight really was at home on the Nintendo platforms. I would love to get a limited retro style physical release like Retro City Rampage recently got. Shovel Knight in a NES style box is something I would certainly throw money at.

Yeah what he said lol. They have a really cool preview widget on their site. I changed my mind like 10 times haha, every design I did looked good. I even had a red, white and blue design that actually looked good.

Yeah I'm super excited for Shovel Knight too, it got a lot of critical acclaim. I don't mind waiting a bit for the indies to show up, triple As though that's a different story.
Halo 3 ODST and Relic map for Halo MCC releasing next month

Additionally, we’re excited about the progress of the Relic multiplayer map remake and the Campaign for Halo 3: ODST, both of which are on track to release within Halo: The Master Chief Collection next month with our next content update. Look for more details next month, including the final map name for the Relic remake, release date and more. To hold you over, here’s a few brand new screenshots, complete with desktop wallpaper links

Credit gaf

Who else is stoked for Shovel Knight on Xbox One? I played through the game on my 3DS when it came out last year and loved it, but the thought of playing with Battletoads in the XB1 version has sold me on buying the game again next week. Kratos on PS4/Vita just doesn't do it for me the way Battletoads do.
I thought it was just a one-off boss fight against the Battletoads? That's what the Kratos stuff is in the PS4/PS3/Vita version.

I thought it was just a one-off boss fight against the Battletoads? That's what the Kratos stuff is in the PS4/PS3/Vita version.
You could very well be right. All that maters to me though is the Battletoads appearing in a video game in 2015 period. I've been dying for a new game in the series forever now. It's probably been 20 years now since we last got a Battletoads game, so hopefully the series finally gets revived and I hope that Rare doesn't screw it up.

You could very well be right. All that maters to me though is the Battletoads appearing in a video game in 2015 period. I've been dying for a new game in the series forever now. It's probably been 20 years now since we last got a Battletoads game, so hopefully the series finally gets revived and I hope that Rare doesn't screw it up.
Yeah but would they even renew the gameplay or just stick to the old-school tough as balls difficulty.
You could very well be right. All that maters to me though is the Battletoads appearing in a video game in 2015 period. I've been dying for a new game in the series forever now. It's probably been 20 years now since we last got a Battletoads game, so hopefully the series finally gets revived and I hope that Rare doesn't screw it up.
The devs' post about it suggests it is:

"Needless to say, the encounter with the Battletoads will be a blast"

Also, notice the Boss meter in the top right part of the trailer that fills up once the Battletoads show up. It's just a boss fight.

I'd hope that MS is more committed to a Battletoads Reboot than they were with Phantom Dust.

[quote name="Deader2818" post="12655623" timestamp="1429767059"]Sorry maybe im confused. What exactly do you mean?[/quote]
Well, maybe I'm missing the discussion here on it, but I don't see it.

A new King's Quest! On Xbox One!
bread's done