Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

I would not expect Microsoft to dedicate a part of their show to Kinect when there are other new and exciting things to feature. Kinect is not PS Move. It's still integrated into the OS and seems to be integrated into Hololense. Pointing that out just takes from the show. Long short: PS move is dead. Kinect is still in use, but isn't expanding. Big woop.
Weird. I've played a few Move games on PS4. Worked just fine. That must have been my imagination.

At the end of the show Phil said there will be a new user interface shown later on.. can't wait for this as the current one is pretty meh.

I would not expect Microsoft to dedicate a part of their show to Kinect when there are other new and exciting things to feature. Kinect is not PS Move. It's still integrated into the OS and seems to be integrated into Hololense. Pointing that out just takes from the show. Long short: PS move is dead. Kinect is still in use, but isn't expanding. Big woop.
They are planning to use the move for the Morpheus and there are rumors of a PS move 2.

[quote name="blueweltall" post="12746006" timestamp="1434393799"]They are planning to use the move for the Morpheus and there are rumors of a PS move 2.[/quote]
Interesting. This is the first I've heard about that, and that's with me subscribed to the PS4 thread. We'll see tonight!
If you're referring to what I think you are, that was a big fake thing made by the same guy that made a fake Slim PS4 mock-up. There were plenty of typos/grammar issues with his display stuff.
Oh I didn't really pay attention to it but the Morpheus will definitely use the move controllers.

I thought it was a decent show.

+ The whole Minecraft stuff looked really cool and innovated, but minecraft was one of the few games i regretted buying. Its a nice game just not what i want to pour hours into. But what they did with the table was really cool. MEH

+ I did think that elite controller looked fantastic, i wish sony had one similar. Definitely looked cool and was a plus

+ Gears 4 was what i was really looking forward to and it didnt disappoint. Though the main guy did kind of look like a generic baird. But the gameplay, darkness, and overall gameplay looked pretty cool. The creatures he did fight resembled a locust a bit, so idk where they are going story wise. Not out until 2016, time to wait on buying an X1 i guess. Another good but 2016 holiday release, doesn't mean much for now

... Did they show Gears 1 remastered? My stream froze and when it came back it was showing Gears 4 gameplay. So i might have missed it. Nope no gameplay, and it's only Gears one not a remaster collection.... Boo!

+ Tomb Raider looked fantastic. Still timed exclusive so not a huge thing, but looks great!

+ Dark Souls Trailer was pretty cool too. Not exclusive and no exclusive content announced... weird to be at the MS presser

- Disappointed in no show for Crackdown. I know they mentioned they would show it later but i wanted to see it NOW! I dont know when they are going to show it off later and im not going to watch E3 streams all day long. Should have put all your good stuff in this 1-2 hour show.+

They stated that Crackdown and Quantum Break will not be shown till Gamescom later this year, so don't hold your breath.
Put my comments on each point about the conference, it wasn't bad but was not good, Bethesda still has the best conference thus far.

So the Kinect isn't dead because they used some Voice Commands? There's absolutely no game support for it moving forward and they completely distanced themselves from Kinect at the show because aside from the Voice Commands you mentioned which they barely used, they didn't show or talk about Kinect at all.

Early Access on Xbox One is terrible. It's a mess on PC because people often release broken games and barely fix them. You're basically paying for a game that isn't done and won't be guaranteed to be finished which is a terrible policy to be supporting.

Backwards Compatibility is a huge deal and honestly it'll probably be a huge system selling feature. That being said the BC announcement was the only good thing that came out of the conference and that was something they should have closed with because it set a high bar for the rest of the conference to follow

The game announcements for the rest of the conference just weren't good. I want to see actual game-play not CGI trailers and heavily scripted game-play scenarios. It was especially disappointing because Phil Spencer has been hyping E3 as being "All about the games" and it didn't feel like that to me.
Fair enough, but it's called EARLY Access. What about the name EARLY makes you think you are getting a completed game? The reason Early Access is interesting is to play these games before they release and get in on the game at a lower price point. I don't know what you expect from Early Access on Xbox One or Steam for that matter.

Cuphead was also extremely impressive as was the Hololens demo on stage, while it's not something I'll probably ever get, it was definitely cool.

Come on now, don't turn this into some conspiracy theory ordeal. They've changed so much about the Xbox One OS since launch this is probably something that took a lot of research and coding before it became possible. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought about BC day one, but you have seen how many features announced from both Microsoft and Sony got pushed back when the consoles launched and were added over time.

In other news I don't think they should have opened with the Xbox 360 BC and new controller. This conference is taking a nosedive and is really boring.
Sorry, but I will still ask it, especially after they said this...

Backwards Compatibility is backwards

I think it's smart of MS to make the Xbone BC now. It'll help persuade the current 360 users to upgrade now. Although I don't see it as big of a deal for certain current gen users like me. It's been many months since I've played my 360/PS3. I have no desire to go back to 360 games. The only game I'd consider jumping back into is Gears of War 3. And that's a big maybe. So personally, I think the BC feature isn't a big deal for me since I've moved on and would rather work on my current gen backlog than go back to a bunch of games I already beat years ago. I'm just not one of those types of players that gets entertainment out of replaying old games.

Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider releasing on the same date is a big deal. They are two different games but that doesn't mean it won't affect sales. Most people that are into both games won't want to drop $120 on the same day. They'll just pick one and buy the other at a much later date.

Gears ultimate edition at $60 is nonsense. Wtf.

All I cared about is Gears of War 4. Hell yes, baby. Hell fucking yes.
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so 360 online play for bc is there i wonder if we will see some games that are one x1 and 360 combine online servers. or at least allow 360 users to join x1 party

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For those in the preview program, check the forums. I'm not going to break NDA and post details, but there's a lot of information there on what's to be expected and how we'll access things.

It's pretty fucking sweet.
Can you provide a more specific link, I've been digging around the forums for 10 minutes and can't find what you are talking about.

I'm glad Garden Warfare 2 isn't exclusive, I'm playing the first one and having a blast with it.  Got it free from PSX but just decided to fire it up over the weekend and now I can't get enough.

Xbox 360 saves can only be accessed on Xbox One via the cloud save storage, so you'll have to go back and manage that stuff on your Xbox 360 to continue where you left off on Xbox One.

They warn against multitasking while you're playing Xbox 360 games, so they suggest saving as often as possible just in case.

They're not going to sell those Xbox 360 games on Xbox One, so you have to use an Xbox 360 or to purchase them. You can also use physical discs.

Edit: Super Meat Boy doesn't work with Cloud Saves, so you have to start over completely.

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I wonder if Sony could counter Xbox backward compatibility by adding PS Now as a part of the PS+ subscription or if they will even try.

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[quote name="RiPPn" post="12746272" timestamp="1434397627"]I wonder if Sony could counter Xbox backward compatibility by adding PS Now as a part of the PS+ subscription or if they will even try.[/quote]
Honestly, I'd say no unless they fix latency and make ps3 chat cross platform. That's the big draw with this BC is being able to play it directly off the hardware and chat cross platform. Mind you, this is with my optimism that things work as presented by Microsoft. It very well could be countered if this turns into a cluster fuck.
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to be honest 150 is not really bad when you compare mod controller prices done by 3rd party people
True, but it's still $150 controller!?!? I could handle/stomach $100, but $150 is insane. I was excited about getting one of these too, I guess I will reserve my excitement and pick one up when they go on sale for $100 or less.

A nice gaming mouse/keyboard cost around that or more. Im not shocked at the price. Its just not for me but im glad people who want something like that are getting it.

yeah the controller price doesn't bother me...there's also $60 headsets, and $300 headsets, let people buy what they want.

Regarding EA, did you guys see the really nervous guy announcing Unravel earlier? I had to look away lol

bread's done